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C: suuure
C: suuure
i think i finished all the ice cream last time :P
i think i finished all the ice cream last time

F: I bought more snacks. :)  
F: I bought more snacks. :)  

C: hell yeah
C: hell yeah
i guess im bringing u a snack maybe too
i guess im bringing u a snack maybe too :P

Latest revision as of 07:48, 3 June 2020

Content Warning

blood, vampire's bite/kiss, talk of abusive blood bonds


Calamity, Finley Adams


Finley's apartment


F: Are you busy?

C: nah bored as shit sick of rereading comics

F: Do you want to come hang out?

C: suuure i think i finished all the ice cream last time

F: I bought more snacks. :)

C: hell yeah i guess im bringing u a snack maybe too :P brt

F: Okay.

When Calamity arrives, Finley is sitting on the front step, waiting. Wearing a long sleeve turtleness and jeans, hair tied back into a loose half ponytail. Mask on, of course. They're back to looking very much UnPrettied.

It takes Calamity long enough to show up that it's pretty clear they walked. Or ran. Or something. They've got their grey hoodie on, pulled over their hands in the slight chill of the night, and they grin wide at zhem as they traipse up the steps. "Hey." They give zhem a look-over, taking in their UnPrettied features, and their grin doesn't waver. Guess they were right, about not caring.

Finley looks up and perks. "Hey..." Zhe stands, offering them a warm look. "How are you?"

A big ol' shrug. "Eh? Tryin not to freak out about not being 'safe' or whatever. From the...shit. Other'n that, fine I guess? How're you?"

That makes their mood dim quite a bit, hand reaching out to touch their arm. "I'm okay. Do you want to come inside?"

Calamity leans into zher hand, and nods. "Duh. 'S kinda cold out anyway. An' your place...it's pretty safe, right?"

Zhe nods. "Fairly safe, yes." Zhe turns, leading them down the stairs and into the apartment. "You're welcome to stay here whenever, you know. If you feel safer here."

"...Thanks. Guys prob'ly'd get annoyed that I wasn't around, eventually. I think. Or maybe not, an' they'd just take over my place..." They wrinkle their nose as they follow Finley down the stairs.

"I uh...did I tell you I saw Phaedra? An' we kinda made up and shit. I hope...you two're okay."

"It's up to you." Finley shakes their head. "I'm not... trying to pressure you. Um. I can give you a key though, just in case, if you want." Zhe nods. "Phaedra mentioned you talked. I'm really glad you two worked it out. And yeah, we're okay too."

"I mean I could get in here if I wanted, even if you didn't give me a key." Calamity flashes zhem a grin and flops down on the couch, holding out a hand to Finley as they do.

"I...held hands a little with Phaedra too - a little 'cause we were with a couple'a older dudes, but...that was kinda nice. Hope that's okay?" Their voice is quiet, but hopeful, and they blink their pale green eyes up at Finley.

Zhe eyes them a moment, then exhales a breath. "It'd be easier to just give you a key..." Once again, the window is uncovered, curtains pulled down.

Zhe looks down at their hand, then sheepish takes it to squeeze before sitting down beside them. "Of course it's okay!" Zher eyes crease fondly. "So long as you're both happy, then I'm happy."

"I mean yeah - I wouldn't break in if you didn't want me to. Mostly just a joke."

Calamity doesn't wait for them to sit, instead pulling them down onto the couch. And maybe a little on top of them, but you know. "We all gotta get together sometime. Maybe with Andy, too? And...I dunno, Rena's kinda a lot. But...?"

Zhe blinks as Calamity tugs them, caught off guard enough to go toppling. There's a second of staring, half leans over their lap, before zhe shifts to sit sideways, not quite on their lap but leans against it and their chest, a bit. Zher head is ducked down a bit, shyly. "That'd be fun," zhe murmurs. "I'd like to get to know Andy better. And Rena. They're nice."

Calamity can't help but let out a giggle, and drapes an arm around them. "Yeah - I dunno Andy that well, but I really kinda wanna. And Rena...fuck. She tell you our whole...thing?" They look at Finley.

"Just... that she's your sister. Not by blood, but..." Zhe glances at them curiously, curling up closer against them.

"Yeah, she...we kinda found each other. Running with the guys. She'd protect me an' shit, really looked after me." Calamity smiled fondly at the memory, though it looks like the whole thing is a little bittersweet.

