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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Atalo Ceres *Eugene Moon *Jane Murphy *Jeremiah Hamilton *Tommy Shanks | setting=Maddy's Wafflehouse | log='''Tommy Shan...")
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*[[Tommy Shanks]]
*[[Tommy Shanks]]
| setting=Maddy's Wafflehouse
| setting=Maddy's Wafflehouse
| log='''Tommy Shanks:'''  
| log='''''Scene takes place on January 7th, 2023'''''<br>
'''Tommy Shanks:'''  
Tommy Shanks, Doctor of Archaeology, sat in the corner booth, able to see both entry ways and then some. THey had a newspaper and coffee mug with carafe on the table.  
Tommy Shanks, Doctor of Archaeology, sat in the corner booth, able to see both entry ways and then some. THey had a newspaper and coffee mug with carafe on the table.  

Latest revision as of 05:32, 9 January 2023


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Scene takes place on January 7th, 2023
Tommy Shanks: Tommy Shanks, Doctor of Archaeology, sat in the corner booth, able to see both entry ways and then some. THey had a newspaper and coffee mug with carafe on the table.

Today's outfit was a simple brown suit, like a professor might wear.

Eugene Moon: At almost precisely the appointed time for this meeting there enters a Korean person of rather average height and an indeterminate gender, slim figured and mostly lacking in much of the way of clues to that portion of that identity. They're wearing black slacks, a black blazer over a black v-neck top, black shoes, and just enough makeup on their eyes that for traditionally minded folx it might form certain opinions.

They turn their wrist up upon entering, checking the time, and then look around the assortment of current patrons with the realization they should have asked for identifying characteristics. Rather than simply guessing, they opt to pull out a phone and start sending a text to the number they'd previously been in contact with.

Tommy Shanks: "I believe you are looking for me, if you are Eugene Moon. I am Dr. Tommy Shanks!" he stood from his spot to offer a hand, "HE/Him, at present, but fluid, as presenting, and I always accept They/them."

Eugene Moon: Question answered! Their phone ends up back in their rear pocket and they close the distance to the table where Tommy just stood up. Delicate fingers clasp the proffered hand as Eugene accepts the handshake, but also bows over it. "Dr. Eugene Moon," they answer in a voice every bit as androgynous as their appearance, soothing and silky. It's a voice that would probably work wonders for lulling someone to sleep, if they decided to lend it to recordings for a sleep app or similar. "I'd prefer just Eugene for purposes of this meeting, though. "My pronouns are they/them." There's certainly a steady calm about them, but a constant undercurrent of friendly curiosity as well.

Tommy Shanks: "Such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for reaching out so swiftly as well, my friend..." he sat back in his spot and offered the opposing spot to Eugene.

"So, as you might have guessed, I am working on behalf of a Kindred that is important to me."

Eugene Moon: Eugene takes their blazer off while they're still standing. Its doffing reveals that both their arms are covered in intricate tattoos that end at their wrists, clearly designed in a way that long sleeves would hide them in a more professional setting. They hang the garment before sitting, pick up a menu from the table, and hold it low in front of them so they so can give Tommy their full attention for explanations.

"I thought that might be the case, but I try to avoid pre-forming mental images about potential clients, as well. Their nature isn't a problem for me. I, myself, am one of the Lost, in case it's important for any reason."

Tommy Shanks: "Just tells me that you, yourself, will understand some of the feelings of being divorced from Humanity, in your way. I have a few Lost friends, and I keep hitting moments of their Durance that seem to hurt, and all.

"So, are you a psychiatrist, a psychologist and licensed counselor, or what expertise?"

Their tone was polite and professional, with warmth behind it.

Eugene Moon: "I consider myself unfortunate that my training is as valuable as it is among my people," Eugene laments. They glance down at the menu briefly, giving a few items some consideration, but look up often as the conversation continues. "The mirror to that fact is that we're often more willing to seek help than others are when we need it. Not as a rule, but on average..."

