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Then Was the King’s Wrath Pacified

 Esther is thought to be a Philadelphia native, given her accent and general character. Known more for her knowledge than her martial prowess (which being considerable should tell you something) Esther is often called to travel to other consilii to lecture on the Adamant Way as practiced at the Martyr's Tree. When not giving guest lectures, she studies topics of interest to her, and serves the caucus as a teacher and educator. Don't let her chipper exterior and motherly airs fool you, she can break bones and crack skulls with the best of them. When not undertaking some duty or another, she can often be found at Camp Constantine, working out and training to keep herself fit.

RP Hooks
  • Thunderbolt Guardian - Esther is a Thunderbolt Guardian for the Adamantine Arrow caucus; an expert in conflict resolution, historical warfare practices, truth & reconciliation.
  • Adamant Hand - Esther practices the Adamant Hand in both armed and unarmed combat.
  • Judaism - Esther, if the name weren't a clue, is indeed Jewish. She still upholds a great many social and religious customs of her upbringing.
  • Higher Education - Esther collects degrees the way some people collect Pokemon. She tempers herself best through learning and constant study, not just combat.
Full Title

Master Esther, Arrow and Enchanter on the Path to Arcadia, Supernal Realm of Fate and Time, and abode of Fae, Lorekeeper of the Cherry Blossom, Thunderbolt Guardian of the Quiver of the Martyr's Tree of the Lesser Convocation of the Northeast, Master of Fate, Adept of Time and Space, Apprentice of Mind, Prime, and Life


Thunderbolt Guardian Esther, Arrow Enchanter (NPC)
Pronouns: She/Her
Date of Birth: ???
Apparent Age: 30s
Occupation: Student
Tenure: 3 years

Path: Acanthus
Order: Adamantine Arrows
Legacy: Mist Walkers
Cadre: Cherry Blossom