Logs:3/28/2021 Birthday Cake Ice Cream

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Anton Altman


Anton's bedroom


Back at the funeral home slash family home, TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT.

The house looks about the same as last time, and Anton hurries past the business part of the building to let Calamity in, ushering them inside and to the comfort of Anton's bedroom. "I ordered pizza! And there's a bunch of ice cream in the fridge. I found birthday cake flavored." Anton... probably doesn't need too much sugar, really, as he already nearly vibrating with excitement. His energy is at an all time high--but it is the night before the full moon, so that's not unexpected. Well, maybe it is for Calamity.

The bedroom is comfy enough, well lived in already, with a bed, desk, rug on the floor, and lots of soccer things--posters on the walls, mostly in german, a couple different balls tucked into corners. Effort had been put into tidying it up, but it's still kinda messy--in an organized way, not really dirty.

It's not immediately noticeable, but after a bit Calamity notices some weird things--along the bottom of the walls, here and there, there's scuffs and marks--and on the floor there's similar marks. The rug and carefully placed piles of stuff are covering up the worst patches, but there's still hints. Maybe... a dog or cat had clawed or chewed on things???

It's not like Calamity is snooping, with Anton around, just...observant. Looking around his bedroom with slightly wide eyes, tugging on their bandanna as they take the place in. "Aw fuck yeah," they say of the pizza and ice cream, and actually give him something of a smile.

"So...how have you been?" They ask it in German, their speech slow but their accent pretty okay. It's like they've been practicing, or something, and their smile gets a little wider.

Anton blinks, eyes going wide with surprise and delight. He immediately switches to german, talking a little too fast to be easily understood by someone just learning the language, at first. "You already can speak it? You are so fast! And smart! And here I thought I would be teaching you the basics!"

"Slow down, fuck," they say with a laugh, switching back to English. "I'm not good yet. Been watching a lotta youtube and shit, and like...Duolingo." A shrug, like it's no big deal that they just casually started learning a different language in their free time. "I'm starting to be able to understand it okay, I think? When it's slow, and when I can double check with subtitles..."

"Ah--oh." He pauses, looking sheepish. He switches back to English too. "Sorry! Ja, I will be slow, if you want to be talking in German. I cannot believe you already are speaking... and your accent is pretty good, too. This is hardest thing!"

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm copying other people? 'Stead of learning from a book, or from just one teacher? But yes," and back to German, "I am speaking. A...small. Not a lot." Their nose wrinkles as they struggle with the grammar, and they switch back to English. "Is English taught in school in Austria or did you have to learn on your own?"

"Maybe." He shrugs, the plops down onto the bed. Back to German too, and he struggles to speak slowly and clearly. He manages, most of the time.

"It is taught some, but I didn't go to public school. Did school at home, and online." He criss-crosses his legs, smiling at him. "Did you like the comic books?"

"The books are helping too," they reply with a nod, choosing their words carefully from the presumably small pool they have. "I think I understand more when I listen, instead of reading? I need to...mmm..." they trail off, their nose wrinkling again. "Concentrate really fuckin' hard, to read German," they finish in English.

His head bobs in understanding. "It is same for me, with English." A beat pause. "Pretty much any language other than German! I get distracted, and then loose where I was... No good!" He flaps his hands, then bounces back up to his feet, apparently not able to stay sitting for too long. "But if you want to learn, I can read things out loud for you, and you can follow along!"

"Or--or we can watch a movie! Or--" He pauses a beat. "I don't know! Whatever you want to be doing."

"What's your favorite movie? Are there German dubs of shit that comes out of the US, or is it just subtitles? 'Cause watching a movie in German could be cool, 'f you don't care about me stopping to ask you what's going on every five minutes...?" They haven't quite figured out what to do with themslef, even as Anton moves from sitting to standing, and they kinda sorta hover in the center of the room. Like they're not sure they're allowed to make themself comfortable.

"Favorite... Ummm..." He considers that for a moment, but gets immediately distracted. "Ja, ja! We can watch things! I left all of my DVDs and things behind in Austria... But I have some on my laptop! And Netflix in German!" He dives to fetch it off of the desk. "Do you want to sit on the bed or the floor? Ah--I have a beanbag, if floor! You can sit in it!"

He pauses a beat, remembering that he didn't answer the question. "Oh--umm, I like action things. With FIGHT and KAPOW!" He abruptly does a... pretty decent karate kick--which results in him nearly dropping the laptop--pausing to fumble with it until he gets his grip back. "Fury Road, Matrix... Oh! Black Panther! And BLADE! He is best vampire hunter!"

"Jesus - fuck -" Calamity lunges forward in an attempt to help prevent the laptop from falling, but settles back when it's clear he's got it under control.