They look down again, make a decision, and put the menu back where it was at the end of the table. "I'm a psychologist. I graduated from Columbia, if happens to be important. My focus is on the LGBTQIA+ community, but not specifically on that community's needs. Fortunately for your friend, I also keep rather non-standard hours, and my after-dark availability isn't only for supernatural clients. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary at all for me to see someone late at night." They admit with a shrug, "I'm rather nocturnal myself."

Tommy Shanks: "I do apologize in advance, should anything I say upset you, in regards to what you went through. It is never my intent. I would much rather help and lift up people. Odd for an archaeologist perhaps, but I do hope for it.

"As for that focus? Must be very busy in Philadelphia. Have you worked with any kindred or non-Lost? Additionally, did you receive permission to disclose any of your patients names?"

Eugene Moon: "There was no upset." Eugene accompanies the words with an understanding smile, an expression that comes and goes like wisping smoke. "I only mean that I wish we didn't have so much trauma amongst us. It keeps me occupied, yes, but if I ended up out a job because nobody needed my help it would be the greatest blessing I ever received." They shake their head. "I haven't had the opportunity to speak to anyone who agreed, yet. I've worked with others from a couple of supernatural communities, but truthfully they don't come looking as often."

Tommy Shanks: "That makes sense to me! I meant more if, in the future, there is offence or upset. Just... I trip into problems constantly, when I speak."

"I'm getting great vibes here. It sounds like I can definitely pass your information on, and then the two of you can figure out a way to schedule."

He drank some of his coffee and tilted his head, "What do you do, if you have trouble, yourself?"

Eugene Moon: "That's something that happens to most people," Eugene says in reassurance. "What's important is what we do when it happens, and how we try to avoid repeating mistakes." Their slender hand drifts through a vague gesture toward Tommy. "Like warning people, for example."

They nod when Tommy offers to pass their information on. "I'll look forward to a call and we'll see what we can figure out. I hope your friend is grateful for your efforts."

Their eyes turn toward the window and the scene outside. "I have contacts in my community. I don't know how much you know about Lost society, but my Court frequently has a few people on hand who can help with those kinds of things." They turn back. "I also have friends I can talk about a lot of things with. We all need help from time to time, but it doesn't always rise to the level of therapy."

Tommy Shanks: "Understood," a bob of his head, "I know about the different courts. I have more friends in Summer than otherwise, I think. But one of my close friends is in Autumn, if I recall all my conversations correctly. I'm not sure what the differences are to a great extent, but I could recall if I needed to do such," he scratched his jawline, "Well, you have another friend, in the Alphabet Mafia, should you require some conversation as well. I'm happy to help, however I can. I think I mentioned that already though."

Eugene Moon: "I'm Spring," the Darkling explains when some knowledge of the courts is revealed. "With many exceptions, we're often the Court where healers congregate. In my case it's mental health, but that's still health." Smiling again they ask, "what kinds of things are your area of expertise, so I know what kind of help you're most likely to be able to offer? Not to cast doubt on your willingness to help outside of those areas, too."

Tommy Shanks: "Well, I'm what my organization, the Mysterium, call a Savant. My fields are Archaeology and Occult Symbology, or Semiotics. I just meant more as a friendly voice. I've also got quite a bit of different forms of magic under my belt, if it is ever needed."

He sipped more coffee, "I also have my own library setup, to help similar subject matters."

Eugene Moon: "I see." Eugene taps their fingers on the table for a moment, barely making a sound with them. "I have no idea when I might need an archaeologist, but if I ever do then I'll know where to turn. Symbology is a lot more likely to be useful, especially when it comes to dreams. Thank you." They flip their hand over to look at their watch. "I hate to seem like I'm in a rush, but it sounds like our important business is concluded and I should probably be on my way. I always feel like my weekends run out too quickly, with too much to get done and not enough time to do it all."

Tommy Shanks: "Be safe, have fun, and I or they will be in touch."

Eugene Moon: Eugene drifts to the edge of the booth and back to their feet before picking up their blazer and sliding it back on. Their movements aren't quite like those of a dancer, or a martial artist. They aren't even fluid, exactly. "Thank you again for reaching out," they say while adjusting the way the jacket sits on their shoulders. "Take care."