"I uh...though she just fucked off, when she disappeared. Fuckin' looked for her for weeks. We kinda had it out, right before, so...figured she just didn't wanna be around me anymore." Their voice gets very, very small.

"Oh..." Finley's brows crease together with sympathy. "I'm sorry..." Zhe turns to face them, scrawny arms wrapping around zher shoulders to a gentle hug. "It was... because she was embraced..? That she left?"

"Yeah. An' I guess it was bad, an'...I feel like an asshole, kinda." Calamity snuggles into Finley's side with no reservations. "But...she's pretty okay to kinda pretend last year didn't happen, so. That's okay, I guess."

"You shouldn't feel like an asshole. You didn't know, Calamity." Zhe squeezes, rubbing the back of their shoulder lightly. "I... guess that's... good?"

"I hope so. Dunno if we can like...go back to normal, 'cause we ain't normal, neither of us. Shit's just gonna be different. I uh...I showed her my fire and she almost flipped her shit."

Finley grimaces faintly. "Mm... y-yeah... Fire is... bad, for us..."

"I know, I just...didn't know how bad I guess. Sorry if I ever scared you with it, she was real shook up. Never seen her like that."

"You've never... waved it in my face or anything. So long as it's... a safe distance from me, and not being directed at me, it's fine really." Zhe squeezes their shoulder. "Don't need to be sorry. I'm glad she didn't... really flip out..."

"Me too- she got a lot stronger. But she still teases me the same." Calamity give Finely a small grin.

"She fuckin', after I told her you an me were just friends, she told me to use protection. Asshole..." They say it more fondly than they've ever sworn at the guys they run with.

"She is? Huh." Finley looks thoughtful for a moment, but then blinks, eyes going wide. "Wh-what?? She thinks..." Finley trails off, brows creasing. "Oh..." Zhe pulls back from them, then tiniest bit.

"Nonono she was just fuckin' teasing me." Calamity scoffs and rolls their eyes. "She knows we're not even kissing, or any of that shit, she just likes to pick on me. Kinda missed it, even if it's annoying as fuck sometimes, you know?"

There's a beat, and Calamity eyes Finley, like they've maybe missed something.

"Wait 's that...something you'd wanna do? With me?" They sound...nervous.

Finley blinks, caught off guard by the last question. "No," zhe says quickly, pulling back and sliding off of them, sitting beside them instead. Brows creased uncomfortably. "I don't... want to have sex. With anyone."

Finley curls in upon themself a little when sex is mentioned. It's a protective response, but also hiding--making their body less vulnerable and seen. It's a response born more from fear and shame.

"'Kay good, 'cause I'm not really into that either. With anyone. An' 'specially if even just me bringin' it up makes you go all...like that."

"Okay," zhe murmurs, with notable relief. But zhe still curls up a bit, zher legs lifting to tuck up against zher chest. "You told me you just wanted to be friends a while ago, anyway."

"I...I mean yeah." Calamity rests their head on Finley's shoulder. "I don't really...what else would we be? We don't wanna fuck, an' kissing's kinda out too, so...?"

They seem genuinely curious as to what other options they have, though they run a searching look across Finley's mask, as though maybe they're rethinking the whole No Kisses Ever thing.

Finley looks increasingly nervous and flustered, arms wrapping tighter around their legs. "D-do... you... do you um..." Zhe looks away, rubbing nervously at zher knees. "Do you want to... to k-kiss me...?"

"Uh." Calamity lifts their chin from Finley's shoulder to look down, too. "You said you didn't really wanna. Do any of that. But maybe." It sounds like they're trying to speak quietly enough that nobody can hear them, not even Finley.

Finley doesn't stay anything immediately, just staring down at the floor. Zher body is cold and lifeless at the moment, which is probably the only thing keeping their face from being bright red.

"...I... I just... I can't... I'd be afraid I'd hurt you..."

"If you don't wanna then I totally also don't wanna. For serious." It seems genuine enough, and they lean into zhem.

"We don't gotta do anything."

Zher shoulders slump a little, sitting there quietly for a moment. After a few seconds zher eyes lift to stare at them quietly. "The idea of kissing me doesn't... scare you...?"

"I let you drink my fuckin' blood, Fin," Calamity says with a slightly nervous laugh. "No more'n hanging out with you scares me, an' I know you can't help it so it doesn't stop me or anything."


Zher voice is very small and soft, fingers gripping tightly at zher knees, looking down again, nervously.

