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'''Daniel Hawthorne:''' Daniel stood up straighter on reflex at the title - old habits die hard and all that - taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly.  "Daniel Hawthorne.  Good to meet you."Daniel stood up straighter on reflex at the title - old habits die hard and all that - taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly.  "Daniel Hawthorne.  Good to meet you."
'''Daniel Hawthorne:''' Daniel stood up straighter on reflex at the title - old habits die hard and all that - taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly.  "Daniel Hawthorne.  Good to meet you."

Latest revision as of 21:47, 7 July 2020


Bowling Alley, followed by a hotel room


Phaedra Lamb: The night had started at the Bellevue Hotel, but Phaedra got restless and had somehow managed to convince Cian (and Daniel?) to come along to bowling. She's currently getting the lane set up while Cian sorts shoe rentals.

Those who've met Phaedra before may note she seems to have somehow, in a way that's hard to put a finger on exactly, become kinda spookier. Cultivated a certain air of otherworldliness that makes some of the mortals out this late give her a wide berth.

'Cian Doyle: Cian, unsurprisingly, is not dressed for bowling. But Phaedra's got puppy eyes, and it's not as if there's anything better to do with the evening, and so here he is. Sorting shoe rentals while dressed like some sort of quasi-eighteenth century dandy.

Or a hipster. Hard to tell.

Daniel Hawthorne: It had been...a while since he'd been to a bowling alley - likely some far-flung birthday party in his younger days - but he was up for spending time with others somewhere that wasn't an Elysium so he agreed to the invite. He was dressed casually but neatly as was his wont, a dark grey scarf wrapped snugly in place around his neck. "This should be interesting..." he whispered to Cian as he waited for his own shoes to be pulled from the racks, smirking a touch.

Jasper Wright: In waltzes with no fanfare the tallish Mekhet. Long hair lazily chopped to about chin length, with beard left on. Blue eyes behind gold rims and soft blue casual dress clothes going for a Professor-chic look that is modernly fit sort of dated. Especially as sleeves were rolled up as he made his way inside so casually as if completely unaware of the others.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra moves from setting the game up to the important task of considering balls, fingering a few thoughtfully as she tries to figure out what weight she needs these nights. After all, the last time she'd been bowling, Vigor had not been a consideration. But the heavier balls tend to come with larger holes, and Phaedra has such delicate fingers.

Cian Doyle: "Mmm." Cian gives Daniel a hum of agreement, and stoops to lace up his shoes. Bowling shoes are always a little out of place on a person, but they look particularly ridiculous with Cian's trousers and full sleeved shirt.

When he lifts his head again his gaze strays near the door - and his face flushes, his pulse increasing under the Blush. "Oh Christ," he mutters, and dips his head again like he's hoping the man who just walked in won't notice him.

Daniel Hawthorne: The exclamation from Cian led to Daniel looking towards the door in kind, an eyebrow arching as he spotted Jasper making his way in. This definitely wasn't a place one would expect to see one of the Unconquered, and that plus Cian's reaction to his presence made for a curious moment indeed. "Something up?"

Jasper Wright: The living-for-now Invictus's ears metaphorically perked. Then came that easy stroll on over towards the set. "Hello, hello," says the grinning man as he reaches up to adjust the glasses on his face. "What luck."

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra sees Jasper converging with Daniel and Cian and leaves off her ball hunt to approach the menfolk as well. There's a certain degree of caution as she walks over, her gaze flickering between the three of them.

Cian Doyle: "It's...complicated," Cian mutters to Daniel, and lifts his hand to wave weakly at the Invictus. His thin cravat is floral, today, and pale green rather than something truly eye catching.

"How are you, Jasper?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Noted..." Daniel quietly responded before nodding to Jasper once he was in conversation range. "Evening."

Jasper Wright: "It's a good night. I'd just wandering into this place - it seems... unique," comments the elder before he reaches out a knobby fingered hand for a shake towards Daniel. "Alder Jasper Wright," he offers by way of introduction.

"Have I inadvertently stumbled in on some secret dealings?" Jasper tuts. "Ah, Phaedra, I still need to come for that reading."

Phaedra Lamb: "You really, really do. Mister Dubois came in for one. And then gave me one in return, which was...interesting. As for secret dealings, not really. Not tonight. I just haven't been bowling since I was about fourteen, and I got the notion to drag these gents out for it. If you rent shoes, you can join us on our lane?" She tilts her head to one side.

Cian Doyle: "You haven't." Cian shakes his head, gesturing to what Phaedra's said. "You presence is merely unexpected, Jasper. Is bowling a new experience for you?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel stood up straighter on reflex at the title - old habits die hard and all that - taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly. "Daniel Hawthorne. Good to meet you."

Jasper Wright: "Rent?" Somehow it seems to amuse him. "Of course." His shake was light, not the sort of measure of some from other times. A small quirk of the lips. ""It's quite good."

"You'll have to excuse my curiosity. I've not played much with such things." He gestures. "I just... rent some shoes then? I'm afraid this is a bit of a new experience for me."

Phaedra Lamb: "Bowling shoes. You need to have special non-slip shoes in order to play. We've already rented the lane. The goal's to use a ball to knock down all ten pins--there's something of strength and precision both needed for it. The computer does the math of scoring--I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly." She grins.

Cian Doyle: "I haven't played in...some time. I don't expect my skill to have improved at all, if you're worried about that." He eyes Jasper, and is unable to stop himself from giving him a quick once-over. In public. The scandal.

Jasper Wright: "I'm not afraid to be spanked in public," comments Jasper idly as if this were in fact the hip thing to say. Maybe knowingly, maybe not. It was hard to gauge as he moved to go and rent his shoes - he seemed to go out of his way to pick the most blinding set in his size with the full neon realness.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra doesn't contain her giggle at that comment, walking back over toward the lane. "Oh, this night just got really interesting."

Cian Doyle: Oh, the horror of being Blushed - Cian's face reddens still more at Jasper's comment, and he stands to follow Phaedra. "What are the chances..." he mumbles as he goes.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel kept to a simple smirk rather than making a comment, following after the others to the lane that the quartet would be using. "Do we want to play solo or go for teams? I'm good either way."

Jasper Wright: Once the shoes were on, his other carried in those strange fingers, he continues on his way over to the group. "Whichever of you is the best player should go with me. It would balance things. Though there's something to be said for striving for glory on your own..."

Phaedra Lamb: "I don't know that any of us have recent enough experience to be a best player." She laughs, moving back over to the ball-rack to pick out something neon-colored, giving up on figuring out the 'right' weight. Aesthetics over all. "I'm definitely not placing any bets on this game, either."

