Layla Eaves/Hooks

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Redactor: It isn't common knowledge that Portia is a Redactor, but she is. Gardener is her senior, but she's working hard to develop skills in areas where her Master isn't as strong. At the moment that's primarily with Spirit, which is her current focus of study after reaching Mastery of Mind. There are still a lot of problems that Gardener's wide range of capability will be required for, but Layla is working to become a solid fallback plan.

Masques: Sometimes Ellie isn't Layla Eaves, but actually Elizabeth Moore, who is Managing Editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer. This isn't something that anybody outside of the Guardians of the Veil knows, and most of the Guardians might not necessarily know it either, but she does have some ability to make sure stories get told, or that certain opinion pieces and letters to the editor get published, or that some stories don't see the light of day.

Artist: Layla is one of those artists who seems to manage to more or less scrape by on the art that she makes, which is a variety of both digital and traditional mediums depending on what ideas she has right now and who her client might be. Some pieces with her name on them show up on the walls of coffee shops or restaurants that display work by local artists for sale, and she spends a lot of time sketching out ideas or wandering the city looking for inspiration.

Cosplay: Even Guardians of the Veil need hobbies, and this is one of hers. If you're a frequent attendee at various cons, you might have actually run into Layla in one costume or another over the years. She has been doing it for a while, and many of her cosplays are pretty good. It's also possible you've run into pictures of her in cosplay on the internet if you're one of those people who follows the hobby on social media, but it would largely by through photos taken by other people since Layla has no digital presence herself, so there's usually no name attached, and it might be hard to recognize her.

Needlework: Related to her cosplay habit, Layla enjoys doing various needlework crafts. She's not the best at it, but it's not uncommon to see her knitting or doing crochet or similar when she's out in public by herself.

Horror: Layla is a frequent attendee at screenings of old and new horror movies alike, and she often shows up at author events for writers in the genre as well. Not only that, but she's also a regular at a few different conventions around the United States. If you're a fan too, there's a good chance you've seen her enough times that you might recognize her and come strike up a conversation.

Faith: Few people would expect it of her but Layla was actually raised Muslim, by Muslim parents, and still holds to portions of her faith. How much she puts them into practice varies, and the Esoteric Tenets are woven through her personal beliefs, but that's not uncommon among the Messianic faction of the Guardians of the Veil. Of course, nobody outside of her Order gets talked to about those variances from the Sleeper version of her faith anyway.

Hard to Pin Down: Sometimes it's really hard to pin down just who Layla is. It seems like her personality, temperament, and interests can even shift from day-to-day, and it can be hard to tell what's an act, what's her just honing her skills as a Guardian of the Veil, and what's the real person behind all the masks and misdirection. One common thread that seems to run through her array of personalities is a generally supportive nature, contrary to what is often expected of Guardians, though some days that might mean harsh truths and other days gentle words of encouragement.