Sam Foster/Hooks

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  • Those with nowhere else to turn: Working for a NGO (name TBC), Sam is a fully recognized member of the bar and a capable lawyer, tending to focus on defence cases for clients struggling to find help. He's passionate about his work, and will see out those in similar circles.
  • Philly native: Sam's been in the city most of his life and has rarely travelled, something he occasionally regrets.
  • A wolf in sheep's clothing: Sam's hunting methods may be distasteful to some. He targets an organisation he sees as corrupt, steals the skin, identify and life of someone within in, and works to pull various threads until it collapses into chaos.
  • City Wolf: Sam is not good in the natural world, possessing no wilderness sense at all. He often gets lost and has stumbled into poison ivy more then once. Still, he thinks a werewolf should be better at that sort of thing and spends a fair amount of time there.
