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Avery shakes their head, not listening.  They are clearly shaken.
Avery shakes their head, not listening.  They are clearly shaken.

"That doesn't mean you should attack him! "  
"That doesn't mean you should attack him! "  

'''Vorpal:'''<br />
'''Vorpal:'''<br />

Latest revision as of 01:05, 29 December 2022

Content Warning

Blood Sucking, A punch to the Face, Loss of Agency


Avery Frisk
Vincent Drake


The Woods near Titania's Haven



Vincent led Avery to the woods, he got a text from her for a Feeding and felt this would be the best time. After marking sure Avy promise not the fight her he led his partner through the woods, to the same place she feed from him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks again

Avery begrudgingly made such a promise, but kept her hands on her Talons just in case. Avery was dressed in a jean jacket and jeans, a vibe!! She wanted to appear casual, but was seething under the surface. Their mantle gave out waves of heat as they got closer.

"I do, I am going to make sure she doesn't hurt you, my Devil. I'd rather be here able to stop it if it goes too far than you be alone."

And then there was a sound from further North into the woods. From where the astute might imaging her Haven is.

"Now, now, now. An Angel and her Devil. This is the start of a lovely evening. I hope your well little bird?"

She is wearing what definitly gives her cultist vibes without having to spend Vitae to do it. No tail or wings today, however, much to Avery's dismay. Columbi is on her shoulder and Mei is curled up in her arms.

"I didnt know this was a group event or I would have left Columbi at home."

Vincent squints, "Their are no secrets between us, I told them everything about our deal and they wanted to come, to make sure nothing bad happens to me, please don't threaten or bully them." he says loosening his collar to show his neck, "So, you're parched tonight?"

Avery spotted her long before they got there, but stayed quiet. Avery answered calmly despite their clear anger.

"I am fine. I am here to protect my partner should he need it. I don't think either of us want that...so be kind Titania."

There's a look to Columbi, but surprisingly no comment. Meanwhile, Avery's hand is half crushing Vincent's as she holds it.

"My dear Vinny, I have not been parched in centuries. Just didnt need to waste the Vitae on you. You know what I am. I didnt expect you to bring a guest otherwise I might have. Though they have seen me in that form before."

She plops onto one of the concrete crumbling walls as she speaks. Columbi flitting off to splash in the bird bath. Hand stroking Mei.

"Last time I checked saying hello isnt bullying. Or is that how you wish to be? I thought you might wish to be nice to the person whom is buying you a house, making it fit to be a Haven."

"Sorry," he finds himself saying, "I just. . .wanted to prevent something before it happens. . ." he mutters, "I appreciate what your doing for me with the house," he squeezes Avery's hand, "Avery just wants to make sure are deal is on the up and up, that you don't mean us harm."

Avery warches Columbi flit away, a half smile before it fades as she looks back at Titania.

"Don't make threats...or hold that over his head. That is bullying. Saying hello is not. So hello Titania."

Avery squeezes his hand once more before letting go. They try to be formal but as soon as Vinny isn't there to stabalize them, its clear they are struggling.

"I...appreciate the offer of the house, but I am...I am defensive of my...my partner. I do not wish to see him upset...or...in pain."

There is a tilt of her head as Vinny fumbles over his words. A look that says 'oh I didnt care I just wanted to make you flustered'.

"Hello Avery of the Lost. What do you want to know about the deal? and as for seeing him in Pain. You may want to avert your gaze when it comes time, unless you wish me to make it more sensual?"

Vincent internally winces and turns to Avery, unsure how that comment would affect them

Avery grimaces, deep breaths are hard.

"I want to know how much you are going to Feed from my partner. How long your deal will last...and...how long until Vincent can learn to fly like I can...like we can." Avery is fighting to keep their emotions stable, and losing.

"I won't avert my gaze. You are feeding...that is it...no...sensual." Avery shakes slightly in fresturation.

Her hand continues to stroke the back of Mei as Columbi plays. A shadow of a Raven flitting around the bird bath.

"Probably about five mouthfuls is a good amount for him to not become too parched and to make my nights easier."

There is a curious tilt of her head. "Until I get bored, one of us experiences the Final death or enters Torper. As for how long it takes that is up to how well Vincent studies and how much effort he puts in. I would expect it to take a month to two months."

