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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Edward *Jeremiah Hamilton *Sturm *Valeria Rolan-Ruiz | setting=The Green Room | log='''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' The Green Room...")
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*[[Valeria Rolan-Ruiz]]
*[[Valeria Rolan-Ruiz]]
| setting=The Green Room
| setting=[[The Green Room]]
| log='''Jeremiah Hamilton:'''  
| log='''Jeremiah Hamilton:'''  
The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.  Music plays through the cafe's speakers, loud enough to here but not so loud as to deter normal conversation among its patrons.
The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.  Music plays through the cafe's speakers, loud enough to here but not so loud as to deter normal conversation among its patrons.

Latest revision as of 03:07, 1 February 2023


The Green Room


Jeremiah Hamilton: The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it. Music plays through the cafe's speakers, loud enough to here but not so loud as to deter normal conversation among its patrons.

The master of the house was present this particular afternoon, dressed casually in jeans, sneakers and a black t-shirt with "What a Beautiful Day to Respect Other People's Pronouns" in a pastel rainbow font. For the moment he was working the room, checking on those already seated with a smile and helping to clear tables as needed for the next group of folks to come in.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Valeria had been working all morning, and just past noon. But let her tell ya, the gym was looking easy nicer. A Google maps search for nearby food places on her trip home...one of the homes at least. She hadn't decided where she was going for the evening yet.

She was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and sweats showing off her muscles. She got one of the cheaper items, and was respectful every step of the way to the employees.

Edward: The door opened and with it came a chill air, a young man came in, ripped jeans from wear rather than fashion, a black t-shit of the Sex Pistols and a denim jacket. Pale skin and white hair, he carried a guitar over his back and smiled looking around the place.

Jeremiah Hamilton: That respect was noted and appreciated, and by the time Val got settled at her table with her meal choice Jay had made his circuit around to that part of the room with a smile on his face. "Afternoon, and welcome to the Green Room. Enjoying yourself so far?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay waltz into the place not too long after, wearing a black t-shirt with a skull print, a pair of white jeans, black and white running shoes, black lip makeup, white eyeshadow, her hair braided in many little braids. Her long black coat folded over her arm. Also, a lot of (veiled) spells.

She breaks the gloomy 'act' that seem to go with the look of today and gives a warm smile toward Jay, and a hug in passing, as she seeks a place to take a seat.

Edward: "Yup," he says with a British accent, "Just good to be home." he comments as he heads the counter, "Cuppa if ya would." he asks the owner , taking a look around the place, out with windows too, "Shit hasn't changed much in this town."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah smiled as Kay approached, sneaking in a quick hug and a "hey" in return before heading over to the newly arrived Darkling at the counter while the staffer rang him up for his tea. "It has and it hasn't, depends on where you look. We've been going strong here for a good bit, though."

He offered a hand along with a smile. "Jeremiah, although most folks call me Jay. You been playing long?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay leans at the counter and just asks for coffee with milk and a bit too much sugar. Sliding paper money across the counter with a generous tip for the coffee.

Then, as she waits for her order, surveys the room quickly, pinching the bridge of her nosed and wincing briefly, before focusing on Jay in particular, watching for now.

Edward: "Been playing long yeah," he nods as he answers, "Just coming back to town after a long trip, needed to find inspiration, shit was getting stale and new sights and sensations where needed to get the creative juices flowing, but now I'm recharged and ready."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Glad to hear it. If you're looking for a place to play we keep a roster of local musicians on rotation here, although I'd want to hear how you do first. Wouldn't have to be right this minute, though."

Catching that little wince out of the corner of his magically enhanced eye Jay glanced Kay's way, giving her a quick 'you good?' look.

Kayla Sockum: Kay walks a little closer. "Just the woes of going out in public lately. I'm fine enough." she sips her over-sweetened coffee.

"Need any help after I'm done with this?" She lift her cup with her hand, her attention shifts to who Jay is talking to. "What kind of music do you play?"

Edward: "Depends," he shrugs, "If I'm happy it's upbeat, sad it's a dirge, mad it's punk," he says, "I don't do genre's I do what I feel. . .and right now I'm happy to be home." he says taking his guitar and starts playing, pick appearing from his sleeve.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Alright, just making sure." Jay nodded to Kay, then looked back to Edward as he fished out his guitar and started playing. He nodded along, watching his form and getting a feel for him as a performer. "Not bad."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val had stopped for a second to use the restroom, and was right back, an eye glancing over to the pair, the ma with the guitar, the guy in the cool shirt. Well that was an interesting group but she went right back down to eat her food.

