Logs:The Platonic Ideal Of Penis

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Content Warning

Extremely frank discussion of sex and genitalia


Little Fox, Leta Abbott


Batting cages somewhere in Philly


Psssst. Hey Fox! Remember when Leta said that you would know her by the trail of destruction in her wake? Well, that's not super relevant at the moment, but you might notice (1) Anthelion... at these batting cages.

She's currently dressed in the most casual outfit Fox has probably ever seen her in; ragged jeans, a grateful dead t-shirt, with a flannel shirt wrapped around her waist. She's all wearing a baseball helmet and patiently waiting her turn with an aluminum bat in her hands. So, all in all she's pretty unrecognizable as Leta, but she probably smells the same at least?

... and she's still listening to her music on full blast.

Why is Fox here? Because... experience, that's why. Or possibly she had work here regarding a sculpture. Or maybe she just fucking wanders. You really cannot tell with a Fox. She might have been shagging some fine upstanding person in the bathroom for all anyone knows. (Not today, but she might have been.) In any case, she's dressed just the same as usual, ratty sneakers and a thoughtful expression on her face as she pads along the back of the batting cages, looking down at her phone. She pauses, sniffs the air. Turns around slowly.

Yeah, so Fox recognized Anthelion was here by her smell. And?

The wind shifts, and the familiar scent of Leta's favorite perfume - smoky rum and black tobacco with a whisper of steamy leather, and a splash of crystalline chardonnay, layered over a base of tonka - comes blowing in Fox's direction. Sure, Leta probably isn't the only person who wears Perversion from BPAL, but the smell that perfume is attempting to mask? Very much the smell of Leta - and Fox would know, having been in her apartment.

Anthelion is currently facing the cage, leaning on the butt of the aluminum bat and if it were a cane - her messy blonde hair poking out of the helmet just a little bit...

Fox do an ambush???(edited)

Yes. Having been in her apartment. We'll go with that as the reason that Fox knows what Leta actually smells like. When she realizes that the Mastigos is distracted, the Thyrsus tucks her phone away in her pocket and crouches down a little bit. One can almost see the tail wiggling behind her, though she doesn't technically have one at the moment. And then!! A pounce!

She can't pounce as dramatically in this form, because she can't fling herself twice her height in the air, but she does fling herself onto Anthelion's back, gekkering delightedly.

So the thing that may shock Fox about Leta is that - while she's effectively a tank in terms of taking a hit - she's basically got the strength and power of a wet noodle, and so? Down goes Anthelion! Straight to the mat! The bat clatters to the ground, and the tiny Mastigos lands on her butt on the ground with a (quite frankly adorable) oof.

It takes her a minute to realize exactly who crashed into her, and then she joins Fox's laughter with that annoying, chittering laugh of her own.

"Okay," she catches her breath. "What the Fox was that?"(edited)

He sprawls on top of her when she falls, and giggles loudly, undoubtedly drawing stares. "It was Fox!" she declares, clambering up to her feet. "You're not hurt, no?" Both hands get offered down to the limp noodle muscles that are Anthelion. "If you're hurt, I can fix it. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't realize you would collapse, I'm sorry!" But for all that she does sound genuinely sorry, she also sounds ... delighted. Because that was new! And fun! For her.

"Nah, I'm fine." Leta takes their hand, and uses the leverage to pull herself back up - still snickering as she brushes off her thighs with gloved palms, and then starts swatting the rest of the dirt off her butt. "I probably wouldn't have crumpled if I knew you were about to leap onto my back."

She bends over to grab the lost baseball bat, and then adopts a lazy lean. Her brow furrows. "Wait. How'd you know I was me? How'd you know you weren't tackling a stranger?"

She bleps her tongue.

She rolls their shoulders loosely. "I smelled you. Your perfume and also your skin, which I know the smell of on account of all the fucking." You can count on Fox to just, you know, say things. She reaches out to brush the dirt off of Leta's butt. Sure, that's why. But then she stops halfway there, and instead reaches to grab the tip of her tongue instead. She doesn't hold on to it, just grabs hold and lets go again. "I was here for a Reason which I have already forgotten, and you are here too. I didn't know you liked to hit things with bats!"