With nothing more offered beyond a small wave the Spring turns and makes an unhurried exit.

Tommy Shanks: Bones drank quietly from his mug, while reading the newspaper. They ordered a scrambler of corned beef for lunch while they waited.

Jane Murphy: Some time later, the portal to Maddy's lets through a woman with short brown hair in a hoodie and baggy jeans. She looks around and spots Tommy, then starts to walk over. On the way, she grows a couple inches taller and her hair shifts to blond as it grows longer. The features align and Bones can see it's Jane. The voice she speaks with at first is a lot softer than her normal voice, touched with a bit of a French accent, "It's always great to see--"

She stops, pinches her nose and restarts with her normal voice, "Always great to see you. Sorry, I'm usually better about remembering to switch the voice... mind if I join?"

Tommy Shanks: "No problem whatsoever. Lovely to see you again, my friend," a chuckle, "Pretty cool tricks there. Barely a hint of weird."

Jane Murphy: "Thanks. I don't know if it even helps in any meaningful way, but shifting faces lets me feel a little less anxious about the robocops." She sighs, "Every time I hear about them, I don't like what I hear."

Tommy Shanks: "...It's worse than you think," he frowned.

Jane Murphy: "Greaaaaat." She shook her head and sighed again. She then takes the time to order up two mugs of coffee and a patty melt. "I mean.. I saw what it did to Phyx and Psyche, and what it did to Phyx scares me. He's not as augmented as I am, but he's still got enough plus his usual sort of armor for me to despair about my own utility."

Tommy Shanks: "I am still processing through information, but if you'd like, I can copy over what I learned the other day. It isn't the most pleasant of pieces of knowledge," he frowned, "but it is information."

Jane Murphy: "I'll take what I can get, I'd rather not be caught unawares." She nodded and leaned back in her seat as she waited for mugs of fresh coffee, "So, anything less horrifying going on? I am pleased about my ability to talk to all my patients now."

Tommy Shanks: He reached over and touched Jane's hand, and downloaded information into her computer in her brain.

"As for less horrifying? I have a girlfriend that drinks my blood. I'm looking at other potential partners long term... I've been all over the fucking internet as Tommy, for the ruins... ummm..."

He scratched his jawline, "Oh! I met a Psychologist to the supernatural today. Interesting chat, and could be useful."

Jane Murphy: "Huh, sometimes I think I might need something like that. I sure as hell can't talk to the VA Psychologist about all this.." Her eyes gaze off a bit as she starts to review the new data..

Tommy Shanks: "I'll send those details too..." and does, since the connection is up.

Jane Murphy: "...well, I'm glad for the notes on this, because I don't think I could ever make heads or tails of these visions." She blinks hard a couple times and looks to newly arrived coffee, enthusiastically taking a sip. "Computer in my brain, still not that smart.."

Tommy Shanks: "And those are just the dreams coming through. I need to sit down and hit the books hard about the symbols too."

Jeremiah Hamilton: As the pair talked Jeremiah slipped in through the portal, dressed casually in dark jeans, a black t-shirt from a music house in Los Angeles and chunky black glasses to round out the ensemble. Spotting Bones and Jane already there he smiled warmly, giving the pair a quick salute. "Hello you two. Things going well, I hope?"

Jane Murphy: "My dreams, when I remember them, mostly are variations on the same theme of my old work or being pushed back into it.." She looks to Jere's arrival and smiled. "Hello hello. Uhh.. well, I'm doing alright, relative to what all is going on."

Tommy Shanks: "Hey Jay, nice seeing you, please join us! I got to meet Polly the other night," he scootched over for space.

"Thank you for helping Klaire out yesterday. Out of curiosity, are you a disciple of Prime? I ask because I realized that I could see your nimbus upon her."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Understandable, considering." He nodded to Jane. "If there's anything I can do to give you a hand do let me know."

"Did you now..." He replied with a smile to Bones, sliding in to claim a seat. "Fantastic, isn't she?"

