Floretta Williams/Infobox

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Full Name: Floretta Williams
Occupation: Activist, Occultist
Birth: Not Advertised
Nationality: Philadelphia Native
Age: 24 (53)
Height: 5' 7"
Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Position: Castellan, Twilight Judge
Status: City •• | Ordo Dracul •••• | Clan ••
Other Effects: Striking Looks (Cute) •, Twilight Judge •••
Family: Touati
Titles: Adept Floretta Williams, The Furious Custodian (Informal, Public),

Advanced Keeper of the Furious, Floretta Williams, Castellan of Philadelpia, Keep of the Bala Cynwyd Elysium(Formal, Public),

The Grieving Adept-Protector Floretta Williams, The Avenging Olympian Absolution, Twilight Judge, and Castellan of Philadelphia. (Formal, Ordo Dracul only)

Coterie: None