"Yeah, that's fair. Though after a certain point, I figured all the sweating probably tainted your sample of the perfume." You know. While fucking, probably. 'Cause 70 isn't exactly the kind of weather you sweat in when you're conditioned for 120 degree summers. She chitters again - swatting playfully at Fox's hand when they grab her tongue. It is not an adept swat. A brawler Leta is not. "Yeah, actually. I find it pretty relaxing, usually. I played baseball in high school so I still like to come here and blow off steam sometimes when I'm frustrated or annoyed." Beat. "But who doesn't like to hit things with bats, pray tell?"

Grab! Fox smiles brilliantly, her inhuman teeth on brief display in this very human place. Probably people just think she's some weirdo cosplayer. It's going to get harder for her to stay in public more often if she keeps using her attainments all the time, though, as Weaver's presence in the world well attests. "That makes sense. You're built like a ball player." Her green-gold eyes glitter delightedly, and she rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Oooh. I don't know. People who are afraid of making messes, I guess. Or are scared of loud noises."

"Yeah," Leta does a practice swing with the bat, freezing in a pose just at the point where she would normally begin her follow through. The Mastigos looks over her shoulder, and down at her form - at the flexing leg muscles - and nods in agreement. "Yeah, okay. That's an accurate read. HRT may have wrecked my upper body strength, but my lower body's still pretty much there." She drops the stance, leaning back against the chain-link fence that surrounds the batters and pitching machines. "Well, that sounds rather boring, honestly. Messes and loud noises are two of the most interesting things that exist." Best. "Have you ever been in a batting cage before?"

She knows Fox's MO. It's entirely possible that - like with many places one might encounter Fox - this is the first time.(edited)

Their green-gold eyes glitter brilliantly, and Fox rocks back and forth on her feet, the way she does when she has to stand still but has so much energy bursting out of the seams of herself. "We can fix it," she assures, because everything worth fixing can be fixed with Life Magic, as far as Fox is concerned. "Well, change it, I dunno if 'fix' is the right verb, since the HRT did the things you wanted it to, yeah?" The swing and the form taken by the Mastigos is openly and delightedly eyed, both for prurient and non-prurient reasons. How a body works is fascinating to Fox, after all. "I mean, people are different, I dunno! Some people just like quiet things. That's not me, usually." Obviously.

"... no! I haven't!"

"Believe me, I am well aware of that fact." Leta flashes Fox a snarky grin when she catches the Thyrsus eyeing her. "Could probably fix that, yeah. It's something I've considered studying for that specific purpose." Beat. "The side effects of HRT are meaningless if you pursue a different method of medical transition."

She hands the bat to Fox - handle first - so that they can give it a test swing if they'd like. "No shade intended towards people who have different interests than mine, I just happen to think that chaotic things are interesting - and entertaining." It's possible that she might be referring to something specific there. Possible. "... but you should give it a try. I'll even let you take my spot in line."

Fox smiles shamelessly when that snarky grin is flashed at her. She knows what she likes, and apparently high up on the list are 'spooky disasters.' Vasha, Lux, Leta... apparently the Orphan's type is not so much about body type (shocker!) but, you know, "It's not that hard to wrap into whatever you do regular, and yeah, basically." They chew on his lower lip a little bit, watching her with delight, and then take the bat from her.

The bat in her hand, she checks behind herself, and then gives it a practice swing. She's not weak, but her form is atrocious, of course. She has no idea what she's doing. "Ummmm, yes! Chaotic foxes are in fact interesting and entertaining." A wrinkling of her nose, a brilliant grin. "I'll try it if you help!"

"Yeah, I can help." She steps a little bit closer, showing Fox where to grip the bat along it's handle - and how to move their hands along the grip while swinging. "It'd be easier to just... impart the level of skill required to make Barry Bonds look like a chump, but this isn't the time - and there'd be much to deal with - so I suppose you'll have to settle for what little Leta Abbott, middling high school ball player from Texas has to offer on the subject." She sticks out her tongue, chuckling at her own remark. Of course, having never been to school in Texas, Fox probably isn't fully aware of the depth of the joke.

Then, if Fox will allow her to, Leta attempts to align their stance, and the positioning of his hands, upper body, and elbows - before then showing them how to properly follow through with a swing. Well isn't this situation just... so very RomCom. "Now actually hitting the ball is another story, but if you can keep that stance up, you'll at least miss it in style." Though, honestly, Fox's hand-eye coordination is probably damned fine - and batting cages aren't exactly trying to strike you out.(edited)

"Is that a joke that I should understand?" Fox asks, and when Leta steps in closer, Fox leans into the touch, distracted a little, but then refocusing. Take this seriously, Fox! Geez! "I mean, you could, be like Neo in the Matrix, but like... only for a little while, right? Vasha does that sometimes. It doesn't last." OBVIOUSLY, Fox.