"...I... I wouldn't mind trying it..."

Calamity tentatively leans in, and brushes their lips lightly against Finley's cheek.

Zher cheek is cold, lifeless--but the touch brings a flush of life that spreads through zher body, warming it. And bringing bright color to zher face. Finley bursts into tiny, muffled giggles, clearly more a reaction born from nervousness than amusement, zher hand coming up to clamp over the mask. After a few seconds zhe gives them an apologetic, flustered glance. "S-sorry."

"You're blushing." It's an obvious statement, but it's all Calamity seems to be able to think of to say.

"M'not," Finley protests, both hands moving to cup and hide zher cheeks, head dipping.

"'S adorable," Calamity grins, and scoots a little closer. And presses a kiss against the hand covering Finley's cheeks.

"You're... adorable..." The Kindred mumbles, barely heard. The kiss brings another brief, muffled giggle, head dipping further. Zher hair falls over zher eyes, but zhe peeks through it towards them sheepishly. Then zhe straightens up and turns zher head to kiss their cheek. Well--sort of. Through the mask, anyway.

It's Calamity's turn to blush, a wide grin on their face. They shy away from the kiss just a little - it's clearly reflex, and they move back almost immediately, dipping their head and snuggling close to the Kindred.

"Sorry - I don't mind, promise..." Their smile turns a little guilty for a second.

Calamity shying back makes Finley pause, shoulders drooping a little. "Is... it because of me, or... you're just not... used to people kissing you?" zhe asks in a small voice.

"Not 'cause'a you." Calamity shakes their head, meeting Finley's eyes to reinforce their sincerity. "Shit that close to my face usually means it's gonna hurt." It's accompanied by a shrug and huff of amusement, like that statement is somehow...funny.

"Oh..." Finley's brows crease with concern, watching them a moment before Calamity is held close, Finley squeezing around them tightly.

It only takes half a second for Calamity to relax into Finley's arms, and they drop their head into zher shoulder. They press a kiss against it and rest their arms loosely around zher waist, happy to just be held.

Finley is content to hold them as long as they want or need. Zher grip is strong, but they're careful not to squeeze too tightly. After a while one of zher hands lift to pet gently over their curls.

Calamity isn't quite purring. But they curl up, half in Finley's lap, and nuzzle zher neck gently when zhe starts to pet their hair.

"This's...nice," they mutter.

"It is," zhe murmurs, eyes soft and warm as zhe watches them. Zher cheeks flush brighter again as Calamity nuzzles, zher skin warm. "I'm... mm... really glad you're happy."

They giggle in response to Finley's blush. "Hope you're happy too..."

"I'm very happy," Finley assures softly. Zhe stares at them a moment, then leans in to give them another soft, brief kiss through the mask. This time a little closer to their lips.

Calamity blinks, but doesn't pull away this time. They swing their legs around to put their feet on the ground, scuffing their shoes against the floor. "Good. I - I want some ice cream?"

"Oh--um, okay." Zhe quickly lets go of them, pulling back. "I have some in the freezer, but we can go out for some, if you want?"

"Freezer's fine - just feel like I wanna move." They've got a little nervous energy, apparently, and bounce on their toes on the way to the kitchen. There's a thud and a swear after they open the freezer drawer.

"Fuckn' dropped it, shit -"

The kitchen has been... well stocked, it seems. The freezer has a lot of ice cream, along with some microwaveable food stuff like hot pockets and pizza rolls. There's chips and cookies tucked into a corner of the counter. The fridge even has some sandwich stuff and soda and juice, if they peek inside.

Finley blinks, then stands and walks into the kitchen. "It's okay! Don't worry about it." Zhe grabs some paper towels to help clean up any mess. "Are you... okay, Calamity...?"

"...D'you get all this shit for me?" Calamity's cheeks are pink as they pick up the dropped carton of ice cream, which of course fell on its open end, leaving a smudge of ice cream on the floor.

"Yeah I'm fine, just...I dunno, nervous I guess? Dunno...why, though? Like...not bad nervous, I don't think."

"Um... Yes?" zhe murmurs, looking sheepish. Zhe crouches down to pull out some spray cleaner from under the sink, then goes about wiping off and cleaning the floor. It's easier to focus on scrubbing than looking at Calamity. "I'm... sorry I'm making you feel that way?" Zhe hesitates. "I guess I'm nervous too, though..."

