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* ST'd by the amazing [[User:Abbypringles]]
* ST'd by the amazing [[User:Abbypringles]]
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Part of the [[Mortal Remains]] Plot, Rossi Technology Solutions
Part of the [[Plot:Mortal Remains|Mortal Remains]] Plot, Rossi Technology Solutions
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Latest revision as of 00:59, 29 December 2022

Content Warning

Knocking out an innocent person, mind control, intense clarity damage


Part of the Mortal Remains Plot, Rossi Technology Solutions


It's a cold night in Philly. The kind of night where you just want to curl up and read a book and drink cocoa. Not exactly the most dramatic night for an infiltration, but needs must.

The door to Rossi Technology Solutions swings wide open as the two approach and any security systems the building might have had wink off. The office is not exactly what you'd've expected. It's a small cube farm with a break room that contains a flashing and talking pinball table.

There is one person in the office but you don't think he'd have noticed you even if you weren't hidden. He's typing away at his computer, blasting metal music into his fancy headphones. Occasionally he stops to do an air drum solo. He has a heartbeat and doesn't have a Beast, so he isn't Kindred either. As far as you can tell, he's just a regular joe nerd.

"Ok, that was easier than I thought," Vincent whispers, dressed in non-descrip jet black clothes, gloves, and a face-mask, perfect for super stealthy date nights, "Thanks for doing this honey, next date night you decide what we're doing-oh shit someone has the night shift. . .thoughts?" he was nervous to say the least, breaking and entering was one thing but investigating the vampire boogeyman, well let's just say this better get him some street cred.

Avery follows behind Vincent, sticking to the shadows. Such shadows that almost seem to stick to Avery's skin as he moves, offering protection from sight. Avery declared their right to enter the building, and the building listened, the doors working for him, the security systems kindly turning off. The only thing that would let ANYONE know they were here were the small patches of dirt that are left in their wake, not even in a definite shape.

Avery is dressed in a black jacket, black jeans, gloves, and a face mask. Enough to be identified as sneaks and rogues. "Yes...plan date later, focus now. I can knock him out if he's a threat, or we can just pass him by...just be quiet."

"I'm going to see what I can dig from a glance." he says, using uncanny perception on the office drone

Vincent turns his gaze to the man, trying to figure out if he's supernatural and receives the magical equivalent of a beige dial tone. This man is as vanilla of a mortal as they get.

He smiles, moving on, "All clear love." he whispers, with the man distracted Vincent looks around for a place that screams 'man in charge', an office or desk the manager would occupy which he figures would be the best place to look.

While Vincent turns his attention to the man, Avery listens else where, and then shakes his head. "Just him...and that machine. Its loud...but I don't hear anyone else here. Lets move quickly, please?"

Vincent pokes around and finds a desk that looks slightly more important than the other cubicles. There's a "world's #4 boss mug" on it and everything. The desk itself is covered in mostly empty energy drink cans and has a fancy computer on it. The computer is off though

'Bingo' he thinks to himself, rummaging through the desks to find anything that seems important, notes, journal, anything personal that could point to something suspicious.

Avery sneaks off to a nearby corner, just keeping an eye out for anyone nearby. His job was to keep Vinny safe, and that's what he intended to do.

Annoyingly, the office has gone paperless. There's not much in the desks other than receipts and office supplies.

Vincent sighs, looks like it's computer time, he starts up the machine and leans over it, nothings ever easy these days.

Bwaa! The computer makes a loud start up sound, which causes the guy to lower his headphones and look around. Was that noise in his head? Or was something going on here

Avery immedietly flattens themselves into the corner, feeling the contract break them free of the shadows. They watch Vinny to see if he reacted fast enough as well.

The guy whips around and sees Vincent. "Oh, hey, dude. Are you the janitor? I'm not usually here late enough to meet em."

Vincent smiles, giving a small cough, "Yeah man, sorry, saw ya rocking out and I work best when in the background, sorry about the face mask, my Mom got a cold and I'm starting to cough a bit but need the pay," he gives another cough, "Where's the usual guy?"

Now charmed, he turns towards Vincent. "Gosh, I don't know what you mean. What usual guy? And can I get you something? We have some soda in the break room."

"Other guys not important," he gives another faux cough, "Don't want ya catching it buddy, a Mt.Dew would be nice, can't turn down a good looking fella offering a drink."

He dashes off, Renfieldly, to get you a drink, leaving you alone in the office

Avery lets out the breath they hadn't realized they'd been holding.

"Want me to knock him out?"

Vincent gives a sigh and returns to the computer, 'please be cocky enough not to have a password' he hopes against hopes, then whispers, "Only if we don't have good time, if he comes back too soon I'll send him off for something and you can." he replies focusing on the computer

Avery nods and stays in the corner, sinking back into the shadows for the time being. Waiting to see what Vinny needed.