"I want to understand the joke," she adds on, like that's important. She's very patient with having her stance aligned, and leaaaans into each of the touches. It's super RomCom. Like ridiculous. The tiny Thyrsus grins and blushes her way through being shown each bit, excited to be having An New Experience For Foxes, and then nods enthusiastically. "If I can't succeed, I can at least fail in a cool way," she agrees.

"He can?" Leta steps back to observe Fox's form from an outside angle, pausing to quirk an eyebrow at the statement before stepping back in and tipping up their elbows ever-so-slightly. This may have just been another opprotunity for them to lean into the little touches, but you'd never know from the way she pretends to focus on the work. "I didn't realize that was a skillset we shared." There's a moment of pause where her face is very close to Fox's cheek while making last adjustments, but nothing comes of it from Leta's end. "Texas is a big football state, so it's one of the only sports - or any activity, really - that gets any funding in schools. So when I say I was a middling baseball player from Texas. That's like saying I wasn't even the biggest fish in a very small pond." Beat. "... because they do not give a shit about baseball in football country."

"I think so, yeah. I mean, if you think about what he used to do, it makes a lot of sense. Gotta pick up skills quickly." Fox tosses her long black hair over her shoulder, and comments wryly, "I should have grabbed a hair tie." Still, it looks cute when she does it, and she knows it, and that's probably why she did it in the first place, as much as to get her hair out of her face. And then oh no -- Leta's face is right next to Fox's, and she turns her face quickly, smooching her cheek and then nipping it softly with those sharp teeth. The gesture does leave little pink marks. "That sucks. But now you're showing me. And that's fun!"

Leta yips in surprise when Fox noms on her cheek with those sharp little teefs of theirs, and pulls back with a shocked grin. She rubs the red spot on her cheek - where a blush is beginning to come in - with her palm. "You're such a little fucker," she squeals - but there's no malice there. Fox knows firsthand that she can take being bitten harder than that - it's all play acting. She sneaks back in to give Fox a smooch on the cheek in return - and then gives them a swat on the rear. "I'm done playing teacher. Now it's time to throw fastballs at you," she offers with a snicker.

Laughter from the little Thyrsus, and absolute delight that causes her to wriggle a little bit even as Leta pulls back. "You should damn well know what a fucker I am," Fox shoots back, snickering, and she puts the end of the bat on the ground and leans on it like she's a dandy holding a cane, leaning with a bit of swagger. The smooch on the cheek brings a bright flush to her cheeks, and she flashes Leta a brilliant grin. "Mkay. But if I get hit you'll have to kiss the bruises better."

"I am exceedingly aware of how much of a fucker you are - and growing more and more every time we spend time together," there's another soft laugh. "I won't even be a little surprised if the trip we have planned ends up furthering my understanding at some point, either."

Leta pulls the helmet off her head, and hands it to Fox. "You're probably going to want this," and then she fishes a hair tie out of her pocket.... which she then uses to put her own hair up, because she knows Fox just asked for one and she's a fucking gremlin. "... and yeah, I'll kiss your bruises - but I don't think they're liable to get better from just that - and keep in mind that I'll kiss just about wherever you ask me to before you go get any funny ideas about jumping in front of pitches."

"If you thought for a second that we were gonna take drugs and that fucking wasn't going to be involved, you don't know me at all," comes Fox's cheerful rejoinder, leaning still on the bat and flashing her teeth at Leta again. "That is an experience which I have not had at all, so I definitely will have it, unless you don't wanna."

She squints up at Leta from under the brim of the batting helmet and wiggles her nose at her. "I can heal my own bruises, it's just more fun to pretend you're kissing them better when I heal them." Then she steps into the cage -- she doesn't seem to have any actual intention of stepping in front of the balls, in any case.

"Don't worry, I know you well enough to know - I was just playing coy for snark purposes," Leta calls out to Fox as they step into the cage. "We can definitely get high and fuck," she calls out from the chain-link fence four-ish feet back from Fox. It's almost like Leta doesn't even give a single fuck about who hears that.

