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'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn lifts the teapot with both hands, focused on the task at hand. He gestures to the sugar cubes. "Do you take sugar? Tea is better sweetened if you pour it over the sugar cube, held over the teacup by a spoon," Quinn explains solemnly. "And to take care that the stream does not splash by pouring close."

'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I'll try it without first, I think.  Good to see what the baseline is before adding anything."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn nods in approval, pouring a cup of tea for Jeremiah first; he follows suit with a second cup for himself, likewise taking it without sugar. He does add just a spot of cream. "I make milk tea in the morning, before I go to work," Quinn explains. "I make it with brown sugar, though. It is very delicious that way. White sugar just lacks..." Quinn pauses, thinking, and then sets down the teapot. "A soul, I suppose."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I get you, yeah.  I've got a hell of a sweet tooth so I'll use whatever's available usually, but if I have a choice I go for raw or brown sugar if they have it."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Agreed." Quinn wraps his long fingers around his teacup, studying Jeremiah briefly over the rim. "As I was saying - I wanted to go to Stanford. I had been accepted, but I was young and my parents were not certain it was wise."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' He claimed his own cup and took a test sip, nodding with approval before speaking.  "Being that far away and all, I'm guessing?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Yes," he affirms. "Which I was baffled by, to be honest. I was in a boarding school most of the time otherwise. I was confused because they were not sentimental." He pauses, cocking his head just so. "Are not. They are not sentimental."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' Jeremiah looked ready to say something but the tense change made him pause, giving Quinn a quiet look.  "Take it you haven't talked with them in a while, then?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' He purses his mouth, rotating his teacup. "No. They have been missing for eighteen months."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Ah...sorry to hear that."  He did seem properly sympathetic without showing pity, for what that was worth.  "Had any luck trying to track them down on our side of things?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Not yet, but.." He leans forward, dropping his voice. "I do suspect they may have been part of our specific demographic."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I see."  He nodded slowly, replying quietly in kind.  "I don't have as much skill on that front as some others in the area, but I'm more than willing to help where I can."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn settles his gaze somewhere near Jeremiah's right ear, but he does give the mastigos a dimpled smile of gratitude. "Oh, you are willing to play detective with me. I find that very admirable in someone." He takes a sip of tea, adding, "When I was a boy, I wanted to be Sherlock Holmes."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I don't like sitting idly by if there's something I can do."  He shrugged, looking Quinn over with a small smile as he continued.  "I can see that."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "So obviously, you are Watson," Quinn explains, his tone confident; a smile teases the edge of his lips. "Granted, you are not a doctor of medicine. We will adjust the conditions to say you are a doctor of...music," he decides, nodding once.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' Jeremiah chuckled at that, giving a little nod.  "I'll take that."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Do you use your business degree? The required degree as stipulated by your father. If you do, how? If you don't, what sort of business would you run?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I do, admittedly.  I run a cafe in Spring Garden that hosts works from local artists and a space for local performers to get their voices out there.  I also do private lessons for musicians that have the proper talent, helping them to reach their full potential."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' He brightens, cocking his head. "What is the name of the cafe? What sort of food do you serve? Why did you pick that type of food? Is there anything you would change about your work, if you could?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "The Green Room, and we lean towards soups and sandwiches and the like along with teas and coffee.  Could've gone the full bar route and thought about it for a while, but decided to make it somewhere for folks who don't drink to feel equally comfortable."
The last question made him actually think a moment, smiling a touch once the answer came to mind.  "I'm pretty happy with where I'm at right now, honestly.  When I went out to California I wanted to break into the music industry and make it big that way, but the work I do now is more fulfilling than that would have been, I'm pretty sure.  Helping others get their time in the spotlight rather than hogging it all for myself, as it were."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "I know that place!" Quinn seems delighted with himself for knowing the place. He nods in vigorous agreement to Jeremiah's thoughtful response, still smiling; those dimples are working it. "That's remarkable," he admits, in a gushing sort of way. "I can't imagine being in the spotlight. Or...I mean, being comfortable in the spotlight." He shakes his head. "No way."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "To each their own.  I enjoy it myself, but it's not for everyone."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Did you always know it was something you would enjoy, or did you come to the realization? If so, when?" He lifts his teacup for a sip, assessing Jeremiah over the rim. His questions, which may come across like a government interrogation, are delivered with warm enthusiasm and an earnest curiosity on all things Jeremiah.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' He didn't seem to mind the questions, truth be told, a relaxed air about the Warlock as he spoke.  "Pretty early on, when I was a kid and started really getting into it.  My parents were smart enough to not try and chase the 'child stardom' thing, which I appreciate now but wasn't the biggest fan of at the time.  God only knows how I might've ended up if they had."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "A pop-star prince," Quinn teases, his smile faint. Gaze drops to the teacup, which he fidgets with. "It is amazing what parents will do to their children. Or won't do, as the case may be. I am glad you did not experience that; it is unhealthy. What was the first song you ever played?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Maybe." He smirked, shaking his head. "Tried for that in my 20s, which didn't pan out either, and then...well, things happened and I had my eyes opened to how much larger the world could be."
"That is a good question...probably some standard starter piece on piano, since that's what I started with."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' He bobs his head, lips pressed together in a shy smile. "And now, you have the whole world as a stage, right? In a way. Well...that's boring. Allow me to revise. What is the first song you played and loved?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Exactly, although I know my part is to serve as director and stagehand as much as actor, making sure everyone gets their day in the sun."
