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Sturm rolls her shoulders, trying very hard to get comfortable in the unfamiliar space - while listening to uncomfortable news. "So," she brings a hand up to the bridge of her nose - pinching it between her thumb and forefinger. "At least this leaves us with a new possibility in the raging dumpster fire that is our lives. It's probably better that an already-compromised Marjorie inherited the Freehold - rather than her being an active participant in a plot to destabilize it." Beat. "... but it isn't much better."
Sturm rolls her shoulders, trying very hard to get comfortable in the unfamiliar space - while listening to uncomfortable news. "So," she brings a hand up to the bridge of her nose - pinching it between her thumb and forefinger. "At least this leaves us with a new possibility in the raging dumpster fire that is our lives. It's probably better that an already-compromised Marjorie inherited the Freehold - rather than her being an active participant in a plot to destabilize it." Beat. "... but it isn't much better."

'''''To Be Continued'''''
"Defiintely possible."  Asbolus nodded to Lux at their comment.  "Going by the letter she didn't agree with what Robin was doing at the time, but if they do have an oath in place that would explain her being circumspect."
He took a moment to step back into the kitchen and finish the tea, bringing Lux her sugar-heavy cup before taking a seat of his own.  "I'll take a slim silver lining at this point."
Lux stares at the ceiling, expression frustrated and thoughtful--then Lux grimaces. "I just thought of something else... I'd need to do some research before I know for sure--and know the details--but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing when I first joined the Freehold that the laws had been revised a little over a year ago--last Winter. And I think what was revised--or added? Was The Right to Dream Free clause."
They sit up, puffing out a breath. "I'll do some research to try to figure out exactly what was changed or added, but knowing that might help point us in the right direction as well. Because... that law is written in a really sketchy way. It's like it's written deliberately to allow this to happen, without the offender breaking the Freehold Oath. But I'm wondering, now..." Lux looks between them. "If Marjorie wrote it that way, because she has this older Oath with Robin--and writing the Law any other way would have made her an Oathbreaker. If that's the case--why write the Dream Free law at all? Maybe... it's a part of this. Of trying to draw attention to what's going on. And make sure it's punished, without directly betraying Robin."
Lux also accepts the cup of tea, flashing a small grateful look to Asbolus.
"That's probably a good place to start, then. Assembling a timeline of events is going to be important for proving what happened - and when it happened." Sturm crosses her arms, and sinks backwards into the couch. "The way Ari spoke about it in the meeting gave me a feeling that it'd already been a problem in the past," she frowns. "...but wouldn't the Oath have broken when she sent you after Robin?" Beat. "... and if this shit goes back as far as 2005 - or earlier, even - how much has this tainted, and how many people might be involved?"
"One must wonder..."  Asbolus shook his head quietly, taking a sip of his tea before continuing.  "I only got back last year myself, so I'm not aware of any issues that happened before that."
"Yeah, forming a timeline is good," Lux says with a nod. "I'll do some research. Not bad with Laws and stuff." They sip at the tea, then shrug at Sturm. "Yeah, I mean--that's just a theory. We have a lot of theories right now. And not enough proof."
"Well. I've been looking into this type of bullshit with other Freeholds - hoping that if I can find other instances of people attempting to destroy the hedge, that I might be able to establish a method to pair with the motive we've already worked out." Her voice has gone all grumbly again. "Hopefully, knowing common behaviors and tactics will give us more of an idea of the kind of scope and scale we can expect."
"Indeed."  He paused as a thought blipped into existence, sitting back as he mulled it over.  "Almost tempted to ask Marjorie for a reading on the matter, both to see what the cards might say and to give her a way to drop a few more hints if she so wishes."
Lux blinks, head tilting towards Asbolus. "...That's not a bad idea. And if she is trying to hide something, might have a chance of picking up on it."
"Well..." Sturm sighs. "Made an appointment with Marjorie, because I'd been planning to see if I could get her talking - and look for a tell." Beat. "Might be a bit suspicious if we all go, but..."
There's a big shrug.
