Logs:A Fox visits to discuss their Polycule: Difference between revisions

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'''Ylva:'''<br />
'''Ylva:'''<br />
-------------NEW SCENE-----------------

Ylva had wanted to try spending the night outside of the Hedge. She had ended up half way to Klaires before she decided that wasnt the best idea.  
Ylva had wanted to try spending the night outside of the Hedge. She had ended up half way to Klaires before she decided that wasnt the best idea.  

Revision as of 22:27, 25 October 2022

Content Warning

Discussion of Drugs/Addiction and Cannibalism


Ylva Theodulus
Klaire Henriette


Klaires Apartment



Ylva had wanted to try spending the night outside of the Hedge. She had ended up half way to Klaires before she decided that wasnt the best idea.

So the half way point ended up being turning into a red Fox and sleeping on Klaires doormat.

Now the sun was rising and Ylva could hear movement inside. A little smile coming to her canine face.

The movement inside is Rook going berserk over ANOTHER CANINE at HIS HOME. This obviously wakes Klaire, who gets the scrambled mess trying to comprehend dog thoughts while just waking up.

She tucks her hair back as she comes to the door, making Rook sit beforehand, and looking out. It takes her a second to look down at the mat, and a surprised look crosses her face.

Klaire leans down to scritch the little fox, suddenly suspicious. Rook is more so indignant that she is letting this INTRUDER stay and gives a huff which she promptly ignores.

"Hey little one, you're not hurt are you?" She gently nudges the red fox to make sure its doing ok.

Ylva looks up at them with a smile on her face and a tilted head which she shakes.

Followed by nudging Klaire in the shin with her snout.

Klaire gives a gentle smile, giving the fox a few scritches, much to Rook's animosity. Klaire then reaches out with her mind to connect to the small fox's.

<Hey there. Can I help you? Or is the porch just comfy?>

Ylvas tail wiggles at that then there is almost a fright as she feels Klaires mind before relaxing and wrapping around her legs.

<Morning Klaire. Um, Hi.>

Klaire blinks a few times in surprise, recognizing her lover's mind.

<Oh um....morning Ylva...I take it you want to come inside then? Let me take Rook out first if you're going to stay like this.>

The canine is glaring DAGGERS at the fox for being so close, a quiet growl.


She flops back on her haunches.

Klaire takes a deep breath and puts her hands up her mouth so that the pointer fingers were brushing her lips, trying not to judge.

<You loveable dumbass....ok give me a few minutes and you can join me out back for meditation. How does that work?>

Ylva nods before scooting around the side of the house to the back yard.

<Okay.> There is worry in her voice even now, worried what she can do to Klaire or Rook.

Rook was let out back, but he barks at the fence a few times. He clearly doesn't like being REPLACED by the LITTLE DOG. He is sated with breakfast, treats, and a couple belly rubs.

A few minutes later, Klaire is there to let in the vulpine.

<You're worried about me. I can hear your thoughts.>

Said little dog sits on top of the Fence waiting for Klaire to come out back.

<Yes. Just felt stuck and wanted to come see you but then the thought of sharing a bed with you gave me an anxiety attack.>

Once Klaire comes out back she flops down moving to her full size as she does and giving Klaire a hug.

<You shouldn't be anxious with me love. I'm here for you and will gladly sleep with you here.>

She goes to let the fox inside the fence and gives a small surprised noise as Ylva turns into her normal size. She gives the hug back after a moment.

<I- gotcha. I still need to do my meditation if you want to join. I know it always bores you but...you can just sit there if you want?>

"<You might, but I wont. I cant.>"

She relaxes in that hug for a bit before sitting.

"<Meditation sounds nice. A little boring could be good for the Anxiety brain.>"

<You can Ylva. Im... im going to be part of this group now, right? That means you won't have to worry about me.>

Klaire opens a crate after the hug, getting out two mats. One was clearly more loved than the other.

<Meditation is good for anxiety. I can help walk you through it, sound good?>

"No it means I have to worry about you less."

She sits on one of the mats with more eagerness than Klaire is used to when she used to drag her to meditation.