Kayla Sockum: "Thank you." She half-whisper to Jay.

Kay listens to the music and says a little to it, drinking more from her cup. She takes a particular interest in the guitar and the pick, just casually looking at their make, brand, quality and the like.

Edward: "Thanks," he says, "Call me Ed." The pick and guitar have no brand, both seem to be made of the same wood and hand crafted, one of a kind

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good to meet you, Ed." He spared a quick glance back at Val now that she was back at her table, offering her a warm smile before looking back to the Darkling. "Like I said, if you're ever interested in playing here we can put you on the list."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val noticed Jay, the slight air of authority here, and slowly makes her way over. She didn't interrupt the current talk, just on the outside of it. And the first thing to notice was that she was tall! Without hair being about 6 foot, with the hair styled she's easily got an extra inch out of it, and its clear she intentionally keeps it short to not give more.

Kayla Sockum: She applauds Edward as he finish playing. "That was good, liked it too."

Kay looks at Val as she returns, offering a warm smile, the tallness seems to make an impression of her. She quickly turn to Jay.

"Heather ruined memes for me, every time I think of a meme, I get a craving for her pastries."

Edward: "If you need me I'll see if I can," he says sitting down, "I can't play if I'm not feeling it, ya know?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah, I understand that." He nodded, looking to Val as she moved to join the trio. "Hey. Welcome in. Enjoying yourself so far?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She smiles at the faint but of the topic she caught, turning back to Jay.

"Oh yeah. You just looked like the manager type, work long enough and you can spot them, you know." She gestured back towards the kitchen. "I just wanted a message passed to your chefs when you had the time, meal was amazing. Our chefs always need the compliments, figured other chefs are the same."

Kayla Sockum: Kay smiles at Val's comment about the food and compliment. A little sigh of relief follows.

"He does have this little lead-from-the-front vibe."

Edward: Edward sits, enjoying his coffee.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That obvious, huh?" He replied with a chuckle, nodding. "Better to lead from the front than be too separated from the people who work with you. Lord knows there's too much of that going around these days."

"Jeremiah, although most folks call me Jay" He added as he offered Val a hand. "Good to meet you, and I'll definitely pass the compliment along. I know they'll appreciate it."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She rolls her eyes. "Right? One of mine just sits there unless there's a problem. Glad you're the do it yourself kind." She gives a small wave to the others.

"Valeria, you can call me Val." She shakes the hand, not quite abnormally strong but close. "Nice to meet you too. And yeah definitely, you've got good vibes here." She looks back to her half eaten plate. "I'm a social eater, mind if I join the talk? Ill fuck off if you're talking about private stuff."

Kayla Sockum: "I'm just hovering over my buddy here and trying to get some social steps in. I don't mind you joining." Kay says to Val's intention.

Then her attention goes to Edward. "I noticed your guitar doesn't have any branding, did you make it yourself?"

Edward: "I had some help, but yeah I made the most of it," he says, smiling, "Good eye for noticing." he smirks, "I like when things have a personal touch so I thought it best to have something that was completely my own."

Jeremiah Hamilton: His own handshake was firm but not obviously so, a well-practiced maneuver by all telling. "Thanks. We do our best to make sure this is a safe space for people who need it."

"Yeah, come on over. Plenty of room at the counter." He continued to listen to Kay and Ed's conversation, seemingly intrigued at both manufacturing and playing the instrument in question.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She winks at Kay, entirely jokingly and only half committing. Largely to see her reaction and if she should back off. "Im great at giving social steps." She heads off to grab her food and comes back.

"I'll be honest I have no sense of tune, but musicians always impress me. How long have you been playing?"

Kayla Sockum: "A personal touch is usually the best way to go with tools of any kind." Kay nods. "I'm not crafts expert, but I know a trick or two."

Kay definitely notices the wink and drinks the rest of her coffee in one go. There is a blush there and a laugh in her voice. "Oh my, If I wasn't already spoken for, I'd definitely be needing a social step ladder."

