Changeling/Theme/Freehold Oath

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The Oath

I will uphold the laws of Shackamaxon Freehold as long as I reside within its boundaries and do no malicious harm to my fellow Freeholders; this Oath will hold no weight against me a month after I no longer reside there. If I return, it will immediately hold weight with me again. As long as I faithfully uphold the laws, I share in the bounty of our fellowship. If I forsake my duties, let the Words I know turn against me.

The Benefit

Members of the freehold can meditate for one turn, and distribute their collective Glamour evenly among the members; the Wyrd consumes any leftover Glamour as a tithe.

The Penalty

An Oathbroken former member of Shackamaxon suffers a -4 penalty to all Contract rolls within the Freehold's boundaries, generally recognized as stretching across the greater Philly metro area and associated Hedge. This heavy penalty reflects the age and large membership of the Freehold.