"Sounds good." She tilts her head in questioning looking at Klaire. <You havent actually figured out why have you? Fuck your still not a morning person that hasn't changed.>

Klaire is pleasantly surprised at the eagerness, and sits down with her. Showing a few good sitting techniques. The garden itself is nice, some smells a bit distracting at times, but pleasant. Not many people were up quite yet so it was largely quiet.

<I'm not a morning person and if I ever become one, just know its not me. I never got how you were one. But what do you mean? I can't be with you still?>

Ylva sits in a position that looks frankly unnatural to anyone that isnt, ya know, literally a Fox. Following Klaire through the motions. Her breathing steadier than it had ever been.

A hand reaching out to Klaire when there is a moment.

<Klaire, my love. Im worried I will wake up from a nightmare and eat you. Do you know how many fucking beds ive gone through since I got back.>

Then there is a chuckle.

"This is in fact peak 'Its not you its me' situation. Im working on it but not yet. We can cuddle just not overnight."

Klaire sits comfortably, but was anxious enough that meditation wasn't coming as easily to her today. She was used to the exercises and got through them, but was more focused on Ylva.

<I... thats fair. It still makes me sad though. I have no clue though... how many?>

Klaire looks back at Ylva, a hopeful look.

"I'd love some cuddles if that's ok? I'm glad you are getting the help you need, love."

"You can have all the cuddles that you want love."

Ylva reaches out squishing her shoulder and slightly pushing her to the ground.

<Well it was 10 in the first week and then I stopped counting. Down to like one a week now.>

Klaire gives a contented sigh at the shoulder squish, and doesn't resist the push to the ground.

"I would like cuddles please. I miss having you here."

<Do you need money for more? If it helps you, I have some money saved up. I've honestly been living a bit light the past few months anyway. Food and meds for Rook has been my biggest expense and honestly...its not even that much.>

Ylva just lays on Klaires lap. "Ive missed you, ive missed this, its nice just hanging out."

<No, its, um, how do I even explain it. They arent quite real and I just will them into existence? Also im pretty sure I earn more than you.>

Klaire gives a happy smile and scritches Ylva's hair. "It is, I'm glad you're here. I missed being able to be with you."

<If it works than it works. I'm glad they're willed into existence then, easier on the wallet I'm sure.>

Klaire keeps scritching, closing her eyes in the morning light. <And probably. I like keeping my job relatively cheap. Makes people less worried.>

Ylva purrs in a way that is definitely not human but a happy sort of way.

"Same I just run a business so it helps. Does that make me the Sugar Mommy?"

A happy little wiggle.

"Should I buy your house?"

Klaire is content to just sit there with Ylva. This is all she's wanted for the past 2 months and being able to have it is everything she hoped for.

"I still have a lot of the money that my parents gave me. It's just sitting in a bank account and paying off my house. I still won't talk to them though. I'm glad that the parlor is helping you out so much."

"I broke in and stole all my art equipment and took it home."

She tilts her head. "Is it stealing if you own the building and everything in it? We did break in though."

A chuckle. "Yeah, the girls are doing well, the next flash day is coming up and im kinda tempted to make a brief appearance."

"Well....I don't think its worth it to sue yourself if that's what you're asking. I'm glad you have your art stuff. I know how much you love doing it."

She thinks for a moment. "You realize that's going to mean facing Astrid and Jenny right? Are you ready for that? I can show up if you need me to...maybe get a new tattoo? Something to go along with my Monarch?"

"Im mostly amused."

Ylva sits breathing chewing at her lip. A drop of her blood beading to the surface.

"I know. and. I dont know. I think I owe them that. Ive been with Astrid almost 15 years I think I should see her."

"Honey, don't bite that hard." Klaire brushes aside some of Ylva's hair.

"If you are ready, I definitely think you should. Just know...she's going to have questions. Ones she won't be as prepared as I was to understand. I...can try, and so can Vorpal, but you do need to be careful, ok?"

Ylva leans up shaking her head. "Oh, whoops, thats a bad sign. Havent done that in a while."

