Logs:Quite the View: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= * Avery Frisk * Asbolus | setting= Rooftop, park, then above the city | log= '''Avery:'''<br> Avery was sitting cross legged on a roo...")
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<I can, yes...rather curious feeling.>
< I can, yes...rather curious feeling.>

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There is an excited squawk from the Raven changeling. <I enjoy every moment of flight. I get to choose where I go, and even gravity loses its say. Its where I feel most free.>
There is an excited squawk from the Raven changeling. <<I></I> I enjoy every moment of flight. I get to choose where I go, and even gravity loses its say. Its where I feel most free.>

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<I should be fine.  Just...reminded me of certain things.>  He seemed a little shaken but otherwise alright, flying close to the Courser as she came in to check on him.
<<I></I>I should be fine.  Just...reminded me of certain things.>  He seemed a little shaken but otherwise alright, flying close to the Courser as she came in to check on him.


Latest revision as of 04:01, 1 December 2022


Rooftop, park, then above the city


Avery was sitting cross legged on a rooftop, leaned forward over another raven. She was dressed in a comfy sweater and heans, long hair tied back to keep it out of her face, and to tie it all together a bright smile.

She was currently busy feeding the raven a couple seeds, not able to understand the bird but still making the occasional croaking noise to compliment them.

Another presence made itself known on the rooftop soon enough, the wintry magics wrapped about him keeping Asbolus from most casual view until he let the cloak fade, its usefulness at getting up to the top of the building fulfilled. "Salutations." He said with a small smile, looking the Beast and the bird over. "Brought a friend with you, I see?"

Avery twitches just the slightest amount as Asbolus appears, noting the footsteps and not fully turning to see who it was, instead making another croaking noise towards the bird.

"His name is Kevin. For seeds he can help us with the Loophole. I promised him lots of seeds if he stays with us for today."

Avery turns to Asbolus with a bright smile. "And he is excited for you to use your wings too!"

"I see...glad to have another helping hand, then." He chuckled, giving the bird a respectful nod before claiming a seat beside the pair. "How have you been doing?"

Avery keeps up the smile, petting the raven gently. "Well...I've almost been out for a year...so thats on my mind. But I've been scouting a lot, it feels nice to be here. And I've been drawing!"

"Coming up on four years myself." He nodded, claiming some of the seeds and offering them to the raven in the palm of his hand. "Glad to hear it. Philadelphia is a welcoming city once you get to know her and her eccentricities.""

The raven happily hops over and nibbles a few.

"Its been nice here...I like it."

She looks up at the sky.

"Well, we want to fly, yes? We should before it gets too late."

"Indeed." He let Kevin polish off the seeds before taking a moment to wipe his hands clean, looking over the skyline. "Have anything in mind for a path to follow, or just see where the wind takes us?"

Avery stands up, walking towards the edge of the roof and overlooking the park below.

"Fighting the wind makes you tired, so just following it for now. Is that ok?"

He smiled a touch, moving to join Avery at the roof line. "Of course. You'd know better than I."

Avery smiles, tracing something across the sky. "Down to the park, we can take it slow. Just riding the wind for now."

The Lost holds out a hand to the raven. "Do you know how to change?"

"I do, yes." Once the raven was perched on Avery's hand he gently rested his hand on its back, enough to keep in contact with it but not so firmly as to startle it. "Tried it out as a cat first, which was interesting in its own way."

Avery nods. "After you then."

Asbolus nodded, closing his eyes and letting out a slow breath as he tapped into the Wyrd within for this particular weaving. Thanks to the raven's presence it took nothing from his own stores, his form quickly shifting and warping into a sleek-feathered raven. He took a moment to balance himself on the roof edge once things were settled, wings fluttering as he familiarized himself with the new shape.

Avery smiles, putting Kevin down and changing after he was safely on the ground. It takes a partial second for her own change, shifting like it was the most natural thing in the world.

A moment later, a third raven is on the roof.

<Are you ready?>

Asbolus observed the other's transformation in kind, always curious about that sort of thing himself, before bobbing his head. <Lead on.>

Avery perches on the edge of the roof, staring down at the park. <There is a breeze up here, can you feel it through your feathers?>

< I can, yes...rather curious feeling.>

<The wind is your friend, it guides your energy and eases your job. Feel how it moves your feathers, and how it supports your weight. And when you are ready...let go of the roof and let yourself fly.>

Asbolus went quiet and did just that, tilting his wings now and again to get a feel for how the wind moved through and under them. Once he felt comfortable enough he jumped off from the roof, wings spread wide as he glided out over the park.

Avery stays quiet for Asbolus to get used to the wind. After her friend jumps, Avery lets go of the roof and follows him down.

<See, not so hard. Don't fight the wind, just let it guide you.>

<Not too bad at all, no.> He replied with a quiet wark of a chuckle, keeping with the wind as he flapped now and again to keep his elevation where he wanted it.