Cian Doyle: "I believe the last time I played, we had the bumpers set up..." Cian shakes his head and sits down on one of the seats in the lane, stretching his legs out slightly. "Why don't we start alone, and reevaluate after we've all had a bit of practice?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Works for me. Probably been a good fifteen years or so at least since I played..." Daniel nodded, claiming a ball for himself and putting it on the loader with the others. "Any preferences on going first?"

Jasper Wright: "I nominate Phaedra - if she organized this, then clearly she should be most excited, yes?" poses Jasper before he reaches over and grabs a weird marbled teal ball. "I can go after Cian - based on what I'm seeing, it means I'd get the chance to watch two if not all of you go first to try to study forms. I do enjoy the study."

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra takes her ball in hand, eyeing the pins quietly for a moment before she steps up.

"Y'see, Jasper, you ideally want to aim for right to either side of the head pin. If you hit the head pin straight on, you'll tend to leave the pins on the far left and far right in back, and it's really hard to pick those both up. But if you go for the 'pocket', right beside the head pin, that's the best chance to knock everything down."

Of course, she then proceeds to only knock two pins down with the first ball, and three more (on the other side) with the second. But the theory is sound!

Cian Doyle: "Oh you know the theory..." Cian grins and stands after Phaedra's done, choosing a midnight blue ball for himself. The only two pins he leaves standing are the ones on the far right and far left, in the back, and he returns to his seat looking surprised and a maybe a little smug. "Maybe you'll have some beginner's luck, Jasper."

Jasper Wright: "So it's not terribly different from billiards in that way - a game of angles and force carefully applied. Though there's always said to be something of skill," muses Jasper as he rises and then goes to line up a shot - lobbing the ball more loudly so it'll sloooooowly roll its way on down.

He turns towards the others while waiting on the second shot. "So how does everyone know one another?" And then off to throw again, coming back to sit before the ball's even made it down the lane.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Conversations at the Bellevue, primarily." Daniel replied before getting up to take his own hand at the lane, managing to get a pin or three down.

Phaedra Lamb: If anyone's paying attention to such (let's be real, in this group everyone probably is), it might be noted that when Cian sits down after his first frame, Phaedra lightly touches his sleeve. It could have been incidental, but it wasn't, not really.

"Cian's tutoring me in history--he's really smart, and Daniel made the costume I wear for work."

As she stands to bowl the next frame, there's a hint of a smile. "And you, I met at the Magic Gardens, and probably left with a bad first impression."

Cian Doyle: Cian's still unused to the touch, giving Phaedra a curious look but not pulling away. "All of that, yes," Cian agrees, but the glance he gives Daniel implies that it might not be the whole story.

Jasper Wright: "Quite," agrees Jasper to Phaedra with the smallest of smirks. "I suppose that's a way to learn the hidden histories - ask one who knows them intimately."

"I've not seen you at the Bellevue before. Then again, my more recent hang out has been this place called the Toasted Walnut."

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra gives Cian a bit of a sidelong glance. "It's definitely been a rare learning opportunity. And what sort of place is the Toasted Walnut? A bar?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel noticed the glance his way but didn't return it, although the 'hidden histories' bit from Jasper earned the Mekhet a curious look of his own. "Not familiar with the name off-hand, but then again I don't go to bars that often."

Cian Doyle: 'I've not heard of it, either." Cian seems to decide the best course of action is to just. Ignore the smirks and glances between the Mekhets.

Jasper Wright: "You should change your mind on that. It is a bar, but one that does karaoke on Thursdays and on Tuesdays you get a choice of either Texas Hold'em or trivia. I've found it quite enjoyable for people watching. And for eye candy."

Phaedra Lamb: "Oooh, trivia...I'm shit for karaoke, but trivia, that I can maybe-maybe do." She steps up to the lane for another frame--this one results in two gutter balls, but she doesn't seem too fussed at this point. "If you don't mind others coming to nose in around your hangout spot, Jasper?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Could be interesting." Daniel nodded quietly, glancing towards the lane as Phaedra did her thing. "Where is it in town?"

Cian Doyle: "I've heard your singing, does the place empty when you're up?" Cian raises an eyebrow at Jasper before standing to follow Phaedra's gutter balls with one of his own. The other ball knocks down a few pins.

Jasper Wright: "I find more of them as time goes on. Being particularly possessive isn't my style. I'd say to ask someone, but being the kiss and tell type isn't particularly classy," says Jasper with a smirk. "Please, feel free. It's over... 1316 Walnut - vaguely near the so-called gayborhood."

Jasper rises up to take his turn before looking to Cian. "Should I let everyone share in the memory of you singing? The horrors of the Shadow are near endless."

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra's gaze flickers between Jasper and Cian briefly. "Huh." Surprised? Perhaps. And thoughtful about it, now.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah...not too far from work, then." Daniel filed that away for later mulling at he looked between Jasper and Cian, the "it's complicated" making more sense at this point... "Will keep it in mind."

Cian Doyle: There's a moment, where Cian frowns, looking confused. But a moment later his face clears, eyes going slightly wide but otherwise not really reacting to the comment. "I don't think either Phaedra or Daniel would be interested in that."

Of course Phaedra can see the way Cian's eyes fill with the horror and embarassment that Jasper might share that sort of memory with anyone.

Jasper Wright: "Where is it you work, Hawthorne?" asks Jasper. You don't get to Alder in the Invictus without being able to sail right on over people having their moments of introspection and maybe awkwardness.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra's hand returns to Cian's sleeve again, patting his arm once before drawing back.

Daniel Hawthorne: Two can play at that game, it seemed, as Daniel very neatly avoided the awkward moment, barring giving Cian a brief sympathetic look before turning his attention back to Jasper. "Near Rittenhouse Square. I own and run a clothing design business out of a studio there."

Cian Doyle: As the conversation shifts, Cian relaxes a little. "Were you able to keep your clients when you moved?" he asks Daniel instead.

Jasper Wright: Balls flung, with something of beginners luck keeping things from being the complete worst... for now. "You're a tailor? How is your work?" asks Jasper before coming to sit again, picking lint off a pant leg.

Phaedra Lamb: "Like I said, he made the costume I wear for work--so I'm definitely a fan of Daniel's work. Well-fitted, comfortable while still looking authentic enough, attention to all the details. I probably couldn't afford him for my own personal clothes, but if I had an event or something, I'd try."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I was, yes. Had a few who pointed other interested parties down here to me as well, so I was able to hit the ground running." Daniel nodded to Cian's question as he got up to take another turn on the lane, smiling at Phaedra's response to Jasper's inquiry. "Glad you like it. I'd be more than willing to give a hand on that front, or even just make sure what you have is properly fitted. It can do wonders, even on store-bought pieces."

Cian Doyle: "Mmm..." Cian nods, looking thoughtful. "I may have to save up for a custom garment or two. Do you work with historical reproductions at all, or do you tend to prefer a more modern silhouette?"