"I'd be into a superhero movie - or Mad Max, if whoever does the dub is good? I uh...bed or floor is fine. Oh but...ice cream, too. Gotta have snacks to watch a movie." They nod decisively.

"Okie dokie! I will get it!" He sets the laptop down on the bed and goes bursting out of the room, towards the kitchen. He returns not long after with a carton of birthday cake ice cream, two spoons, as well as an arm full of chips, pretzels, and some a couple different sodas. "Hopefully this is enough." He drops everything onto the bed, then settles down on the rug, opening the laptop to bring up a German dub of Black Panther. "Let's do this one."

"Oh that's the good shit." Calamity grins and gestures to the ice cream, and flops down next to him on the floor, grabbing a soda as they do. "Black Panther works - at least I'll kinda know what's going on, I've seen it...a couple times."

Because of course Calamity likes superhero movies.

"Have you read that recent Shuri run? 'S pretty good, I got it out of the library a while ago. But I did see Black Panther in theaters. Kinda fuckin' incredible."

"It is so good," he agrees, bobbing his head. "Ah--no! I haven't! Is good? I like Shuri. She is so smart. Did she become new Black Panther?" He drags his desk chair over and sets the laptop on the seat, angling it to face them, then leans back comfortably. He grabs a bag of chips to tear open.

"It is pretty good, yeah, 's like...she has to deal with shit happening in Wakanda while her brother's away being Black Panther wherever. I guess the writer does a lot of like, afrofuturist shit? I haven't read any of her other stuff though, if it ain't got pictures I get real distracted..."

"Ooh. I will have to find this." He stuffs his mouth full of chips, then hits play.

It immediately becomes clear that it is impossible for him to sit still. He shifts every couple of minutes like a restless animal.

In comparison, Calamity's fidgeting is much more subdued. A bit of a knee bounce, and the quiet clink of the lighter in their pocket (that's honestly probably drowned out by the sound of the movie.) They glance at him when he shifts, but don't seem particularly bothered by it.

"'F you wanna...get up and walk around, 's fine with me," they say during a lull in the movie, when they don't have to pay attention quite so hard to understand the German. "Or we could go on a walk or something, after...?" They take a spoonful of ice cream after they ask the question.

"Hm?" He blinks. "Ah--um. A walk would be good. But after! You are doing very well! Practice is good." He squirms. "I'm okay." He settles back in to watch more of the movie, though occasionally he chews at his nails and--sometimes just directly onto his knuckles, or picks at the sleeve of his hoodie, or scratches at the rug.

"You don't gotta sit still just 'cause I said something," they say with a huff of amusement, and scoot over a little to give him some room, snagging the chip bag as they do.

He grimaces as Calamity calls him out. "It is just--mm..." He waves a hand. "Embarrassing."

"What is? Me noticing? Or you wanting to move?" They gesture to their bouncing leg. "I do it too, just...different. I uh...was worse, in school, I think, 's more I need something for my hands to do? I think?" They shrug. "But like I said, 'f it's better for you to move around, don't matter to me. Better'n you being uncomfortable sitting still, yeah?"

"Both...?" he scratches at his cheek. "I will be better in a few days--it is just--Ah... okay! I'll stand." He pushes up to his feet, pacing a couple times around the room. Then pauses a beat and goes to the desk, digging around in it to pull out a stim toy--something colorful that makes a variety of satisfying sounds, and can be fidgeted with and moved around like a puzzle. He starts playing with it while pacing.

"In a few days? Wh - what is that?" The colors catch their eye, and they lean forward slightly. One might get the feeling that if they had their cat-eyes active, their pupils would be dilated, so interested and curious is their expression. The movie continues to play, forgotten for the moment as Calamity follows Anton's movement.

"Huh?" He blinks, looking up, then back down at it. "Ah! It is a stim toy! It helps when I am feeling very bad." He offers it over. "I have many more!" He dives this time to the closet, and pulls out a basket that he dumps out--and indeed, there is a small pile of things. There's a few different types of toys that look like bubble wrap--that make a satisfying pop when you pop them--then the bubble reinflates. A few fidget spinners, and things that twist, and puzzle toys. There are... also several... uhh... Yeah, those are definitely chew toys meant for dogs--the super sturdy kind. With... lots of sharp teeth marks. It takes a beat for Anton to remember they're there--and he tries to nudge them behind his leg and out of sight before Calamity can notice them.

"...Huh. Cool." Their gaze flits from the dog toys to his mouth, as if they're suddenly going to see Sharp Teeth, and back to the pile of toys. "You...got a dog?" Their pale green eyes are back on his face, watching his expression. Trying to see if he's gonna lie, maybe.

