Logs:Consent is Sexy

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Ylva Theodulus
Klaire Henriette


Klaires House



Ylva had felt something while Klaire had been out, she had been tending her gardens so was looking a little scraggly. But now she is here.

She is wearing a casual and slightly ripped pair of short shorts, a tattered crop top and her hair in a high bun.

At least she would be if she wasnt currently a little red fox that was sitting on the table.

Klaire made it home a while later. She had walked Rook around a lot more to clear her head after the day's events with Bones, and was feeling much better for it. She had a magic nap, took time to refresh her mental state, and Rook was tired enough after the walk that he was going to sleep GOOOOOOOD tonight. She wanted to as well but...well there were other plans.

As soon as she entered the house she felt that feeling on the back of her neck, a feeling she now recognized as the presence of the Fae nearby. After the conversation the day before, and what Vorpal had said a while ago, Klaire's nerves went on high alert. Rook was made to be quiet, leash slowly taken off as she listened and started looking through the house for the source of the feeling.

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva doesnt have the same sense of people being nearby but she is relatively perceptive and can hear a door opening then closing.

As Klaire walks inside she hops down from the table and rushes to the door. Seeing Klaire her form morphs into her normal Mask and she tries to wrap her arms around Klaire.

Klaire is on edge, and doesn't have telepathy up for Rook to warn her, so as soon as she sees a shape her hand flashes out...and Ylva suddenly finds herself outside, facedown in the dirt. A slight singeing of her skin that feels like the world's WORST rugburn. A second later the door opens and Klaire looks around quickly for her 'assailant', eyes going wide in shock as she realizes its Ylva.

"Oh fuck oh fuck. Are you alright hun? I'm so sorry." Rook however runs out the door to get to Ylva and give her slobbery kisses.

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva having just adjusted to being upright in a vaguely human shape, then teleported outside into the dirt just kinda groans.

"Hey your okay, cool."

She just continues laying on the ground, letting Rook lick her.


Klaire heads down to her lover's side, waving Rook off of her.

"No, that's not okay. I've hurt you two days in a row now. Sorry I was just...on edge I guess."

She doesn't touch Ylva, knowing exactly what shes feeling right now.

"Come on, lets get you a cold towel for your skin, okay?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Still not moving her body she continues speaking and reaches a hand up to hold Klaire.

"Its fine, really. I was in your house, without permission, ran at you and am in fact supernaturally, kinda scary."

Klaire nods slowly, holding Ylva lightly.

"That...well yes thats fair. And without warning I might add." A pause, "are you safe? Why...did you come over? Or was it just to see me?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Finally rolling onto her side, trying her best to move into 'paint me like one of your french girls' and giving Klaire a raised eyebrow.

"I felt like you were tired, worn out, not quite sure what to call it. But I could feel you and got worried. So I came over and then you werent home and then you came home and."

Klaire absolutely recognizes this as Ylva's anxious rambling.

Klaire puts a hand on hers to stop the rambling, a supportive smile. "Hey, it will be ok. Let's talk about this inside, please?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva nods before standing a little stiff.

"Okay. Inside, I can manage that."

She wanders inside dragging Klaire with her and flopping on the couch that is definitely sagging in the middle.

Klaire gets dragged along, Rook practically chasing them inside. Klaire looks at the couch in slight worry as the sagging has gotten worse.

"Okay so...what exactly did you feel?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Blushing slightly but trying to hide it Ylva continues.

"This weird sensation, like I could feel you were tired. Its hard to explain. Its like I was tired but I knew it wasnt me."

Klaire pauses. "How long ago was this? And...well do you know if this is a Lost thing that happens?"

Jess [She/Her]:
"I dont think so, ive never felt it about anyone else. It was like 2 ish hours ago."

Klaire thinks. "Yes so...that does track. Bones did something that ended up leaving me exhausted after but...well." She looks around the room, sees one of Rook's toys and it starts floating, a moment later ending up in Klaire's hand. Klaire hands the toy to Ylva for them to throw.

"I can do that now? And control it rather than what happened last night. It just makes me pretty tired and the spell that Bones did also drained me." She looks to Ylva. "Not to brag but...if I'll be honest I am closer to you than most, and have spent far more time with me than others since you got back...maybe its something related to that?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva nods with a chuckle.

"Control is good, I really dont wanna eat more plates."

She chews at her lip for a moment before shaking her head.

"I dont think so. Ive spent lots of time with other Lost. Maybe it only works on humans or maybe specifically Sleepwalkers?"

Klaire smiles. "Yes, lets avoid more plates."

She bites her lip. "I can sense emotions on some objects but not tiredness. And my telepathy doesn't travel nearly as far as it would take. It doesn't even work a house over, so I have doubts this was my doing. Maybe...well it does work on humans that you're close to? Do you have anyone you can ask about it?"

Jess [She/Her]:
She shrinks down into the chair shaking her head.

"No. Humans are, scary. You know that."

"I meant other Lost, like Vorpal? See if they've felt anything like this."

Jess [She/Her]:
"Oh, I meant like im not close to anyone else that is Human. Sorry."

She nods her head.

"Yeah I can ask some of the other Lost if they have experienced anything like this."

"I would never ask you to put yourself in danger like that. Promise. But if it is a reoccurring thing...well I will try not to exhaust myself too often so you don't have to worry."

Jess [She/Her]:
"Okay, thanks."

Another nod.

"I need to get close to some very specific humans though."

Klaire gives a supportive smile. "I know you do hun. You can do this, I believe in you."

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva just leans close to her. "Yeah? Glad someone does. I feel like im just putting it off, im scared."

Klaire leans in close as well, careful of the burned spots. "Its a difficult conversation. I think you'll know when the right time is, ok?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva wraps her arms and tails around Klaire holding her tight. A little bit of a shudder.