Jasper Wright: "I've not seen your costume," he notes as he looks between the set. Something evaluating behind the eyes.

Phaedra Lamb: "It's this black Victorian-style dress, with black lace trim and a high neckline? I kind of love it. It makes it clear up front that even though I'm part of the spectacle of Penny Dreadful, I'm not one of the dancers. I wear a black veil with it, and look like a waif in mourning."

She tilts her head at Daniel. "Where'd you move here from? I know I got part of your story, but I don't remember if I heard the geography of it."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I do. Working within the parameters of a particular style but making my own mark on it can be a fun challenge." Daniel smirked a touch, pulling out his phone to cue up a photo of the dress in question from the gallery and offered it to Jasper. "Boston."

Cian Doyle: "I will certainly keep you in mind, then, the next time I'm looking for a custom garment." Cian nods and sits back, glancing between Phaedra and Jasper when Daniel says where he's from.

Jasper Wright: He took the phone in hand to inspect, sliding a finger left and right - apparently knowing how to look for more pictures - whether or not they're there or he's just going through everything in a folder. Ooops.

"Do you prefer feminine or masculine silhouettes? I've gotten tired of stealing my clothes," says Jasper as if this is some great imposition.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra blinks at Daniel, then stows whatever she was about to say--it's her turn to bowl. Not that, like, she knocks more than four pins down this frame.

Daniel Hawthorne: The additional swiping did earn Jasper a quiet look from the Haunt but he said nothing on it for the moment, other photos of his previous work visible in the folder in question. "No preference either way, but both have their own challenges."

Cian Doyle: Cian is sitting just close enough to Jasper to be able to lean and try to catch a glimpse of Phaedra's work costume. Very carefully not making any sort of physical contact with him. "Do you design and make the clothing, or do you outsource?" He flashes a glance at Daniel as he asks, clearly curious.

Jasper Wright: If he caught the look, it doesn't stop the alder. Who does go back to the work outfit and even zooms in while tilting the phone towards Cian. "I find my eye draws towards particularly archetypes, but perhaps I should learn to broaden my tastes."

Phaedra Lamb: "Are you talking about clothing or people, there?" There's a hint of laughter hiding behind Phaedra's words.

Daniel Hawthorne: "We do most of the design and manufacturing in-house, although sometimes folks come with work of their own they don't have the equipment or time to produce." He reached out to reclaim the phone once the pair was done looking at it. "We have four other beside myself at the moment, along with my sister who handles the day to day logistics."

Cian Doyle: "Quite the operation." Cian looks impressed. "This dress is quite well done, Phaedra I'm sure it looks lovely on you." He offers her a smile, and pointedly doesn't comment on her question. Not that it was directed to him.

Jasper Wright: "I'll have to see you work," he says ahs he offers it back before looking back to Phaedra. "I certainly do need to come in for that reading - tell me, what did you see coming for my dear Simon?"

Phaedra Lamb: "The Tower, the Hanged Man reversed, the Star. The last one surprised me and him both. I don't think either of us were expecting hope, in the end of it. I don't think he still is, honestly. I wonder what the cards would have to say about you, though." She tilts her head to one side, studying Jasper thoughtfully.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Can get a little hectic at times but I enjoy it." The phone was reclaimed and slid back into his pocket as he nodded, looking towards Phaedra at the tarot talk. "Sounds interesting..."

Cian Doyle: "I'd be quite fascinated by what the cards have to say about you..." Cian turns to Jasper with a small smile. "I live in fear of what they'd tell me."

Jasper Wright: "Tell me - is it truly the cards, or an... inborn trick?" muses Jasper as he studies Phaedra before rising to take his own turn.

Phaedra Lamb: "You're making the same mistake Simon did, in assuming it's always one or the other. He made a habit of that throughout our conversation, asking if things were one way or the other, when so often it was a third altogether or a mix of the two." Then she pauses, giving Cian a quirky little smile. "Probably the Seven of Swords or the Moon, maybe the Nine of Wands if the deck's feeling charitable."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Never had a reading done myself, I'll admit. Never opposed to new forms of insight, though..."

Cian Doyle: Cian arches an eyebrow. "Do I want to know what those cards mean?"

Jasper Wright: "I admit, I'm curious. Spiritualism may have used different meanings for such things. Perhaps after this, we can pay for a nice group reading." He lifts a foot. "You know, I think I'm starting to like these shoes. They're atrocious."

Phaedra Lamb: "They're cards to describe you, Cian." She bleps at him playfully. "And I do actually have a deck on me, if you guys want readings. I'm not very often without them anymore, for situations like this. Once we're done bowling?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'm game for it." Daniel nodded, looking rather intrigued at the prospect.

Cian Doyle: "They're horrifyingly unattractive," Cian agrees about the shoes with a smirk, though his expression turns a little nervous at the suggestion of an actual reading. "I...suppose," he finally says.

Jasper Wright: "It's good. I'd hate to have brought so many Kindred under my sway with a particularly sexy shoe choice," quips Jasper dryly as he adjusts his glasses. "How does it work anyway, Phaedra?"

Phaedra Lamb: "The cards hold symbols for archetypes, ideals, common concepts within life. Things like disappointment, hope, sacrifice, betrayal. I deal the cards out, and read their meanings, trying to apply them to the question brought before me." A tiny pause. "Unless I'm acting as Haruspex, where things get more complicated because Cruac, but most of the time it's not that deep. And yeah, sometimes I use shadowy tricks to make a reading easier. Especially when people come into my parlor acting skeptical as shit and need a little spooking. But...I do believe that the archetypes of the cards themselves hold meaning, even when I'm not pushing behind that."

Cian Doyle: "I suspect the belief helps the cards hold meaning, yes? Skeptics would only look for the ways in which the reading is incorrect...did Simon's reading ring true to you, in the way that you readings do for others?"

Jasper Wright: A nod at the question. "And was it backed with your... other magic? I'm afraid I know very little between the fact and fiction of the practice - its use of blood comes up often in my studies."

Phaedra Lamb: "For Simon, I didn't use Cruac--I don't do that at work, because of the blood thing, but also because I feel weird about accepting money for it? It's...sacred. I don't want to mix that with my day job." She grabs her ball. "As for Simon's reading...I felt like he was trying to take my measure, almost as clearly as Daniel did before making a dress for me. Watching my reactions to his words. It was interesting. He's a complex man."

Cian Doyle: "I don't know very much about him," Cian admits quietly. "Apart from his relationship with you," he finished to Jasper. It's not admonishing, he's just curious. But seems unwilling to pry further.

"Do you get many difficult customers?" this to Phaedra once she's back.

Jasper Wright: "I've found him to be uniquely terrible company - like the way one trying to hug a briar bush might find it similar company. I'm particularly fond of him," says the Invictus as if these two statements make any sense together.

