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"It is worth noting that the Sakima also has my blood, the blood of one of her Covenant mates and one of the Kindred who discovered the workings of Cruac."
"It is worth noting that the Sakima also has my blood, the blood of one of her Covenant mates and one of the Kindred who discovered the workings of Cruac."
'''Abby ST:'''<br />
((Real quick what part is the "No,  I don't think I will" directed at? The offer to spy or Garfield's leading questions))
'''Titania:'''<br />
((The offer to spy))

'''Abby ST:'''<br />
'''Abby ST:'''<br />

Latest revision as of 10:20, 2 January 2023


Abby as ST


McKenzie Cigar Lounge


Abby ST:

When you play the long game and you have a lot of money, it's easy to own a lot of property. And typically having a lot of property gives you a lot more money. One establishment that's part of this loop is the McKenzie Cigar Lounge. It's closed to the public for a private event, one that offers more than just a glass of whiskey.

Every so often, when schedules allow, a group of Elders get together to exchange secrets, wealth and power over a few hands of poker. Dress code is black tie. Cigars and scotch on the house. Invites only. Kine need not attend.


Titania was surprised but oh so happy to get an invite to the evening of Poker at the McKenzie Lounge. Tonight she had dressed up for the occasion her eyes still looking a little haunted from staring so deeply into the void.

She arrives right at the scheduled time entering inside and heading to the bar to grab a drink.

Abby ST:

Evidently, the scheduled time was before people were expected to show. Only two people are sitting at the one occupied table in the center. Titania almost certainly recognizes Harold Wright, but the other is a mystery to her.

"I'm just sayin'," says the stranger in a thick Baltimore accent, "you're the bottom banana right now-" Wright cuts him off. "Ah, ha! Titania, it's lovely you got the invite to our little game. Come have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?"

The bartender nods at you as you enter as well. They have a Beast within them and don't seem to be too happy to be bartending instead of vampiring.


Titania nods to both of them.

"Good evening Wright. Its lovely to see you."

She takes a seat at the bar nodding again to the bartender.

"Id love whatever is the house specialty."

Abby ST:

The bartender pours a glass of finely aged whiskey and walks it over to Titania.

"Have you met?" Wright asks, gesturing to Titania and the stranger.

"Nah, boss," he says, reaching into his pockets and retrieving a business card. "Name's Lee Garfield, ma'am. I hear you've made a bit of a splash in town. Least I assume its you. It could be someone else who dresses like you."


Titania takes the drink with a nod sipping at it.

"A pleasure to meet you." She pockets the card with a hint of a chuckle at the comment. "Oh im sure its me. No one else is quite like me now are they?"

Abby ST:

"No, I suppose not," Garfield says, laughing a low chuckle. "So, is it true what they say?" he says, like what they say is a thing that Titania ought to already know.

Wright is no help, looking at her with the same expectant expression.


"That really depends what they say? I tend to not waste my energy on the rabble. They can say what they like."

There is a smile on her face as she sips again at her drink.

Abby ST:

"I hear," Garfield leans in conspiratorially, "that you don't give a rat's ass about the masquerade. I hear you don't care about what anyone thinks of you, Kindred or Kine. And if that's all true..." he smiles wide, his Lonely Curse giving you the feeling that a shark is nearby.

Wright cuts in, "It better not be true," he mutters.


"Good sir." She says with a sip at her drink. "You should know better than to listen to the aforementioned rabble."

There is a moment of pause.

"I do not care what the Kine think of me and I dont think that is a surprise. There are Kindred that have earned my respect. Noted by how I am conducting myself in this conversation."

Abby ST:

"I can't help but notice that wasn't a no." Garfield smiles and leans back in his chair.

"Anyway!" Wright says, raising a hand. "I think we should save the hard topics for later. How are you enjoying our fair city?"

There is a smile on Titanias face as she too leans back in her chair, sipping at her drink.

"I've been quite enjoying the city. Taking it slow, working out the political dynamic. Im sure you understand how moving to a new city can be."

Abby ST:

Wright smiles sadly. "Sometimes, one wakes up to find that the city they love is no longer the city it used to be. I was around before our benevolent Sakima rose to power, back in the bad old days. I can't say it's bad now, but I'm sure you understand the shock of awakening to a different world."

Garfield leans back in. "What do you think of the Sakima?"


Titania nods at that that smile fading for a moment. "I can understand that pain. More than once I have awoken to a different time."

There is a pause as she thinks how to respond. "She rules the city in a way that I quite appreciate." An answer without giving one. "I am currently trying to look into the group that is threatening her life."

Abby ST:

There is a moment of silence. Neither says anything for a moment. Then Garfield speaks up, "Yeah. Damn bastards killed a pal of mine. He had shit to give to me too. Guess it's all in the wind now, you know?" He raises his glass. "To John Malone!"

"To John Malone," Wright repeats, without much enthusiasm. "And if we are to talk about that group, refrain from saying the name. It's bad luck."


"To John Malone." Titania repeats without much knowledge of the person but showing her respect for an Elder.

A nod of her head as she continues. "Ive done some digging, would you like to know that now or after the game? I know we wanted to avoid heavy topics so early in the evening."

Abby ST:

"I'd say wait till the others arrive. We don't want to have to say it twice," Wright says, with authority in his voice.


Titania nods leaning back to wait for the others to arrive. Slowly sipping at her drink.

Abby ST:

Sure enough, a few other elders arrive. No one of particular note (ie no other family heads) but definitely some who you've seen around. They each take a place around the table, get drinks and get ready for the game. Wright takes the position of dealer first and the game begins.

Titania is not falling apart at the table or anything, but she's not particularly doing well.

Whilst this isnt her first rodeo as it were. Its been a while since she has played at a table of Elders, particularly in a new city, so she is a little flustered.