"She knows we're all working on this, far as I know.  Wouldn't be that suspicious."
"No offense, Sturm, but it might be better for Asbolus to ask for the reading. Marjorie knows that Bobo knows about Robin--she doesn't know you know. Probably, anyway. She might be willing to let more slip about Robin. Unless you want to risk showing your hand to her and telling her you know about Robin's investigation."
"Maybe. Assuming that she's trying to carefully feed us information," Sturm shrugs. "... but whatever you think will be best."
"You're the one in charge here. Not my choice." They shrug. "Just something to think about."
"I'm willing, if we want to go that route."
"Don't be stupid," Sturm audibly scoffs, setting her jaw. She fixes Lux with a stare. "Pretty sure that everyone here is aware that the only reason you're not officially calling shots is optics - Got zero interest in measuring dick size over this, so either be in charge or don't." Beat. "... but if you actually want me to be in charge, then you need to start telling me about shit like tonight before it happens."
Lux gives her a sharp, annoyed look. "I told you I was going to break into Robin's office and look around."
Asbolus looked between the two but remained quiet for the moment.
"... Asbolus said this shit was under her fuckin' bed." She gestures to the laptop. "Or what, does she sleep in her office?"
"I guess so? It was in her cottage in the Winter Hollow."
"I met her there for my own meeting at the end of the season that kicked this whole investigation off. I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps there as well, but I can't say if it's her only place of residence."
"And, on that note, the original files I noticed weren't there. She did make mention of handing some tasks off to others at the season's end, but to whom...that is the question."
"This shit is such a fuckin' dumpster fire," Sturm grumbles to herself as she gets up off of the couch - shoulders still hunched. "If she was smart, she probably got rid of that evidence - because it was fuckin' damning - but if she handed it off to someone, that's... a thing we should look into."
She makes her way over to the door, pulling a half-crushed pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket. "Going to smoke. Talk to Mearcstapa if you want. He's been thinking about who does shit similar to Robin's job for the other courts - that might give us a place to start on locating the missing files."
"Assuming Robin did hand the files off," Lux says with a shrug. "And--I dunno. Kinda seemed like she obsessively kept files? It was kinda like an episode from Hoarders in there. It might be... a Thing. Dunno. Sounds good, though. See you, Sturm."
Sturm grunts in response. Then she leaves... and probably smokes a cigarette. Or twelve.
"Agreed...holding onto over a decade of correspondence at that level of volume is somewhat unusual."  Asbolus reclaimed his seat on the couch beside Lux at Sturm's departure, looking his fellow Darkling over.  "Speaking of Mearcstapa, albeit on a more personal note, how are you two doing?"
Lux watches Sturm leave, then frowns at Asbolus' question, shoulders sinking a little. "...Dunno. Better, I guess? We're... talking, at least. Which is a step up." They sip at the tea broodingly. "He's deciding whether or not he wants me anymore."
"Talking is good."  He nodded quietly, looking Lux over.  "Is he now..."
"Yeah. I mean. I get it." Their shoulders lift. "He doesn't know if he can trust me now. So... just... kind of waiting around for him to make up his mind. Hoping for the best."
"That's the best one can do sometimes."  He moved to loop an arm around Lux's shoulder, waiting for their all-clear before actually doing so.  "Although, if he feels as strongly for you as you do for him I imagine he'll make the right call."
Lux allows it, leaning into Asbolus. "...Yeah. I dunno. He said he still loves me. But that's... not enough, sometimes."
"Perhaps. Trust can be regained, however, if one is willing.  It's something we've all had to do, coming back to this side of the Thorns."
"I'm willing. We'll see if he is. Just... trying to give him space, right now." They rest their head on the Hunterheart's shoulder.
"I see.  Best of luck."  He rested his head against Lux's, relaxing against them as he got comfortable.  "You know how to find me if you need a hand."
"Thanks. I know." They nuzzle in for some comforting cuddles as they finish their tea.

Revision as of 00:53, 1 May 2020

Content Warning



Asbolus, Lux, Sturm


Asbolus' Hollow


Set After Horders, Winter Edition

Lux: Lux suggests they head back to Asbolus' place--it's the most secure and private, and Lux is fond of the place. Once they've finished looking through all the letters Lux flops back onto the couch, sighing heavily, rubbing a hand over their face. "Uuugh."