Phaedra Lamb: "...accurate. Though a briar bush isn't so intentional about it. Hedgehog, though." She nods, like it makes complete sense to her, before shaking her head at Cian. "Not too-too many, not at Penny Dreadful. Now, when I used to mostly be reading by appointment at people's homes, that got weird sometimes."

Cian Doyle: "You? Preferring odd company?" Cian arches an eyebrow at Jasper, the corners of his mouth twitching upward, before he turns to Phaedra. "I can imagine one might find oneself in...odd scenarios,like that, yes..."

Jasper Wright: "What's perhaps the oddest story you've got to share from such a time?" urges Jasper.

Phaedra Lamb: "The fifty-something year old woman who was convinced she was the reincarnation of Cleopatra and wanted me to do a reading to confirm that." She shakes her head. "She kept offering me more money to draw cards, and hysterically shrieking that I was wrong, that she had to be Cleopatra."

Cian Doyle: "...She sounds like a lovely person." Cian scoffs. "What did the reading say?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel's eyebrow arched at that, shaking his head quietly. "Lovely indeed..."

Jasper Wright: "I suppose first that begs the question of if you believe in reincarnation, or that Cleopatra is well and truly dead," comments Jasper before rising and going to bowl...

Phaedra Lamb: "Both really interesting questions. I honestly didn't have any idea who Cleopatra was at the time, though, so I was even more confused." She laughs.

Cian Doyle: "I hope you were able to satisfy this woman - or extricate yourself from the situation entirely." Cian leans back, idly watching Jasper as he leaves to bowl.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Yeah, I can imagine. I've dealt with some entitled clients before, but that's something else." Daniel shook his head, smirking a touch. "Hope it didn't go too bad."

Jasper Wright: And two gutterballs later, Jasper comes on back towards the other. "Well then, come now. Tell us about the other Inv-your worst clients," corrects Jasper.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra glances between Jasper and Daniel, eyebrows both raising. There's a thoughtful expression on her face, before she turns to Cian. "Believe it or not, I'm used to dealing with people who're obsessive over a belief system, and making sure I keep them from getting too angry at me. Yeeeears of experience."

Cian Doyle: Cian arches an eyebrow at Jasper too, before nodding at Phaedra. "I suppose that makes sense. It...doesn't sound like a particularly pleasant experience, regardless."

Jasper Wright: "Do you?" asks Jasper. "Believe in either Cleopatra's death or reincarnation?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Cue an equally puzzled eyebrow arch from the Haunt at that 'correction'. "They were actually rather easy to work with for the most part, truth be told. Some were very particular, mind, but rarely unpleasant. I had more 'do you know who I am?' moments from my other clients."

Phaedra Lamb: "I don't know enough about Cleopatra to answer for her. But I don't really believe in reincarnation. But that's a gut-feeling, not something from research." She shrugs, stepping up for her last frame--with two balls, she manages seven pins this time. It's probably her best frame of the entire game.

Cian Doyle: "Do you always assume the worst of your covenant, or are you speaking of someone in particular?" Cian asks Jasper.

Jasper Wright: "I've been wondering if someone might have had a run-in with our missing commissioner," notes Jasper idly with another brush of his hands across his pants. "Anna-Marie - had you worked with her?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I have not, no." Daniel shook his head, looking Jasper over. "Only spoke with her once, in fact."

Phaedra Lamb: "I only ever met her the once, myself. At Bala Cynwyd, when Rihat made himself known." Phaedra tilts her head to one side. "I assumed she was just too important to spend time anywhere I was hanging out. She's missing?"

Cian Doyle: "Ah. I don't believe she and I ever crossed paths, her name is only vaguely familiar to me. How long has she been missing?" Cian's eyebrow raises as he stands to bowl his last frame. Badly, only managing two pins. He doesn't seem particularly upset as he comes to sit back down.

Jasper Wright: Jasper nods slowly just the once. "She is. A few weeks," he comments idly. "Still, it's nothing to concern one's self with." And then up he goes to fling the ball for a 1 pin followed by a gutterball - not a good showing all in all.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Really...she doesn't strike me as someone who would just go quiet like that." Daniel sat back in his seat, watching Jasper as he went up to the lane.

Phaedra Lamb: "Huh, I wonder if Rihat got to her or something." Phaedra frowns.

Cian Doyle: Once again Cian eyes Jasper as he bowls. "I suppose it's possible - it sounds like she's fairly formidable, Rihat would have had his work cut out for him."

Jasper Wright: "I wouldn't know. She didn't cross my path any of the times I've been around," he considers with a small shrug. "Is there... movement against this Rihat?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "There are efforts to find him, to my knowledge, although I'm not involved in them directly. He caused a mess at one of the local meeting places, although that may be a topic best discussed elsewhere."

Phaedra Lamb: "There's a few ideas floating around for finding that library. Nothing solid yet, that I've heard." She shakes her head. "But there's also been no word about anything in the Cacophony. Last time I had my ear to that, there were other small problems people were talking about."

Cian Doyle: "I..." Cian lets out a breath. "I had been hoping to talk to you about the library," he says to Jasper. Leaving Phaedra with no question as to who Cian's ties to the Invictus are. "But I do agree that more specific discussion might be best elsewhere."

Jasper Wright: "Interesting. Then perhaps we should adjourn somewhere more private?" suggests Jasper. "Since we're also discussing the future."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked between Cian and Jasper for a moment before nodding quietly. "Not a bad idea."

Phaedra Lamb: "Got someplace in mind? I'd invite you all home with me, but that's a long ways out in the woods." She glances between the men, untying her bowling shoes so she can return them.

Cian Doyle: "My flat is a bit too small for the four of us, I think. Though it is more private than the Bellevue, I suppose..." Cian eyes Phaedra and Jasper, given that both of them have seen where he lives.

Jasper Wright: "How about I just rent a hotel room? That way, no one knows where you sleep and can't as easily plot your death, etc, etc," comments Jasper with a wave of his hand.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Fine by me."

Phaedra Lamb: "A hotel room works if you're not comfy taking us home, Cian. Either way, it might end up being real 'roast Cian' hours, cards or no cards." She smiles somewhat.

Cian Doyle: "Mmm." Cian's smile is a little tight lipped. "It surprises me that you have restrained yourself for this long. A hotel room is fine with me. I have some sort of hope that one of you will defend me, but..." He shakes his head as he looks between the others. "Somehow I doubt it."

Jasper Wright: "That seems unnecessarily aggressive," says Jasper as he takes his shoes off to replace for the real ones. "Unless that's some euphemism I'm missing."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel chuckled quietly, taking a moment to change out his own shoes. "We'll see."

Phaedra Lamb: "It's definitely a turn of phrase. It's...to ridicule? To tease, to mock. Most often with things that are true. Call-outs."

