Logs:We'll work on the name: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=Snowy, Vincent Drake | setting= Wendy's (takes place 2/26/23) | log= Vincent, still wearing jeans and a shirt that said 'Don't Mind Me, I'm Teething', was currently at a Wendy's eating a baconator and fries. Now yes, he was a vampire, yes he survived on blood, but he still enjoyed the flavor of food, it was a new simple pleasure and damn it he's going to enjoy it, hence why he can still be found eating around while blushed. Mean...")
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| content-warning=
| cast=[[Snowy]], [[Vincent Drake]]
| setting= Wendy's (takes place 2/26/23)
| log= Vincent, still wearing jeans and a shirt that said 'Don't Mind Me, I'm Teething', was currently at a Wendy's eating a baconator and fries. Now yes, he was a vampire, yes he survived on blood, but he still enjoyed the flavor of food, it was a new simple pleasure and damn it he's going to enjoy it, hence why he can still be found eating around while blushed.

Meanwhile Snowy the owl had found herself sat opposite him. Enjoying a burger she had taken from her day's worth of pan handling. Having never changed her clothes since the last time they met she kept her stench hidden behind the greasy food and the down draft of the kitchen.
Vincent looked up from his Burger and smiled at Snowy, handing her some fries, "You want some?" he asks before just ploping them down next to her burger, "So, how has your week been, all things considered?"
"Sure." She says taking the fries. "And the week's been good, I came out alive at the end." And she was still on the Ironside. "And now I'm getting a meal from all the panhandling I did."
"Need a soda, I can get ya one." he offers, "My weeks been going well, cleared up some stuff from a few weeks ago, made some new friends, been meaning to see the new Ant-Man movie, you a comic book fan?"
"Nope." She answers bluntly. "I'll read them if there's nothing else to do but I mostly read what the library has."
he nods and takes a fry, "I've always been a nerd, comics, anime, tabletop, anything to distract me from how much life sucks," he shrugs, "So, what's your fav genre, what's your hobbies?"
She looks to him. "I read a lot of Arsene, the gentlemen thief." She smirks. "Though I don't have many hobbies other then reading and breaking into places to sleep inside... Need to get some hobbies but hey... it's fun."
"Lupin is good," he grins, "Inspired an entire generation of Phantom Thieves, you'd be surprised how many anime are based on the trope," he thinks, "I mean, I guess your a Phantom Thief then, smart, charming, sneaky, ya fit the checks."
"Hardly charming." The owl says showing a box of fries into her mouth. "But I'm sneaky and smart on occasion if you're implying that much."
he just smiles, "I find you interesting, mysterious women shows up among the homeless who not only has max thief skills but also seems to have a mysterious story," he shrugs, "I like to learn things about people, I spend my days people watching, hobby wise, how does tabletop rp sound, you ever play D&D?"
"D... and D? Like double Ds?" She asks. "What does chest size have to do with tabletops?" She asks him. "And yeah, that's kinda the point of being mysterious."
"I mean. . .yes I do, but that's not what I meant," he laughs, "Dungeons and Dragons, yeah no, the game where you can be anything you want, roll the twenty side die."
She rubs her eye as she hears 'be whatever you want' knowing full well just how much of a nightmare that can be. "Gotcha... yeah that doesn't sound interesting to me. I prefer keeping my feet grounded."
he nods, "I hear ya," he thinks, "Ever try parkour?"
"Parkour? That I might be good at!" She admits. "But... yeah I might be good at it."
he smiles, "I do some parkour, it's good to learn for running from cops," he chuckled, "Nothing like running across the roof tops in the middle of the night," he sips his drink, "So, Snowy, how did ya come by that name?"
"I'll take your word on that." She turns her head slowly. "I started appearing around winter." Which wasn't a lie. "People saw me in the park sleeping near the snow so they started calling me 'snowy' and the name kinda stuck."
he nods his head, making a mental note of the head turn, "So you came to Philly in the last few months, where were you from originally?"
"Good question." She answers back, taking a bite of the burger and not answering.
"Ok," he chuckles, "I get it, no go area, that or," he thinks before shrugging, "So, I know some community centers that could help, have a friend," he blinks, as if doubting the term use, "well...associate, yeah, I have an associate who runs one, if you need a place to stay or some food."