Then that curious expression turns into a grin. "Oh. It seems you havent told them that much huh." Then there is a pause. "Its always good, it just depends how rough he likes it."

Vincent flinches at that, this is not going to end well

Avery flinches. "That...is a lot...Vinny...is that much okay for you?" Avery knows she wouldn't be able to handle that much. Then again, she isn't the most...sturdy of individuals.

Avery doesn't get the terms, but nods. "So...at your whim...thats...harsh. I would enjoy taking to the skies with him...so I hope you hold your end of the deal."

Avery's nails are digging into her palm. "I know it feels good...just don't rub it in."

There is a tilt of her head again. Is it?

"Then he should have negotiated a better deal. He isnt like the Fae. Not the best at deal making. Offering anything wasnt exactly the best start to the conversation. I will hold my end of the bargain. If he tries he should be able to sink into the ground at his feet."

Then it once again turns to a smirk.

"I was trying, trying, to make it so you didnt have to watch that." There is a shrug. "But whatever you get off on I suppose."

"Let's just get this over with." Vincent says, trying to diffuse as he takes out his neck, "Blood delivery boy right here," he says, "and you don't need to know what get's them off, that's need to know information."

Avery grimaces. She agrees that Vinny could have negotiated better, but would never take her side with her present.

"I am watching to make sure he is okay. I have a difficult time trusting you." She flinches at Vincent's delivery. "But yes...lets get this over with."

"Ah, so you do like to watch huh."

Then there is a blur of movement as Titania moves forward. Pushing Vinny into the wall with the speed allowed to her by the use of Celerity.

"Do enjoy then." As she sinks her fangs into his neck. She is less rough than last time, is someone enjoying making Avery flustered. Yes.

Once she has taken his Vitae she turns first to Avery, his blood still on her lips and teeth and smiles, tongue running over her fanged teeth.

Vincent gasps at it, he hates how good it feels and fucking loathes himself for gasping at it in front of Avery, when he's done with him he gives Avery a look that says one thing, I'm sorry

Avery flinches at the burst of speed, hand going to the dagger. Theres anger in the eyes but they stay back. Titania and Vinny can smell the blood as her nails dig into her palm. But Avery doesn't avert their gaze, looking at Vincent.

They can't help but feel betrayed as Vincent gasps, and full of fury as Titania turns with the blood still dripping from her fangs. HIS blood. Her Lover's life. There's a vaguely animalistic quality to how they are standing, breathing, watching, but they don't move or speak.

There is a sick sort of sick perversion as she watches Avery's reactions. She is enjoying it far too much. Probably more than if it was just Vinny here.

Her nostrils flare and she looks down at Avery's palms. "You really should get that under control. Or do you need your Devil to feed on you so you dont feel left out. I can take his spot if you want to know what its really like?"

"NO" he. . .did he just fucking growl?!, "You don't lay a fucking hand on them." he says, "I'm the blood bag, not them, you never touch them." he says, his eyes go red a bit and his fangs show. . .something primal inside him stirs and he moves to Avery, hugging them and glaring at Titania, his predatory aura intensifying

Avery shakes but calms themself.

"He may Feed on me without you present, Witch. You are never allowed to touch me in such a way... you should count yourself lucky I let you touch my partner without me ending you."

There's an anger... no...a Wrath behind her eyes. "Are you done toying with us?"

Avery hugs her lover, never taking her eyes off Titania

Titania doesnt even flinch at Vinnys aura, she steps into it, asserts her dominance. Wings sprout from her back, extra limbs form at her side, tails flow and fail from her. Her skin becomes like that of rock and then turns into a gooey mess, eyes becoming that of a predator. Showing what she really is.

Then she steps forward and with those limbs, enhanced by her Vitae, by his Vitae and by Averys to an extent. Enhanced by her rage. She hits Vinny square in the face.

"You need to learn your place boy." Her voice is hollow and demonic leaning into the beast. Turning to Avery she simply says. Calm but hollow. "Dont."

Avery's jaw drops at the form, eyes going glassy for a long second. As Vincent gets hit hard, Avery reacts. The 'don't' doesn't process as the knives come out.

Its not practiced, or beautiful, its primal. A deep slash and another into the melting flesh. Tears stream down her face and she doesn't entirely seem present.