Edward: "I've been playing for. . .years at this point." he says, a small falter of the smile but it's back as soon as it fades, "I've been obsessed with music since I was a child, it's a language we can all speak."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jay smiled a touch at the exchange between Kay and Val, nodding to Ed at his response. "Right there with you, honestly. Music's been one of the few constants in my life and something that I've been happy to help others express themselves through as well."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She shrugs at the turn down. "Of course of course, congrats to the partner at having someone so lovely." She takes a bite, then looks back at the talk.

"Must be nice having all that growing up with music. Everyone's gotta have something to focus on."

Kayla Sockum: "I'll be sure to let Mary know." Kay chuckles and then her gaze crosses the nearest clock. "Hmm , I should get back home, speaking of which, a few things I need to work on before night falls."

Edward: "It was nice," he says, a slight change in his mood that he quickly recovers

Jeremiah Hamilton: "See you later." Jay said to his cadremate with a smile, sneaking in a quick hug before she headed off. "It was, yeah, especially on my end since I moved around a lot as a kid."

"What was your focus of choice?" He asked Val, watching her curiously for her response.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val waves off Kay. "Mary is a wonderful name. Take care."

She nods to Edward, and answers to Jay. "Gymnastics. My parents put me in it about the time I could walk."

Edward: "Weren't you on tv?" he asks, trying to place where he might have seen her

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...I thought you looked somewhat familiar, but couldn't quite pin it down."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She grimaces. "Yep, there it is. Yeah that was me. How about you two?"

Edward: "Can't say I'm anyone of importance, just a bard and drifter." he assures

Jeremiah Hamilton: Catching the grimace Jay gave her a sympathetic look, knowing all too well what that kind of pain was like. "Tried to make it big out in Los Angeles and got lost instead, but eventually pulled myself out of that mess and started focusing on helping others avoid the pitfalls I tripped my way into. I work with a lot of local talent, giving them a space to perform and record their music so they can express themselves fully and be heard by the people who need to hear them. I also volunteer at the Attic Youth Center here in town helping the kids there."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: "Bard and drifter is perfectly fine ya know." She nods to Jay. "Helping out others is nice. Giving people like at the Attic a place to feel safe is nice too. Will admit I'm that protective friend and have gotten in my fair share of fights."

Edward: "I'm sorry to hear about that." he nods to Valreia, "I hope you can try again one day."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not much of a physical fighter myself, I'll admit, but I've definitely stepped up against more than a few bigots over the years. Too many folx in the community get the rug pulled out from under them by family or people they thought were friends, and being able to support them like others did for me when I came out is the least I can do."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: "Right? Right? That. Its fucking 2023, I had to kick some groups ass like right before New Years because they were picking on a trans friend of mine." There's a tad bit of hesitation in her voice.

"Some people just need to fuck off."

Edward: "I always loved a good bigot bashing," he comments, "People will always find something to hate about each others, almost none of the reasons make sense."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sad but true. Long as there are people putting up the good fight and shining a much needed light into the world, though, we'll get through all the bullshit in the end."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She nods. "Fucking agreed. You don't need to tell me that twice. I check half the boxes so most of the time the bigots have no problem turning on me. Frankly I'd rather it be me than a friend."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Here here." He nodded firmly. "If anyone's going to be the target for that kind of crap I'd rather it be me."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She smiles. "I know right? I'm certain several of my friends say the exact same things. Granted, I'm the tall gymnast that scares half the bigots anyway."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That is a definite plus, yeah." He looked up to her with a smile. "I tend to be more of the 'talk circles around people until they forget what they were mad about' type myself."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: "You sound like one of my friends then. Vin's always had a silver tongue. Will admit he tends to get in over his head though."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Happens to the best of us. Long as you have a decent exit strategy you can usually make it back out again without too much fuss."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She nods. "Agreed. But hey, enough giving the bigots the time of day."

She takes a sip of her water. "So Jay, you're a musician. What genre?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Little bit of everything, honestly. I primarily play guitar and piano with some drums in there for good measure, but I'll listen to just about everything. Have to keep an open mind and ear for new talent, after all."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She nods. "Fair enough. I mean that's 3 instruments more than me. Got a Spotify or anything?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm on there, yeah, both some solo stuff and when I was back in LA. Haven't uploaded anything in a bit, though."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She nods, pulling out her phone. "LA? What brought you all the way out here?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm from the East Coast, actually, just south of Boston. I went to Stanford for college and then tried my luck in LA in the music scene, which could've gone better." He said with a wry smirk. "It was either here or New York and here felt better of the two, both from potentially untapped talent and the general vibe."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: "Eh I get that. My parents are originally from Philly. My dad was military so for the first...half or so of my life we moved around a bunch. When he got discharged we moved back here right about the time I was hitting middle school. Will be honest I don't remember most of the bases."