The computer is sadly password locked. The guy returns shortly with a Mt. Dew. "Can I get you anything else, sir?"

Vincent looks up, "Yeah, I think I left one of my spare keys in the bathroom, need it to clean the desk, mind getting it for me?"

"Oh sure!" He bounds off to go do that.

he makes a nod to Avy

Avery sneaks off after him, waiting until the man is in the bathroom. Avery sneaks up behind...quiet...quiet...now. The handle of the knife cracks down on his temple. He crumples, and Avery checks that hes still breathing before cracking the edge of one of the sinks and turning on the water. Some water is splashed over the floor to make it look convincing enough before heading back to Vinny, still quiet.

Vincent tip taps away at the keyboard, eventually figuring out the password to get in. The two now have access to all of the server's files

'Ok,' Vincent thinks, 'Let's look for anykey words first, VII, Sakima, names of elders, and a look at the emails.

VII is the name of a job they have. They were hired by a guy named John Malone to call themselves VII and to send messages to and hack the phones of a group of people. They were told that it was for some kind of ARG and that the data was going to be used for targeted advertisements. There is an incredibly long list of Kindred names present, that is probably just about every Kindred in the city (circa half a year ago). Malone hasn't asked them to do any more parts of the ARG yet, but they're on retainer and the checks haven't bounced yet.

Vincent grins, a giant shit eating grin covers his face. taking out his phone he takes a picture of the email and pockets it. At first he was going to give the information to Wright but this. . .this was good, 'I need to see the Sakima' he thinks as he shuts down the computer. "Avery, we're leaving." he whispers knowing his angel can hear him.

Avery shows up right behind Vincent, silent. "He's knocked out. Sink is broken...gonna be a concussions in the morning. Anything else we need to do here?"

"No," he replies, we're done here, he walks over and hugs her, "We did good tonight babe, we did great?" he says, happy and rather excited, "This is diffidently going to make an impression."

Avery nods, drawing Vincent back into the shadows with him to hide. "We did, yes. This went well. Let's go then?"

"Yeah, let's get going, make sure no one is following us on the way back." he says as they head out, "We're not out of the woods yet."

The two head out of the office, to see two figures looking straight at them from across the street. One has a Beast and the other, the two would recognize, has no heartbeat. The figures are a man and a woman, the man dressed in baggy clothes with a mottled corpse like complexion. The woman, the one with the beast, is wearing a nicer outfit, a casual dress and high heels.

"This One saw the door open," the man shouts, "your tricks can't hide that." "Isn't it nice to have a seeing eye freak?" The woman muses, quiet enough that only Avery can hear.

Avery freezes, staring them down, listening. His hands go to his hips, where Vincent knows the Talons are.

He whispers to Vincent. "They don't breathe, and she knows I can see well. Do I take them out or do we run?"

"Run." he all he says staring at the two

"This One won't hurt you! This One merely wants to talk," the man shouts, looking actually put out.

"Look at that!" the woman admonishes, "you hurt his feelings. Now either stay over there and let us come to you or you come across the street to us. I don't think you want us shouting what we want to talk about."

Avery grimaces, but their eyes flick to the man when he gives a statement. A quick wave of the hand Seals the statement of intent. "If you want information, talking may be useful. I won't be talking...and will distract them so you can get a head start if we need to go. What do you think?"

"Let's keep them talking," he says as he looks around the street, how many civilians are around may decrease chances of a conflict

"This side or their side? We have more cover but less places to move over here?" Avery's eyes flick to their person. "They are unarmed."

There aren't any civilians around at all. Save for these two the street is empty

"Why don't you two come over here." he says, "Just. . .stay a good distance." he's nervous but tries to maintain a poker face, he counts on Avery to pull them into their Hollow should things go to shit

Avery stays in their shadows, letting Vincent take the brunt of the conversation. They let the flash of metal in their hands be known. Not a threat of violence, but warning against it. Avery was happy to walk off without a scuffle.

The two walk over and as they do, the extent of the man's appearance becomes clearer. He's rotting, slowly but surely. Whatever he is, it isn't keeping his body together. The woman looks as elegant as any vampire. They stay enough away that they aren't in your face, but not so much away that they have to raise their voices.

"This One wants to know what you were doing. This One heard you were looking for VII."

"And that one informed this one," the lady says, mocking her associate's way of speaking, "and now we're curious what you found."

