Logs:Rooftop Conversations

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Tommy's Sanctum


Asbolus: The night was still relatively young and the rooftops of Philadelphia beckoned, leading to an almost-invisible streak bounding here and there with inhuman grace and agility. In time the blur became more human-shaped as Asbolus came to a stop on one of the higher rooftops in this portion of the city, finding a convenient wall to lean against as he stopped to catch his breath, glancing at his watch to check the time and his pace.

Tommy Shanks: Tommy was working through her martial arts movements on the roof of their home. Practicing both with and without weapons, and focusing highly on kicks. Other athletic weights and medicine balls and the like were on the roof as well at the present. The sound of kendo or foot meeting bag was expanding through the air.

Asbolus: Keen-eared as he was Asbolus' attention went towards the source of the sound, his head tilting briefly before he spotted who it was and chuckled. "Well then..." He said quietly to himself, moving to the roof's edge and waving to catch the mage's attention.

Tommy Shanks: "Mister Asbolus.... it's been a minute. Thank you again for helping me out of that terrible bender and all that."

A hand ran through her hair as she stopped to grab a water bottle and take a deep drink.

Asbolus: "Very welcome." He replied, motioning to the gap between the buildings. "Mind if I join you?"

Tommy Shanks: "Please do. This is actually my home, so I welcome you as a guest as well," a bob of the head, "How have you been?"

Asbolus: "Much appreciated." With a bit of a running start he leapt easily over to the rooftop where Tommy stood, the superhuman prowess clear even in that small motion. "I've been well enough, all things considered. Yourself? I heard tell that you dropped off the radar for quite a while."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh. Yeah. I was traveling through the Med, and Central and South America, for work. Various people calling for the archaeologist savant... also in my own studies. I've been mastering a form of .... well others would call it magic, but it becomes a piece of our soul, and therefore allows us to do it without risk. No different to the world than breathing in terms of how natural it is."

Asbolus: "Ah, I see. Sounds like quite the adventure." He nodded, perking up a touch as she continued. "Really...fascinating. I take it most of your magic carries some sort of risk to perform, then?"

Tommy Shanks: "Si. There are elements that if someone sees, that it can breka their mind, or change the way the spell works and various things... but various dangers yes."

Asbolus: "Interesting. We don't tend to have that issue ourselves with our workings, although they can have rather particular requirements."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh yes. I've been lucky enough to see some of the magics performed by the Lost, so I get some of that. It's very... well.. Fairy Tale."

Asbolus: "Best way to put it, I suppose." He replied with a quiet chuckle. "I've been able to put what I've learned to good use, though, so I can't complain too much."

Tommy Shanks: "I saw Sig use a needle to bind a promise, so it's interesting for sure. And Avery's black clothing to do their disappearing trick..." a bob of the head.

"Some of the magics that people incorporate are more flashy. Mine are more ... investigative. Or defensive. I can also protectm yself from spiritual entities with a thought now."

Asbolus: "Mine tend more towards the utility as well: alternate methods of transport, altering of the self or perceptions therein, investigation of places and people, along with one or two more martially aligned contracts if things get sporting."

"That must be interesting. I'll admit that is a facet of things that I have no skill with or knowledge of."

Tommy Shanks: "I have seen some Lost do it, but it is a very different form of twilight than I am used to."

Asbolus: "I can step into a similar state for brief periods of time, although I haven't had much need to do so since learning that contract. It is quite fascinating, though."

Tommy Shanks: "So, anything of interest for you as of late, either personally or professh?"

Asbolus: "Hmm..." He thought on that a moment, finding a convenient something or other to lean on as he mulled. "Things at the theater have been going smoothly overall. On a personal front my personal story turned another page not long after you went on your travels, which came with some unexpected changes, but I've grown accustomed to them for the most part since."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh? What sort of changes, if you are willing ot share."

Asbolus: "Being able to deal more grievous damage with a touch when desired, primarily. It was a somewhat natural progression, as what lies beneath the Mask has been honed by a metaphysical whetstone ever since my return, but it was something that took some getting used to."

He thought a moment, looking her over. "I'm not sure what gauge you and yours may have for such things, but do you reach a point where skill and aptitude can surpass those not-so-touched by the unusual?"

Tommy Shanks: "Mmm. Yes. In fact my knowledge of Magic or the Word Unseen or what have you surprasses the best Occult shops in the world now, so to speak. I've been working on similar things for ot her techniques."

Asbolus: He nodded quietly. "Do you find yourself feeling more separated from those around you because of it?"

Tommy Shanks: "WIth it being a breadth of knowledge issue... I just don't talk in those ways unless I have to with someone who might get nervous. However, I see the super graceful, the super strong, and other such super folx."