The first few pitches from the machine can be a bit terrifying. It makes weird-ass whirring noises, the balls come fast, and when they aren't hit, they keep going and crash into the fence behind you and rattle the chain something fierce. Fortunately, Fox kinda kicks ass at this - and even though Anthelion deliberately interrupts to ask "Wait, have you really never done that?" at the least opportune time - they still manage to connect with the ball solidly.(edited)

And surely others do hear, but Fox doesn't care, either. He glances over their shoulder and flashes Leta another one of those sharp-toothed grins. "Awesome!" she chirps. "I'm totally looking forward to that." And yeah, she doesn't care, either.

The skinny little Thyrsus doesn't bother souping up her body to show off -- she just sticks with her natural athleticism, of which she has more than a little. She does spend all her time running around and trying out different bodies, after all, which lends her some supreme feeling of being at home in her own skin. "Nope!" Fox chirrups, solidly sending the ball back with a solid smack, and then another one, and then another. "But it's just a matter of watching the ball and not blinking and following through, like you said! I listened to what you told me, and it's not that hard!"

"Oh, no. I meant the fucking and tripping balls part," Leta offers back in a Spock-like deadpan - along with an equally Spock-like quirk of her eyebrow. "... but you are doing quite well here - not that I'm surprised. It's mostly hand-eye coordination and finesse, which you've shown yourself to be pretty adept at in the past."

If Fox looks back, he'll probably catch Leta staring - with look of appreciation and attraction obviously visible on her face. Now that's not to stay she's staring at Fox's butt - though she does look occasionally - it's mostly an appreciation for how quickly they've managed to pick something up from nothing. "I suppose it's to be expected that someone who routinely exposes themselves to new experiences and situations would be a quick study, but still. You're quite impressive to watch."(edited)

"Oh, not on this specific drug, no," Fox answers, and she's a little distracted, so this next connection isn't quite so solid, but it would be enough to get her on base. Make your jokes as you like. "I've fucked on mushrooms and LSD and I tried cocaine once but I really just felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin, so, thank you, but no, and then there was molly, and fucking on molly is okay but you can't really get off so easily? So it's great for like... marathon fucks if you don't care about getting off and just want to enjoy the ride, as it were."

"But it's much better for cuddling and talking about your feelings and taking showers and stuff," she chatters on, as if she were just talking about the weather and not the conjunction of drugs and sex. A moment later, she snorts. "That was a sex joke, too, the hand-eye coordination thing. I liked that." SMACK! And then she looks back over her shoulder and sticks her tongue out at Leta, letting the next ball whoosh past her and hit the back of the batting cage. Another one of those sharp little smiles. "That's part of the fun. If you try lots of things, you get to be pretty okay at lots of things!"

"Ahh, that's fair. I've never even taken this particular drug before, so I suppose I get to explore two new experiences rather than just one." Even if they'd missed the pitch all together, Fox took first base before they even entered the cage. "Yeah, no. Cocaine isn't for me. I have more than enough shitty feelings without the comedown enhancing them, and I like it when my dick works properly, thank you." She says this, too, without a care in the world - though she's more than a little bit confident that anyone who has anything to say about her dick probably would've said it about the drugs and sex conversation first. "It's gotta stay functional so the hormone therapy can fuck it up instead."

The ball connects with the fence, and Leta jerks her fingers back reactively to ensure her fingers don't get smushed just before the crash. Honestly, she's surprisingly quick for someone that spends most of her time on a computer. "I suppose that's a fair point. Is that why you try so many things, or just a happy coincidence?"(edited)

"Right? I'm pretty excited about it." Fox swings again, a little more surely this time, and cracks the ball back down the lane. She can't help but wiggle her butt a little bit. It's an excited-fox gesture, one that she probably doesn't even know she's doing. COME TO ME, PREY, SO I MAY POUNCE UPON YOU! "I felt like my skin was gonna crawl off. I purged it out of my system, the coke. Didn't like it at all." And then she glances over her shoulder. "Well, let the record show that I like when your dick works properly, too." Another one of those sharp little grins of hers.

"It's a side effect, but I guess the side effect can also be part of why my people started doing it in the first place," Fox offers philosophically. "The more you try, the better you are!"

"Oh, yeah. I was a freshman in college, so I didn't quite know what an anxiety attack felt like when I tried it, but yeah. That's what it feels like," she sticks her tongue out. "You think that's working properly? Should've seen me at 20 before I transitioned. Unfortunately my dick definitely peaked in college, and it's been a slippery slope towards being a bottom ever since."