Asbolus: "Brain dripping out the ears a bit?" He smirked a touch. "Can get some tea going if you'd like."

Lux: Lux also texted Sturm the address for her to meet them there!

"Tea would be great," Lux mutters, sighing heavily.

Sturm: There's a knock at the door. One can reasonably expect that the person on the other side is Sturm. Or, who knows? Rather than Sturm it could be Lumi. Or Marjorie. Or... paranoia knows no bounds!

Spoilers tho: it's Sturm.

Lux: Lux will hop up and usher her in. "Hey, Sturm. Welcome to Bobo's rad party pad."

It doesn't look like a party pad at all, really.

Sturm: The frost giant ducks when she enters - better to not ding her horns on the door frame. She tucks her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket, hunching her shoulders a tad as she looks around. "Yo," comes her low, grumbling voice.

Asbolus: More like a rather pleasant apartment, truth be told. The main room was simply decorated - comfortable chair and a decent-sized couch, a collection of books on a small wooden shelf, a few pieces of art here and there - but still feeling well-lived-in nonetheless. Beyond was a small kitchen-type area with cabinets, a table and a few more chairs, which Asbolus himself was in with a few cups on the counter and a kettle of water on a hot plate nearby, along with a closed door on the far wall.

"Evening." He nodded to the Ogress, giving a polite smile. "Care for some tea?"

Lux: Lux plops down onto the couch, seeming pretty comfortable here and not afraid to make themself at home. They pop open a laptop that they've downloaded the photos onto, poking at it to bring up a couple pictures. "Broke into Robin's office a bit ago."

Sturm: "Evening - and no thanks on the tea front, but if you've got a pot of coffee already made, I could definitely fuck up a mug or two." The bruiser shrugs her shoulders, and a surly frown slides into place on her features. "Don't go out of your way on my account, though. Will be fine one way or another." She hovers for a moment, not wanting to sit before the host does - and quirks an eyebrow at Lux. "Alright. What'd you turn up?"

Asbolus: "No such luck, unfortunately. Don't drink it much." He got the cups set up for him and Lux with the strainers in place and the water poured over, checking his watch to gauge the steeping time before moving to lean against the opening between the kitchen and living room area. "Feel free to take a seat, this will take a few minutes to be ready."

Lux: "So, when we broke in, it looked like the place had been like... shacked? Everything was kind of thrown and piled everywhere, like someone had gone through shit already. We looked around, and it looks like someone--probably Robin I guess--had gone through all the files and gathered together a stack of letters. We found them hidden underneath her mattress. Took pictures of all the letters--but looks like most of them are kind of boring? I think a few of them were from the old Winter Regent. Signed 'MZ'. Buuut, found one letter that was... interesting." They turn the laptop to face her with the letter:


I understand -- and I'm sorry that you feel as you do. Let me assure you as I did when we last spoke that I agree that your work is for the long-term good of the city, and I won't stand in your way. I don't understand why you felt the need to do what you did -- I've never lied to you, and I'm not even in a position to stand in your way anyway.

But you've done it, so here we are. I owe you, and I told you the truth, so I let you do what you felt you needed to, but we're not friends anymore.


Sturm: "It's possible that this isn't related to the current fucked up situation, but..." Sturm trails off, looking pensive. She crosses the living room, and sinks into the couch next to Lux so she can get a better look at the laptop screen. "This letter wasn't dated, was it?"

She scratches the side of her jaw, frown deepening further. "Southpaw at least believes that Marjorie wouldn't put her debt to Robin above the safety and security of the Freehold - and I trust her Judgement, if nothing else." Beat. "... because, again, I can't imagine a mundane criminal being this careless - let alone a conspirator in a court full of spies. So. Are we sure it's recent?"

Asbolus: "The letter itself wasn't, no, but the folder it came from was dated July 2005. It had been removed from the other folders from that year and stuck under the mattress, which in itself is unusual." He shook his head quietly. "There was only one other scent in the room beyond ours and I assume that it's Robin's, although I'd have to check to be certain."