She smiles. "New York sounds like to much, will be honest. Probably busy all the time ya know?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Feel ya. My father is an architect who liked to be where the building was being constructed so we moved around a good bit as well. Was in New York for a little while, Virginia, couple other places over the years. Manhattan's definitely hectic more often than not, which I don't mind that much, but it's a good place to visit."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: "I couple probably ask my dad. I remember the last one being Bragg but once again I was like...12. Will admit I love it here in Philly and don't see myself moving anytime soon. Plus both my parents are here and my dad needs help from time to time."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Same. Got this place and some really good people that I've met over the years, no real reason to leave."

Sturm: "Philly is great."

The response comes from a table over that, until just now, you would've sworn was totally vacant. There's a gigantic (read: nearly 9' tall) woman sitting with her back to the corner, and sipping a black cup of coffee.

Any changeling present would, at least, recognize her as Sturm. The Sun Banisher.

She finishes chewing on a bite of cheese Danish, and nods.

"Not that I'm part of your conversation, but Philly is a place that... most people who live elsewhere don't appreciate. They don't get it. This city fucks."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val was NOT used to being dwarfed by people. Maybe Guy, but even then thats a few inches, not...well that. Ah now she knows what the bottoms feel like.

"Philly does fuck. Yeah. How are you?" Theres a debating look on her face.

Jeremiah Hamilton: The new voice made Jeremiah look Strum's way, tilting his head in a "I know you from somewhere" moment before the lightbulb kicked in and he gave her a smile. "Feel free to join in. Haven't seen you in a while; things going well, I hope?"

Edward: Edward turns, and seeing the Mein under the mask, offers a whistle, Sturm can see under the mask of the goth is what most people would describe as a 'dark elf', if one had to compare to contemporary works, "Strum," he exclaims, "Good to see you!"

Sturm: Sturm offers a little nod at Jeremiah, followed by a small, rare smile. "Yeah. I used to wait tables at Maddy's before my fighting career picked up."

Behind her mask, Sturm looks even more monstrous. She's a frost giant from legend, with long curled horns made of ice, and jutting tusks.

"I'm good," she finally offers to Val. "Tired, but good. Work is hard. Well. Home Work, not Fight Work." "Uhh. You?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: The name Maddy's piques her interest, not pushing but a half second of noticeable pause.

"Fight work? What do you mean by that?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Both Edward's recognition of Strum and Val picking up on the mention of Maddy's was noted but not commented on just yet, mental pins put into place as he nodded to Strum's response. "Glad to hear things are going well. Been keeping myself busy here and around town, no major complaints."

Edward: Ed laughs, "I don't blame you if you don't remember me, we know each other from work?," he says, "I know Vorp."

Sturm: "I was an MMA fighter before I got too..." Sturm offers a hefty shrug. "You know how it is. Sometimes shit changes and then it gets hard to do your normal gig."

She nods at Ed. "Yeah, I've seen you around, but it's been a bit-- and even then, had my nose to the grind trying to catch that Burner."

... which, of course, sounds like Nonsense to everyone else, but she smiles at Jay. "You still, uhh... Singing, right?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Valeria is starting to piece together all the little details, suddenly super interested in her food and like she shouldn't be a part of the conversation.

"MMA, thats cool. Yeah." She started going for her wallet to be able to pay for the meal.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "More mentoring other musicians than performing myself these days, although I do fill in on occasion if the scheduled act falls though." He tilted his head towards the stage near the back of the cafe then nodded to Strum. "Yeah, know how that goes."

He then looked to Val, a warm smile on his face. "Don't feel like you have to rush out, but if you do need to leave it was good talking with you. Don't be a stranger, yeah?"

Edward: "Oh, so you sing?" he asks interested

Sturm: "Honestly, there's no reason to leave at all." Sturm pushes back from her table, and grabs her chair with one hand before dragging it over to the table with the others. "No need to talk shop. In fact," she offers her free hand to Val. "Sturm, by the way. Just Sturm-- shit, forgot my coffee. Hang on a sec..."

She turns back to her travel to secure her drink and then returns.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val looks super uncomfortable and glances between the three, then at any of the other patrons or employees here.