"What's it like?" She asks. "Do I have the bunk up with someone? Because I'm down for that."
"Well, I've only been their once, so I'd have to ask my friend," he checks his phone to see if he has the number, "You know. .. it just dawned on me she has my number and not vice versa," he muses, "If you need a place," he thinks, "Well.  ..I got a place I have but don't sleep in, while I use it to entertain it has a guest room," he shrugs, "But yeah, if your interested in the community center, I can reach out to Ylva."
"Ylva?" She asks with a blink. "I might..." She admits. "Always good to have sleeping options."
"Yeah, Ylva runs the center, she's more the friend of my partner, but she is nice people, and like I said, I have a house that has a guestroom, so you can use it if you ever need, I don't even actually live there." he drinks his drink, "You like garlic bread?" he asks randomly
"Yeah." She says with a squint. "I like Garlic bread... but no offence, this is our second meeting and you're already offering me a place to sleep? Sounds like a place to get chopped up and have my heart shoved into some shady business man from Japan or something."
"Oh no," he shakes his head, "That's my place in Fairhill, two completely different business." he laughs at his joke, "Honestly it was more, 'hey, remember I'm making a gang, I got places to crash so maybe we can help eachother'," he chuckles, "But yeah, no offence taken, if I took the offer of someone to crash, I'd lose my kidney or something, I'll ask Ylva." he nods, "As for the Garlic bread, I have left overs from the last batch I made."
"You give out a lot of information." Snowy notes. "So far I know you're a gang leader, you help the homeless, you have a home and you bake garlic bread. That's more then some people may know about me."
"Aspiring gang leader," he corrects, "Not one yet, and that's some of the most useless information anyone can use, yes I have a home, but do I sleep there?"
"I mean, I could stake it out day and night to see if you sleep in there at all." Snowy notes. "Or I could just send some... compromising parcels there. All information is sacred in this day and age after all."
he smiles at that, "It really is."
Following the question Vincent receives three visions in three seconds.
A concerned head cocks from the woman with a squint that follows after...
Her hair changes to fluffy white raptor's feathers with a pair of large bulbous eyes but a normal human mouth remains...
You notice her eyes shift to one of the luxury and impossibly expensive burger items on the menu.
his eyes widen a bit as a slow chuckle escapes from him, "Everyone I meet," he mutters as he stands up and heads to the counter, buying a luxery and impossibly expensive burger with a large fry before coming back and placing it in front of her, "My treat I insist," he says before going back to his own seat, "You like waffles?"
Her eyes widen before she squints st him.
"How... did you know that?" She doesn't answer about the waffles.
he smiles, "Because, I make it my business to know what people want." he chuckles, "I find out what people want, I work to give it to them, all they have to do is either pay, do my a favor in return, or I like them and it's free," he makes a dramatic pause to think, "And. . .I like you, I want us to be friends."
"Doesn't answer my question but alright..." She nods as she begins to bite into the burger.
"And what if you don't like them?"
"If I don't like them.  . .well, then as long as they stay out of my business, then I'm happy to give them things they desire for an appropriate fee or favor, as long as we can stay our of each others way, if they want me gone. . .I'll crush them."
"Nice..." She nods a little bit unsure if she wants to continue that part of the conversation.
"Uh... what about you then? What do you do?"
"Honestly, used to be a con-artist," he shrugs, "Ran away from home with my sister, parent's where abusive pricks, so for the past ten years or so I've been doing small tricks of the trade as it where, upgraded recently and going into actual business." he says, although the implication is it's still less than legal, "Hence why I'm putting together a crew with a particular set of skills."
"Right. So I'm the latest in this little group of yours?"
"If you want to join." he smiles, "And something tells me you'd fit right in." he adds
"... hmm... alright then. I'll give it a trial.job as it where."
he smiles even brighter, "Fantastic," he offers a hand, "Welcome to the. . .the, well we'll work on a name, something cool and exciting." he laughs
She doesn't shake the hand as hers was covered in grease and other gross things.}}

Latest revision as of 21:28, 17 March 2023