Titania clicks her tongue a few times shaking her head. Reaching down at giving the unconscious or barely lucid Vinny a pat on the head as she turns and sits back on the concrete wall behind them. Back where she started. Picking Mei up in her many arms.

"Well, that was interesting and bound to happen at some point." Her voice has that same demonic feature to it, its hollow almost.

Avery falls to her knees as her knives do nothing, lying the unconscious Vinny across her lap and holding him tight. Tears stream down her eyes.

"You're a monster. You... just leave us alone! "

"My dear little bird. I have never once claimed to be anything but a Monster."

She shakes her head slightly. Feeling the oath break that Vorpal put upon her causes another shake of the head.

"Im just sitting, somewhere that I consider part of my home. That I invited you into."

Pulling her leather bound tome from her jacket she begins to read. Mei in her lap as she strokes her and Colulmbi continues to play in the bird bath. Unbothered by the goings on of his master.

Avery sobs and holds Vinny.

"You attacked him... how dare your attack him? I... im going to kill you. You hurt him!" Avery isn't thinking straight. How is she going to kill Titania? She just proved she couldn't!

There is a tilt of her head.

"My dear, he offered a challenge. I answered it. He just didnt think out his actions." A pause. "And for the record. Im already dead."

Avery sobs, shaking her head.

"What Challenge? He told you to leave ne alone? Why do you hate us so much? I hate you."

"You dont see the same way we do. Just like I cant see your true form. You cant see his beast, or mine."

She isnt actively changing her form to be a horror monster but its still there.

"I dont hate you. I really dont. If I hated you. Id be trying to kill you. Not punching him to knock him out."

As she speaks she pulls out her phone responding to a text.

Avery is still sobbing, rocking with Vinny in her lap.

"If you don't hate us why do you attack us... and try to hurt us?:

"I attacked him because he challenged my Beast."

She shakes her head pocketing her phone again.

"My beast is older. He tried to cause a fight or flight response. I dont run from a challenge."

Avery shakes their head, not listening. They are clearly shaken.

"That doesn't mean you should attack him! "

Vorpal melts out of the shadows. Not supernaturally, just- she makes so little noise in motion. It's clear she caught some good bit of the recent exchange, but pauses a moment when she sees those on the ground.

"H-uh. I'll be honest? I expected less brutalized Kindred." Her eyes flick to Avery's knives, to Titania's very unimportant looking "injuries."

"Fight or flight. Ohhhh dear. I did hear that. Will he- well. Survive isn't the right word, is it? Recover? Will he recover?"

She lifts a pair of hands as Vorpal appears, in the universal 'i mean no harm' gesture. Its not the pair she is reading with but still.

"He will be fine in a little while, he is just taking a nap. Though he might need some more blood than normal."

Avery looks to Vorpal, an animalistic and protective glare at the new person approaching. It takes her a solid second or two to realize it was Vorpal.

She looks down at Vinny, pulling him to her.

"She attacked him...she...she hit him hard. He crumpled...I...I...she..." the tears continue.

"Yes. She did, and he's much worse for the wear, but from the look of things, if she really wanted to harm him, she could have done so. Striking him was the least damaging thing that body I see is capable of. She not only used a less dangerous method, but she did not hit him so hard as to end him entirely." V grimaces faintly. "Like the last vampire I hit. That was... unfortunate.

And messy." She clears her throat.

"Avery, please try to calm a little. He is in no danger of bleeding out, nor death. I'm going to ask Titania some questions, alright?"

A slow, deep breath, and she folds her hands in front of her. Is that actually the slightest impediment to her? Nope. But it's a show of decorum.

"I heard he challenged your Beast, and you responded. I understand. Such a challenge wagers one's well-being on a bet between your ability to invoke fear against another's unwillingness to swallow their pride." A small sigh. "Which tends to be rampant in societies based in no small part on developing a pecking order to keep one's self in check. May I ask what drove him to issue such a challenge?"

Titania watches Vorpal talk continuing to read her book.

Then she tilts her head.

"Avery made her hands bleed while I was feeding on Vinny, I then made a comment that I was better than Vinny. That I would give Avery a more enjoyable Kiss."

Avery continues to rock, only half listening to Vorpal. Vinny was the one she was protecting right now...not that she would do a wonderful job.

At the mention of the Kiss, avery seeths, but doesn't say anything.