"You realize its probably stupid to talk here, yeah? Nah I...mierda. I should probably go." She notably, doesn't start moving to go.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah nodded to Ed's question but didn't answer verbally, keeping his focus on Val as she started to get antsy. "It's alright, you're in good company. And like she said, we can keep shop talk to other places."

Sturm: Sturm's smile disappears, and she retracts her hand. The bell chimes again behind her as yet another customer steps inside. The other changeling at the table would feel the not-so-subtle shift of a chill front sweeping down from the mountains as Sturm's mantle flares. Val and Jay, or course, would note that their next breath shown in the air for a half-second as if they were outside in the cold.

... but then again. It is winter. People are always coming and going and letting the heat out.

Sturm's stony expression disappears behind the rim of her mug, and she focuses her attentions elsewhere.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: At the look and the general mood of the giant, Val practically pops up, putting a bill on the counter.

"No, no. Ima go. Have a good meal." She immediately starts walking towards the door. Worry fills her face.

Edward: Edward goes a tad wide eyed, "Oh," he get's up and approaches Sturm, "Hey, you ok?" he asks, concern in his voice

Jeremiah Hamilton: That brief rush of cold made Jay stand up a little straighter on reflex, looking between Strum and the swiftly-departing Val. After a moment he gave Ed a "you got this?" look before heading off after Val, keeping an even pace so as to not spook her more.

Sturm: Sturm very quietly rises from her seat, and fishes a couple bills, and handful of coins out of her pocket.

"I'll be fine," she tosses the tip on her original table, leaving the mug behind. "I think I've fucked things up enough for one evening off. Back to work."

... and then she turns to leave.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val is working on getting her jacket and helmet out of her bag on her motorcycle. A bit of a panicked look. Its an old indian, fixed up by hand.

She looks back to see Jay, a quiet curse under her breath as she gets the jacket on. "Don't even try to follow me."

Edward: "Well. . .folks like us need to stick together." he mutters to himself, and follows the frost giant, just to make sure she's fine, first Lost he's seen since he's been back and it looks like clarity's hit, what are the odds

Sturm: "I will be fine," Sturm reiterates in a growl that brooks no argument. "I am going home."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Wasn't planning on it." Jay held up his hands in that classic "I'm not here to hurt you" pose, his tone calm and even as every fiber of his being exuded you can trust me. "Just wanted to talk and make sure that you were alright."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: Val sits on her bike, helmet in her lap, jacket zipped up. She glares at him but finally relaxes.

"Fuck...fine. No I'm not aight. Bitch was talking way too freely around people. I don't want to be around that."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Trust me, I've come across folks that were far less subtle." Jeremiah replied, moving close enough to keep the conversation between the two of them but not forcefully crowding her or the like. "I applaud you for being on top of that kind of thing, though."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She rests where shes at on the bike, not moving, but making it clear she could if she wanted.

"Yeah just...keep me out of that stuff. You got a good shop and whatnot, I didn't realize there was weird shit happening or frankly I would have gone else where." Theres a worry on her face as she bites her lip.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Seeing that worry he gave her a reassuring look, nodding quietly. "I understand being nervous about everything. I know from Dr. Shanks that you're pretty newly involved in all of this, and for what it's worth I stake my reputation on this being a safe place for everyone, spooky people included. If something was to pop off it would be handled."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: There's a flash of emotion across her face at the mention of Dr. Shanks. "Fuckin....Tommy. What else did he say? They say...fuck sorry. It's not safe if you say too much."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "A conversation better left for somewhere other than a parking lot." He replied, keeping her understandable desire for privacy in mind. "We can talk in my office if that would be better for you."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She looks around the place, seeing who was around, before sighing. She swung her leg off and opened the bag once more, depositing her helmet.

"Aight fine. Your office, but if I wanna leave I'm heading out, got it?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Totally fine." He nodded, leading the way back into the building and into a wooden door near the front which led into another small hallway. Therein was a set of two doors, with the first marked OFFICE and the second SUPPLIES. Jay opened the door for the first, revealing a well-kept office with a computer and files on the desk, a computer chair and two normal chairs nearby and a collection of photos on the wall of moments passed in the cafe over the years, along with one seemingly special photo of Jay and a neon orange-haired woman smiling brightly at the camera set up close to his computer.

"Have a seat," he offered, claiming the computer chair for himself. "Want some water or anything?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She was wary the whole time, hands stuffed in her jacket. Leather, like you gotta have for a bike duh. She spies the picture and looks at it for a moment, before following along and sitting down.