Jasper Wright: "Ah. Yes, it may well turn into that for all," says Jasper as he studies the others, gauges the door, and then goes to set his shoes back down. "Let's just go over that way. I believe there's a Motel 6 that way."

Cian Doyle: "Phaedra happens to be excellent at it, from what I've heard. I think I've managed to avoid the worst of her, so far." Cian tugs on his lace up boots and goes to return his bowling shoes.

"What a sight we'll all be, renting a hotel room for a few hours..." Cian's smile warms as he looks between them all.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not the oddest group I've seen, admittedly." Daniel smirked a touch, clearing his throat briefly as he headed up to the counter to return his shoes.

Phaedra Lamb: "Oh no, they might think we're having an orgy." The tone behind those words is incredibly dry.

Jasper Wright: "It isn't the first time I've taken two handsome men to a motel for a few hours, nor will it be the last," comments Jasper offhandedly. "Adding in a woman will be new for me though. Perhaps I'll start getting a reputation."

Cian Doyle: Cian shakes his head. "There are worse reputations to have, surely." He stands and offers his arm to Phaedra - it's habit at this point.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel simply nodded to give his voice a bit of a break, following after the others on the way out of the bowling alley.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra sets her hand on Cian's sleeve, allowing him to escort her, favoring him with a warm smile as they head to their destination.

Jasper Wright: And then they arrived in style where Jasper set up for a moment. After he gets the keycard, he leads the group out to settle into their room. A sweeping gesture. "Beauty before age."

Cian Doyle: There's a moment where Cian pauses, arching an eyebrow at Jasper. But he clearly decides that it's not worth disputing, and makes his way into the room, perching on the edge of the bed and looking curiously at the other three, and where they choose to sit.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel went for a chair himself as far as seating arrangements went, giving Cian a brief but curious look as they got settled.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra totally flops across the bed, near but not touching Cian, and pulls the small velvet bag holding her deck out of her purse; she doesn't pull the cards out yet, though.

Jasper Wright: "Cian knows I think he's very beautiful," comments Jasper as he makes up the last one in, taking off his shoes as he came inside. "I have spent some time serenading him."

Cian Doyle: Cian blushes, and he gives Jasper a resigned look. "Ah so we are immediately beginning, then." He shakes his head, though a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Though I fail to see how that connects to the problem of Rihat and the library." It's a transparent and almost comical attempt to change the subject.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah hah." Daniel nodded quietly, smirking a touch at the blush. "Doesn't really relate, no..."

Phaedra Lamb: "The library's beside the point, now." She glances up at Jasper. "He's talked about you behind your back, you know."

Jasper Wright: "I don't know. Feel free to tell me about well anything," says Jasper as he comes to lean against the dresser.

Cian Doyle: Cian huffs in mild amusement, and sighs. "We were in a discussion about losing our dignity."

Daniel Hawthorne: The Haunt remained quiet, watching the trio of Kindred for the time being.

Phaedra Lamb: "Oh, please, you've brought him up on multiple occasions, usually while politely bemoaning the stereotypes of our clan. 'It's bad luck on my part, to manage to find the Shadows here first...'" She tsks softly.

Jasper Wright: "It's a good stereotype to fear. Assume every Lord is controlling your mind, every Serpent is less pretty than they seem, every Haunt is actually in the room with you, and that every Savage can kill you. I know I read every mind in every room I plan to enter, considering a few dozen steps ahead to calculate exactly the situational spin I want from it as a spider in her web," says Jasper with the smirk that probably counts as a smile. "But we were speaking on... some sort of unpleasantness?"

Cian Doyle: "You're so sure I am always speaking of the same Shadow?" Cian arches an eyebrow at Phaedra.

Phaedra Lamb: “Unless there’s another named Jasper around? Yes, I am.” She laughs. “And no unpleasantness. I just wanted to hold you up against how he talks about you. See how the reality compares. An example of what I should want to be when I grow up?”

Jasper Wright: There's a raised brow at that. "Only if you don't have much of an ambitious spirit. Over two hundred years, and I'm not yet truly-" The Invictus cuts off. "I prefer short stints of wakefulness. Usually only a year or two, then skipping ahead."

Cian Doyle: Cian winces slightly when Phaedra calls him out so easily. "Is that by choice?" He asks Jasper, latching onto something that's not about his own history.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Really..." Daniel gave Jasper a curious look at that. "What led to that decision, out of curiosity?"

Phaedra Lamb: “Mmm, but you still leave quite the impact.” A quiet smile.

Jasper Wright: "It is... necessary," says Jasper carefully. "One does not want to get so old that they need to turn our own kind into food. To do so is... selfish. Besides, when I rise each time, I'm called to bring others up and push back the fog of eternity for them."

Cian Doyle: "That is not the same as a choice." Cian's eyebrow arches incredulously.

Daniel Hawthorne: The Haunt went quiet for a moment as that particular topic came up, the thumb on his right hand lightly rubbing against his finger in something of a centering motion. "True," he finally added, "but it usually takes some time to reach that plateau from what I know. Why spend only a few years out of eclipse?"

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra listens quietly, thoughtfully, her gaze moving from Jasper to Daniel's hand.

Jasper Wright: "It's easier to maintain. It's like getting dressed for a party - you only stay while it's fun. Afterwards? You can go back to skipping ahead to the next good part. Keeping yourself away from..." The elder Shadow looks to the Haunt. "Becoming more of a monster. My life works with structure and newness, and learning to re-establish myself after each torpor. The longer one is awake, the more difficult it is to avoid viewing others as food and pawns. Further power comes much easier as you age - how long have you been dancing this macabre danse?"

Cian Doyle: "Certainly longer than your most recent stretch of awakeness." Cian huffs out a slightly hollow laugh, since that's really not saying very much. "You don't worry about the fun things you miss while you're asleep?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Close to seven years, at this point." Catching Phaedra's look his way Daniel noticed what he was doing and let his hand settle back on the arm of his chair, looking towards Jasper. "Not long in the grand scheme of things, maybe, but working against that sort of mindset and stagnation of the self is worth the effort as I see it."

Phaedra Lamb: "I'm just over five years as a Kindred. But the youngest, from birth to now." She rests her elbows on the bedding and her chin in her hands. "I will have to learn from those who're older and more experienced than me."

Jasper Wright: "You mean like the deaths of those I grow close to? Watching my childer running off elsewhere or being eaten despite the potential for their eternity? No," muses Jasper as if it amuses him. "No, I don't really yearn for what I miss. It's with wonder that I can return to the world to find the things that are just miraculous from the time before. So much time on Youtube..." Though there's a mild scowl there before he shakes his head. "Trust me - the old have much to learn from the young in turn. It's a two way street."