V listens closely, and sighs quietly. "Leaving him feeling threatened that you would make good on that, and with no perceived option to protect her but to... do whatever causes that fight or flight you mentioned, I imagine." She kneels to try to rest a hand on the back of Avery's shoulders. "Avery?"

Titania shrugs with both sets of shoulders, its probably a weird look.

"I imagine yes. He chose to make that decision knowing how much older and stronger my beast is."

Avery glares at Titania, and shys away from Vorpal. Her lip quivers when V reaches out to touch her. "She...she hurt him...bad...its bad...and it...its like There..." the lip keeps quivering.

"Yes, he did." V confirms, pausing as Avery shies away. "... and yes, she did. He didn't leave her much choice. Their society has a lot of.... mm. Primal aspects, and turning tail to someone counting their undeath in weeks instead of centuries would be... objectively damaging. He wagered his well being against a reputation she has spent literally centuries developing."

"Know this Avery, or Vorpal when you need to translate. If I wanted him to experience his final death he would have. Nothing you could have done would have stopped that. And yet."

She pauses pocketing her book. "He is simply unconscious and I am sitting here having a cordial conversation. Even if one of those members is making me feel a little, hmm, off?"

Avery shakes, holding him close. Avery is wrapped protectively around Vincent. They do slowly nod, but they don't move from that spot.

"Don't kill him... please... don't kill him."

"I don't believe she has the freedom to do so."

Vorpal states simply. "I suspect that after his- Beast?" She looks to Titania for confirmation. "Engaged hers, he opened the door for her to retaliate. Once you're forced to act, it's typically rather less your fault what happens next. He tried to do a brave thing to protect you, but it was not a smart thing. He demanded that she either flee her own place, or else attack him. He left her little option from what I am hearing."

"But the leadership of their society is not a brutal and merciless one. I sincerely doubt they would have permitted him to be killed for trying to protect a loved one from a stronger Kindred. I COULD be wrong... but I do not think I am."

There is a nod at the use of the word beast.

"You are correct. Defending myself in a space i call my own and hurting him is one thing. Killing him when he is already down is another."

She shrugs. "This won't affect the parts of our deal that have been arranged. I will still buy him a house and make it safe for his days. But. There is a big but. He cannot do this again."

Avery nods numbly, seemingly shutting down a bit for their own protection. "Hes brave...yes...brave and strong."

Avery looks to Titania." What...do you mean?"

V tries again to rest a reassuring hand on Avery. "She means that she does not consider this enough of a problem to refuse to complete the things she has already offered to do for him, but she will not tolerate him pitting his beast to hers another time. I believe that is what she meant."

Another nod to Vorapal.

"I am also far less likely to pull my punch. To spend the time and blood to look like this when I can spend that turning him to dust."

Then she looks to Avery. "I advise whole heartedly that you do not choose to invite yourself to another of these feeding meetings."

Avery once again leans away from Vorpal, holding Vinny, and avoiding the hand. Avery barely mumbled, but it was loud enough for Vorpal to hear. "Don't touch me."

Avery looks to Titania, defeated. Done...just tired and confused and too many emotions to know what to do. "Okay...just...promise...don't hurt him please. I don't want him hurt..."

V retracts her hand again and left Avery their space. "I know I have... little patience for my hand being forced." Ye gods, but that is an understatement. She's a Torrent- forcing her to act against her will was begging for problems.

"Well. Dust is a bit much. He's still new, after all. I have it on rather good-" Read: personal experience. "- authority that recent turns just end up... messy. But that way lies problems and irritations, so I'm glad we can all agree that the least preferable resolution."


She says matter of factly.

"New turns can end up messy. Particularly when their sires aren't around to coach them."

There is a shake of her head as she speaks.

Avery moves a bit of hair from Vinny's face.

"He doesn't have anyone to teach him...and he's struggling...please don't...don't hurt him for struggling."

V presses her lips together, then murmurs, "Avery, do you understand he was hurt for demanding supernaturally that his mentor flee from him and damage her reputation significantly, or attack him?"

Titania just sits there letting them talk. It's the closest she gets to backing off. Her book coming from her pocket again.

Avery's eyes are locked on Vincent's unconscious ones. She slowly nods in acceptance.


"It doesn't make him not brave, but she wasn't cruel to respond. Indelicate? Brutal? Fair assessment. But this was what he demanded." A slow breath. "I believe Titania is right. He should never have agreed to bring you here. He ought to have known better." She selected her words carefully. Not Avery's fault. Not a result of careless action on the Beast's part. No, sir.

