Logs:Congrats, your the first client

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Suggestive Situations


Alexandra McKenzie, Adam Harken


Melpomene Agency, Thespis's Apartment


Located in Center City, the offices of the melepome agency where quite this morning, not much business as of yet but it was a steady pace. The decor was modernist overall with a small koi pond in the waiting room

Kenzie made her way to the offices as coordinated. It was a bit warmer today, dressed in a short sleeved henley style shirt, light blue jeans and boots. She seems happy and free as usual. not really at all nervous. She looks around the foyer at the Coy fish and an area to check in at.

The secretary sits at her desk on the foyer, a friendly looking brunette, she looks up and smiles.

"Good morning, do you have an appointment?"

She looks towards the woman and offers a soft smile. "Uhhh, I believe so. Or I am totally at the wrong place at the wrong time. This is the Casting Couch right? I'm Kenzie." She said, fully aware of the casting couch, but wanting to mess with the poor receptionist.

She chuckled, "This is a talent agency, but I don't think you'll need a casting couch, Mr.Harken would have a heart attack at the implication." She rolls her eyes, "Move to the otherside of the country to make a agency in Philly, good call Adam." She says sarcastically, "Kenzie, right?"

"Mmmhm." The sides of her mouth crook upward as she stifles a smile and laugh. She double checks the card name she was given. "Yeah, it seems I'm in the proper spot."

"He's been expecting you, office is down the hall, and if your here then let me say good luck with whatever you hope to do."

"I'm just looking for a couch and maybe a bubbly water." She teased again and heads down the hall after a finger wiggle of a wave. She looks for Thespis' office before giving a soft knock.

Thespis, or Adam as the paperwork says, was currently doing work, also known as watching Justice League Unlimited on his work computer. He looked up and smiled, "Theirs my favorite client. "

"Only client." A voice calls

"Shut up," Thespis calls back, "Ignore that." He smiles and gestures to the chair in front of his desk

She covers her mouth to stifle yet another laugh. "Now I am fully convinced this is just a way for you to "have your entire focus on me". --"

He chuckled, "Exactly." he replied, "we literally just set up so congratulations, you are the first client of the Melepome agency," he takes out a one of those party favors that you blow into and it rolls out, "Been waiting to use that." He mutters, "So, contract, time to talk exactly how this works."

She takes a seat across the table from him. "Thats good, because I sure as hell don't know where to start."

"Ok, so, its my job to find you gigs and to negotiate how much they pay you, in return I get a small percentage of your profits, let's say. . .thirty five percent."

"Five." She says dead paned. Appearing ready to haggle.

"Oh. . .we are going to get along swell," he grins, "Your just starting out and looking for exposure, but I like the cut of your jib and we might be working the night shift with the good doctor, so tell ya what, fifteen."

Fifteen seemed to be what she hears on TV the most with these sorts of negotiations. "Done." She offers a sweet smile. "And yeah, Probably a lot of drunken nights in a bar some place. If you don't leash me, I will end up on a table or bar dancing, or just wander off. I'm fantastic at wandering."

He blinks, "thanks for the heads up, we'll try to let you do your thing without turning to a Lohan." He nods, "Met her at a party, it was an experience." He mutters, "So, tell me about yourself, who is Kenzie."

"Oh damn, I am so not -that- bad. Maybe--- probably at least." She grins some. "Or at least the cameras just wont work when I am. Or something." Vincent/Thespis/Edward-ET — Today at 12:41 PM "Yeah, something tells me camera's won't work if ya don't want them too, can't imagine why." he shrugs, "So, comedy seems to be what your aiming for, sitcoms right, what kind of sitcom can you see yourself in, and I imagine it needs to be shot local?"

"It doesn't only have to comedy. I am open to just about anything to be honest. I can fall into just about anything. Im also well traveled, though, planes are expensive and cars take forever."

he nods and jots down some notes, "Ok, so, thought exercise, what can you imagine being the perfect role for you, the one you must be remembered for?"