"Fly Me To The Moon. Was the first piece I played by ear without too much trouble, and it sparked my love for that genre of music in general."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn tilts his head, gaze rolling upward; it's his analyzing face, expression for when he's trying to cough up some data. "I know that song," he notes with delight. "It is by Frank Sinatra, correct?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "His is the most famous version of it, yeah.  It was originaly done by a woman by the name of Kaye Ballard in the 50s."  He nodded with a small smile, taking a sip of his tea before he continued.  "Both versions are pretty solid, though."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Which one do you like better? Kaye Ballard, or Frank Sinatra? Is that the genre of music you compose in, too?" Quinn leans forward to peer at their treats, selecting one to nibble at. "Oh, these are very good."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Ballard, although it's close."  He eyed the tray in front of them for a moment, claiming one for himself before answering the question that followed.  "I do a little bit of everything, honestly.  I tend to follow wherever the melody strikes, see what I can pull in from other places and make something enjoyable out of it."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "I like that. It is very artistic; a timeless sort of quality." He finishes the last of his little egg salad sandwich, folding his hands on the tabletop. His attention rests on his hands. "I am surprised you agreed to come out."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "It's too easy to get yourself locked into one type of music, I've come to notice, and if you're not careful you may miss something that's just as impressive even if it's not 'proper' music, according to one viewpoint or another."  He smirked, polishing off the morsel of choice before sitting back and giving Quinn a curious look.  "Why wouldn't I have?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "I have no experience in asking another person out on a date," Quinn explains, matter-of-fact; he sounds strangely confident. "Now that you attended, it means I have a one-hundred percent success rate in dating." Quinn grins at that, looking particularly pleased with himself.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Ah...I see.  Congratulations, then."  He smiled warmly, looking the young Guardian over.  "What made me catch your eye, out of curiosity?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "You are very handsome and I engaged in brief positive visualizations about kissing you," Quinn replies earnestly; his hands must be fascinating. "And you were a very talented singer that I wanted to listen to more. I like to look at you very much. And you seem kind to your friends. You treat people well, from what I have observed."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' He nodded, the smile still present.  "I try to, at the very least.  I spent a long enough time as a selfish prick to see the wreckage that acting like that left in my wake, so I avoid it as much as I can these days."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn wrinkles his nose in a frown, shaking his head. "I find that incredibly hard to believe, Jeremiah."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "You didn't know me ten years ago."  A wry smirk graced his features as he took a sip of his tea, setting the cup down when he was done.  "I got a good, long look at myself when my eyes were opened and I didn't like what I saw, so I changed it."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "How old are you now, out of curiosity?" Quinn mirrors his actions, lifting his cup to take a sip.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "33.  You?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' A sheepish grin erupts on Quinn's features; a hand covers his mouth briefly. "Ah, I am...I'm twenty-two," he admits.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' Jeremiah chuckled, amused at that rather sheepish smile.  "That's about what I figured."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "I grew up quickly," he adds, fidgeting with his teacup. "I feel older a lot of the time. But sadly, no. My pre-frontal cortex is just as malleable and impulsive as any twenty-two-year-old." Quinn punctuates this declaration with a wistful little sigh.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Know how that goes.  God knows I have enough 'back in my day' stories at this point."  He smirked a touch, giving a small nod.  "You're handling yourself pretty well so far, for what that's worth."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Am I?" He brightens, clearly pleased. "On Reddit they told me that no, it is not appropriate to ask your date for a mid-point evaluation on your performance. Thank you for providing it regardless." His mouth twists with amusement; his gaze lifts to Jeremiah's, lands, and then flits away. "You are doing exactly as I expected. It is always such a relief to find people that are easy to talk to. Like you, or Nevermore, or my new family."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' Jeremiah's eyebrow quirked up, the mental image of what sort of dating advice Reddit might offer obviously an amusing one.  "Quite welcome, and happy to help."
"You've gotten along well with Nevermore, then?"  Cue a long sip of tea and dark eyes watching the young Guardian over the rim.
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn ducks his head, wobbling one hand. "I've talked to her just the once, but she is easy to talk to," he repeats, nodding. "I like her name as well. Do you get along with Nevermore?" Quinn risks a glance his way.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "So far so good.  I've had a few good conversations with them lately, and hope that continues to be the case going forward."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn considers that, then nods once. "You have similarities that would lead me to believe you would be very compatible," he decides, tone thoughtful. "Perhaps you should bring her to tea."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Don't see anything developing on that front at the moment, admittedly, but they are definitely someone I wish to forge a good friendship with."  He nodded, smiling a touch.  "Perhaps."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "I am glad to hear that," Quinn declares, casually admiring the teapot; he turns it so that the handle is perfectly angled to the edge of the table. "I was not excited to consider that you may wish to have an intimate relationship, but also felt that it would be of benefit for you, for Nevermore, but not, necessarily, for me. But I am careful to be progressive and welcoming to all forms of affection." He lifts his cup to sip his tea. "I admit, it was a ruse to discern your interest while remaining a friendly and caring individual in association to you both. Did it work?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I did have a feeling that you were testing the waters, so to speak, but otherwise yes."  He took a final sip of his tea to polish off the cup, setting it down on the saucer when it was empty.  "Being welcoming on that front is a good thing, though.  Have to applaud you for that."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Thank you," he replies politely. "I am mystified by the intricacies of relationships. Nonetheless, here I am, crushing it." He gives Jeremiah a grin that suggests he's not quite that conceited.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "You'd be amazed how far confidence can take you sometimes."  Jeremiah chuckled.  "As long as you don't get too large of a head about it."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' He laughs a little, waving both hands. "No, no. I just like that phrase. 