Lux: "What he said." Lux sighs. "If this is connected... The 'not even in a position to stand in your way' is interesting. I wonder if Marjorie has some Oath with Robin, that goes back from before she even became Queen. Maybe that's why she's being so... weird about all this? She knows, but can't say anything to betray her, so is trying to nudge things along in the ways she can..." They lean back, head tilting up to look at the ceiling.

Sturm: Sturm rolls her shoulders, trying very hard to get comfortable in the unfamiliar space - while listening to uncomfortable news. "So," she brings a hand up to the bridge of her nose - pinching it between her thumb and forefinger. "At least this leaves us with a new possibility in the raging dumpster fire that is our lives. It's probably better that an already-compromised Marjorie inherited the Freehold - rather than her being an active participant in a plot to destabilize it." Beat. "... but it isn't much better."

Asbolus: "Defiintely possible." Asbolus nodded to Lux at their comment. "Going by the letter she didn't agree with what Robin was doing at the time, but if they do have an oath in place that would explain her being circumspect."

He took a moment to step back into the kitchen and finish the tea, bringing Lux her sugar-heavy cup before taking a seat of his own. "I'll take a slim silver lining at this point."

Lux: Lux stares at the ceiling, expression frustrated and thoughtful--then Lux grimaces. "I just thought of something else... I'd need to do some research before I know for sure--and know the details--but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing when I first joined the Freehold that the laws had been revised a little over a year ago--last Winter. And I think what was revised--or added? Was The Right to Dream Free clause."

They sit up, puffing out a breath. "I'll do some research to try to figure out exactly what was changed or added, but knowing that might help point us in the right direction as well. Because... that law is written in a really sketchy way. It's like it's written deliberately to allow this to happen, without the offender breaking the Freehold Oath. But I'm wondering, now..." Lux looks between them. "If Marjorie wrote it that way, because she has this older Oath with Robin--and writing the Law any other way would have made her an Oathbreaker. If that's the case--why write the Dream Free law at all? Maybe... it's a part of this. Of trying to draw attention to what's going on. And make sure it's punished, without directly betraying Robin."

Lux also accepts the cup of tea, flashing a small grateful look to Asbolus.

Sturm: "That's probably a good place to start, then. Assembling a timeline of events is going to be important for proving what happened - and when it happened." Sturm crosses her arms, and sinks backwards into the couch. "The way Ari spoke about it in the meeting gave me a feeling that it'd already been a problem in the past," she frowns. "...but wouldn't the Oath have broken when she sent you after Robin?" Beat. "... and if this shit goes back as far as 2005 - or earlier, even - how much has this tainted, and how many people might be involved?"

Asbolus: "One must wonder..." Asbolus shook his head quietly, taking a sip of his tea before continuing. "I only got back last year myself, so I'm not aware of any issues that happened before that."

Lux: "Yeah, forming a timeline is good," Lux says with a nod. "I'll do some research. Not bad with Laws and stuff." They sip at the tea, then shrug at Sturm. "Yeah, I mean--that's just a theory. We have a lot of theories right now. And not enough proof."

Sturm: "Well. I've been looking into this type of bullshit with other Freeholds - hoping that if I can find other instances of people attempting to destroy the hedge, that I might be able to establish a method to pair with the motive we've already worked out." Her voice has gone all grumbly again. "Hopefully, knowing common behaviors and tactics will give us more of an idea of the kind of scope and scale we can expect."

Asbolus: "Indeed." He paused as a thought blipped into existence, sitting back as he mulled it over. "Almost tempted to ask Marjorie for a reading on the matter, both to see what the cards might say and to give her a way to drop a few more hints if she so wishes."

Lux: Lux blinks, head tilting towards Asbolus. "...That's not a bad idea. And if she is trying to hide something, might have a chance of picking up on it."

Sturm: "Well..." Sturm sighs. "Made an appointment with Marjorie, because I'd been planning to see if I could get her talking - and look for a tell." Beat. "Might be a bit suspicious if we all go, but..."

There's a big shrug.

Asbolus: "She knows we're all working on this, far as I know. Wouldn't be that suspicious."