"Uhhh..." He stares down at the chew toys for a beat. "I... used to! We had to leave her at home, in Austria. Ah... brought them for memento!" He beams then, clearly thinking his lie is flawless. But there's no sharp teeth...

It's not the worst lie, but... yeah. He's bullshitting.

Their eyebrows arch. "Uh huh. Sure. Part of your magic? I'm not gonna tell anyone, just like you know I can see in the dark when I wanna, and shit." They take another spoonful of ice cream. "You should try some'a this before I eat it all, 's amazing.

He hesitates for a long beat, glancing towards the closed bedroom door, then back at him. He chews at his lip, shifting a little. "...Umm... Yes... it is... magic. Sort of. I can't control this thing, though."

"Oh that sucks," they wince in sympathy, their voice slightly muffled by the ice cream in their mouth. They finish it before they continue. "I uh...my shit gets scary, when it's out of control. Is that...you said you'd be less..." they gesture to his general movement, "in a few days, 's it connected?"

He bobs his head, scooting closer--picking up a spoon to get a bite of... probably pretty melty ice cream. He doesn't seem to mind. "Mm. Tomorrow is the full moon. Will be okay once it's over."

"What, 're you a fuckin' werewolf or something?" They say it flippantly, and with a huff of laughter, like they're just short of putting the pieces together.

"Ummmm...." He scratches at his stubble.

There's a beat of silence, as Calamity looks at him. And then their mouth drops open.

"Wait what? That's...you're fucking with me, that's...fuckin' werewolves don't exist." But they don't sound too sure.

"Well... I exist..." he mutters, glancing aside. "And I turn into a wolf during the full moon, sooooo...."

"Fuuuuuck...that's...wild," they breathe out, a grin tugging up the corners of their lips now. "Is that why your eyes do the glow-y thing? And why you can go be a ghost-thing wherever u want?"

"I am not... being ghost-thing. But I can see them." He puffs out a breath. "Ja... is all tied together."

"No but you can...project yourself wherever, yeah?" They cock their head. "Sucks that you can't control it though. D'you get...scary? Like can you control you when you're a wolf?"

"Oh--ja!" He bobs his head. "Yes, that too." He pauses a beat, rubbing the side of his neck. "Yes? Not scary... Still me. Just... it is... hard. Having wolf brain and me-brain. And being wolf. It is... painful. And... Hmm..." He considers a moment, how to describe it. "You know how dogs, when they get scared and nervous, they can get aggressive? Or--hurt themselves. Sometimes I bite and claw, but it is not... Rawr! I eat you! It is... I get confused and too... it's just too much."

They listen with their head still cocked, intensely curious. "'Too much' makes sense, yeah. 'Cause like. Wolves have much better senses than we do, yeah? But you aren't a wolf for long enough to like...get used to it...?"

"Ja." He bobs his head quickly. "And my brain is already too much, most of the time!" he exclaims, flailing his hands a moment. "Few days before the full moon, I can feel... it is getting closer. And it is too much! It is like my skin crawls, and no matter what I do, I am crawly and anxious and I can run miles but feel like I will creepy-crawl out of my skin. And after the full moon, it is--a relief, but exhausting. I usually stay in bed for a couple days."

"That...sounds fuckin' miserable, honestly. I'll keep my fire powers, thank's very much." They wrinkle their nose with a smile, and hold out the last of the mostly melted ice cream to him. "Sugar's prob'ly not gonna help, huh..." They laugh quietly. "If uh...I can do anything to help distract you...? Lemme know."

"Is not all bad... Sometimes it is fun to run and play while being wolf." He shrugs, accepting the ice cream--letting out a laugh. "No... Sugar is no good. But oh well!" He scarfs down melty ice cream cheerfully. "I'm glad you are not freaked out. Thank you."

"Why would I be freaked out? I can do weird shit, and I...I mean I got a couple people I know who can, too. None of 'em can turn into animals though. I...don't think." Their brow furrows slightly as they think.

"You uh. I mean I...don't love dogs, but...a wolf that's also you is prob'ly a little different, 'f you ever want a human around...?"

He blinks, perking. "Really?"

"...I mean, sure," they shrug, trying to be casual and not at all a little worried at the thought of Spending Time With Lorge Dog. Even if Lorge Dog is Anton. "Prob'ly mean you could go more places too, yeah? Like...instead of some random wolf wandering around Philly at least you'd have a human with you?"

"Oh--I don't wander! That would be dangerous." He shakes his head. "Family and me usually go out to woods, outside of city. Let me run and get out some energy, so it is less bad. Then come home."