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Revision as of 01:40, 31 March 2020

Reluctant Vampire
Nosferatu RP Note: If you're mortal, Alex is creepy. There's something about her features that triggers a deep, unsettled feeling in her presence that's impossible to pin down later. Is it the unnaturally perfect symmetry of her features? Something in her gaze? A sense that she's always watching, even when she's not? Does it feel like she's something not human, just wearing a human skin and pretending to blend in? In the moment any of a few things could be causing the creeped out feeling, but a moment later it's impossible to put a finger on what it was.

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  • Atalo - Let's get your systems out of the dark ages, why don't we?
  • Daniel - It was nice to learn that other people came into their requiems in ways other than what they would have liked, even those who had planned to be here.
  • Eyrgjafa - I'm starting to come around to realizing it's not your covenant itself that's the problem, thanks to you.
  • Finley - We really need to talk more about our mutual experiences.
  • Floretta - I can't decide if having a dog would make me more or less lonely, but you've made me realize it's an option.
  • Henry - Having a dance partner I don't have to worry about giving something away to means a lot.

The Lost

  • Jack - It's been really nice catching up. I think we might be friends now in a way neither of us was ready for in high school.
  • Lux - I'm definitely happy about having someone new to go dancing with, and having someone who helps me get laid/fed doesn't hurt either.
  • Mearcstapa - Being so readily accepted by an old friend inspires new hope that I won't lose myself.

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RP Hooks
It takes one more chance to survive, and to say that'd be easy, that's a lie
— Dead Sara - Sorry For It All

Formerly Fae-Touched: Some of the city's Changelings may know Alex better than the Vampires do, or at least used to know her better. She used to be a member of the Freehold as one of the Fae-Touched, until 6 years ago when she disappeared.

Studious Dragon: Alex has been a member of the Ordo Dracul for a while, and is extremely knowledgeable about the coils, having demonstrated knowledge of twelve of them. There's a reason why she became Sworn of the Dying Light, and her deep studies are a part of that.

Illegal Embrace: Alex was illegally embraced in late 2018, but that's a fact that was only discovered at the end of 2019. When it was discovered her Sire, who was a Nosferatu member of the Ordo Dracul, was executed for his violation of the Second Tradition. Alex was adopted into the Chevrette family.

Hacktivist: Although she hates the term, Alex knows her stuff when it comes to infosec, is an activist, and puts her skills to use when the time calls for it. Most of the people she knew online assumed she got arrested or got disappeared when she vanished without a trace four years ago.

Adrift: Her life got turned completely upside down over the last few years, and at this point she has no idea what she's planning to do or how she's going to do it. At the moment she's drifting by with the support of her adoptive 'parent', but how long will that last?

Freehold Member: Ari has, in fact, taken Alex's oath to uphold the laws of the Freehold, for the second time. Vampires aren't usually capable of being engaged in Changeling oaths, but it's true none the less. Weird.

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Oceans of Slumber - Howl of the Rougarou

Where do we go from here?
The end of the road might be the way home
Sparkling like dew under a bright blue moon
Midnight sorcery made between broken hearts
Can you hear the darkness calling out your name?

Aesthetic Perfection - All Beauty Destroyed

And everyone is so torn,
Between truth and a false veneer,
Well no one wants to be alone,
In the wake of their faults and fears,
If you don't stop scratching,
Wounds reopen,
As we slowly start to decay.

Trees of Eternity - Eye of Night

The future stands veiled in opaque lace
A figure without form
That changes with every fear you face
And every dawn

Trees of Eternity - Hour of the Nightingale

Raise not a fortress to protect
From what the waters might reflect
Grief will wash those who caress
The night as though it's theirs

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Alex Shaw

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Full Name: Alexis Shaw
Pronouns: She/Her
Mask/Dirge: Idealist/Questioner
Birth: July 20, 1996
Occupation: Figuring It Out
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Actual Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Public Effects: Status (City)
SL (Eerie Perfection)
Fame (Hacker)
Clan: Nosferatu
Bloodline: Bloodthorns
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Covenant Position: None
Family: Chevrette
Coterie: None

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Played By: Apocalycious