Klaire lets herself be squeezed by the arms, having no idea the tails are following.

"Of course. We will find some way to help."

She pauses for a second. "Speaking of being close to people, how is you and Bones doing? I know there was some flirting."

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva shrinks down into the couch, pretty sure if she goes much further she will go through it.

"Um, awkwardly. They hit one of my triggers and I dont really know how to process that with someone I dont know that doesnt know what a Durance is like."

Klaire frowns, pulling Ylva close. Klaire isn't all that strong physically but Ylva is a tiny.

"Oh hun, I'm so sorry. Something I've noticed is...Bones struggles to pace their thoughts, they don't think about contexts of their questions."

She rubs Ylva's back gently. "Do you remember right before we first started dating and we had that huge conversation about consent and what we wanted from the relationship? Having something like that with Bones may be helpful for you both. And establishing things to not talk about, like your...you said Durance? Im certain they'll respect your wishes...and if they don't..." Klaire gives a small shrug, not finishing the thought.

Jess [She/Her]:
"I know I can struggle with that too. So I get it, its just hard to explain without all the context you got yesterday just how messy it is. Its why I only hung out with Lost for a while, even if they are all diffirent we all understand they are fucked up in their own way."

She lets Klaire pull her closer.

"Maybe yeah. Its been so long since we had to do that, its just been me, you, Jenny and Astrid for like 5 years."

Klaire rubs Ylva's back, looking for places that are nice for her to touch. Back rubs as everyone knows are the BEST.

"I know hun...I have some ideas based on what I've seen, cause I've seen some bad things happen to people...but I know that's probably not even close. Just remember...you don't have to talk about things you don't want to, ever. Okay? But yes, the consent talk is important, not just for romantic or....similar relationships, but also for friendships as well. If you want, we can talk about our boundaries now too?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva tries her best to do her usual flirty UwU eyes but her heart just isnt in it and she flops back down.

"I know, its just. Some days its nice, like yesterday it felt nice." A slight pause. "Well, aside from the whole I ate a plate thing."

"Yes...I hope your throat is better...but we probably should talk anyway now that we are both...well...not as normal. Or that you know I'm not as normal."

Jess [She/Her]:
"I can in fact, now confirm, not the worst deep throat of my life."

She says with a chuckle.

"I know, I just. Like fucking everything. Im scared, you know ive always been bad at the whole big talks thing."

Klaire nods, ignoring the sex comment. "I understand being scared...its a scary thing. Here...we can treat it as a game if that makes it easier? Just list something that you'd rather have happen or not happen between us. I could start?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva nods with a smile.

"Sure, sounds fun." A little of her playfulness coming out.

Klaire smiles, recognizing the playfulness. "Well for one, I want a text or something before you show up at my place."

Jess [She/Her]:
"That is harder than you think." She says with a chuckle. "I dont exactly get signal."

She moves her finger to her mouth chewing on it slightly.

"I guess I can pop out somewhere and then come here?"

"That or just a knock so I know its you when you get here, ok? And if you are here and I'm not, then a text?"

Jess [She/Her]:
Ylva nods knocking on the wall.

"Im here."

Klaire knocks back, a smile. "I'm here too. Your turn then."

Jess [She/Her]:
She shrinks further into the couch but tries her best to continue.

"I dunno, I." A sigh. "Fuck I dunno hun. Dont push but you already dont, dont worry but I know you will."

Klaire holds her hand. "How about one with my telepathy now that you know I have it. How do you want me to handle it around you?"

Jess [She/Her]:
There isnt even a moment of hesitation before she blurts out.

"Yes please, I like that, um. If its not too much to ask?"

Klaire looks actually surprised to hear that answer. "Sure, I'll do it if I need to then. I'll let you know if I want to, okay?"

Jess [She/Her]:
"Oh, yeah sure."

A pause for a moment.

"I kinda thought you meant all the time." As she makes finger touching gestures.

"It was, um, really intimate and nice?"

Klaire pauses, then gives a small smile. "And that's why we have these conversations. I can't do it all the time, but sure, I can do it more often. Do you want me to do it now?"

Jess [She/Her]:
"Not if its a drain, it was just nice. I dont want you to expect resources just to make me glow a little."

She sighs again leaning back.

"Your turn. Sorry im not very good at this game."

"I'll do it when I can...I just don't want to run into the problem we had earlier today. I only have so much energy but you're worth it."

She thinks for a moment. "Well all the no bedroom stuff still. I need you to find your fill with other people please. Besides that...if you ever need to use this place as a safe zone for yourself or another Lost you trust...you may. I want you to have a place you feel safe. Just let me know before so I can help protect you."

Jess [She/Her]:
"Does that mean I should stop making UwU eyes at you?"

She pauses for a moment.

"I feel like the Hedge will be safer but I do appreciate it none the less. Dont push about the Durance stuff unless I ask you too?" She says dropping her eyes from Klaires.

"If thats what you call it, then yes." She gives a smile that fades a bit.

"If the Hedge is safer, than that is probably for the best. I just wanted to give...another option if needed. As for the Durance, I won't ask ever unless you want to tell me. I shouldn't have pressed that hard and for that I am sorry."

Jess [She/Her]:
"Its okay, it was really nice to talk about it. I hate having to hide so much so it was nice to share."

Klaire smiles. "Well...I don't know if I have any others right now, but if I do I'll tell you. You do the same for me, ok? And that includes if you have others for now."

Jess [She/Her]:
"Sounds good."

She wraps her hands around Klaire.

"Thanks. I would like to stay tonight if thats okay?"

Klaire nods, holding her close.

"I'd love that."