'Here I am, crushing it.' I bought my friend River a t-shirt with that on it. I like that, finding ways to associate little things to people you are fond of."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Ah...I see, and agreed.  More so when you can share that association with them and make it something that matters between the two of you."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' He smiles despite himself, the expression quick and sincere and so affectionate. "Yes, I agree. You have a - group of close friends too, right? Kayla and Heather?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "And Mary, yes.  Alexis is working with us but isn't part of the group officially yet."  He smiled softly, his fondness for his cadremates clear in that moment.  "I'm very lucky to be working with them."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' His reaction definitely makes Quinn smile; he averts his gaze, lower lip caught against his teeth in a furtive smile. "It is remarkable when a group comes together like that; finding people on common ground. Have you known yours long?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Indeed.  We've been working together for about three years at this point."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Oh, wow," he nods, brows lifting. "Three years. I don't think I've even known anyone for three years." He fidgets, mulling that over. "How do you know they are your people? After so much time; do you..argue? If these are ridiculous questions, forgive me. I just want to ensure I do my best for my own group."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "No worries, they're worth asking."  He smiled a touch, nodding as he sat back in his seat.  "We do argue on occasion, although we also respect each other enough to work through those arguments as smoothly as we can manage.  We clicked with each other pretty quickly, when we realized that our respective philosophies meshed better than one would expect considering how diverse our allegiances are.  It's worked really well, though, and I still look forward to seeing what we do together from here."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn listens intently, a faint crease in his brow. He nods slowly. "Good. That's good. You can overcome the arguments, I wasn't sure if people do that." His features turn faintly sheepish. "I know it sounds ridiculous. I like having my eyes opened now, I see...all the possibility to know other people. I used to think I liked paintings and my work more than I could ever like anyone, but..." He lifts one shoulder, affable. "Then I met River."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Not too, no."  His eyebrow quirked up a touch at the mention of River, a curious look on his face.  "How did you two end up crossing paths and deciding to go this, out of curiosity?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "River and I? How did we decide to form a group, you mean?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Mmhmm."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Oh," he nods, smoothing a hand over his shirt. "Well, I was eating dinner at Maddy's - it was a Wednesday, which is waffles for dinner. Waffle Wednesday, you see. I was eating alone, as I do, and she just...came and sat by me. And started...talking," Quinn reports, his tone bearing a trace of awe. "To me."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Ah...bit of a surprise, I take it?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "It's not something I would say happens on a regular basis," Quinn admits. "But, we talked for quite some time. Eventually I showed her my workbook, and she...understood," he tries, struggling at how to explain. "And it felt like a..a...click," he says, snapping his fingers. "Like...you meet someone that you know you would do anything for." He clasps his hands in his lap, studying them. "I had not experienced such a sensation before."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Lovely thing, isn't it?  I always relish when that happens."  He smiled warmly, giving a nod.  "Glad you were able to find that."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' He nods in agreement, straightening his posture to fold his arms on the table; he gives Jeremiah his full attention, c'''Quinn Tolliver:'''ed smile in place. "I enjoyed it very much. I like finding my people; I intend to do more of it." He stares at Jeremiah placidly, the utter prince of subtle.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I'd say you're well on your way there."  He replied with a small smirk.  "Best of luck."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Thank you," Quinn replies, his tone bright and pleasant. "I will be sure to keep you posted on the results." He can't hold it any longer. Quinn breaks, smothering a snerk of laughter with a hand over his mouth.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' Jeremiah chuckled in kind, looking Quinn over with an amused smile.  "Been enjoying yourself so far, I hope?"
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Oh, very much so," he affirms. "I hope you have as well. You have asked me, so now I can ask you - have you enjoyed yourself? If you answer in the affirmative, then I can brazenly request to meet you again."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I have, yes."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Excellent," he replies brightly, pattering his fingers together in delight. "So you are amenable to a second date?"
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "I am indeed."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Two for two," Quinn announces, clapping once. "Excellent. Oh. I should give you a disclaimer that, from what I understand, many people will wait several days to text the other." Quinn laces his hands. "I can assure you that I have no intention of abiding by this expectation as well."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Quite alright."  He replied with a smile at the young Guardian's enthusiasm.  "I may not be able to reply immediately if I'm at work or handling other business, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' "Oh, that's quite all right; I understand prior obligations. Rest assured, I can be very patient."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "A good quality to have in your line of work, I imagine..."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn sighs; it almost sounds relieved, like he gets it. "It is a good quality, yes! Sometimes I'm working on a very large piece, and I can't just walk away from it. Even if it's some boring, derivative piece that belongs in a motel room." He wrinkles his nose.
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' "Comes in handy on my end, too.  Sometimes you need to be patient with people as they work through the roadblocks in front of them, helping them to reach the next step on the Path."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn cocks his head in a corvid manner. "I suppose you could apply that to your music and your other work; which paths do you clear roadblocks from? The names of the streets, of course," he smiles.(edited)
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' He smiled softly in return.  "It has a few names, but what lies at the end is potential.  Whether it be simply reaching the peak of mundane talent or something grander, everyone deserves to find the end of that path."
'''Quinn Tolliver:''' Quinn bears the sort of expression one wears when their insanely hot crush says something profound. He lifts a hand to prop his chin in his hand, eyes half-lidded. "I don't care where we go next time," he sighs, "As long as I get to hear you talk about that, like that, for a long period of time."
'''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' Jeremiah's features softened at that, overcome with the sheer adorableness of that expression.  "That can certainly be arranged."

