Logs:Training and Feeding with Benefits: Difference between revisions

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"You good?"
"You good?"

Then looks to Vincent with just a hint of longing.
Then looks to Vincent with just a hint of longing.

She bobbed her head, "Yes, My ancient... just... no wonder his kisses are so good. Y'all are getting addicted to it as it happens. I should check Ylva, Avery, Maria..." starts thinking of all the folx that they knew were sometimes fed on by Vincent.  
She bobbed her head, "Yes, My ancient... just... no wonder his kisses are so good. Y'all are getting addicted to it as it happens. I should check Ylva, Avery, Maria..." starts thinking of all the folx that they knew were sometimes fed on by Vincent.  

Latest revision as of 01:55, 5 February 2023

Content Warning

Violence, Feeding, Sexualized Feeding,Sex,


Tommy Shanks,Titania,Vincent Drake


Philly Woods


Titania had offered to train the new kid and now she was here. Wearing one of her tighter outfits, its her working outfit for what its worth. Hair tied back and hands gloved. She is sitting at the edge of the clearing cross legged on the floor with Mei in her lap and Columba circling above.

Bones materialized into sight sitting on the rock wall. They kept a good look on the two competitors. A thrall watching their domitor who is a thrall fight their domitor.

A mischievous smile was on their face.

Vincent arrived in jeans and Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt, giving Titania a bow, "Thanks for this, I need to learn how to throw a punch and Visigny has been a great teacher, but not everyone fights as he does." he smiles brightly, "So, I'm in your capable hands sensei." he says and waves to Bones

She tilts her head at the bow and again at the use of sensei. But stands Mei curling around her shoulders and looks at Vincent.

"Hit me. Or try to. We can go from there."

Then she quickly turns to Bones.

"Hey cutie."

"Sorry to drop the magic earlier, " she said softly, "But y'all are cute, all bowing and tilting head, and using a fight to substitute for sex."

She pulled out her stone wand and their golden coin. Flipping their coin a few times, they hummed to herself and waited to see what happens next.

Titania tilts her head side stepping it and slapping him gently on the back of the head. Talking to Bones.

"He fed the other night. It was nice."

"Is he bonded to you now?" and then boxing gloves made of liquid gold formed on Vincent's hands.

It was obviously magical, but they seemed to be perfectly weighted for the Kindred. If they just used a little of their own blood, they'd be able to have a chance with them.

"Nope," he answers Bones question as he tries to regain footing, "I'm sorry she's bonded to me, I am, hell I thought she fell for me for a second," he smirks and tries to hit her again, "I promise not to abuse it, use it against her or tell anyone."

"No. It was stupid though."

She looks at Bones with a shake of her head and then a nod of thanks.

Catching Vincents blow in one hand and throwing a light punch of her own.

She felt pity for the Daeva. And in addition to their other magic for the gloves, decided to reduce the speed of Titania... it'd make it more fun... She looked at the Kindred and suddenly they felt much much slower.

Vincent was knocked back a bit, some blood escaping his nose, "Fuck, love a woman who can make me bleed," he gives a wry chuckle before trying another punch, trying to hit her abdomen

Titania takes the blow though doesnt seem to be affected by it.

"Good. Now if only you had a Mages help all the time."

She chuckles to Bones. "So, you need some work. Im not going too hard. I know targets more defensive than me. Right Bones? Sorry not used to playing on his scale."

"Hey, I could have done a different combination of spells ti make it more lethal... but I didn't want to really hurt you... though I would be curious of blasting sometime, just to see, not full blast, but more conceptual..." The gloves and other spells disappeared for now.

"I'm a lover, not a fighter. . .but I want to protect the people I love, so I need to be a fighter." he sighs, "Hey Bones, I know it's weird to ask, but mind If I have a drink?"

"I don't mind. Feeding you feeds Titania."

"That's the way to look at it," he laughs walking over, "Arm or neck, your choice?"

"Are you going to feed on me like you fed on Titania?" she teased and slid to the grass to stand.

A brow piqued, and they held up one of their books from their bag. Magical potentia from another location flowed to them.

"There we go."

Titania chuckles watching them.

"You dont have to be a fighter. Its what Kindred like me are for after all."

"Would you like me to feed from you like I fed on her?" he asks with a grin and raised eyebrow

"If I get to hit you with magic, not fire, with intent to harm. I can give you enough blood over time to heal whatever I do, but I do want to see."

"I feel like im far more likely to be able to take that hit."

"I want to be able to try and hit something."

"Agreed, I'm a soft boy" he says walking over to Bones, "So, neck?" he asks, looking into her eyes, "or arm?"

Drawback: This gift is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it keeps blood dolls coming back. On the other, they won’t stay away.

They held up their hand, and lightning pulsed in it, he threw it at Vincent. But it hit the ground next to him instead.

his eyes widen, "Ok. . ." is all he has to say at the lightning shot, not sure how to respond to that

"You said Agreed to the lightning, so I wanted to try and hit that way. It's the basic attack spell. Though we can do it through other senses at times... and you can do my neck, like you do from Titania."