Cian Doyle: Cian nods thoughtfully. "I suppose that makes sense. We all have things to learn from each other, I think. Elders who forget that do it to their detriment."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Agreed. I've seen some over the years who were so disconnected that they had to rely on their retainers for nearly everything outside of their small bubbles." Daniel shook his head quietly. "Plan on doing my best to not fall into that trap myself."

Phaedra Lamb: "I'm still...I can hardly really imagine making it to be that old, I think." This is said softly, as if she's revealing some small secret. "Maybe it's because my sire was killed when I'd only been Embraced a couple years. I don't...I can't see myself getting eternity, not for real."

Jasper Wright: "Eternity's a myth. You live lifetimes, many more than anyone else you will know, if you're smart. But some day, you will be inconvenient for someone who wants more, or you'll do something wrong, and you'll be destroyed. My advice? Value the moments not the number," says Jasper quietly.

Cian Doyle: "Are there any Kindred you met all those years ago that have yet to be destroyed?" Cian's voice is soft.

Daniel Hawthorne: "My previous regnant has been here since before the Revolutionary War, so it's possible if you're smart about it." Daniel gave a little nod, looking to Jasper at Cian's question.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra's expression closes off somewhat, shoulders tensing at Daniel's words. Her eyes are stormy, but for the moment she holds her tongue.

Jasper Wright: "Harold's still around," says Jasper with a nod towards Cian. "I'm not certain which of us is older, but I think it's him? Some of my childer may still be out there, but none in the city now." A nod towards Daniel. "I remember the revolution. I was embraced not too long before it." A brief pause. "I think. Some of the details are... muddled of the exact timeline."

Cian Doyle: "Mmm. You've been in the States for some time, yes?" Another question to Jasper before Cian turns to Phaedra with a small frown of concern.

Daniel Hawthorne: Seeing that stormy look Daniel paused, giving Phaedra an apologetic look in return. "Shouldn't have put it that way. My apologies."

Jasper Wright: "I remember when Indiana wasn't yet a territory. I... believe I remember about when Fort Vincennes was raised, though the French ran rampant in the area back then," comments Jasper, looking between the haunt and shadow.

Phaedra Lamb: "My sire wasn't stupid. We ran afoul of hunters. She was protecting me." The words sound hollow.

Cian Doyle: Cian shifts closer to Phaedra, until his shoulder is touching hers. "Early nineteenth century..." He says to Jasper. "Around my area of expertise, though I don't know that I'm particularly aware of the going-on in Indiana...I don't think anyone meant to imply your sire was stupid. Right?" He arches an eyebrow at the other men.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I didn't mean such, no. Mine was that stupid, because he thought that embracing me to 'save' me would get him in good graces with my regnant despite the fact that an unappoved Embrace was usually a death sentence for both parties." He sat back in his chair, letting out a slow breath to let the irritation at his sire's actions fade out before he continued. "Sorry to hear that happened to your sire, though."

Jasper Wright: "If you'd like," offers Jasper lowly, "I could allow you to clearly experience the memory of her again sometime. In payment for your reading, it only seems fair."

Phaedra Lamb: She nods thoughtfully, her attention shifting to Jasper, even as she leans in against Cian's shoulder slightly. "That...would be a very kind thing to do."

Cian Doyle: "That's a function of your bloodline, no?" Cian asks Jasper. "Possibly something Phaedra could learn to do eventually?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel offered a small nod in kind, looking over to Jasper at the question asked.

Jasper Wright: "Should she wish to be... initiated," says Jasper slowly as he appraises Phaedra. "If that's something you consider at a later date, don't hesitate to speak on the subject. The arts of the Mnemosyne can... help many."

Phaedra Lamb: "I belong to the Penumbrae already. Which is another bloodline with a focus on torpor in its way." She inclines her head slightly.

Cian Doyle: "A focus on torpor already?" Cian cocks his head.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Sounds interesting. Not sure if my sire had a bloodline of his own to call upon...worth looking into, perhaps."

Jasper Wright: "Finding what you feel most drawn to if particular issues don't come naturally to you over the years is perhaps the best," suggests Jasper. "I have heard of the Penumbrae. It's said you have power over blood that no other Acolyte can match."

Phaedra Lamb: "It was my sire's bloodline. I joined eagerly, seeking to delve into the art of Cruac, the ritual secrets." She smiles, and nods at Jasper's comment. "That's true. Though I am still relatively new, of course. Still, I'm not the only of the bloodline in town, so I might seek out more of the arts that are ours, at some point."

Cian Doyle: Phaedra gets a nod. "I...have not leaned into a bloodline at all, my options are...limited, shall we say, at the moment." Cian grimaces slightly.

Daniel Hawthorne: "True enough." Daniel nodded to Jasper. "More curious than anything, if only to know what I'm working with as far as my own blood is concerned."

Jasper Wright: "Depending on the possible experiences, such things can be figured out through a taste test," says Jasper before clearing his throat. "However, perhaps we should consider these readings?"

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra sits up pretzel style on the bed. "Perhaps we should. Who's first?"

Cian Doyle: "Not me." It comes out fast, and Cian leans away from her slightly.

Daniel Hawthorne: The young Haunt smirked a touch at Cian's rapid pass, giving Phaedra a small nod. "I'll go first."

Jasper Wright: Jasper goes to finally sit on the bed now, watching more closely.

Phaedra Lamb: She shuffles the deck a couple times before handing it to Daniel. "Cut the cards."

Cian Doyle: Cian shifts to make room for the elder - but only a little. He'll have to sit quite close.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel got up from the chair and brought it with him towards the bed, retaking his seat and cutting the cards as requested. "All yours."

Jasper Wright: Like the other elder had a problem with it. He even rested his chin on Cian's shoulder as he stared at the whole process.

Phaedra Lamb: She lays out three cards on the bed, and then turns over the first one. "The past: The King of Wands is usually a visionary, a natural leader, someone whose will is the driving force of any team. But the card is reversed, which means all of that will and no horse sense. It's a card about haste, about impulsive decisions. Yeah, uh. This is probably your sire."

The second card shows a figure in a dark cloak at the bank of a river. "The present: The Five of Cups. This card has something of the sense of an exile to it. Traditionally it's read as disappointment or failure. But most of the versions of this card are very clear--while the person on it is staring at the spilled cups, there's still two that haven't tipped over. Be aware of what's still possible, instead of solely focusing on what's lost."

As she flips the third card, she tilts her head to one side. "The future: the Knight of Wands. Also reversed. All the passion in the world means nothing if you can't get your horses pulling in the same direction. This card's very frustrated, scattered energy. It's...delays and a sense of not knowing how to get from point A to point B. It's within your power to change this narrative, to un-reverse the card, but you need to figure out how to focus all that's in your head to do so. To tame the fire energy and bring some other elements in. Two Wands court cards--this is a very loud reading about willpower, and willpower that's not being used properly."