Latest revision as of 20:29, 4 June 2020

Content Warning



The Rittenhouse Hotel


Jeremiah Hamilton: The Rittenhouse Hotel was one of the jewels of the Square and the tea room within supposedly one of the best in town, and Jeremiah was quite intrigued to both test this theory and to see how the one-on-one meeting with the young Guardian would go. The Warlock was dressed quite neatly in a mostly-black ensemble with a grey dress shirt offering a splash of 'color' to the mix and hair coiffed just so. He had arrived about fifteen minutes early to ensure that the reservation was still in place, waiting patiently for Quinn's arrival.

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn arrives exactly five minutes early for the appointment; he is dressed in a light blue oxford with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue slacks, suspenders, and a navy bow tie. He has his trust leather satchel over a shoulder as he rounds a corner, his hair tucked neatly behind his ears. He sees Jeremiah has already arrived - and when he does, a beaming, delighted smile lights up his features. He ducks his head, lifting one hand in greeting as he closes the distance. "Hi, hello, I'm terribly excited. I hope I did not keep you waiting."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not at all." Jeremiah replied with a smile, giving Quinn a brief once-over as he approached. "Ever been here before?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn glances up at the signage, slowly shaking his head. "I have not, so it will be a terrific experience. I always enjoy the idea of teatime, having that special hour set aside in the day. I like routines."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "My first time here as well. Should be interesting, then." He nodded before heading to the hostess stand to let them know that their full party was present. A minute or so later they were led into the tea room proper and left a pair of menus to peruse. "They can be helpful Routines, I mean."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn lifts his menu to study it closely, nodding attentively to Jeremiah all the same. "I think so too. Keeps me focused." His gaze roams over the menu. "The Duchess' First Love looks appealing. I am partial to the Grey bergamot teas - generally Earl Grey, but Lady Grey is also delicious." He gives the menu a shy smile. "...I do like tea very much."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "More of a coffee guy in general, but I do like a good rooibos when I'm not wanting caffiene." He scanned the entry for the tea he had mentioned, smirking a touch as he did so. "That sounds like a pretty good mix."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods once, as if that settles it. "Perhaps a pot of the Duchess and one Iron Goddess of Mercy. We can make it a theme - female tea empowerment." He titters a little. "Or we can take the afternoon tea? Looks like it comes with plenty of goodies."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He chuckled in kind, giving a little nod. "I'm up for doing the whole set. Would you rather do the Duchess or the Goddess, in that case?"

Quinn Tolliver: His lips quirk in an affectionate grin, brows lifting. "River would tell me to let fate decide." He leans to one side, withdrawing a silver dollar. "I keep this just for that reason. Heads is the Duchess, Tails the Goddess?

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smirked as the coin was pulled, his thoughts on his fellow thearch kept to himself for the moment. "Go for it."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods once, flipping the coin high; he catches it, slapping against the back of his hand.

"Ah - fate has spoken," Quinn says, lifting both hands in resignation. "We should get the Duchess."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds good to me. Can always try the Goddess next time."

Quinn Tolliver: That, of course, results in a ducking of his head, a thrilled sort of humming noise exuding from Quinn. "Yes, next time," he agrees. "That is delightful to hear, next time." He sets his menu down, laces his hands on the tabletop, and devotes his full attention to Jeremiah. "I have to apologize in advance. I am not very good at small talk, but I am desperately interested in knowing every possible thing I can about you so I am willing to try. Especially so you want to get tea again."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "No worries." He nodded with a smile, sitting back in his chair. "Anything in particular you'd want to start with?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn turns one hand over in an inviting gesture, relacing his fingers; his gaze does not shift from the thearch's face. "I do not want to venture into what you may feel is too private to share. I am not fishing for information. I am...seeking tidbits I can hide away and keep for myself." He relates this in a very calculated, matter-of-fact cadence; pleasant and earnest, as if he' s just decided to speak his mind.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...I see." He smirked a touch. "Going more of the Seurat route, then? Gathering the parts to make the whole, as it were?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn brightens, his posture straightening a hair; blue eyes radiate approval. "You know Seurat? Do you prefer chromoluminarism or pointillism?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mostly from the musical, admittedly, but I've seen a few of his pieces in person. And more the former, I suppose; the way that the mind is made to blend the colors appeals, for obvious reasons."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods in understanding. "He had a very analytical mind, mathematical. I admire him a great deal; I do not care much for most post-impressionism artists, but Seurat is an exception. Notable exception." He cocks his head just slightly. "There is a musical about Suerat...?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "There is, Sunday in the Park with George by Stephen Sondheim. It's centered primarily around the creation of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. Came out in the mid-80s, as I recall."