"Warn a guy next time," he sighs, moving over and standing in front of her, "Like I do with Titania, ok." he smiles, leaning in, she feels a few soft kisses before he bites, slowly and deliberate, a moan escaping him

She moans into the kiss and her hands traced around his hips. This felt... it was another level from the Kiss than any she'd felt. It was HEAVENLY.

he moans, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer, her blood is delicious, part of him's regretting the cancelled date

She continued to moan and let the blood drain until he parted. Then over a few seconds, he made a zig-zag motion and focused in on the Bones of Magic. Using them, she magically filled her body with blood, fixing the damage done.

"Wow, way to make me regret the canceled date." he chuckled, "And thanks for the blood." he smiles, then looks at his hand on her hips, letting go, "Um. . .sorry about that."

"Mine were there as well... and I don't regret either feeding you or the status of the date. However..." she shivered, "That fucking kiss ... it's always good but yours this time was... wow." ANd then a thought and a realization and a sigh.

"Yeah, it's a Daeva thing." he shrugs, "Is something wrong?"

"It's addicting. I can feel it," and they began to speak in High Speech, mixed with Ancient Egyptian. As they did that, they pulled out a mirror that seemed to perfectly reflect her form, in a perfect steel case. The Obrimos bit off one of their finger nails and held it in their teeth while focusing on the spell image, and the Bones of Magic... and then.... they were cured.

"I'm guessing ya just did the magic?"

"Oh. . .oh," he widens his eyes, "You mean. ..fuck I never realized my Kiss was that good," he thinks, "Maybe it's my clan, Serpents and Succubi are what they call us. . .sorry." he says

"Yeah. Like when I drank the blood. The Addiction. Not just the pleasure."

"Fuck," he mutters, "Sorry," he thinks, "Luckily I've found some folks who I can call for feeding," he shrugs, "That at least makes it easy, thanks for the info, I don't want to accidentally get anyone hooked on me, sorry about the bond with Titania, I won't use it against her, I swear."

Titania comes back to reality patting Bones on the cheek.

"You good?"

Then looks to Vincent with just a hint of longing.

She bobbed her head, "Yes, My ancient... just... no wonder his kisses are so good. Y'all are getting addicted to it as it happens. I should check Ylva, Avery, Maria..." starts thinking of all the folx that they knew were sometimes fed on by Vincent.

"My ancient, may I test myself against your resilience?"

"I guess my fangs are like drugs," he shrugs, noticing Titania's look, he sighs with a tinge of guilt at how the Bond affects her

She nods her head to Bones.

"Test away."

"Give him a kiss, go ahead," she teased Titania and Vinny.

Then she took a breath and focused on the Bones of magic. This time, they weren't going to mess around aiming. She had seen how fast Titania reacted.

Lightning didn't so much come from the sky, as just form around Titania.

"Well that's going to make kissing hard." he chuckles, walking over to Titania but stops short of lightning

She tilts her head her body looking a little charred but not being as affected by it as she should be.

"Effective. Against anyone but me that is deadly."

Walking over with gashes on her body she sits next to Bones. Leaning her head on his shoulder.

"...We could totally make a feeding chain. Titania on Vincent, Vincent on me... that would feed you, my love, basically with my blood, with Vincent as a middleman..."

"Fuck, that's hot." he mutters

"ANd I could have used fire, or holy fire... but I decided not to..." she muttered.

Her grip tightens on Bones.

"No threats dear. Please."

Then she turns to Vinny.

"That does sound fun and the Bond can't progress tonight."

"Not a threat... just saying, against other kindred..." though she did put her hand to Titania's throat, "... I could just take them."

Then she turns her eyes to face Vincent, eyes shining with lust and power.

"That's good," he nods smiling, sitting on Bones lap, facing their neck, "So, why can't it progess?" he asks curious, "Maybe we can sit feeding to when it can't progress?"

"I researched a new ritual and performed it before coming out tonight. After. Last time."

The she sinks her fangs into Vinny and it all devolves into a hot bloody feeding mess.

Vincent moans and bites down on Bones, hands holding her hips with a tight grip

While Titania bit into Vincent, she put her own neck in Vincent's direction once again, to chain her blood through him into her.

Titania by the end pulls back with eyes red and fangs extended. There is no trace of Humanity in her grace and power. Tonight she is the beast. She is the monster they made her.

Her voice is hard as she speaks.

"I haven't felt this power in centuries. This is the power that I need to take down cities."

Her fangs sinking back into Vinny to take more as her body becomes fluid. Extra arms and tails.

Was Vinny one of those 'monster girl' fans, yes, why yes he was and with the 'feeding threeway' that was going on, Vincent now knew the meaning of decadence and loved it, he didn't even realize he started grinding against Bones, but between feeding and feed on, his moans where constant

It became something that is not well described for public consumption, but Bones passion would eventually take Vincent if he wanted her. The Kiss, for that long, that much, it was the worst or best E that one could ever have...

Titania let them play eventually pulling back and stalking off into the woods. Woe is to anything that crosses her path this night.

Vincent pulls back and looks at Bones, "Say anything right now, cause I want to fuck you badly," he admits, "So if you don't want that just tell me and I'll be on my way." he says, not wanting to fuck up the friendship they've built

"Fucking be the Incubus you are," she nearly screeched, so worked up by the addictive, swooning kisses and doign this with Titania as well.

he grins like the devil, red eyed and fangs exposed, ripping off layers