Avery does a barrel roll and adjusts to be next to Asbolus. <Can you feel your wing feathers? They balance you to keep you stable. And your tail feathers? They help adjust your flight and direct you.>

The barrel roll earned another wark of amusement with a bit of a 'show off' vibe to it, eyeing Avery along with the scenery moving around them as they flew. <Noted...>

Avery gives a proud noise in response, letting the air direct their course.

<Any questions so far?>

<Not at the moment. Mainly just remembering to do and not overthink it too much.>

As the trees approach, Avery adjusts slightly, her own wing tip just below Asbolus's. <Exactly. Rely on your instincts and them lead you. Lets land on those trees for now.>

Asbolus eyed the branch in question as they approached, tucking his wings in a bit to slow down enough to allow for a relatively smooth landing. Superhuman grace did have its perks, even when in an unfamiliar form.

Avery lands next to him, a similar grace with literal years of practice.

<So, what did you think?>

<Exceptional.> He replied, the smile that would be on his lips if he had them audible nonetheless. <Flying under your own power is something else entirely.>

Avery shifts excitedly. <Well don't think we are done yet. We still have to get back up to the top of the building.>

<True enough.> He bobbed his head, looking Avery over. <You enjoying this as much as I am?>

There is an excited squawk from the Raven changeling. < I enjoy every moment of flight. I get to choose where I go, and even gravity loses its say. Its where I feel most free.>

<Can understand that. I did always enjoy heights, watching the world from above. This is the next level of that, I suppose.>

Avery hops over next to Asbolus. <Have you ever seen the city from above?>

<Here? Once, not too long after I arrived here from London. They've built a taller vantage point since then but I haven't been by to check the view yet.>

Avery gives a croak that seems almost like a laugh. <We can make it much higher than that Asbolus, if we find a nice thermal it isn't too tiring. If you are up for that?>

<Sure, why not.> He let out a chuckle-like wark, motioning with his wing. <After you.>

Avery gives a cheerful chirp, leaning forward slightly and lifting off, already catching the wind with practiced ease.

Asbolus pushed off from the branch, taking a moment or three to align himself with the wind before catching up with Avery.

Avery literally flies circles around Asbolus, not as an insult but to offer helpful advice. Change the tail feathers, tuck in your talons, don't open your beak too far unless you're trying to catch bugs. A bit later they get near one of the streets.

<The trick is like the wind, just let the air do all the work, and it will carry you as far as you need.> The raven flaps once to angle towards the street, and then starts raising fast into the air.

Asbolus listened diligently and took the advice to heart, adjusting his flying form as needed to improve his performance. As they approached the thermal he bobbed his head, turning his wings to catch the air and allow it to take him up.

As they rose, it was quickly apparent this was the easy way to gain height, and the warm air under their feathers was nice too. A few thermals later, off of buildings of increasing height, they reach the tallest building in this part of the city.

<Just one more.> And with that, Avery let herself be pushed up one more time to see the entire city from (literally) a bird's eye view. <What do you think?>

As they reached the summit of their climb and looked over the city below Asbolus remained quiet, head tilted to one side as he stopped guiding himself with the wind, still gliding but obviously not paying attention. After a long moment he snapped back to himself, shaking his head as though to clear it before straightening himself back out again.

Avery glides expertly, taking in the sights for a moment, then realizing Asbolus was quiet. The Raven hangs back, gently nudging one wing with her own. Concern creeping into the croak from the Raven's throat. <Do we need to land?>

<I should be fine. Just...reminded me of certain things.> He seemed a little shaken but otherwise alright, flying close to the Courser as she came in to check on him.

Avery takes her own turn to be quiet, finally answering. <Want to talk about it...or leave it be?> She keeps a wingtip close to his own in case he ever needed a nudge, and largely follows his own flightpath, adjusting as she needs.

<Where I was taken was a city with no end, and there were times I was called to Her chambers high above the streets below. That view was similar enough to trigger those memories, it seems.> He said wryly, looking at the world below once again. <Still a stunning sight, though.>

Avery quiets for him to talk, then for a moment longer. <She can't reach you up here. You can fly higher than She could hope to reach, and we have each other.>

Avery then gives a playful nudge in the air. <And we have Italian ice here. Italian ice is the best! We should get some after this.>

<Very true indeed.> He chuckled, giving her a light nudge in return. <Sounds like an idea.>

Avery loops in the air, doing almost a 3D figure 8 around Asbolus. <We can get all the flavors, and brain freezes, and it does the crunch!>

<Mmhmm.> He nodded a bit, looking to Avery with a smile in his voice. <Thank you for this. It was quite enlightening.>

Avery settles down after a moment. <Of course, I will fly with you whenever I can. I love the flying, and it helps me feel...like me?>

She peers downward. <We should start heading back, follow me.>

<Glad I can help you as well, then.> He glanced downward and nodded, letting her lead the way.