Vincent. . .is trying to think, has he seen these two before, the execution, elysium, are they part of the community at all, he then goes into his pocket, wanting to hold the phone, "I heard some shit about a violent gang," he begins, "Wanted to look into it, haven't found anything useful so far." he lies

Avery nods, keeping a close eye on the two. Especially the bigger one. If Avery needed to, he'd go for that one first. Not that he wanted to, Summer training just made him plan out every step along the way, where to stab, where to hide if things went wrong, Avery was ready should things turn bad.

"I really wish you wouldn't lie to us," the woman says, demurely. "I don't want to have to make you tell the truth."

"This One thinks you know more than just a violent gang. This One thinks that, as a vampire, you know what they are."

"You got a name, or just a number." he asks, "What's your family or Covenant?" he says, "Forgive me if I'm not too trusting, I barely trust the folks I know to begin with, scary sidewalk people aren't on the top of my friends list." he begins, 'maybe I can send the pic to wright from my pocket?' he considers

Avery's eyes flick to Vinny, the threat putting them on edge. His grip tightens on his daggers. No...the big guy was the muscle, easy to outpace. The woman was the threat here, brains were harder to defeat with time...but Vinny was handling himself well.

"This One is called Brother McIntyre." The man bows awkwardly.

"And I'm Lautrec. Now, if we can please hurry this up? Some of us want to do things in the next hundred years."

"Sure, it's on my phone, sorry can't be too careful." he says taking out his phone, he immediately sends the picture to Wright, captions read VII shit-V , and yells "NOW." to Avery indicating to pull them into the Hollow

Avery leaps forward into the doorway, a croaking sound being heard as they go for the handle at super fast speeds to get Vincent inside. As the door opens, its a pitch black space beyond.

"Actually, you're going to COME OVER HERE," Lautrec says to Vincent, a smile on her face. There's a strange echo to her words.

Vincent begins to walk over to her, feeling compelled to obey the woman

Lautrec smiles wickedly and gazes into Vincent's eyes. "Change of plans, kill your friend."

Vincent takes out his knife, the only thought to kill that which so bothers his mistress, moving to slash Averys chest with a good cut

Avery watches as Vinny approaches her, the heat of their summer mantle coming off them in waves. A bonfire turned forest fire. Suddenly, he was behind Lautrec, and there was a nice new hole in her midsection. He growls in her ear. "Let him go."

Just as suddenly, he was back where he was a moment ago, and then a few feet farther. The darkness of the hollow hiding what was beyond the bend, but all 3 of them could see Avery's true form. The Raven Changeling stood there, knives at the ready, within their nest.

Vincent charges, knife at the ready, to kill the monster that threatens his lady, like a true knight would.

Vincent lunged and slashed, but nothing, the creature was too fast and graceful, he was unable to land a hit

Meanwhile, Brother McIntyre whistles. "This One is done here. You could have just talked with This One, but no. You had to be a couple of paranoiacs." He trots off, walking away at a reasonable pace. Not running. Lautrec turns her gaze to Avery and speaks, her words having that same strange effect to them. "C'mon. Kill in Self-Defense."

Avery's eyes glance to Brother McIntyre, a thankful look. As his boyfriend approaches, theres an easy disarm as Avery uses their off handed dagger to parry Vinny's own. It was clear which one of the couple was better at knives, and which better at words.

He stands in the doorway when he hears the command, and freezes for a quarter second. Odin. Orders. Not able to control theselves, not WANTING to control themselves...but now they're here. They've left the one eyed bastard behind. They have people to protect. Avery's hand goes to their thigh, grabbing a knife and glaring at Lautrec. "You do not control me. I gave you a chance and you wasted it. I am killing in self-defense."

And Avery's hand moves, and theres nothing in their hand. In Lautrec however, a blade has sprouted from her throat, embedding itself there while Avery once again takes a defensive potition for Vincent.

Lautrec falls down into torpor, looking dead to all the world. McIntyre continues his slow exit.

Vincent see's his misstress on the ground and shouts at the creature, lunging at the creature but his attack is like a novice lashing at an experienced fighter

Avery hooks Vincent's blade in his own, a grimace as Avery knows what needs to be done. They kick off the wall and cracks the handle of the blade against Vincent's temple.

Avery's eyes go glassy, and they take a step or two before collapsing, eyes moving beneath their eyelids, but not responding to the world around them

Vincent blinks once, then twice and looks around, his eyes widening upon seeing Avery, "Babe. . ." he rushes to him and kneels, putting his head on his lap, "Stay with me," he shouts, getting his phone out, "Mr.Wright, I need people, me and my associate were attacked by third party, one of ours, she's out but I don't know how long and need a crew, I'm at (sends address)." before hanging up, he'll deal with that later he then calls Vorpal, "V, it's Avy, their hurt bad, please get here, we're at (gives location)." he hangs up and cradles him, not leaving as a car of ghouls arrives to pick up the vampire, driving off to leave Vincent holding Avery.