A thing to notice about her walking was that it ever so slightly favored one leg, her left leg having less weight on it.

"Sure...I'll take a water." A moment later, making sure the door was closed. Well...this was about a private a space as possible. "So are you a wizard like Tommy? Or something else?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Right in one." He replied with a small smirk, going into one of the desk drawers and pulling out a water bottle to offer Val. "He mentioned that you two were close when you were younger."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She takes the water bottle, drinking a bit. She was trying to look tough. The clearly broken once or twice nose helps set it.

"Yeah, they used to baby sit me. My parents are...busy people. Runs in the family. Our neighborhood was close."

She leans back in the chair. "K so you're a wizard. I know there's some shit to do with your soul there. What else did Tommy say about me?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "'Some shit to do with my soul', huh?" He gave her a curious look at that, settling into his own seat as he continued. "Who brought you in and why he did so, along with some of the particulars of what that entails. I know Guy, by the way, and respect him thoroughly."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She puts her hands up. "Don't look at me. Look at Dr. Tommy over there. I know like...jack shit and I'm trying to catch up."

She is way more hostile as a form of taking over the conversation.

"Good. I like Guy too. That'll make this easier. But yeah, dude saved my life, and I don't wanna hurt him by letting the wrong thing slip. So I'd much rather prefer to ya know...not stick around anyone who cracks jokes about being weird. Plus she was like...8 foot tall? Shes probably already got eyes on her."

Thats not paranoia, nope.

Jeremiah Hamilton: For the moment Jeremiah didn't push back, letting her keep that bit of control in a life that seemed to be spiraling wildly out of her grasp. "She likely does, and she thus also has experience of shunting that attention elsewhere when needed. Like I said outside, I applaud you wanting to be careful and I imagine Guy does as well, but if you lock down at the smallest hint of something outside of the norm that's going to be even more noticeable in the long run."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She nods defiantly at the mention of Guy applauding her...that's what she wanted after all....right?

She does pause immedietly at Jay putting it in perspective like that. "Aw...fuck."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smiled slightly as the "ah hah" moment struck, giving her a nod. "Everyone fucks up early on, so you're in good company. Something to keep in mind going forward, yeah?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She frowns. "Ugh...fine. Yeah I'm still brand new to this shit. And had a pretty shit day yesterday."

She crosses her arms, putting her fists under her biceps to make them look bigger. Not that she needed to, she was already lean as fuck.

"I just want to make it easier on him. I'm that dumbass protective friend so.. well I care about him. And he's cool and wants to help me out."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sorry to hear that." He offered a sympathetic look, nodding as she continued. "Totally understandable. I'm not all that familiar with how things on his side of the fence work, but what I tell our new folks is to listen, learn from what mistakes you make and take those lessons forward. Figure that's universal enough."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She watches his face. She wasn't gonna reveal more than she needed to. She's been around the block a few times. She knew how to people.

"Yeah, I'm tryin. Universal and whatnot. Look, I've barely met the Kindred, besides Tommy that was my first meeting with other groups. I didn't expect it...that good enough for you?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: The Warlock was an open book at the moment, his expression one of understanding and with no judgement in sight. "What I think doesn't matter in this case. What do you think about what happened today?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She frowns, almost hoping for a genuine reason to leave. She didn't get it. Darn nice people.

"I think I'm still worried. I got in trouble enough with cops before all this. Now the fuckers have robots that are making people's lives a shit. Then like right after I got fucking shot in an alleyway. I don't want cops at my door asking questions about Guy is what I think."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Totally understandable." He gave a small nod. "The best advice I can offer is to keep your eyes open but don't be too cautious. The community at large here is pretty tight, and we're all willing to reach across the aisle and help when things start getting hairy."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She shifts in the seat, letting out a sigh. "Yeah yeah. Ill work on that. Glad its tight at least, better than not."

She stands up, stretching her hands up. 3 or 4 pops can be heard.

"Unless you got anything else, Ima head home."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nothing else on my end." He stood with her, grabbing one of his business cards from the desk and offering it to her. "Feel free to reach out if you ever need a hand, though; number on the back is my cell phone."

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz: She hesitates, but takes the card. "Hm...thanks. I'll reach out if I need. Reminder to pass my compliments to the chefs please."

She turns to head out, letting the intimidating vibes escort her out to the bike.