Logs:Unified in Anger

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Maddy's Wafflehouse


Vincent Drake: Dress pants and dress shirt, Vinny was looking rather dapper as he drank a Mt.Dew, reading Call of the Night, ever since his change he's been appreciating Vampire manga more and more, especially the romance ones.

"I relate to her so much," he mutters

Klaire Henriette: The Sleepwalker steps through the portal, a jovial Rook with his service vest on by her side. This was Rooks favorite place, well, tied, along with the park and the office and his bed and the backyard and... well you get the picture.

The Sleepwalker seemed... open, smiling as she entered, learning to make this easier.

She got bacon for Rook, and elected for a coffee for herself.

Asbolus: The portal did as portals do as Asbolus slipped through the dimensional gap, dressed just as sharply as Vincent in a mostly-black ensemble with a wine-dark dress shirt for a small pop of almost-color. He let out a quiet breath as he visibly relaxed, the beyond-human smoothness of his motions able to be seen as he looked around the diner. Spotting the pup he smiled, giving both Klaire and Vincent a nod. "Evening."

Canary Quill: Canary steps through the portal a few minutes later, wearing her usual fairly boring outfit that could probably be best described as actively trying to avoid recognizable details. She blinks for a moment, still not quite accustomed to the effect of walking through the portal, before looking for familiar faces. She, as most people are, is immediately drawn to Rook, though immediately upon seeing the service vest she waves and walks away to place her order, knowing better than to ask to pet a service dog.

Vincent Drake: Vincent smiles to both Klaire and Asbolus, then a new face walk in and it seems the night is becoming more interesting, "Welcome friends, would you care to join me," he offers a hand for doggo to sniff if he wished, "Whose a good boy?"

Klaire Henriette: Psyche turns around at the instant Asbolus was through the portal, the smile still there..which was probably weird to see first thing through the portal. She blinks twice and awkwardly nods in greeting.

Rook was still in work mode, so stayed next to Klaire, but he couldn't hide the excitement at bacon, so his tail was wagging.

"Hello Vincent, certainly. I can join you. Do any of you mind if I remove his vest so he can relax?"

Asbolus: "Not a problem on my end. Asbolus, by the way; don't think I've had the pleasure." He replied to Klaire first, putting in his order at the counter before moving to join Vincent at his table. "Good seeing you again, Vincent. The night has been treating you well, I hope?"

Vincent Drake: "It has," he says retracting the hand, "Things have been. . .rough since the party, but things are looking up, doors are opening, life is getting steady again." he nods, "How has DA been?"

Klaire Henriette: "Psyche, it is quite a pleasure to meet you. The Lost are usually good company."

She sits opposite of Vincent, taking off Rook's vest. He goes to sniff at the hand now.

"I'm glad you are putting in the effort Vincent, has communicating with your partners worked well for you?"

Asbolus: "Should I keep an eye out for Eros as well?" He replied to Psyche with a small smile, an eyebrow quirking upward at the mention of the Lost. "I try to be. Are you Awoved yourself, or otherwise able to sense such?"

"You're the second person who's assumed I'm a member of that motley. I was simply a guest, much as you were." He smirked, not seeming perturbed by the thought, nodding to the server as she brought by his tea before looking back to the table. "I haven't spoken with any of them since the party, admittedly."

Vincent Drake: "I never said you where a member, merely thinking that as one of the Lost you would have heard." he turns to Psyche, "Yes, it has, things are going better now, Avery and I made up." he smiles

Klaire Henriette: A small chuckle. "Another lover of mythology it seems. The one I call Eros is a member of your Autumn court, Ylva if you have heard of her. I am a Sleepwalker, what she described as Fae-Touched for the Awakened. Since her return, I've been able to...feel when the Lost are around. It is far more useful here when someone appears from miles away one at a time than it does in a public space. Then, I am only left guessing."

A nod to Vincent.

"I am glad you two have made up. Communication is the backbone of any relationship. And not just romantic ones, but friendships too. I will assume this was the superbowl party I've heard so much about?"

Asbolus: "Indeed. I also saw a production of Molière's work about her while I was at university." He nodded at the explanation, smiling at the mention of Ylva. "We have met, yes. I spoke with her a few times when she was still getting settled in, although not as much recently."

"Mea culpa." He replied to Vincent, nodding to the server as she brought his tea around before looking back to the table. "It was, yes. And good to hear that you two were able to talk things through; I know Avery is understandably wound tight at the moment due to recent events."