Lux: "No offense, Sturm, but it might be better for Asbolus to ask for the reading. Marjorie knows that Bobo knows about Robin--she doesn't know you know. Probably, anyway. She might be willing to let more slip about Robin. Unless you want to risk showing your hand to her and telling her you know about Robin's investigation."

Sturm: "Maybe. Assuming that she's trying to carefully feed us information," Sturm shrugs. "... but whatever you think will be best."

Lux: "You're the one in charge here. Not my choice." They shrug. "Just something to think about."

Asbolus: "I'm willing, if we want to go that route."

Sturm: "Don't be stupid," Sturm audibly scoffs, setting her jaw. She fixes Lux with a stare. "Pretty sure that everyone here is aware that the only reason you're not officially calling shots is optics - Got zero interest in measuring dick size over this, so either be in charge or don't." Beat. "... but if you actually want me to be in charge, then you need to start telling me about shit like tonight before it happens."

Lux: Lux gives her a sharp, annoyed look. "I told you I was going to break into Robin's office and look around."

Asbolus: Asbolus looked between the two but remained quiet for the moment.

Sturm: "... Asbolus said this shit was under her fuckin' bed." She gestures to the laptop. "Or what, does she sleep in her office?"

Lux: "I guess so? It was in her cottage in the Winter Hollow."

Asbolus: "I met her there for my own meeting at the end of the season that kicked this whole investigation off. I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps there as well, but I can't say if it's her only place of residence." "And, on that note, the original files I noticed weren't there. She did make mention of handing some tasks off to others at the season's end, but to whom...that is the question."

Sturm: "This shit is such a fuckin' dumpster fire," Sturm grumbles to herself as she gets up off of the couch - shoulders still hunched. "If she was smart, she probably got rid of that evidence - because it was fuckin' damning - but if she handed it off to someone, that's... a thing we should look into."

She makes her way over to the door, pulling a half-crushed pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket. "Going to smoke. Talk to Mearcstapa if you want. He's been thinking about who does shit similar to Robin's job for the other courts - that might give us a place to start on locating the missing files."

Lux: "Assuming Robin did hand the files off," Lux says with a shrug. "And--I dunno. Kinda seemed like she obsessively kept files? It was kinda like an episode from Hoarders in there. It might be... a Thing. Dunno. Sounds good, though. See you, Sturm."

Sturm: Sturm grunts in response. Then she leaves... and probably smokes a cigarette. Or twelve.

Asbolus: "Agreed...holding onto over a decade of correspondence at that level of volume is somewhat unusual." Asbolus reclaimed his seat on the couch beside Lux at Sturm's departure, looking his fellow Darkling over. "Speaking of Mearcstapa, albeit on a more personal note, how are you two doing?"

Lux: Lux watches Sturm leave, then frowns at Asbolus' question, shoulders sinking a little. "...Dunno. Better, I guess? We're... talking, at least. Which is a step up." They sip at the tea broodingly. "He's deciding whether or not he wants me anymore."

Asbolus: "Talking is good." He nodded quietly, looking Lux over. "Is he now..."

Lux: "Yeah. I mean. I get it." Their shoulders lift. "He doesn't know if he can trust me now. So... just... kind of waiting around for him to make up his mind. Hoping for the best."

Asbolus: "That's the best one can do sometimes." He moved to loop an arm around Lux's shoulder, waiting for their all-clear before actually doing so. "Although, if he feels as strongly for you as you do for him I imagine he'll make the right call."

Lux: Lux allows it, leaning into Asbolus. "...Yeah. I dunno. He said he still loves me. But that's... not enough, sometimes."

Asbolus: "Perhaps. Trust can be regained, however, if one is willing. It's something we've all had to do, coming back to this side of the Thorns."

Lux: "I'm willing. We'll see if he is. Just... trying to give him space, right now." They rest their head on the Hunterheart's shoulder.

Asbolus: "I see. Best of luck." He rested his head against Lux's, relaxing against them as he got comfortable. "You know how to find me if you need a hand."

Lux: "Thanks. I know." They nuzzle in for some comforting cuddles as they finish their tea.