He paused a moment at the question before mentally facepalming, shaking his head with a smirk. "Adept, actually. Completely blanked on that, though; was more focused on getting her healed up, I suppose."

Jane Murphy: "So, you got her healed?" She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Guess I don't have worry about that, then."

Tommy Shanks: "I just... I think I'm more paranoid... hence cloaking my nimbus and veiling my supernal connections, you know? You should see the spell weight on me right now... can barely breathe, truth be told..."

"But back to better topics. Yes, Polly was pretty phenomenal. I can see why you care for her so. I can't wait to hang with her more."

The anxious fast-talking Tommy was coming to the surface once more, with all the recent topics.

"Oh, Jane, I also had Phyx go find Fox at the Lodge. So they should be all connected and healed up now."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Took some convincing, but yeah. She was intent on using the pain as a reminder to not make the same mistakes again but we talked on it and I got my point across well enough."

"It's not a bad idea, admittedly. I usually Veil my daily kit when I have things active but didn't think of it in that case. I'm honestly impressed she was mobile considering how badly she was hurt; last time I was that banged up I was in the hospital for a couple weeks."

"She's great, yeah." He smiled warmly, his fondness for his other half coming through loud and clear. "One of the best things that's happened to me, honestly."

Jane Murphy: Jane nods to Tommy, "That's good. Maybe we'll get a chance to push forward work on the serum, too. I'll be glad to have that problem off my plate for good." She looks to Jay and raises her mug of coffee, "Sorry I'm catching this here and not the Green Room, my customer loyalty is horrible."

Tommy Shanks: He sips at his coffee and flips the newspaper over, his gaze flickering back and forth between the two speakers.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "No worries, I'm here pretty often myself." Jay replied with a chuckle, taking a moment to order some coffee and a set of Pigs in Blanket waffles from a passing server before turning back to Jane. "Maddy sources most of the tea that we use at the cafe as well, so supporting her helps me too."

Jane Murphy: "Good to hear, good to hear.." She nods. "Was great seeing Jack there on New Years, being remembered and recognized was nice." She happily greets the arrival of her patty melt. "It's good to not be forgotten."

Tommy Shanks: "I got to meet Jack the other night. He came in with Teagan. It was good times until something pulled them away."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah, Jack's good people. And that is nice, isn't it." He said with a small smile. "Running into folks like that and having a chance to catch up is always a good feeling."

Jane Murphy: "Jack knew me back before..." She gestured at herself from head to toe, "...the upgrades. A good reminder that I really existed as a relatively normal person at one point since I've cut ties with most everyone else who knew me then." She takes a little bite of the sandwich.

Tommy Shanks: "One of my friends from before... she's back in town... and it sounds like she could arrive here now."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mmhmm. We all need that, I think. It's way too easy to get lost in what we can do and forget where we came from." He briefly thanked the server for bringing his coffee by, doctoring it with a notable amount of sugar as he looked Bones' way. "Oh?"

Jane Murphy: Jane joins Jay in looking to Bones with interest in this friend!

Tommy Shanks: "Yeah. She's been... do either of you know the term, ghoul, as it relates to the Kindred?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Renfield kind of thing, yeah?"

Jane Murphy: "I barely know anything about the Kindred," She shakes her head and takes another bite.

Tommy Shanks: "...Mortal servants or the like, yeah. I don't know if I like that term, per se," a wince, "but yeah. Kinda. Guy had to give her some blood to save her life. Now she works for him or something."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not too well versed on them either, I'll admit." Jay nodded, looking Bones over. "Ah...how do you feel about that?"

Tommy Shanks: "Yay, saved their life. Boo... everything else? Especially knowing that their blood can be both addictive and alter your mind?"

Jane Murphy: "Yeaaaahh, I don't think I'd ever be up for that. I don't mind being on friendly terms, but I like to keep my mind as my own."

Tommy Shanks: "Definitely understand that mindset."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed." He nodded quietly, taking a sip of his coffee as the gears turned. "Glad she's still on this side of the tombstone, at least."