"Oh damn, the deep questions." She leans back in her seat. "I can totally see myself as a Christina Applegate. That more mature comedy, but still a bit wild and fun. Maybe Kaley Coucoco is Big Bang theory for the first three seasons. No 4 through whenever the hell that show finished its death rattle. I can also see myself in a bit of action too. Sure, I am not as well filled out as Johanson. but I feel like I could do action."

"Action Comedy," he intones, "Why can I imagine you in something along the lines of Guardians of the Galaxy," he chuckles, "I'll keep that in mind, look for the two but keep in mind anything that's a combination of the two." he makes more notes, "So, where you are at now, literally just starting, I think we need to focus on exposure, getting your name out their."

"For sure. PMS commercials here I come." She laughs a bit. "I mean, I assumed casting couch but your assistant says you'd be a mortified Karen at the thought." Vincent/Thespis/Edward-ET — Today at 12:58 PM "Casting couch. . ." he blinks, "You get the joke she was mostly meaning I take it?' he facepalms, "Still pissed we had to move it seems." he mutters

She laughs and shakes her head a bit. "Casting couch is porn bro. Under the guise of an agency to "make me a star!" and well, he needs a good look over of the girl who unwittingly strips, and twirls, and well, i'm sure I don't have to go on." She laughs a bit more. "I'm going off bad tv tropes. Young girl wants fame, ends up on a casting couch doing porn. Totally just joking around. Dont take 99% of what I say too seriously. Otherwise you will have a bad time."

"Yes I know," he nods, "Sadly I've met plenty of folks who take that scenario outside of porn, that's what I hope to avoid in work, but you don't need to hear me rant about the shittyness of the industry." he chuckles, "You want to do porno's more power to ya, I know some people-" he blinks, "Don't ask, and don't worry, I've met folks who just blurt out whatever, your good." he assures

"I don't want to do porn. Not my thing to show off that I can take three BBC's. I have class even if my jokes don't."

"Gotcha, which leaves us back to the Sitcoms, I can look around and pull up some old contacts, I'm sure their are some who are shooting here, M. Night loves PA and Always Sunny could use some extras." he suggests

"Both sound great. I do enjoy the cast of Its always sunny. They seem great." She smiles and nods happily.

"Best sitcom ever made, followed by Sienfeld." he agrees, "You know what, I can try to see if I can get you in as a extra, I know their shooting season sixteen, how does that sound?"

"Sounds great!" She grins. "But Sienfeld sucked. I always hated those reruns. But, I guess I was just too young to appreciate it?"

"Some people it lands bad." he shrugs and offers a hand, "Always Sunny it is then." he smiles

She takes the hand happily. "Sounds like a blast. Now I feel like we need to celebrate some how." Doing a little dance as if she was in a musicless club, excited to get this going.

"Something tells me your in a clubbing mood?" he chuckles, "I've been looking into the nightlife, was recommended Vertigo, mind checking it out with me?"

She nods, chewing her lower lip a bit. "Yeah, I think that would be fun. Do you mean like now?" She laughs a bit. "I want to do something now." She stopped dancing and sat on the corner of his desk as they came up with a game plan.

"A nightclub is a night club, so maybe wait for later, now however, got any idea how to kill daylight?"

"I always have ideas. I just like them more when they come from the lips of someone else." She enjoys being difficult. The expression on her face made this clear.

"How about. . .I heard their's a Dave and Busters in Philly, that your speed?" he asks, "If not, I could snag some movie tickets, call Bones up and see what their up to?"

She laughs a bit. "Some games huh? Alright. Sure. That could be fun."

"Dave and Busters it is, you think Bones is busy?" he asks, "They seem nice, I look forward to working with them, this should be an interesting road we travel."

She shrugs a bit. "He was home when I left to come here. I'm not sure if he is into the game thing. You can call if you want." Adjusting slightly as she remained on the corner of the desk watching him.

he thinks, "I'll call from the car, if they want to join they are free to." he says getting a jacket, "Queen or Twisted Sister for the ride, as the honored first client, you have the honor of radio control today." he intones as if crowning her Queen of Philly

She drops to her feet to follow him. Her hand touches his chest as she was honored to be in charge of the radio, letting slide off back to her side. "I think I am in a twisted mood today, make it nice and loud."