"You didn't have'ta..." They take out a hot pocket too, hiding their increasingly red face and wide smile. "'S real nice, though. Don't tell Rena, she'll never stop teasin' us..."

"But like - 's fine, I'm just...I got energy and I dunno what to do about it. Ice cream's prob'ly not gonna help, but..." A shrug.

Finley tosses the used paper towels away and stands, considering them a moment. "I know I didn't have to, but I want you to... be able to stay here comfortably..." Zhe rubs zher arm, glancing aside sheepishly. "Probably won't. Um. ...Do you wanna see the rats?"

"Oh - sure." Balancing a bowl of ice cream and a molten hot pocket is something of a challenge, but Calamity manages it somehow. "Where're they living?"

"In my bedroom, right now. I need to get them a different cage, since I'm gonna be keeping them... And lots of toys and stuff. I've been doing research on what rats need and ordered a lot of stuff online." Zhe bobs zher head, head back into the living room, and over to the bedroom door. Zhe pauses, then looks back. "There's no windows in here, so you can stay out here if you want. I'll bring them out."

"Can I see 'em from the door?" Calamity cocks their head. "I...I'm probably fine to be in there for a little, an' I can always come back out if I gotta. Plus I kinda wanna see your bedroom." They blep at Finley with a grin.

"Um... you probably can, yeah." Fin nods, opening the door to the bedroom. There's a lamp on inside, beside an aquarium filled with some rodent friendly bed. Inside are three adorable rats lounging and skittering around. Fin turns on the over head light as well, so it's not as dark.

The bedroom is... well, indeed a bedroom. There's a twin size bed tucked against one wall. But most of the space is dedicated to tables and shelves that have all manner of scientific equipment on it. There's not a lot of expensive stuff--but clearly is meant to be some sort of make shift lab. There is however a... mini-fridge like thing that is meant for containing blood samples and the like at controlled temperatures.

Another door leads into the master bathroom, which looks normal enough, save for the bathtub being a fancy, probably antique copper tub.

Calamity lets out a little excited gasp at the rats, and hurries over to the aquarium, barely even looking around the rest of the room.

"They're so fucking cute holy shit -" Their nose is centimeters from the glass.

One of the rats notably has a small, nasty looking burn on it's back, though it looks like it's been tended to as well as it can be, even has some sort of shiny covering over the wound to keep it from getting infected. Another looks a little lethargic, mostly snoozing in the corner. The third is lively and healthy, nose wrinkling at Calamity.

Calamity wiggles a finger at the third one, seeing if it'll come closer, before turning to Finley with a wide smile. "They're adorable. You gotta name 'em."

Finley watches Calamity, eyes warm. "Mm. I am. I just... dunno what, yet. Um... Got any suggestions...?"

"Hmm...the white one could be Marshmallow. Or Ghost?"

"Oh! Marshmellow. That's... really cute..." Zhe steps closer, leaning down to peer at them. "What about the others?"

"Well...if you wanna stay on theme, maybe...Oreo, and..." They pause, wrinkling their nose while they think.

"Oh, Oreo is cute..." They consider the third. "Mochi?"

"Mochi?" Calamity repeats, looking at Finley with mild confusion.

Zhe blinks at Calamity. "You've never had mochi?"

"...No...? What is it...?"

"It's a japanese dessert. It's really tasty! Um, it's this soft dumpling, that is wrapped around ice cream. I used to love them..."

"Sounds fancy as shit." Calamity wrinkles their nose again with a smile. "Sucks that you can't eat 'em anymore, though. 'S it like, all the same for you, now? Or do people taste different?"

"Technically I can still eat them. I just have to throw it back up, which kind of ruins the experience... Sometimes I eat things just to taste them, then spit them back out instead of swallowing. But things just... don't taste as good now, really. Not like blood does." Zhe pauses, head dipping. "Um, yeah. I can taste the difference between people. Everyone has a... unique taste. And other factors influence it too. Like--I can tell their blood type by taste, if they have any blood-born diseases, and if they're on any drugs, stuff like that. I can even tell if someone is human or supernatural by their taste." Zhe sounds... oddly proud? That's creepy as fuck, but maybe not too surprising. "I've refined my sense of taste quite a bit."

"So it's...not everyone can do that? Must kinda suck if everyone just kinda tastes the same. I'd prob'ly wanna figure out how to at least make shit taste different too."

Finley giggles. "No, all Kindred can taste those things. But I'm really good at it."