Cian Doyle: It's clear that Cian's fascinated by the reading, and looks to Daniel to gauge his response to what Phaedra's found in the cards. Fascinated enough that Jasper's chin on his shoulder doesn't even seem to phase him.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel watched curiously as the first card was revealed, a wry smirk crossing his features at the description given. "Definitely fits..."

That note of mirth faded as the other two were read, however, a hand lifting up briefly from the arm of the chair before he caught himself and crossed his arms in front of him instead. He remained quiet for a time, eventually giving a slow nod. "That...is impressive."

Jasper Wright: Jasper took his time studying Daniel as all of that's unveiled, trying to gauge any reaction with it. It's the elder way of of people watching. Just hyper fixated even more...

"Does it take anything for you to do these readings? I knew mediums who claimed that she could speak to the dead but that she couldn't sleep for nights afterwards."

Phaedra Lamb: "Well, again, I'm not using Cruac to do these readings, so the cost is minimal to me. If I were using the Pool of Forbidden Truths to channel the power of my blood through my cards, it would cost me significantly, and leave my head...really in a mess for a while. The last time I used that was for the Nereids, and I was noticed by their deep void deity in the deep when I did. It was Bad."

Cian Doyle: "That...sounds dangerous on multiple levels," Cian murmurs, and turns toward Jasper slightly. "Your turn?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Sounds like it." Daniel nodded, still visibly processing the reading and looking rather thoughtful as he did so. "Thank you, Phaedra...that was rather enlightening."

Jasper Wright: "Perhaps... I imagine that idle thoughts of seeking them out below the waves psychically could be an issue," muses Jasper before he nods his head. "Do read for me. Let's see what the magic sees for me - don't hold back."

Phaedra Lamb: She shuffles the deck again, then hands it to Jasper. "Cian, you realize you're not getting out of this, right?"

Cian Doyle: "I'm aware," Cian mutters, and leans away from Phaedra slightly more. Which means leaning into Jasper.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's not that bad." Daniel looked to Cian with a small smirk before turning his attention back to the cards, curious to see what they turned up for the good Alder.

Jasper Wright: The deck is cut one just once but thrice as if this would change things up. While reluctantly taking his chin up off of Cian and then just handing off the cards. Perhaps focusing energy on the reader as much as she focused on the cards.

Phaedra Lamb: She glances at Jasper just once before her attention turns to the cards. "Past: Page of Pentacles--in some decks the Pentacles are called Coins, they represent being grounded in worldly things. Money, property, career. They're cards that speak to remembering where your next meal is coming from, rather than flying off after your dreams. The Page speaks to embarking on a plan and skill development, getting yourself set up with what you need in order to begin. It's funny, seeing this card in the 'past' slot, it's like you've already got the tools you need under your belt for what's coming."

The second card brings a smile to her face. "Present: Six of Cups. On some level, this card really isn't surprising to see when it comes to you. It's all wrapped up in nostalgia and memory. It's a card about the past, even if it's sitting in the present. Looking backwards and learning from it, and holding onto the feelings from it. It's a very 'nice' and 'simple' card, in some ways. Not as nuanced or complicated as some things I could have drawn. Just don't get stuck here."

As she turns over the last card, her head tilts to one side slightly, like a dog hearing a distant can-opener. "Future: The Knight of Swords. The Knights are active, and one of the key ideas for the Knight of Swords in particular is ambition. You've got the foundation from the Coins card. You've got what knowledge you've gained from memory. This card says that coming up, there's an opportunity to use these. Be cunning, and this opportunity is solely yours to profit from. Use the power of your mind rather than emotions or your will, and you'll be likely to triumph."

Cian Doyle: "Ambition?" Cian's voice is quiet, and he turns to Jasper again, brushing against his side with a smile. "That sounds like some sort of big life change..."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked to Jasper to see how the cards settled with him, a note of curiosity in his own features.

Jasper Wright: Jasper seems to be considering that for a long moment before smiling lightly. "It's a hopeful thought, isn't it?"

The elder has a healthy moment of skepticism, perhaps a hesitance. Maybe that ambition's still a bit further off in the future than the current, but not seemingly against it.

Phaedra Lamb: She shuffles once more, watching Cian as she does so. "Why are you so afraid of me when I'm holding the cards?"

Cian Doyle: "I'm uncomfortable with the cards, not with you. The past is not something I need illuminated, and I don't particularly wish to be called out in the way you seem so capable of doing. But here we are." Cian sighs, and holds his hand out when she's ready to have him cut the deck.

Phaedra Lamb: She passes the deck to Cian, her fingertips brushing his sleeve afterwards.

Cian Doyle: Cian twitches at the sleeve brush, and he gives her one of his curious Looks, and cuts the deck in three, placing the top third on the bottom before handing her both stacks back. "Does anyone have a guess as to what the cards may say? All of you have more insight than anyone else here..."

Jasper Wright: Jasper waits to let the others take their guesses first. Sip that tea, elder.

Phaedra Lamb: "I gave my guess earlier. The Moon, the Seven of Swords. Those are cards for you, Cian." There's a tiny twitch of her lips toward a smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Maybe, but I'll wait until she pulls the cards before saying either way."

Jasper Wright: "I'll keep my thoughts to myself. Like a proper mystery suitor," comments Jasper.

Cian Doyle: A long suffering sigh, and Cian leans back into Jasper properly. Seeking comfort against what he seems to think is going to be an awful reading.

Phaedra Lamb: She sets out the three cards, and flips over the first. "Your past: the Chariot, reversed. A sense of opposition, not being in control. Not being the one in the driver's seat. It's a wild ride you were on, but not one that was your choice...not your fault. Everything was overwhelming, everything was much."

The second, she lingers with a moment, after flipping it. "Your present: the Two of Coins. There's a song someone once shared with me, that includes the line 'we're all running on a tightrope, wearing slippers in the snow', and that's a lot of the mood here. It's a balancing act. It's managing all the spinning plates, all the priorities, and feeling like one slip will end everything, all at once. While you've managed so far, what comes next is Big Scary."

The third card draws a soft 'oh' out of her before she sets it back down on the bed. "Your future: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. This card has a core meaning that stays true whether it's upright or reversed: 'what goes around, comes around'. It's a sense that what you've done will come home to roost, for better or for worse, with the reversal speaking to it maybe being for worse. Actions inevitably have consequences, and you're not going to be free of those."

There's a quiet frown at all three cards, and then she looks at Cian. "I'm sorry."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel's eyebrows had climbed rather high on his forehead by the time the description of the third card was given, a look of surprise - and no small bit of concern, truth be told - clear in that pale gaze of his as he looked towards the Gangrel. The ball was in his court, no question of that, but it always wasn't Daniel's story to tell so he kept his thoughts to himself for the time being.