She is making some sub optimal plays and while she can afford to lose the money. She is still showing a little frustration.

Abby ST:

At one point in the game, as Garfield is riffle-shuffling, he gestures at Titania with his head. "Arright, our newcomer here apparently has some stuff to share with the class. You going to tell us straight up or make us play for it?"

There is a hint of a chuckle at that as she leans back in her chair.

"I think ive already lost enough hands to cover any information I should be sharing."

She pulls out her leather bound tome flipping to a page near the end. For those that are next to her it is covered in an angular script that looks like it was written in her own Vitae, which it was.

"Should I cover the basics or assume that those are well known?"

Abby ST:
"Basics of what?" A nameless elder asks.

"She's been looking into our, ahem, problems," Wright says, trying to avoid saying any bad luck words.

"You can just say it," Garfield says with a roll of his eyes, "she's lookin' into how we're getting. picked. off." He punctuates the last three words with a deal of a card.

There is a tilt of her head as she starts running her finger down the page.

"Well. If we are already aware of that, yes. I've been looking into what I've come to best describe as the Cult."

Abby ST:
"Is this separate or related to..." Wright waves a hand vaguely. "...our numerical cousins." Garfield taps a 7 of clubs in the flop pointedly.

A nod to follow.

"The very same. I felt it was important to look into them with my certain brand of investigation."

A tap at the words written in Vitae.

Abby ST:
"It's almost fitting to be discussing this over cards. Remember when tarot cards where used as the game of choice?" Wright says, in a way of lightening the mood that only elders would understand.

"Just tell us already," says the other unimportant elder. She's clearly very antsy about the whole thing. And why wouldn't she be? Who wants to die after having been alive longer than the great vowel shift?

"Tarot is a good way to look into the past and the future."

She seems to be taking pleasure in having a slice of power. More than she had in the game anyway.

"They seem to act like a sort of Covenant but without the friendship if you want to call it that. A cult or a terrorist cell."

A finger tracing down the page.

"They want to make the city fall to ruin out of a perceived sense of righteousness. Regardless of their reasons they don't seem to have any current targets."

Abby ST:
There's a brief moment of silence.

"Hear me out here," Garfield butts in, "what if they're right? I'm not converting to the Lancea or nothin and definitely not switching sides here, but you gotta admit that this city isn't exactly typical. And the Sakima is a Crone, no offense to our lovely guest here. What if she's doin' somethin' we should be worried about. Using all our blood to bring Owls over or something."

"You should drop this topic." Wright says, forcefully. He's got Elder levels of presence and he's using them. Garfield puts his hands up in an exaggerated surrender.

"Just saying! We don't know what's going on in her head." Garfield turns his gaze on Titania. "If only we knew a powerful witch of the Circle who'd be willing to look into her for us."

"Ah." She says flatly.

"So thats why im here tonight is it? You want me to look into Sakima?"

She looks to both of them watching their responses. Always a game, even if the Poker isnt going well. Continuing the game she plays the hand.

Abby ST:
"No." Wright stares down Garfield. "We are not asking you to do that. Because that is foolish and seditious."

"All I'm sayin is that she could be doing anything. And we have a guest here who knows the inner workings of Cruac. We'd be idiots if we passed on this chance."

"What chance? Answer me, a chance for what?"

Garfield smirks ungently. "I'm just saying words over poker. I'm sure our guest would tell us if she knew that the Sakima wasn't up to anything. Hell, I bet our guest can vouch for her personally. I'm certain that she knows that the Sakima couldn't do such horrid things with the blood of every vampire in the city. Unless?"

"Foolish and seditious yet the request is being implied. Not asked no. Because that would implicate you. But now you have put the idea in my head and hope that my reputation lives up to its name?"

There is a playful chuckle at that. "No I dont think I will."

"It is worth noting that the Sakima also has my blood, the blood of one of her Covenant mates and one of the Kindred who discovered the workings of Cruac."

Abby ST:
"That doesn't worry you? You're comfortable with our dear beloved Sakima having the ability to do anything you can do or worse to you whenever she wants? You're fine with-"

"Enough!" Harold Wright rises from sitting. "I do not approve of this. You are going to leave this instant. And we will have words later."

"Yeah, arright." Garfield gets up and politely tucks in his chair. "You can't have a nightmare if you never dream, you know?" And he starts to head off

"Everything worries me Garfield." She goes to continue but cuts off as Wright speaks.

She watches him exit with a tilt of her head then looks to Wright.

Abby ST:
"I apologize for his behavior." Wright says, dipping his head in a slight bow. "I want you to know that he will be reprimanded for this."

"Its understandable. My reputation proceeds me. Its how I got this information. I cant blame him for being curious."

She tilts her head to look at the door. "Now. Shall we return to the conversation. I've shared what I was able to find out."

Abby ST:
"Yes. Lets." Wright adjusts his tie. "Do you have more to say? I'm afraid we don't have much information on Them besides what you've provided."

"They seem to be working with the Strix." There is a shudder to her voice at that. "Your new kid found the company they used to put out the text. Was attacked by a couple Strix for doing it."

Then a pause, almost a hesitation. "And, the Strix might be working with some of the other forces of the city."

Abby ST:
Every time you say the S word, the whole table flinches. "That's... not good." Wright says, at a loss for words. "That is, in fact, very bad." He sighs. "I suppose this should be our last hand. I'm duty bound to report this to the Sakima."

"There should be a Kindred on its way to you who was or is possessed by one. The ability to posses a Kindred makes it powerful. There was one possessing a Corpse who go away from Vinny."

She is adding details for his report. "Let me know if you need some, non seditious help." She adds with a little chuckle.

Abby ST:
"Will do." He says, smiling earnestly.