"Oooh. What...do I taste like?"

"...Ah..." Finley blinks, standing straighter suddenly. "Um..." Zhe glances aside, hands fidgeting together. "Y-you taste... really... good. Um. B+. Y-you smoke tobacco sometimes. There's traces of that. But otherwise you're... very... very healthy. Your blood is... warm in a way I've never experienced, and..." Are... they blushing...? Zhe certainly has gone a bit dreamy-eyed. "Um. I dunno. You taste good."

"Feel like...that should be a little weirder than it is," Calamity says with a quiet laugh. "Maybe it's warm 'cause of my fire?" There's a beat. "And, what?"

"Maybe?" Zhe shifts zher weight between their feet nervously. "I couldn't find anything abnormal about your blood, but sometimes science just doesn't catch things. Sometimes you taste things you can't really... see..." Zhe tucks a bit of hair behind zher ear. "I dunno. Just. I liked drinking from you. It felt nice."

"Oh." Their cheeks go pink. "I mean I liked it too. Like...a lot. Been thinking about it..." They sound a little embarrassed.

"...R-really?" zhe asks, glancing side-ways shyly at them.

"Yeah, I mean...feels really fuckin' good. An' I haven't slept that good in fuckin' forever, an' bein' a little weak the next couple days was fine. Pretended I was sick, got the guys off my back for a little."

Finley nods slowly, watching them for a moment before looking down. "...Do you want to do it again?"

"'F you wanna, sure." Their tone is casual, but they say it just a little too fast to hide their enthusiasm entirely.

"Whenever you want," Finley murmurs. "So long as you have time to recover in between, and it's not while I'm too hungry, we can... um... pretty much whenever you want to, I'm down..."

"What happens if you're too hungry?" Calamity wiggles their fingers at the rats a few more times and then moves to flop down on Finley's bed, taking in the rest of the bedroom as they do.

Zher arms cross, looking aside. "...If we're really hungry... there's... the risk of us losing control, when we feed. Th-that we just... turn into frenzied animals and..." Zhe stares at the floor for a moment. "Sometimes we can't stop."

"Oh." Their pale eyes go wide. "Yeah lets not do that, I kinda wanna keep a little of my blood. 'Re you...hungry now?"

"Y-yeah... it's... it's bad." Zhe grimaces. "But I never let myself get that hungry. I always drink a little every night, so that I stay... at least kinda full." Zhe glances at them. "No. I'm not very hungry right now. I mean--um--I'm not full but not dangerously hungry."

"I'd...be down now." They look away, like they don't wanna seem too eager. But they're not hiding it all that well, honestly.

"...Your heart is racing," Finley murmurs. Zhe steps closer, then slides down to sit beside them on the bed. "Are you sure you're okay for me to bite you like this...?"

"Uh-huh." They nod, and scooch closer. And lean to give Finley a quick kiss on the cheek. "I mean I know you prob'ly haven't - but 's really good, when...you want it. Promise."

"I've been fed from before," Finley replies softly as zhe slips the mask off, showing those sharp rows of teeth.

"I - I know." Calamity's voice is just as quiet. "But it...wasn't 'cause you wanted it, right?" Their heart flutters when Finley takes the mask off, and they eye zhem - taking in what they can while zher face is visible.

Zhe's quiet for a moment. "...That's a complicated answer," zhe admits softly. "I thought I did, at the time."

Calamity frowns. "I...oh. 'M sorry. Didn't mean'ta make you think about it."

"No, it's alright," Finley assures, reaching out to take their hand. "It's something you should know about, if you're going to be hanging out around more Kindred. Drinking a Kindred's blood is... it's really addictive. It's... more addictive than any drugs you'll find. And it can make living people powerful. Give them some of our powers. Even make them live for as long as we do, and not age, not get sick... And sometimes, sometimes that's okay--sometimes it's worth it. But..."

Zhe looks down. "It also enslaves you to the person you drink from. It makes you... love them. Makes you want to do everything they say. Makes you... never want to leave, or hurt them, no matter how awful they are to you... S-so... never drink someone's blood, okay?"

As Finley talks, Calamity shifts, looking increasingly uncomfortable. It shifts to full-on horror as they finish speaking. "Fucker did that to you?"

Finley nods slowly, arms wrapping around zhemself tightly. "Mm... H-he did. I... I thought all those things were things I wanted, because he... told me it'd... make him happy... It didn't... matter what he did, what he made me do. So long as he was happy."