Vincent's eyes start opening. . ."wha-what happened?" he asks confused for a moment, "Hey Angel-" he looks around and see's Titania and Vorpal, "Wow. . .the cast of this dream is wierd-" he mutters before realizing this is not a nice dream, "I mean. . .ok last thing. . .oh," then looks back to Titania, "Oh shit I fucked up again did I?"

Titania points with one of her spare hands.

"See. He's fine. If a little sore and hungry."

Avery's head bows slightly. "I asked to come...I shouldn't have..."

As Vincent starts talking she immedietly perks up, pulling him into a hug. The tension, the stress, everything fades away almost immedietly as she pours all thr emotions into that hug.

"I'm glad you're okay."

V interjects. "-shouldn't have been allowed to come. Wanting to come wasn't the problem. The one who knew better allowing it was the problem," she establishes gently. "And yes. You wagered your physical wellbeing against a centuries old reputation. So I'd say, yes, you fucked up."

"I. . .yeah this was a bad idea," he says as Avery squeezes him, "I just wanted Avy to not worry but I just made things worse. . ."he turns to Titania, "I offer my deepest apologizes, from here on out you lead, I follow, no back sass." he admits, not wanting a repeat of this ever again

She listens then nods at Vincent's apology.

"It is noted, and accepted on this occasion. But. No you won't you don't have the self control for that."

Avery doesn't respond, and now that the worry of Vincent is gone, she seems tired. The animalistic energy is gone, replaced by someone cowed by a superior.

She keeps her head down, silent, and just listens.

V nods a touch. "I'm glad this isn't something we'll need to repeat at the least." She sits back and rubs at her temples for a moment. "Also, welcome back, Vincent. I imagine you're rather uncomfortable at the moment."

"Thanks V," he says, not bothering to ask why she's here, "A tab uncomfortable yeah, but I can manage." he says, "Although I keep finding I'm making an ass and idiot of myself, so I think I need to work on that for a bit," he looks to Avery, "I'm sorry, this is my fault and I shouldn't have let you come, I guess I need to start saying no to you, hard as that is. . ." he sighs, "Avy, I'm sorry this happened, you suffered from my impulsivity and I hate that. . " he says, "I need to grow up, I'm still a kid by all accounts but that needs to change. . ." he turns around and walks towards Titania, "I'm an impulsive idiot who won't survive a year as I am. . ." maybe it's the Invictus shit getting to him but he kneels down and faces the ground, "If you deem me salvageable. . .I accept your teachings if you wish to teach."

"Yeah. You really should work on that."

A tail reaching out to lift him up by the chin.

"Then learn. Now. Get in the dirt. Your blood is around you should be able to hide in the dirt."

Avery looks hesitant at him taking the blame, but doesn't argue. She is strangely quiet...well its Avery, shes always quiet, but she's not responding verbally.

She watches as Vincent bows before Titania, shaking slightly but not moving. She was here for him...but not here for herself.

V crouches on the balls of her feet beside Avery. She lets the vampires do their thing. Vincent got the point she was making, Avery seems to have at least levelled off- further interjection does not guarantee improvements, so she withholds them.

Vincent thinks on that, and breathes, trying to focus. After a few seconds he sinks down, the the dirt seeming to swallow him, slowly he's up to his waist, then his shoulders until finally he's gone, seemingly devoured by the earth

The tip of that tail turns into a hand and she pats the ground.

"Good. You can learn."

Then she turns to Vorpal.

"I would like to continue this conversation another night. Come visit me at home."

Avery doesn't make eye contact with Vorpal, but doesnt shy away this time. Her eyes are trained on the spot that Vinny disappeared into the ground, waiting for him to come back up.

Vincent rises up from the ground, "That. . .that's useful," he mutters, "Avy. . .let's go home," he says and turns to Vorpal, "Your free to come to." he says, a silent request for some backup on making Avy feel better after all this

"Mm. Very well, then- another night," V states with a nod as she straightens. Glancing to Vincent, she considers, then nods. "Alright. I think they need you more than me, but I'm happy to come with until that's more clear."

Titania watches then leave.

"Do have a good night." With her voice hollow it's hard to tell how seriously she means those words.