Quinn Tolliver: "I think I would like that musical, then," he notes. "I like musicals in general, really. And movies, do you like movies? Or...what do you like, besides music? Do you have passions?" By now, their tea service order must have been taken, at least!

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'll see if I can get you a copy then." He nodded with a small smirk. "I bounce between different things, honestly. Music, movies, video games...anything that tells a good story and makes you feel what the writers wanted to show the world."

Quinn Tolliver: Another furtive, beaming sort of smile. "Me too," Quinn agrees. "I did not see movies until I was a teenager, but once I did....it was like a whole new world, something I had never imagined. So many stories in the world. And I do not tire of the best ones, even if they are told in a hundred different ways." He bites his lip, studying his hands for a moment. "I have not played video games."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed. It's always interesting to see how they coax a new plant from the old seed, as it were." A curious look settled as Quinn continued, however. "Where did you grow up that you didn't experience that, out of curiosity?"

Quinn Tolliver: "Oh," he replies, as if realizing he's forgotten to relate his humble beginnings. "I was raised - well, in two places. When my parents were in the field doing research, I was able to go with them. But if they were here, I was at school. Boarding school, ah, it was a special school." Quinn's tone is placid, matching his body language - but his napkin is not at a right angle and perpendicular to the edge of the table, so he makes a minute adjustment to orient it. "But when they were in the field, they did research into the customs of the Sami people, an indigenous nation that lives across the far northern Scandinavian countries and a little bit into Russia."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Wow...that must've been something." He looked rather intrigued, all told. "I moved a good bit myself, although it was all in the States, up and down the East Coast. My father's an engineer and we went with him for most of the projects he worked on."

Quinn Tolliver: "I liked living with the Sami very much," Quinn admits. "I was at a school for the gifted, and I graduated from school very young. And then on to NYU, I was.." He bites his lip, hesitating. "I was fifteen and even more awkward than I am now." He does not sound particularly bothered by the fact that he may harbor some awkward tendencies! "But. I made friends at NYU, and one summer I saved up all year and I went to see my Sami family for the whole summer." His features shine with genuine love. "My Sami family. My samily."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "NYU...nice. Have a few friends who went there. Was at Stanford myself, both for music and business; something 'useful', as my father put it." He allowed himself a small smirk, nodding as Quinn continued. "Good stuff."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn tilts his head, gaze lifting back to Jeremiah. "You went to Stanford? I wanted to go to Stanford, but NYU had the programs I needed to become a conservator." He opens his mouth to add more, but falters; luckily, their tea service arrives! Quinn watches while everything is set up; he sets a hand on the teapot, gesturing to Jeremiah. "May I?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn lifts the teapot with both hands, focused on the task at hand. He gestures to the sugar cubes. "Do you take sugar? Tea is better sweetened if you pour it over the sugar cube, held over the teacup by a spoon," Quinn explains solemnly. "And to take care that the stream does not splash by pouring close."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'll try it without first, I think. Good to see what the baseline is before adding anything."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods in approval, pouring a cup of tea for Jeremiah first; he follows suit with a second cup for himself, likewise taking it without sugar. He does add just a spot of cream. "I make milk tea in the morning, before I go to work," Quinn explains. "I make it with brown sugar, though. It is very delicious that way. White sugar just lacks..." Quinn pauses, thinking, and then sets down the teapot. "A soul, I suppose."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I get you, yeah. I've got a hell of a sweet tooth so I'll use whatever's available usually, but if I have a choice I go for raw or brown sugar if they have it."

Quinn Tolliver: "Agreed." Quinn wraps his long fingers around his teacup, studying Jeremiah briefly over the rim. "As I was saying - I wanted to go to Stanford. I had been accepted, but I was young and my parents were not certain it was wise."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He claimed his own cup and took a test sip, nodding with approval before speaking. "Being that far away and all, I'm guessing?"

Quinn Tolliver: "Yes," he affirms. "Which I was baffled by, to be honest. I was in a boarding school most of the time otherwise. I was confused because they were not sentimental." He pauses, cocking his head just so. "Are not. They are not sentimental."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked ready to say something but the tense change made him pause, giving Quinn a quiet look. "Take it you haven't talked with them in a while, then?"

Quinn Tolliver: He purses his mouth, rotating his teacup. "No. They have been missing for eighteen months."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...sorry to hear that." He did seem properly sympathetic without showing pity, for what that was worth. "Had any luck trying to track them down on our side of things?"