She muses quietly on the thought for a moment, offering a little hmm as Fox continues to hit pitch after pitch. "I'm very firmly in the camp of those who who do things in order to see results - and I'll admit the fact that you do things just to... do them is a bit of a foreign concept as far as I'm concerned." She watches Fox wiggle their butt excitement. Oh yeah, because their philosophy is what you find intriguing at the moment, Leta...

She stops for a second, lets another pitch go past. "Who are you talking to, Leta? If you want your dick to behave differently, I can literally snap my fucking fingers and make it do a little dance or whatever, if that's what you really want." Another pitch passes by, because Fox isn't paying attention to it, but to the Mastigos, now. "But it's not about whether your dick is like, as hard as it used to be before you went on HRT, or you don't have a college refractory period, or whatever. So the fuck what? I don't care about that shit. If I wanted to fuck a 19 year old, I'd fuck a 19 year old. If all I wanted was a stiff dick, I could go out and get one at any club in Philly, or go pick up a fucking dildo. Or make myself one, given my skills. I fuck you because I want to fuck you. I like your dick because of who it's attached to, not because of how closely it hews to the platonic ideal of penis."

"For fuck's sake." She actually sounds a little annoyed, or perhaps frustrated, or put off, so it's probably not surprising that after that, for the first time, when Fox turns to take another swing, she doesn't just miss -- she steps too far in one direction, and takes a baseball directly to the stomach. The little Thyrsus gets the wind knocked out of her, and slowly bends over, coughing.

"No y- shit," Leta hisses as the missed pitch hits the fence, and she - again - has to instinctively yank her hands back lest it crash against her knuckles, rather than the chain-link. Rather than attempt to interject, she closes her mouth to wait for Fox to finish being cross - pursing her lips with minor annoyance - but when they get hit by the pitch? Whatever frustration was visible on her face at that moment disappears in a flash, and she sprints over to the gate - stepping into the cage and slapping the button to stop the machine from continuing to hurl fastballs at a doubled-over Fox.

"Doubling over like that isn't going to help," she places a hand on Fox's upper back. "Sit down with me and take some slow breaths - I got the machine so you don't have to worry, and you can take all the time you need to catch your breath."

If Fox chooses to sit with her, she supports him on the way down to the ground - and regardless of whether or not they sit, she continues to rub their back.(edited)

It's a good thing, too, because she just wasn't paying any attention to it at all, and she just ends up standing right where she had been, and if Leta hadn't smacked the button, she probably would have had the shit beat out of her by another couple of pitches. When Leta comes in to give her advice? Fox does as she's bade, slumping until she's sitting down and taking several slow, deep breaths. They lean against her, letting her rub his back, and let out an annoyed, pained sigh. She'll be content with this as A New Experience in a minute.

"I told you not to get any ideas about leaping in front of pitches," Leta chides - removing the helmet so Fox doesn't have to also contend with that. She reaches up to gently brush the hair out of their face - tucking it behind his ear - and continuing to gently tend to them while they recover. "In... Out... In... Out..." Beat. "... and I'll still kiss your stomach better, anyway. Once you're breathing again. Just saying."(edited)

He lets out a long, shuddering breath, once she manages to actually get a breath in. "I wasn't trying to," Fox mutters, raising a hand and rubbing at one gold-green eye with the heel of said hand. They follow the pace of breathing that Leta sets, rather dutifully so. After all -- she's undoubtedly dealt with this before, right? "Okay, good," Fox mumbles, and then leans sideways, putting her head on the Mastigos' shoulder. Apparently baseball time is done now. Now it is leaning-on time.

Leta wraps one of her noodle arms around Fox's shoulders - and then wraps her other around their front, hugging him closely to her chest. "I know," she runs her hand along her shoulder. "I often say sarcastic or joking statements in a completely deadpan way - as if I were recited facts from a very dry textbook. It's a consistent problem." There's a long pause as Leta lets Fox continue to recover their breath. "Which is to say, you know I don't actually give a fuck about my dick, right?" Beat. "I... really, legitimately appreciate what you said about wanting to fuck me for me, and not my bits, but I... was just cycling through crass jokes. In a deadpan tone." She sticks out her tongue.(edited)

A long, slow breath let out by the Orphan as he gets to the point where the pain is a novel experience and not a debilitating interruption to what had previously been a conversation full of gremlinosity and otherwise good cheer. He scoots in closer and presses his nose into the side of her neck, letting out a little huff of breath. "It's only a problem when it sounds like you're cutting down on yourself," Fox mumbles, adding, "I mean, like... " She lets out a small, frustrated sound in the back of her throat. "I mean I like your dick? But it's not that important to me? And mostly I don't want to hear you talking shit about yourself. It makes me upset."