She wipes it clean on the back of her hand before licking it.

"Im not but, need to be, ya know." There is an insistent shake of her head. "Im not dragging them into this, im not, I wont. If they are normal humans they are staying far away from this life. As far as I can keep them. I dont know how ill explain it but, I will. Fuck."

Klaire goes back to petting to distract from biting.

"Good. I hate to say it but you're going to need to lie to them. Omission works to a point, I mean...it worked with you for a while, but my tricks are also more subtle."

Klaire stares up at the sky. "We could say...you were kidnapped and you're still in hiding to keep them and yourself safe? I'm trying my best to help but we don't know how long it will be? Only a half lie if thats any easier?"

Ylvas body shakes as she speaks.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

She leans into Klaire.

"I hate having to lie to them. But hmmm. I've been speaking to them on the phone, and they saw me the day I got back. I could blame some laced something."

Klaire frowns.

"I know hun...but you need to. Its the only way to protect them. We could blame laced something, yeah. But you know I don't do that stuff so thats something you'll have to figure out."

Ylva growls a little as she speaks.

"Could say the person that grabbed me was the dealer? He stopped me, um. Ya know." <Eating them>

Klaire nods.

"I don't know. I really don't."

She pauses for a moment burying her face in Klaires stomach. There may be some raspberry blowing while she is there.

"Jenny i think so. Its similar to how we first met. We got her off of a Wagon with laced cocaine. Astrid. Fuck. She knows me so well. Maybe."

Klaire squirms to get away from the raspberries.

"Hey! Stop that!"

She eventually gets her shirt down to prevent more, an indignant look.

"Hmph...well I think you'll do well, ok? Just don't go at it alone, please?"

Ylva chuckles a playful grin on her face as she sits on top of Klaire.

"Yeah, now how to explain coming to you before them?"

Klaire grumbles but clearly doesnt mind.

"Well...first of all I'm a private investigator. Remember who found you? It was not the other way around. You didn't want to get them wrapped up in this until you figured out your head a bit more, and I was already there. They know I'm good at catching lies. And I love you dear but I can tell what you're thinking even without reading your mind. They can be mad at me for not telling them if you want."

"Hmm. Okay, you found me when I was starting to get my head on straight but still couldnt quite."

She wiggles a bit more before flopping off to the side, her mind getting ideas that Klaire isnt a fan of.

"Should I meet them for coffee? We have a house together. Like is that better or just showing up at the shop?"

"Well your first thought that day was to try to not eat me...you're here and cuddling so I think you're improving?"

She doesn't seem to catch the hints, that or shes good at ignoring them.

"I think coffee would be easier to walk away from, but the shop is a bit safer? Its closer to your relationship. Where would you be most comfortable?"

"To be entirely transparent, its not gone. Its just. Today is a good day and its not the first thought on my mind."

Ylva lies there looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, with Astrid everything is so intertwined its hard to say. We own the house and the shop together. The House is easier because I have Lost ways of getting out of there. But the shop is less intimate."

Klaire scoots over to take her turn resting on Ylva's stomach.

"Im glad today is a good day then. The hope is you don't need to have Lost ways to get out though. How about this, we don't need to do it all at once. We can just let them know youre ok for now, and handle more later? We can just say you're not ready for the rest yet."

She pulls out her phone and starts looking at a map.

"There's a cafe bit too far that we could invite them to. If it gets to be too much we can just walk here and you can take a nap. If if we desperately need I can teleport you here still or you can do Lost things if you'll be safe. "

"Okay, a Cafe sounds good. I think. Can we visit it first. Then I can scout out Lost ways out so its safe if it gets that bad."

There is a smile at the casual intimacy.

"Okay, we can say im safe, but not really ready to explain if I dont feel like I can bull shit on the day. Okay."

"I think thats smart. If thats something you're up for then lets do it. I still havent eaten this morning and they are service dog friendly, so we can go with Rook."

Ylva nods again.

"Okay, lets go get you a coffee. So someones sleepy morning brain can wake up."