Quinn Tolliver: "Not yet, but.." He leans forward, dropping his voice. "I do suspect they may have been part of our specific demographic."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I see." He nodded slowly, replying quietly in kind. "I don't have as much skill on that front as some others in the area, but I'm more than willing to help where I can."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn settles his gaze somewhere near Jeremiah's right ear, but he does give the mastigos a dimpled smile of gratitude. "Oh, you are willing to play detective with me. I find that very admirable in someone." He takes a sip of tea, adding, "When I was a boy, I wanted to be Sherlock Holmes."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I don't like sitting idly by if there's something I can do." He shrugged, looking Quinn over with a small smile as he continued. "I can see that."

Quinn Tolliver: "So obviously, you are Watson," Quinn explains, his tone confident; a smile teases the edge of his lips. "Granted, you are not a doctor of medicine. We will adjust the conditions to say you are a doctor of...music," he decides, nodding once.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah chuckled at that, giving a little nod. "I'll take that."

Quinn Tolliver: "Do you use your business degree? The required degree as stipulated by your father. If you do, how? If you don't, what sort of business would you run?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I do, admittedly. I run a cafe in Spring Garden that hosts works from local artists and a space for local performers to get their voices out there. I also do private lessons for musicians that have the proper talent, helping them to reach their full potential."

Quinn Tolliver: He brightens, cocking his head. "What is the name of the cafe? What sort of food do you serve? Why did you pick that type of food? Is there anything you would change about your work, if you could?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "The Green Room, and we lean towards soups and sandwiches and the like along with teas and coffee. Could've gone the full bar route and thought about it for a while, but decided to make it somewhere for folks who don't drink to feel equally comfortable."

The last question made him actually think a moment, smiling a touch once the answer came to mind. "I'm pretty happy with where I'm at right now, honestly. When I went out to California I wanted to break into the music industry and make it big that way, but the work I do now is more fulfilling than that would have been, I'm pretty sure. Helping others get their time in the spotlight rather than hogging it all for myself, as it were."

Quinn Tolliver: "I know that place!" Quinn seems delighted with himself for knowing the place. He nods in vigorous agreement to Jeremiah's thoughtful response, still smiling; those dimples are working it. "That's remarkable," he admits, in a gushing sort of way. "I can't imagine being in the spotlight. Or...I mean, being comfortable in the spotlight." He shakes his head. "No way."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "To each their own. I enjoy it myself, but it's not for everyone."

Quinn Tolliver: "Did you always know it was something you would enjoy, or did you come to the realization? If so, when?" He lifts his teacup for a sip, assessing Jeremiah over the rim. His questions, which may come across like a government interrogation, are delivered with warm enthusiasm and an earnest curiosity on all things Jeremiah.

Jeremiah Hamilton: He didn't seem to mind the questions, truth be told, a relaxed air about the Warlock as he spoke. "Pretty early on, when I was a kid and started really getting into it. My parents were smart enough to not try and chase the 'child stardom' thing, which I appreciate now but wasn't the biggest fan of at the time. God only knows how I might've ended up if they had."

Quinn Tolliver: "A pop-star prince," Quinn teases, his smile faint. Gaze drops to the teacup, which he fidgets with. "It is amazing what parents will do to their children. Or won't do, as the case may be. I am glad you did not experience that; it is unhealthy. What was the first song you ever played?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Maybe." He smirked, shaking his head. "Tried for that in my 20s, which didn't pan out either, and then...well, things happened and I had my eyes opened to how much larger the world could be."

"That is a good question...probably some standard starter piece on piano, since that's what I started with."

Quinn Tolliver: He bobs his head, lips pressed together in a shy smile. "And now, you have the whole world as a stage, right? In a way. Well...that's boring. Allow me to revise. What is the first song you played and loved?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Exactly, although I know my part is to serve as director and stagehand as much as actor, making sure everyone gets their day in the sun."

"Fly Me To The Moon. Was the first piece I played by ear without too much trouble, and it sparked my love for that genre of music in general."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn tilts his head, gaze rolling upward; it's his analyzing face, expression for when he's trying to cough up some data. "I know that song," he notes with delight. "It is by Frank Sinatra, correct?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "His is the most famous version of it, yeah. It was originaly done by a woman by the name of Kaye Ballard in the 50s." He nodded with a small smile, taking a sip of his tea before he continued. "Both versions are pretty solid, though."

Quinn Tolliver: "Which one do you like better? Kaye Ballard, or Frank Sinatra? Is that the genre of music you compose in, too?" Quinn leans forward to peer at their treats, selecting one to nibble at. "Oh, these are very good."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ballard, although it's close." He eyed the tray in front of them for a moment, claiming one for himself before answering the question that followed. "I do a little bit of everything, honestly. I tend to follow wherever the melody strikes, see what I can pull in from other places and make something enjoyable out of it."