"Fucking hell..." Calamity's eyebrows snap together in concern and they wrap their arms around Finley, practically dragging zhem into their lap with the intensity of he hug.

"What a disgusting motherfucker."

Finley lets out a soft whimper as zhe's dragged into the hug, but doesn't resist. Zher head tilts, almost burying their face into Calamity's shoulder--then remembering at the last second that zhe's not wearing a mask, so instead zhe tilts zher head away, resting zher cheek against their shoulder instead. "He was evil. And he's dead now. The blood bond faded when he died, but... I..." Zhe's quiet for a moment, eyes closing. "Sometimes I miss it. A little. Not him but..."

There's a few moments of silence, while Calamity holds zhem, and they break it with a quiet sigh. "I uh...ev'ry once in a while I...miss my folks. They ain't nearly as bas as that, but...they fucked me right up. So I...yeah. Fuckin' sucks." They squeeze zhem.

"Oh... Calamity..." Zher arms wrap around their middle, squeezing tightly. "It's... it's normal. To miss them. Even if they were awful." Zher head lifts to meet their eyes, zher own dark and sad. "Especially when abuse is the only closeness you've know. B-but... it's not real love... And there's people that really do care about you now..." Zhe seems to not just be talking to Calamity. But something zhe's had to say to zhemself many, many times.

"...'Xactly. Said it better'n me." Calamity huffs out a soft laugh and nudges Finley's side. "I care about you maybe a little, y'know?" They're clearly understating it for the humor.

Zher thin lips twitch upwards into a gruesome smile, showing more teeth despite zher best efforts to hide them. "I care about you too, Calamity..."

"So you gonna make yourself feel a little better, 're what?" Calamity gives zhem a grin right back, though they can't keep their eyes from widening just a little at teeth. A mixture of wonder and fear.

Zher own eyes widen a little, though when zhe catches the fear in Calamity's eyes, zher hand lifts to cup over zher mouth. "Mm... Y-yeah. I'd... like that. Um... here?" Zhe reaches for Calamity's arm, gripping gently at their wrist.

"Sure, yeah." Their heartbeat has sped up again, and they're looking over Finley's face, the fear gone from their expression now. "Where's...your favorite place? To bite?"

"Um." Finley blinks at the question, staring at them for a moment. "I... I don't know? I usually just... bite where ever I can, that is easiest to get to..." Zhe hesitates. "You're the only person I've ever fed on, like this..."

"Ooh. Should I feel special?" Calamity smirks. "If there's another place you wanna try, lemme know? Feels like something you'd wanna like...experiment with or whatever. Just 'cause you're you." Their tone is lightly teasing, and they stick their tongue out at zhem.

Finley stares for a moment, as if... that had never occurred to them before. "...O-oh... I... um... That's... a good question..." Zher eyes wander over them thoughtfully, head tilting a bit. "Is... there anywhere you'd like to be bitten...?"

A biiig shrug. "Don't think so? Figure it prob'ly feels pretty much the same way wherever, right?"

Finley hmms, then nods. "Probably, yeah. Um... I'll just stick with your wrist, for now..."

"'Kay." They hold it out with a grin, and scooch a little closer, still watching Finley with intense curiosity.

Much like the last time, Finley gently holds Calamity's arm with both hands, a thumb tracing out their vein. Zhe stares down at their arm for a moment, gaze focused and hungry.

It's... likely very unnerving to see Finley's mouth open fully. Zhe tries hard to keep it closed as much as possible whenever it's not covered, even while talking. But now all those teeth are on full display, already so ferociously sharp--but as zhe leans down the canines extend outwards, needle sharp and gleaming hungrily. It's not just two careful punctures this time. Zher teeth clamp down all at once, but thankfully the Kiss takes over all the same, stealing away the pain and replacing it with ecstasy.

Calamity's eyes go wide with surprise when Finley's teeth hit their skin, and flinches, as if preparing for pain.

A swear escapes their lips, high-pitched and breathless, and they stiffen for a moment against Finley before melting into zhem, a lazy grin sliding across their face.

"This's the shit, Fin..." they mutter, sliding sideways until they're draped across zher lap.

If zhe'll let them, of course.

Finley definitely lets zhem. Zher arms wrap around them, holding them very close while zher jaw stays clamped around their wrist. Zhe swallows down several mouthfuls, eyes closed, brows creased with zher own ecstatic expression.