"As you say my lady." he bows, "I don't know about you, but I Wanna Rock." he cackles heading out for some gaming

"You haven't made me your lady yet." She teased and went to the car.

he shrugs and hops turning the engine on, and calls Bones with the car phone

"Hey Doc, me and Kenzie are heading to Dave and Busters for some fun before heading to Vertigo, care to join?"

And Turn up the Radio came on, and she did. What? Somones on a phone? Thats what happens when you're old and CALL people and not text.

"I have meetings and research to do this afternoon, unfortunately, but I think that y'all should have fun. Maybe later at Vertigo. Depends." came the voice through the speakers.

"Loud and clear." he nods, "See ya later maybe."

"Show us your boobs!" She loudly speaks into the phone before laughing happily. "I'm going to win that PS5 today!"

"I'll beat you too it." he laughs, and turns off the phone, "Would also like to see Bone's boobs and abs, but let's keep that between us." he chuckles, "So, you're from LA too, where from exactly, I grew up in Beverley Hills."

"Male or female form?" She joked. "Santa Monica, I am a total beach girl through and through. The less I have on the better and damn do I miss salt water."

"Yeah, Bi the way," he admits, "Had my first kiss on that beach," he remnices, "I know right, I spent a good chunk of my life developing a beach bod, joined the fucking swim team as well as Drama and I got no place to show off my six pack!" he bemoans like it's the greatest crime done to him, "Fuck LA politics, at least my place has a fucking pool."

She reaches out and touches his belly as if it was some normal thing to do. "Huh, I would have never guessed."

"Maybe you can get the full show if your a good girl." he teases, "So, if you don't mind me asking, how did you Awake, for me it was a School Play."

She shivered a bit at being told she had to be a good girl. "One hell of a wave and a hot ass life guard." She grins a bit. "Like I said, nothing like the salt water."

"I love the sea, my boats still coming in from LA." he nods, smiling at her reaction, "It's like. . .it sings a siren song of adventure and possibility, ya know, and we'll never know all of it, just what it wants us to know." he smiles, "I almost didn't pick Philly cause it's not coastal, but fate sang to me."

"I've been on my own and nomadic since I was 16, a year after I awoken. Just driving all over North America and arrived here not too long ago. Fate put me here at the right time it seems to keep me here. Its hard to pin me down some times."

"I awoke at sixteen, life felt like a CW show." he shrugs, "Thiers something in this city, something I have to find and I'll dig for it, but at least I found the next big star before any other talent scout could find her in the meantime."

She laughs a bit more. "Yeah? Is that what fate has in for us?" She paused a moment before going a bit serious. "I feel it too though--- the calling that something big is here and just under the surface. I just hope it doesnt explode in our faces."

he nods, serious face on, "I don't know what it is, but I can feel like alot of paths might converge, mind you I'm just an initiate of Fate, but I feel something. . .like you said, the worry is if it'll blow up." he sighs, "But hey, we got a Cadre forming now, so maybe that has a part."

"Maybe. Or were very in-tuned ghost busters and someones shutting off the grid." She offers a soft smile to him. "The cadre is going to be awesome when its up and all--- though, What are your true feelings on Klaire and if she joins or doesn't?"

"I'd like her to join, she has this potential in her, I'm curious to see if being Awake changes her or if she keeps the course, plus I want that puppy around the place." he laughs, "We already have a wild cat that seems to hang around," he gestures to her, "But a doggo would be great."

"Oh so I am a wild cat huh? Do I need to be taaaamed?" She teases again. "But yeah, I'm curious too. She has a lot of growing and learning to do. I just hope she accepts that. Nothing worse than someone who knows it all and refuses to hear otherwise."

"She does, she seems to be optimistic with humans and magic, but it provides me debate practice." he says then grins, "Wild side is your best side, but if the kitten needs to be disciplined. . .well that's up to her." he teases right back

"Is it?" She tilts her head watching him. "I can say I want it all day long but I can't make anyone do it. Besides, I am very open in saying, I wont make the move, and I wont tell someone to make the move. They do, or they don't. It doesnt change too much for me."

he thinks for a second, "Dave and Busters or my place, one has games and food, the other already has a PS5."