Vincent Drake: "The fucking slaver," he curses, "If I get my hands on them. . .I'll drain them dry." his face darkens, fangs show and his eyes glow red, a sense of dread oozes as something stirs behind his eyes untill he breaths, as if soothing something, "but. . .I'm sure your Freehold will take care of it." he smiles, back to plain old Vinny

Klaire Henriette: "Oh, its been forever since I've read that play. Psyche is ..among my favorites of the Olympian Panthenon. When I needed a Shadow name, I knew that would be it."

"I am glad she has friends to rely on. Ive spoken with several of the Freehold. Miss Sigrun and Miss Emilia helped to clear her name which I am quite greatful for, and she seems to be friends with Avery as well, although I have not met...them? I'm not actually sure of their pronouns now that I think of it."

At the mention of the Slavers her eyes grow a little colder.

"If they hurt Ylva again, you may not have the chance. I'm unfortunately preoccupied with the Mark II issue, or I'd offer to help." A softer look to Asbolus.

"My home has been warded by two of my friends among the Awakened to keep Ylva safe, so should be a safe place from detection. If necessary, I can house a person or two if they are in danger, but I'd rather not attact too much attention to my home if possible. I've told Ylva this as well, but I do not know many of the details of the situation."

Asbolus: As the Beast made itself known in Vincent's countenance Asbolus' own posture shifted, the coiled readiness to respond to violent action clear to see - and likely reminiscent of Rook, in Psyche's eyes. When the moment passed he relaxed, nodding quietly. "The issue will be dealt with as swiftly as we are able. I've spoke with Avery on the incident with their fetch and have offered to be with them when they speak with her again."

Vincent Drake: he noticed Asbolus's reaction but said nothing, just sipping his soda, "I heard Avy's fetch was attacked. . .they didin't go into detail though, what happened?"

Klaire Henriette: Psyche notes the look in Asbolus's eyes, and remembers Ylva being in a similar state. She started going to offer a hand when he relaxed. She leaned down to pet Rook.

"Ylva mentioned it too. I figured it was their business so did not press far, but I know someone was hospitalized."

Asbolus: "That is Avery's tale to tell rather than mine. People were injured and threats made, but I won’t say more than that."

Vincent Drake: he nods, "So. . .how have you two been," he smiles, "Oh, I heard something that's intresting but you two share your weeks first." he brightens

Klaire Henriette: "I have...met my new 'boss' so to speak, and we are attempting to get along. It feels as if it may be a slow process to get there. But possible."

She doesn't seem stoked with how its been going so far.

Asbolus: "Best of luck. Meshing with a new supervisor can be difficult at times." He lifted his tea cup in a small salute. "Have you two had issues in the past?"

"On my end things have gone relatively smoothly as of late. Started up with some free-running again for the first time in a while and had a rather good race with your friend Valerie," he said with a nod to Vincent, "along with helping one of the local Awakened through a rough evening."

Vincent Drake: "That's nice," he nods before going a tad gossip mode, "So. ..I heard Avy and Ylva might be making a 'motley'," he turns to Asbolus, "Did I say that right?"

Klaire Henriette: "Well, our first meeting resulted in me accidentally committing a sort of...Mage Crime against her. That process is still being resolved, but as you can imagine it started us off on the wrong foot."

"Motley...I'm going to guess thats a group of Lost? She hadn't told me that." A curious look towards Asbolus, to see if he could answer.

Asbolus: "Ah...rather rough start then." He gave a sympathetic look before nodding. "Correct, both in pronunciation and definition. It's members swear an Oath that binds them together and empowers them as long as they hold to it."

Vincent Drake: "So it's a Lost Coterie then, our groups," he smiles, "They are really good friends, I think this well be great for them both, Ylva is good people and I trust her looking after Avery."

Klaire Henriette: "I hope so, I have not met Avery but I trust Ylva's judgement." A glance at her phone and a deep sigh, looking down to Rook.

"I may need to give you that bacon on the go, Rook."

A nod to them.

"I need to head out, good morning."

Asbolus: "It was a pleasure meeting you, Psyche. And Rook, was it?" He looked down to the pup with a smile. "Have a good night."

Vincent Drake: Vincent waves, "It's almost sun up, I need to get home," he stands up, "It's been good seeing you two." he nods before heading out to the portal.