Tommy Shanks: "Honestly... I've felt it, that addiction? IT's hard. I was able to clear it... but the bond? Mmm... I don't know if I fell for it or not."

Jane Murphy: "Is blood exchange a common thing around here?" She looks between them, with a minor look of confusion and concern, "Because I gotta tell you, mine is probably not healthy."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not that I'm aware of. I prefer to keep mine in me, personally."

Tommy Shanks: "It was... a heated... exchange. They didn't have time to warn me off?" a blush rose to his face, "I wouldn't say common, but I do know of a few members of the Kindred who have non-kindred partners? Sooo?"

Jane Murphy: "Ah, if it's just a partner thing, good. No worries for me." She chuckle-snorts and finishes off her sandwich. "So, aside from Kindred business, what's up with your friend? What's she like? What's she do?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jay smirked at the combination of the description and the blush, nodding to the server as they brought by his order and remaining quiet as he tucked in, listening curiously for Bones' response.

Tommy Shanks: "Her name is Ria. She qualified, or nearly so, for the Olympics a few years back. Then she wrecked her knee.. I babysat her when she was younger and I was a teen.... now she's ... finding a new path."

Jane Murphy: Jane brightened up a bit, "Olympics? Really? What event?" Bones has her full attention.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That's impressive." Jay nodded in agreement. "Too bad about her knee, though; that's always rough."

Tommy Shanks: "Gymnastics. Absolutely fabulous; I brought her to so many practices..." a smile on his face, "She's one of the best... though I ... yet again... stepped in a situation with my mouth again. Jokes that I shouldn't make."

Jane Murphy: "That's cool. Was hoping for something in track and field, but gymnastics is impressive. I just would be more likely to know someone who was a runner." She chuckled and nodded, then reached to take a sip of her coffee. "Is the knee still a problem for her?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Touching a nerve unexpectedly is always hard. Were you able to patch things up alright, or is that a work in progress?"

Atalo Ceres: The door sounds quietly as Atalo makes his way into the waffle house, Cerberus padding along at his side as usual. As is typical for him he drops his concealments on entry, revealing a shield and axe strapped to his back that he leaves by the entrance before making his way further in to offer a nod. "Good evening." He offered quietly. Cerberus moved forward to sniff at Bones and his familiar scent before both hound and vampire considered the other two. "I am not interrupting?"

Tommy Shanks: "I think the blood helped?" he murmured, "She didn't seem to be in trouble that day."

To Jay, "I think things are fine, as well as I can read things, which isn't always the best. But I can try. She and I are still messaging and the like."

To Atalo, "Oh, Atalo, please join us! This is Jane, and Jay."

Jane Murphy: Jane looked up to Atalo. With Bones' introduction, she smiled and nodded, "Nice to meet you." She was dressed in a hoodie with a pair of baggy jeans, her hair left down. "Hope your evening's treating you well?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked towards the door as Atalo entered, an eyebrow quirking upward at the suddenly-visible armaments before he offered a polite nod. "Evening, and nah, you're fine. Good to meet you."

Atalo Ceres: As Atalo was greeted Cerberus eyed Bones, nudging at his hand a little insistently. The vampire shook his head at the ghoul before turning attention to the small gathering. "I'm content with it." A polite smile to Jane. "Thank you for asking. How is yours? And good to meet you all too."

Tommy Shanks: "And this is Cerberus, by the way..." a dog treat came out of his pocket for the hound, "He's a good boy..."

Jane Murphy: Jane scooted over to make room for Atalo, "It's going well enough, I think." She finishes off that first mug of coffee and moves on to the next. "Not sure what I'll be doing after this, but that does make some of the most interesting nights."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Hey there." He smiled down to Cerberus, then looked back to Atalo. "No complaints on my end, and no major plans for the rest of the evening."

Atalo Ceres: "Best." Cerberus answered Bones in canine speech after gulping down the delicious treat. "Greedy." Atalo corrected with a twitch of amusement before accepting Jane's offer and carefully sitting. "I've no plans for myself either. The shop is closed and the night's otherwise quiet. Here tends to be a good place to spend it."