Then zhe pulls back and licks quickly at the rather... large, brutal bite wound. Thankfully, it still heals completely, even if it takes a moment longer.

There's no way Finley can be clean with that many teeth, no matter how careful zhe is. Blood is smeared across zher teeth and chin, and some lingering smudges across Calamity's arm--which Finley licks away, unless Calamity pulls back.

Another swear, this one breathless and drawn out, and Calamity's head tips back, their eyelids fluttering as their heart races. Exposing that lovely vein in their neck, too, though Finley's probably too busy with their wrist to notice.

They take a couple shuddering breaths, and twitch when Finley's tongue hits their skin, like they're maybe a little ticklish, but they don't pull away. They barely move in zher arms, really, and after a few moments blink slowly up at zhem.

Zhe holds them close, but zher eyes are dazed with bloodlust, half lid in a content, satisfied expression. "A-are... you... okay...?" zhe murmurs, gaze settling on their neck, almost like zhe might be considering diving back in for more. Zhe doesn't seem to notice the blood still smeared over zher face--or just doesn't care right now.

"Uh-huh." Calamity's lazy grin widens, and they nod as their eyes flicker shut, and open again. They start to raise their head, but drop it back again like it's too much effort for them to expend right now.

"You got - blood all over your face..." They huff out a quiet laugh. They're still clearly riding that pleasure high, and don't seem disturbed by the fact at all.

Having the blood called out seems to snap zhem out of the blood-haze a bit. Zhe blinks, some focus returning to zher eyes. "O-oh, um, sorry. It's... hard to not get messy, like this," zhe murmurs sheepishly. "I'll wash off in a minute..." But not now. Now zhe holds Calamity closer, head lowering to nuzzle zher cheek against their shoulder. "I... I like this. I don't want this to stop..."

Calamity flops their head against Finley with a contented hum, and drapes an arm over their shoulder. "...Don' want what to stop? You prob'ly coulda kept going."

"Nnn... No... I don't wanna take too much. I just... I like this. Holding you... smelling your blood. You taste so good." Zhe sighs contently, continuing to nuzzle into them.

"...Oh. 'S a little creepy, Fin..." They huff out a laugh. "But fuck me, this's...'s nice t'be held. Like this."

"D'you mind if I stay over again?"

"No--not at all. Please stay. You can sleep where ever you want," Finley murmurs, squeezing tighter. "S-sorry for being creepy..."

"Im 'bout to fall asleep right here..." Calamity nuzzles Fin's shoulder. "But I'll go crash on the couch." They make no move to leave, though, and turn toward Finley slightly, curling their body around them.

Finley seems to be doing some mental math for a moment, looking Calamity over. But then zhe shifts zher hold and just... lifts them up, like they weigh as much as a child. Zhe fumbles a bit--because even if the kindred is strong, zhe's still really fucking clumsy. But after a moment zhe gets to zher feet and carries Calamity into the living room, to set down on the couch.

They let out a small 'eep!' of surprise, and wrap their arms tight around Finley's shoulders.

"Fucking strong, Fin, what the fuck..."

"I-it's a power of my blood," Finley murmurs. "Um. I'm like... um... super strong. I can be even stronger than this, if I want to be--but I get hungrier after doing it, and I don't want to waste it so quickly." "...But some day, um. I'll show off for you?"

"Huh - cool. Fuckin - don't let Rena hear you say you wanna show off for me, she'll get totally the wrong idea..." They seem to find being carried kinda hilarious, and can't keep a grin off their face.

"I won't mention it to her." Zhe smiles, which mostly is just... baring bloodied teeth. Good thing Calamity is currently Swooning, so maybe doesn't care. "It is kinda cool, though. I can... jump super high, and--break things." Zhe sets them down carefully on the couch, then moves to grab a blanket to drape over them.

Might be a little difficult, 'cause Calamity doesn't really let go, dropping their head on Finley's shoulder with a groan of protest.

Finley blinks in surprise, but doesn't fight them. Zhe just kinda... leans/looms over them awkwardly for a few seconds, before giving up and just curling up on the couch beside them. Zher arms loop around them to hold, watching them quietly.

"Hope this's okay." A few sleepy blinks, and Calamity starts to relax against zhem. "Wake me up before you go to sleep?"

"It's okay," Finley assures softly, giving them a squeeze. "I will. Get some rest."