Cian Doyle: As the reading goes, Cian's shoulders hunch, like he's trying to defend himself from Phaedra's words. The last sentence makes him flinch. He's silent, still, his heartbeat loud and fast, and after a few moments he shakes his head and slides off the bed.

"I...should be going, I...have much to think about." He doesn't look at the other Kindred, and turns toward the door.

Jasper Wright: "I suppose perhaps I should as well," says Jasper as he slowly rose. "Feel free to enjoy the room should either of you feel the desire." Definitely not to go console a sailor...

Phaedra Lamb: "Cian..." His name is soft, but she doesn't stop him, simply gathering her cards up.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel frowned quietly, giving Cian a nod as he got up. "Send me a text if you need anything."

Phaedra Lamb: She gives Daniel an apologetic look. "I could have expected that. There was no way the cards were going to let him off easy."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Right." He looked towards the door where the other two Kindred had exited before turning back to Phaedra. "How long have you known?"

Phaedra Lamb: "Known what?" Her smile is innocent, but doesn't reach her shrewd blue eyes.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I saw the look when I said where I was from."

Phaedra Lamb: "My guess is absolutely no one in the room tonight didn't know. I don't think Cian would have allowed a reading otherwise. For me, it's been about a month, little more." She lets out a tiny laugh. "He expected me to use it against him, when I told him I figured it out. So now I never can, just to show him. Do you understand?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I do." He nodded quietly, sitting back in his seat. "The day you came across the two of us at the Bellevue was the first I've seen him since I left Boston, and neither of us knew the other was here. I get wanting to reinvent yourself, so I wasn't going to say anything."

Phaedra Lamb: "Has he changed, since he was there?" She tucks the cards away, and sits pretzel-style on the bed.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I didn't know him well then, but I'd say so. From what I remember his sire was rather...controlling, to put it politely, and getting away from her seems to have done him some good."

Phaedra Lamb: She huffs softly. "Don't put it politely. Tell it to me straight, please. I care about him, okay? And I want to do what I can to help him. And I just don't know how to."

Daniel Hawthorne: "She was a bitch, from what I remember. He was brought into the court not long before I began serving my regnant more immediately as a ghoul, and although we didn't interact much I could tell there was some resentment there." He let out a quiet breath, not quite a sigh but close enough, as he looked towards Phaedra. "I can see why he left and why he did what he did, but like you said it's a lot of plates to keep spinning at once. Willing to give him a hand if someone tries to use that against him, though."

Phaedra Lamb: "...have you reinvented yourself, since moving here? Is that why you're going along with the ruse?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Less reinventing and more reforging." He allowed himself a small smirk at that. "I came here bitter as hell about what had happened to me to the point that it was eating me alive, but what the Academy here teaches has helped me work through a lot of that. May not be able to fix everything that went wrong that night, but there are things I can control and I've been taking steps towards that."

Phaedra Lamb: "Good. I like just about all the Ordo I've met. Like, I've heard stories about the callous shitheaded ones, but. You guys are pretty awesome, and if I weren't really at home with the Circle, that'd probably be where I'd end up instead."

Daniel Hawthorne: "There are a few that have focused more on the can versus should, but the leadership here has been on point about nipping it in the bud when they make themselves known." He nodded, still smiling a touch. "You would fit in pretty well, I'd think. Definitely have the ambition for it."

Phaedra Lamb: "Ambition? Me?" She seems surprised by the idea. "What makes you say that?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "The way you throw yourself into things to make sure they get done, for one."

Phaedra Lamb: "Someone ought to." There's a hint of snark behind the words.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." He nodded in firm agreement. "I'll admit that I can be a little more hesitant on that than I should be, if only because I tend to want to get things done right the first time." He paused, followed by a wry smirk. "Think that's part of why what happened drove me nuts like it did. It wasn't supposed to happen that way, nearly dead in an alleyway with someone I didn't know pouring his blood down my throat. I was going to be a Lord, following in my family's footsteps and serving the First Estate with all the honors that came with that. Instead I got...this." He motioned to his neck briefly, the grey scarf still firmly in place.

Phaedra Lamb: "Kinda a shitty consolation prize." She shakes her head.

Daniel Hawthorne: "No kidding. The only thing that kept me from dying alongside my sire was the pull my regnant had in the court, and then I dealt with two years of my manumission under his name but not bearing his blood, with the reminder of what could have been right there in front of me every night. Add in the fact that everyone in my family except my sister pitied me for what I'd become and I was a ball of bitterness and anger hiding behing the facade of gentility that the Estate calls for." This time he did actually sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Leaving that behind and coming here saved me, honestly. I doubt I would have made it this long if I'd stayed, just out of sheer self-hatred."

Phaedra Lamb: "I'm glad you've made it this long. And the self-hatred is...healing? Going away?" The concern seems sincere. She leans in closer, looking him in the eyes.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's getting better." When she looked him in the eye Daniel looked away for just a moment, more reflex than anything, before meeting her gaze once again. "Learning to work with what I have rather than focusing on what was lost."

Phaedra Lamb: "Sorry." Her own gaze drops to the velvet bag holding her cards. "I know it's...very much a different situation, but. When my sire was killed, I hated myself, because she died to be sure I made it out. Hunters. It was...bad. Some nights, it kind of still is."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's alright. Old habits die hard." He smiled softly, giving a small nod. "I get that. Some nights are better than others."

He paused, thinking a moment before continuing. "Not sure if she's talked with you yet, but Alex Shaw is looking into setting up a support group sort of thing for those of us that are still getting used to all of this. A place to talk and give each other a hand, that kind of thing. Think you'd be interested?"

Phaedra Lamb: "Maybe. It'd depend on the purpose. I don't have the same problem as her and you and Finley and Rena. I...my sire was the first adult in my life who was good to me. I don't want to rub salt in anyone's wounds, talking about her being good, while everyone else is getting support for Bad Sire Issues."

Daniel Hawthorne: "That'll probably come up, but it'd likely be more about the general roadblocks to nocturnal living that we all have to deal with."

Phaedra Lamb: "Mm. I'm willing to talk to Alex about it, but no promises."

In a manner similar to how she'd done to Cian a couple times in the night, she brushes her fingertips along Daniel's sleeve, but the touch doesn't linger.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Appreciate it." He nodded, glancing at Phaedra's hand at the light touch before looking back to the Mekhet herself, not seeming perturbed by it. "It's alright...don't mind being touched."

Phaedra Lamb: "I'll remember that." She smiles slightly. "Anyway, if I want to make it home before sunrise, I should get going, Like I said, I'm out in the woods. It's a long walk."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I can give you a lift if you'd like." Daniel moved to stand, offering Phaedra a hand up if she needed it. "Either way it was good talking with you."

Phaedra Lamb: She accepts the offered hand. "Well, if you're sure. That'd be really nice, yeah."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Definitely sure. No point in you walking it if you don't have to."