Quinn Tolliver: "I like that. It is very artistic; a timeless sort of quality." He finishes the last of his little egg salad sandwich, folding his hands on the tabletop. His attention rests on his hands. "I am surprised you agreed to come out."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It's too easy to get yourself locked into one type of music, I've come to notice, and if you're not careful you may miss something that's just as impressive even if it's not 'proper' music, according to one viewpoint or another." He smirked, polishing off the morsel of choice before sitting back and giving Quinn a curious look. "Why wouldn't I have?"

Quinn Tolliver: "I have no experience in asking another person out on a date," Quinn explains, matter-of-fact; he sounds strangely confident. "Now that you attended, it means I have a one-hundred percent success rate in dating." Quinn grins at that, looking particularly pleased with himself.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...I see. Congratulations, then." He smiled warmly, looking the young Guardian over. "What made me catch your eye, out of curiosity?"

Quinn Tolliver: "You are very handsome and I engaged in brief positive visualizations about kissing you," Quinn replies earnestly; his hands must be fascinating. "And you were a very talented singer that I wanted to listen to more. I like to look at you very much. And you seem kind to your friends. You treat people well, from what I have observed."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He nodded, the smile still present. "I try to, at the very least. I spent a long enough time as a selfish prick to see the wreckage that acting like that left in my wake, so I avoid it as much as I can these days."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn wrinkles his nose in a frown, shaking his head. "I find that incredibly hard to believe, Jeremiah."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You didn't know me ten years ago." A wry smirk graced his features as he took a sip of his tea, setting the cup down when he was done. "I got a good, long look at myself when my eyes were opened and I didn't like what I saw, so I changed it."

Quinn Tolliver: "How old are you now, out of curiosity?" Quinn mirrors his actions, lifting his cup to take a sip.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "33. You?"

Quinn Tolliver: A sheepish grin erupts on Quinn's features; a hand covers his mouth briefly. "Ah, I am...I'm twenty-two," he admits.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah chuckled, amused at that rather sheepish smile. "That's about what I figured."

Quinn Tolliver: "I grew up quickly," he adds, fidgeting with his teacup. "I feel older a lot of the time. But sadly, no. My pre-frontal cortex is just as malleable and impulsive as any twenty-two-year-old." Quinn punctuates this declaration with a wistful little sigh.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Know how that goes. God knows I have enough 'back in my day' stories at this point." He smirked a touch, giving a small nod. "You're handling yourself pretty well so far, for what that's worth."

Quinn Tolliver: "Am I?" He brightens, clearly pleased. "On Reddit they told me that no, it is not appropriate to ask your date for a mid-point evaluation on your performance. Thank you for providing it regardless." His mouth twists with amusement; his gaze lifts to Jeremiah's, lands, and then flits away. "You are doing exactly as I expected. It is always such a relief to find people that are easy to talk to. Like you, or Nevermore, or my new family."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's eyebrow quirked up, the mental image of what sort of dating advice Reddit might offer obviously an amusing one. "Quite welcome, and happy to help."

"You've gotten along well with Nevermore, then?" Cue a long sip of tea and dark eyes watching the young Guardian over the rim.

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn ducks his head, wobbling one hand. "I've talked to her just the once, but she is easy to talk to," he repeats, nodding. "I like her name as well. Do you get along with Nevermore?" Quinn risks a glance his way.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "So far so good. I've had a few good conversations with them lately, and hope that continues to be the case going forward."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn considers that, then nods once. "You have similarities that would lead me to believe you would be very compatible," he decides, tone thoughtful. "Perhaps you should bring her to tea."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Don't see anything developing on that front at the moment, admittedly, but they are definitely someone I wish to forge a good friendship with." He nodded, smiling a touch. "Perhaps."

Quinn Tolliver: "I am glad to hear that," Quinn declares, casually admiring the teapot; he turns it so that the handle is perfectly angled to the edge of the table. "I was not excited to consider that you may wish to have an intimate relationship, but also felt that it would be of benefit for you, for Nevermore, but not, necessarily, for me. But I am careful to be progressive and welcoming to all forms of affection." He lifts his cup to sip his tea. "I admit, it was a ruse to discern your interest while remaining a friendly and caring individual in association to you both. Did it work?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I did have a feeling that you were testing the waters, so to speak, but otherwise yes." He took a final sip of his tea to polish off the cup, setting it down on the saucer when it was empty. "Being welcoming on that front is a good thing, though. Have to applaud you for that."

Quinn Tolliver: "Thank you," he replies politely. "I am mystified by the intricacies of relationships. Nonetheless, here I am, crushing it." He gives Jeremiah a grin that suggests he's not quite that conceited.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You'd be amazed how far confidence can take you sometimes." Jeremiah chuckled. "As long as you don't get too large of a head about it."

Quinn Tolliver: He laughs a little, waving both hands. "No, no. I just like that phrase. 'Here I am, crushing it.' I bought my friend River a t-shirt with that on it. I like that, finding ways to associate little things to people you are fond of."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...I see, and agreed. More so when you can share that association with them and make it something that matters between the two of you."

Quinn Tolliver: He smiles despite himself, the expression quick and sincere and so affectionate. "Yes, I agree. You have a - group of close friends too, right? Kayla and Heather?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "And Mary, yes. Alexis is working with us but isn't part of the group officially yet." He smiled softly, his fondness for his cadremates clear in that moment. "I'm very lucky to be working with them."

