Daniel Hawthorne

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Alex Shaw - Someone else brought into the night unawares...I look forward to getting to know you more.
Phaedra Lamb - Insightful, voracious in her search for knowledge, and not afraid to call you out on your bullshit.


River Bright - A gift offered freely, and so very tempting besides...but at what cost?

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RP Hooks
Shipping Down From Boston: Daniel hails from a long line of retainers to one Lord Randall Gardner, a Ventrue of great renown among the Bostonian Invictus. He was intended to be the Lord's next childer until a grave misfortune occurred, and after his manumission was completed the young Haunt made his way south to Philadelphia in 2014 to escape the cloud that has hung over him since his Embrace. He fell in with the Touati family not long after his arrival, his own connection to the arts drawing the attention of the current leader of the house.

From the Estate to the Academy: Daniel was raised among the elite of the First Estate his entire life, and began his unlife in their ranks until he came to Philadelphia and became aware of the Ordo Dracul's work to modify and battle the curses placed upon Kindred by their very nature. While he still maintains ties to the Invictus he has thrown himself into his studies with the local Academy, climbing the ranks of the Ascendant at a rather rapid pace for one so new to his Requiem.

Make It Fashion: Clothing design, specifically in the custom couture vein, has been Daniel's bread and butter since his early twenties, and he moved his studio down to Philadelphia. His sister Victoria heads up most of the day-to-day operations, although as of late he has been able to contribute more on that front thanks to the teachings of the Academy.

Closet Nerd: Although you wouldn't think it looking at him, Daniel is an avid player of both Magic the Gathering and a variety of fighting games. He made something of a name for himself in local tournaments in the Northeast during his teen and early adulthood years but moved to playing online after his Embrace and everything that came with it.

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Victoria Hawthorne, Retainer

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Daniel is a pleasant enough looking gentleman, all told, tall in stature and wiry in build. Almost always neatly dressed (and often in his own designs besides) he can cut quite the figure when he wishes to, carrying himself as a man who knows his worth often does. Where once he spoke only in broken whispers thanks to the manifestation of his clan's curse his pleasant tenor wrapped in an old-money Boston Brahmin accent is now easy to hear, the wound on his neck gone like it had never been there. Instead the Haunt's eyes are completely jet black, often hidden behind sunglasses or the like.

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Have a quote? Leave it here! - Name

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Daniel Hawthorne

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Full Name: Daniel Hawthorne
Occupation: Clothing Designer
Birth: August 13th, 1982
Nationality: American
Age (Actual): 42
Age (Apparent): 26
Height: 6'0"
Public Effects: Acute Senses
Allies: Invictus 1
Coils of the Ascendant 5
Status: Mortal: Arts & Entertainment 2, High Society 3
Vampire: City 2, Nosferatu 1, Ordo Dracul 3
Ordo Titles: Informal: Philosopher of Attending Horror
Formal: Attending Philosopher of the Devouring Fortress
Clan: Nosferatu
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Family: Touati
Coterie: None

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Played By: QuicksilverFox85