"Oh, I'm not cutting myself down - I'm fucking incredible. I spent hundreds of dollars on piercings to make this thing look like they just rolled it out of the Pimp My Ride garage," Leta offers with an exaggersted scoff - and perhaps showing her age by making a 20-year-old reference. "... but I'm very sorry that my joke was the cause of your upset. That was not my intention - and I certainly wasn't trying to lure you into the pitching machine's line of fire."(edited)

Now that, at least, makes Fox laugh, and she takes another deep breath in, pulling in some of Leta's scent through her nose. It's a very animal gesture, which probably isn't surprising -- and she did identify the woman by her scent earlier, so, you know. "The ride is, indeed, fully pimped." He picks his head up from her shoulder, and kisses Leta on the cheek, following the gesture by a gentle nip at the same spot. "Apology accepted. I'm not mad. I just don't like it when people do that and it seems sincere. I'm used to it from Vasha, but I know he's just... " Pause. "Ukranian."

"Well, I'm not Ukranian or anything, but I have kicked back quite a few bottles of vodka in my day - and dark humor and snark are coping mechanisms in nearly every Texan queer's toolbox. Especially in Austin - quirky is a part of the culture." She rubs her freshly-nibbled cheek against their shoulder. "Yeah, though? I don't use it very often anymore, so I'm glad you're having fun..."(edited)

"Yeah, well, that part at least makes sense to me. I spent too long in Russia not to understand dark humor. It just felt less like -- you know what, it doesn't matter. It wasn't, so I'm moving on." And just like that? Fox does. The nuzzling from her makes him grin lopsidedly, and Fox raises a hand to absently play with her hair, heedless of the fact that there are people, you know, doing baseball things all around. "Well, you seem to be," they answer, "and yes, I am, thank you very much. And now honored to know I've joined a semi-exclusive club." She nudges at Leta's cheek with her nose. "But I'm bored of baseball, so take me home now." Oh, Fox.

"You're right, it doesn't matter - and I'm good with that," Leta nods. Then she stands - helping Fox up if they still need it - before brushing off her pants, and finishing by patting the dust off of her butt. Just like earlier. Let those assholes do their baseball things, this was more important anyway. She gathers up the helmet and bat - they're rentals and have to be returned to the front on the way out if you want your deposit back - and then then opens the door to the cage. "Where is home for Fox - or were you trying to tell me to bring you back to my apartment?"(edited)

He doesn't need it, but he takes the help all the same, pulling herself up to her feet by means of Leta's noodly-armed help. Fox, following her out, dusts her butt off some more, mostly to make sure that her butt is properly dusted. Yes. That's why. "Home is people, for me. Vasha. My cadre. I don't have a permanent place of residence. So... your apartment. That is, if you would like to give me the opportunity to freshly assess how pimped that ride truly is." Her smile is a winning one, and she may be bruised, but she's not bothered.

"Little fucker," Leta mutters under her breath - though, again, there's no malice in the Mastigos's snickers. "I was legitimately worried about you for a few moments there." She wiggles her butt when he "dusts it off" - mimicking Little Fox's about-to-pounce dance. "... but. Yeah. My apartment works. Let's get out of here before that family's eyes bug out of their heads..."

"Gonna take more than a fastball to take me out, Leta Abbott," Fox reassures, reaching out to pat pat pat the Mastigos' butt all the way back to the rental return counter. "Don't you worry about that. I was mostly just surprised. I am a tough Little Fox." Pat pat pat. "Oh, whatever. I bet they let their kids watch movies with shooting." She turns to wave toward said family. "Hi! I'm going to go kiss her, because she's pretty! Bye!"

"While I'm sure that's the case, I know it doesn't feel good to take a baseball to the stomach. I figured you'd fix it before it was life-threatening - if it was life threatening. I was just concerned about whether or not you were going to continue having a good time afterwards," Leta offers a wave to the family, too, following Fox's lead - and then? She leans into the kiss with a smile.