Quinn Tolliver: His reaction definitely makes Quinn smile; he averts his gaze, lower lip caught against his teeth in a furtive smile. "It is remarkable when a group comes together like that; finding people on common ground. Have you known yours long?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Indeed. We've been working together for about three years at this point."

Quinn Tolliver: "Oh, wow," he nods, brows lifting. "Three years. I don't think I've even known anyone for three years." He fidgets, mulling that over. "How do you know they are your people? After so much time; do you..argue? If these are ridiculous questions, forgive me. I just want to ensure I do my best for my own group."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "No worries, they're worth asking." He smiled a touch, nodding as he sat back in his seat. "We do argue on occasion, although we also respect each other enough to work through those arguments as smoothly as we can manage. We clicked with each other pretty quickly, when we realized that our respective philosophies meshed better than one would expect considering how diverse our allegiances are. It's worked really well, though, and I still look forward to seeing what we do together from here."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn listens intently, a faint crease in his brow. He nods slowly. "Good. That's good. You can overcome the arguments, I wasn't sure if people do that." His features turn faintly sheepish. "I know it sounds ridiculous. I like having my eyes opened now, I see...all the possibility to know other people. I used to think I liked paintings and my work more than I could ever like anyone, but..." He lifts one shoulder, affable. "Then I met River."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not too, no." His eyebrow quirked up a touch at the mention of River, a curious look on his face. "How did you two end up crossing paths and deciding to go this, out of curiosity?"

Quinn Tolliver: "River and I? How did we decide to form a group, you mean?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mmhmm."

Quinn Tolliver: "Oh," he nods, smoothing a hand over his shirt. "Well, I was eating dinner at Maddy's - it was a Wednesday, which is waffles for dinner. Waffle Wednesday, you see. I was eating alone, as I do, and she just...came and sat by me. And started...talking," Quinn reports, his tone bearing a trace of awe. "To me."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...bit of a surprise, I take it?"

Quinn Tolliver: "It's not something I would say happens on a regular basis," Quinn admits. "But, we talked for quite some time. Eventually I showed her my workbook, and she...understood," he tries, struggling at how to explain. "And it felt like a..a...click," he says, snapping his fingers. "Like...you meet someone that you know you would do anything for." He clasps his hands in his lap, studying them. "I had not experienced such a sensation before."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Lovely thing, isn't it? I always relish when that happens." He smiled warmly, giving a nod. "Glad you were able to find that."

Quinn Tolliver: He nods in agreement, straightening his posture to fold his arms on the table; he gives Jeremiah his full attention, cQuinn Tolliver:ed smile in place. "I enjoyed it very much. I like finding my people; I intend to do more of it." He stares at Jeremiah placidly, the utter prince of subtle.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'd say you're well on your way there." He replied with a small smirk. "Best of luck."

Quinn Tolliver: "Thank you," Quinn replies, his tone bright and pleasant. "I will be sure to keep you posted on the results." He can't hold it any longer. Quinn breaks, smothering a snerk of laughter with a hand over his mouth.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah chuckled in kind, looking Quinn over with an amused smile. "Been enjoying yourself so far, I hope?"

Quinn Tolliver: "Oh, very much so," he affirms. "I hope you have as well. You have asked me, so now I can ask you - have you enjoyed yourself? If you answer in the affirmative, then I can brazenly request to meet you again."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I have, yes."

Quinn Tolliver: "Excellent," he replies brightly, pattering his fingers together in delight. "So you are amenable to a second date?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I am indeed."

Quinn Tolliver: "Two for two," Quinn announces, clapping once. "Excellent. Oh. I should give you a disclaimer that, from what I understand, many people will wait several days to text the other." Quinn laces his hands. "I can assure you that I have no intention of abiding by this expectation as well."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Quite alright." He replied with a smile at the young Guardian's enthusiasm. "I may not be able to reply immediately if I'm at work or handling other business, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

Quinn Tolliver: "Oh, that's quite all right; I understand prior obligations. Rest assured, I can be very patient."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "A good quality to have in your line of work, I imagine..."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn sighs; it almost sounds relieved, like he gets it. "It is a good quality, yes! Sometimes I'm working on a very large piece, and I can't just walk away from it. Even if it's some boring, derivative piece that belongs in a motel room." He wrinkles his nose.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Comes in handy on my end, too. Sometimes you need to be patient with people as they work through the roadblocks in front of them, helping them to reach the next step on the Path."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn cocks his head in a corvid manner. "I suppose you could apply that to your music and your other work; which paths do you clear roadblocks from? The names of the streets, of course," he smiles.(edited)

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smiled softly in return. "It has a few names, but what lies at the end is potential. Whether it be simply reaching the peak of mundane talent or something grander, everyone deserves to find the end of that path."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn bears the sort of expression one wears when their insanely hot crush says something profound. He lifts a hand to prop his chin in his hand, eyes half-lidded. "I don't care where we go next time," he sighs, "As long as I get to hear you talk about that, like that, for a long period of time."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's features softened at that, overcome with the sheer adorableness of that expression. "That can certainly be arranged."