Asbolus: "Understandable." He gave another nod. "I would fall under the first of those three myself, as I let the Wyrd do as it would while my story progressed. I've spoken with others among the Lost on those changes and the impact it has on interacting with the world at large, and was curious to hear your take on it."

Tommy Shanks: "Well, I've seen Kindred that when they bump into someone's shoulder, they worry about throwing them across the room. My mind needs to open more too, I think, if I use the potentia within... however, our nature can be overriden by regulars as well, in strange ways, from what I haer... so there could be trouble on both sides for us."

Asbolus: "Overridden?" Cue a curious arch of the eyebrow. "How so?"

Tommy Shanks: "I don't know the right word off hand. However, the way that it can mess with our magic, because the magic is what changes our bodies... it can be dispersed as well, or attract the Abyss."

Asbolus: "Ah, I see. So that would be an issue if your skill was enhanced magically and someone witnessed it in use?"

Tommy Shanks: "Yeah. Instead of maybe attracting Privateer spy eyes, or Vampire hunters, it can drive the sleeper crazy and infect the mage as well."

Asbolus: "Right...definitely something to avoid." He gave a firm nod. "Is the prowess with the occult you mentioned so enhanced or was it a natural progression?"

Tommy Shanks: "A natural progression, but magic in my mind the wya that I could heal my body."

Asbolus: "Understandable." He nodded, smiling a touch. "I hope you don't mind all of the theory talk, by the by. It's enjoyable to speak on such with someone who comes at the magic of the world from a different angle."

Tommy Shanks: "I am a scientist, an archaeologist, a historian, a magical theorist, a symbologist... talking theory is all I do," a laugh.

Asbolus: "Not a bad thing, that." He replied with a chuckle. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to ask on that front? I'll answer as best as I can."

Tommy Shanks: "Well, you mentioned the things that have changed in your story have changed the way you appear beneath the mask. I have the ability to see through it, should you allow me to. I've seen a few Lost and their... Mines Is it?" A hand goes through her hair again, "I'd love to just study and you can tell me the differences, if'n you don't mind."

Asbolus: "Mien, in this case. Very interesting that you can, though..." He thought a moment before nodding. "You may look if you wish."

Tommy Shanks: "I heard the dangers that showing it on this realm, and I was attacked by the Hedge. Together, I wanted to find a way to do it..." and so they pulled up the sights mixed vision and pushed through the Mask.

Asbolus: "Attacked...sorry to hear that, and glad you got out of it in one piece."

As the Mask peeled back under her Sight Tommy would find that the Lost beneath didn't appear all that different at first blush, with the physical features matching well to what she normally saw of him baring the feral intensity in his gaze as he followed her every movement, seeming to peel back the layers of her being and staring right into her core. As that sensation passed another took its place, the weight of the Wyrd about him taking the form of a keen sharpness that made every line of his body a blade in its own right, the air blowing past them sliced into whorls as it went by.

Tommy Shanks: "Oooo. You ... Your alias... SHarp... that's funny," they studied quietly, "So what was it that changed?"

Asbolus: "Turned out to be rather prophetic, no?" He smirked a touch, shaking his head. "That one was chosen for me, admittedly, but rather fitting in the end."

"After the page turned the sensation became a reality, and I can cut with a touch. It took some time to ensure that didn't cause issues, along with wearing gloves as a safety measure."

Tommy Shanks: "I see... and that's... amazing. Scary, and amazing. Reminds me a bit of Ylva's claws but different yes?"

Asbolus: "I imagine it works similarly, yes." He gave a little nod. "On one level I know it's a natural progression and I'm curious to see how it goes as the pages turn. On the other hand the time will come where I'll have to step back from most mundane endeavors lest I reveal more than I should, and walking that line won't always be so easy."

Tommy Shanks: "I see... that... it's all very interesting. I just wish you all didn't have to go through what you do to get there."

Asbolus: "As do I, but one does what they can with the hand they've been dealt." He smiled a touch, bittersweet though it was. "If anything I wouldn't have met some of those that I consider dear friends if I hadn't been Taken, so I see that as a small blessing."

Tommy Shanks: "The Silver Lining..." a bob of the head, "What s ort of odd materials do you need from time to time? I know that my ability to sort metals was important to Sig once, but I think that was more forge related."

Asbolus: "Nothing that's particularly odious to obtain myself, honestly. The most esoteric that I can think of off-hand is for one that allows for a major increase in jumping distance that requires boots that were recently stolen from someone else to negate the usual personal costs to enact."

Tommy Shanks: "That's... Unique."

Asbolus: "Very. I imagine it's a nod to the old tales of Springheel Jack and the like." Asbolus nodded, glancing towards his watch as it let out a little beep before looking back to Tommy. "This has been an excellent conversation, but I should start heading back home. If you wish to speak further you have my number."