Tommy Shanks: "I've got another doggy friend, and he's a good boy too, Cerberus. I can't pick between two cute furry friends."

They bounced their shoulders about, as if they were dancing in their seat.

Jane Murphy: Jane looks over to check out Cerberus but mostly leaves him be for now, focusing on Atalo. "Shop? What kind of shop, if you don't mind me asking?"

Atalo Ceres: Cerberus appeared to pout a little, but remained mostly mollified by the snacks, settling down next to Bones to quietly bask in people's company. Atalo smiled at Jane, appearing a little more animated at the question. "A second hand thrift store. Much of what passes through is worn and old, a little like me, but there are rare treasures now and again. I do enjoy the chance of an interesting find."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh... I should come visit one of these nights. See if there's anything hidden among the finds."

Jane Murphy: "Same." She agrees with Bones, "Especially if uniforms come through. So many uses for one of those.." She chuckled.

Atalo Ceres: "Uniforms?" He asked curiously. "It's possible I would get one. And you both would be most welcome. I would likely need to ask for help if I did come across something that wasn't of mundane nature."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh... I wasn't even thinking that way. Just thinking in terms of history, archaeology, that sort of thing... hrm."

Jane Murphy: "I sometimes stumble upon them at other thrift shops. Security uniforms, embroidered lab coats, army uniforms, Best Buy polos.. sometimes even a real police uniform." She smiles, "You never know when you might need to fit in somewhere and Chanel just won't do."

Atalo Ceres: "Ah." A quick nod to Bones. "I will bear that in mind, certainly, and contact you if I come across anything." He nodded again at Jane. "And the same for you with that. Do you find a need to infiltrate often? I have been perhaps too quiet in my own efforts recently, and might be of some small use there. Depending on what you have in mind."

Tommy Shanks: A smile on his face as he watched two of his friends get to know each other better. For once? He stayed quiet.

Jane Murphy: "Less need now, but I like to plan ahead and have plenty of options in case a need arises." She smiled to Bones and looked back to Atalo, "I can be a bit 'Murphy's Law'."

Atalo Ceres: A glance between them. "I've not come across that phrase before. But will offer you a potential option regardless. I can go utterly unseen if I choose. You deal with.. hm. It is to do with the work you choose?"

Tommy Shanks: "I can do that a few ways, but I prefer not to need it."

Jane Murphy: "Oh, it's a thing that I used to hear a lot in the military: 'Everything that can go wrong will go wrong'. But no, the work I do, I'm a Paramedic who just used to do a lot of infiltrating, typically for the purpose of rescue." She nods, then looks to Bones.

"Same. Best to be hidden in plain sight, I think. Being invisible can be helpful getting into place, though."

Atalo Ceres: "I was always taught to have plans for when your plans fail. It is not always possible, but I found value in the advice."

Tommy Shanks: "THink three moves ahead, yes."

Jane Murphy: She nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I used to be given everything I needed, now I have to stockpile my own stuff. Kind of embarrassing, but I had to borrow my work kit to go help Phyx, Psyche, and Rook the other night." She says this last bit to Bones.

Atalo Ceres: Atalo considered Jane quietly. "The forces you served with must have been good ones then. Some are organized, structured, their forces provided with what is needed. Many are.. not that way." A dip of his head. "I won't have fought in any of your wars, but I understand being a soldier."

Tommy Shanks: "ANd i'm just a scholar."

Jane Murphy: "Good? No. Well-supplied, yes." She looked to Bones, "You probably know more than most the pain of not getting the resources you deserve." And she took a sip of coffee.

Atalo Ceres: "I do not believe anyone is 'just' a scholar." Atalo smiled. "And in addition to that, I had a glimpse of how you view the world."

Tommy Shanks: "Mmm. I have fancy tricks. The real soldiers of the mundane and paranormal are the true heroes. I just learn things and share what I can, and trade what I can't."