She shrugs then goes and plays another song on the playlist.

"Fuck it." is all he says as he detours to his apartment, "You really do know how to push my buttons." he chuckles

She grins wide. "I know how to push everyones buttons. Im an Acanthus, its in my blood."

"And I'm a Mastigos, I know how to tend desire." he laughs, "Sorry about the change of plans, I got God of War Ragnarok if your interested, but the gaming system is in my room." he teases

"Oh offering solo player games huh? Going to make me sit there and watch you play?" She teased.

"Hey, if you want to beat the shit out of each other with Guilty Gear, that works too, I'm sure you'll give me a work out." he says as he parks and get's out of the car, heading into the apartment building, "What do you think, three or four rounds, best player wins?"

She gets out and follows him. "The fuck is Guilty Gear?" She furrows a brow.

"Fighting game, one of those japanese anime, also have Mortal Kombat or Injustice 2 if it's your speed," he turns around as he walks in the elevator, "Fav fighting game, I probs have it?"

She laughs a bit more. "I am trash at fighting games."

"I can teach you, just need a guiding hand to help you." he smiles, "What's your fav genre then, I have plenty of games."

"I enjoy story based games. The story is the best part for me. Detroit becoming human, the life is strange series. Just, yes, I love that shit. Uh, I'm also into the Civilization games." She chews her lip a bit. "But I can also be seen playing Call of Duty, Kena Bridge of spirits, I am really excited for the new Hogwarts Legacy to come out in a few days." --- She catches something and furrows a brow at him. "By showing me, is this the move where you hold me from behind so you can grind up against me?" She grins a bit watching for his reaction.

"And if it is?" he asks with devilish grin, "Would that distract you from playing, I was staring a new Detroit save and am intrested in the choices you make, but if you'd be too distracted." the doors ding open

“That, again, is entirely up to you now isn’t it?” She smirks and follows him still. “So far it’s just been talk” she teased.

he leads her to his place and opens the door, giving her ass a smack, "Fine then, action it is." he says, a purr to his voice as he invites her in

She yelps and giggles as her ass was slapped as she made her way in.

"Playstations in my room, you want chips and soda, gamers need fuel."

“Do you think that’s needed?” She heads back to his room for this supposed PS5

"I could use a Pepsi," he shrugs, sure enough their is a PS5 and Xbox series X hooked to a 70 inch plasma screen tv, the tv was set up along the wall next to the bed, and sure enough was Detroit Become Human, "I like to play while I'm cozy, sue me." he says walking in, "I can hook them up in the living room when I have company, but I don't think we need to do that."

She didn't ask, she grabs the controller and just starts to play. "Oh a pepsi does sound good. Have any doritos?" Right into game mode.

"What kind of monster do you take me for I'm always stocked on Doritos." he laughs getting a Pepsi liter and chips taking his shirt off as he came in, he settles down behind her and, hey looks like her theory was right. "I call Connor." he says, "You can play Marcus and Kara, deal?"

"Thats fine. Conor is a little bitch any way. Kara is by far the best."

"Connor is the most interesting of them," he says wrapping his arms around her to get to the controller for the first Connor scene, "Their will be no shit talking of the man under this roof." he jokes, "Wait a minute, PS5, apartment, wealthy older man, fuck did I just become a sugar daddy?" he laughs, realizing how this looks

"That would require you to buy me nice things in exchange for sex. Neither of that has happened. You're good." She reassured. "Conor is a broken android cop. Hank, Hank is what made Conor worth playing. Kara is the best. An android mother replacement for a girl with an abusive ass hole dad trying to cling to a family and life he long ago lost. Thats intrigue."

"Said little girl was also an android, which raises some of the questions I have for Cage," he shrugs, leading Connor through the hostage opening, resting his head on her shoulder, "Ok here me out, with Connor you can play the cop torn between the system and what he knows is right, plus if your feeling evil you can play him as the double agent in Jericho." he offers, "I don't like most David Cage games, I think he's a bad writer and I have some issues with this one, but it has major replay value." he admits, "Androids on the back of the bus, I'm sorry but it's just not subtle." he offers his critique, "Also, Kamski, the dude is a fucking Seer and we all know it."