Jane Murphy: "It's still important and pretty cool. Honestly, I'm glad you do it because it's good that knowledge gets out there and it's sure not coming from me. Maybe I could write academic stuff about medical topics, but I'd probably have to go to medical school for it to count."

Atalo Ceres: "Mm. You underestimate the value of what you do." Atalo added. "Striving for understanding is a fight in its own right. You challenge yourself to struggle with concepts, ideas, problems and learn from them, discerning what is true and what is false.

In short, what you fight for is truth and understanding. And importantly, you don't hoard it, but attempt to share it."

Tommy Shanks: THey blush at all of the compliments but whisper a "Thank You," in reply.

They busy themselves fixing a new mug. Obviously, compliments were not their forte.

Jane Murphy: "Well, you'll be able to thank me by delivering on helping me with getting into college and on the way to med school of some sort." She playfully sticks out her tongue.

Atalo Ceres: "Areas I am not versed in." Atalo chuckled lightly. "Thank me by, hm. Well, visit my shop and see if any of my finds are of particular note when you can?"

Tommy Shanks: "Is Jane the name that you work with, your government name as it were?" he asked the first, and to the second, "And perhaps, you should provide your address?"

Jane Murphy: She seemed a bit surprised at the question, "Ah, yeah. Jane Murphy, on all the papers." She nodded in confirmation.

Tommy Shanks: "I'll start working on it."

Atalo Ceres: "Ah.. yes." Atalo didn't flush, but did look slightly embarrassed, quietly writing down an address and offering it to Bones. "Regardless, thank you both." He smiled again. "I need to be going, but it was good to meet you again Bones, and you for the first time Jane. Hopefully we can talk again soon."

Tommy Shanks: "Next time, in your shop," he promised.

Jane Murphy: "Pleasure was mine," She waves to Atalo, "Take care." Back to Bones, "Start working on it? You don't need me to do the old college application or anything?"

Tommy Shanks: "You should do a college application. However, I can lay the groundwork. Grease some wheels, that sort of thing. What good is global recognition in my field if I don't use it?"

Jane Murphy: "Alright, had to make sure. It is good to have such famous friends." She chuckles, "So, what's this business about Greek ruins?"

Tommy Shanks: "Last Summer, the Mysterium in Greece found a hidden temple. They thought it was Atlantean and brought me in. However, it wasn't strictly magical. It was more of an ancient wizard's sanctum that had veils starting to fail. So we cleaned up what was actually magical, and instead excavated the rest for local museums."

Jane Murphy: "Ah, nice work!" She gave a thumbs up, "So, not actually Atlantean, but still cool and with historically relevant stuff?"

Tommy Shanks: "Yeah. Artifacts from the height of Athens and Sparta and their war and the like."

Jane Murphy: "Ancient Greece always seemed pretty cool and interesting. Though I might've had my mind biased by dreams of Olympic glory and anything associated with the Games." She gathers her used plates and mugs and cleans her bit of the table up. "But the myths and stuff, kind of reflects how people back then weren't THAT different from people today."

Tommy Shanks: "especially since that's the time that the so called modern orders began."

Jane Murphy: "I want to hear more about that, but I'm worried I might talk your throat raw.."

Tommy Shanks: He laughed and smiled, "What if I give you a copy of the presentation that I gave Psyche last night?"

Jane Murphy: "That can work. I can watch it while I'm going places." She chuckled back. "You'll get everyone taught, soon enough."

Tommy Shanks: He touched her hand again, and uploaded a digital reconstruction of one of his memories.

Jane Murphy: "...still getting used to that. Not too many people can be so direct with my computer." She said as she pulls out some money to cover her food and coffee.

Tommy Shanks: "WEll, I know it's there, it's a part of you. I use some mind magic to perfectly recall something, and then I use some patterning of FOrces to make it into electronic signals. Could do some with just mind, but this assures... complexity, and then its in your drive."

He pays off his tab as well before standing, "I should get going."

Jane Murphy: "Be glad for the Detail's customization letting me encrypt my drive better. That and.. you know, the languages thing." She gets up, too and heads out, "I'll be seeing you."