"Woah spoiler alert!" She laughs. "But seriously, even more intrigue! Of course shes also a android. The love and care between two machines who shouldn't be able to naturally love. That, That is beauty, and so tragic. Marcus, his story also tragic in a much more obvious way. Kara's story was subtle. Connor, Connor is just a prick and I loved every time the FBI agent fucked with him."

"You make some decent points," he admits, "Connor just reminds me of the Order, that and I fucking love his suit." he laughs, giving her a bit of a squeeze, "Ok, had an idea, I'll invite you and Bones over one night for gaming, Cadre Game night, sound like a fun idea," he nibbles her ear a bit, "If Bone is fine it could move on to team building exercises." he teases

"Well aren't you just cocky now." She smirks. "Just because I'm a dirty hippy doesn't mean I am easy." --- "Though, Admitting Connor isn't all that helps a bit, but also bummed you didn't stick to your guns. He did have a nice suit though. Thats fair." She turns to look at him. "What about the order?" She quirks a brow. "Are you questioning going rogue?"

"No," he firmly says, "I'll die a Guardian, it's just that Connor shows how hard it is to maintain your morals while doing the shit we need to do, not that we're capturing runaway slaves but," he thinks, "So, your in the Free Council, tell me, what is it they tell apprentices about us, hell, what's your thoughts on us." he chuckles, "Clearly your not against hooking up with one."

"Clearly? Oooh, man. Take that foot out of your mouth." She pulls away a tad, watching him as she mulls over his questions. "I shan't give away our hippy secrets." She teased. "Me? I think you all have a point of view similar to most, but taken to the extreme. Your order is the Trump supporters of the magic world." She says bluntly.

he laughs, "Oh god, that's bad." he sighs lounging back on the bed, "I see it like this, we fucked up with Atlantis, we really did, and some Mages don't seem to realize that, I don't want to Make Magic Great Again, I want to keep it from hurting others, I'm a Guardian so no Trump loon get's to snap his finger and pull a Thanos." he chuckles, "Plus we do what needs to be done, things the rest of you can't and shouldn't have to do," he looks up to her, face full of determination, "I pull the trigger so you and Bones don't have to, you two search the Supernal for the answers and I'll muck around in the blood to keep us all safe." he nods, "Plus one day, one great day. . .they will come, whoever they will be, and my own sins will be judged." he leans forward and cups her cheek with his hand, "But for now, I'm here to support you and Bones, no matter what comes."

"See, we want the same general outcome, we just took different paths. For me, magic is a tool, any tool is dangerous when you don't know how to use it properly. The right tool for the right job--- So why hide this shit from people? We cant find every sleepwalker who awakens and bring them in rapid response, that just isn't sustainable. So, we teach more and more how to do this shit, it mitigates sort of like explosives of the mountain side making controlled avalanches so the big one doesn't crush us all. Of course not everyone is safe, and for them, well, Hopefully we just keep out numbering them, or they can be taught."

"The shared outcome is why the Pentacle is still here, if we weren't at the same outcome, we'd be at each others throats while the Exarchs laugh." he says sliding closer to her, "Sleepers need to awaken, we're just a tad more selective." he shrugs, for a moment he just looks at her, studying her face before leaning in to kiss her

She gently kissed back and chuckles softly. "Oh yeah, nothing like political talk to get a girl all worked up---." She shakes her head a bit watching him rather amused. "Don't force it, it gets forced, it isn't fun. ---" She checks her phone. "I do have to get going though for now, see you later for the club?"

"Sorry," he offers, "Yeah, I'll call Bones to see if they can come." he smiles, "I like the debates, would love to talk more on it." he laughs, "Sorry I killed the mood." he chuckles and flops on his bed, "See ya tonight."

"I'm sure its been a while for you. You're nervous, its always clunky when you're with someone new. Don't get in your own head." She smirks and heads out.