Logs:Men of the Theater

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Fabri's Theater


Luigi Fabri: When the day decided it had enough, it left, letting the night reign supreme. Except the heat- it left the heat behind. This did not bother Luigi so much, but it did elicit odd looks when he wore full coats or turtlenecks. So tonight he opted for an orange vest over a white buttondown, with plaid tailored pants. And of course, black Italian leather shoes. He still drew looks, but mostly for positive reasons. He smiled at a pair of people walking past the construction site , letting them wander some distance before he opened the gate to enter. The gate was mostly a formality, as the building itself was done- all that was left was for some internal works and decorating.

Asbolus: While he may not walk the stage these days Asbolus was still a man of the theater, and with some not-so-subtle nudging from Mearcstapa he had decided to make his way to Luigi's current project, if only out of sheer curiosity. He was dressed neatly but casually in dark jeans and a plain shirt, nothing worth really paying attention to off-hand. After eying the gate briefly he made his way inside, pale eyes looking about for the master of the house, as it were.

Luigi Fabri: Luigi was still within the main foyer, partially because he stopped to check on the state of the box office's furnishings, and partially because it was a HUGE foyer. He heard the living person enter, and leaned back out of the ticket window to turn and welcome his visitor. "Good evening!" he called out in accented English. "Forgive, but the Theater is not quite open, but it should be ready in time for Fall Season! I can give you the number for the ticketeers if you would like?"

Asbolus: "Evening." Asbolus nodded politely, his own British accent coming through loud and clear despite his time in the States and elsewhere. "Pardon for intruding, but a friend of mine spoke of the place and I wanted to come by. I believe you and Mearcstapa spoke recently?"

Luigi Fabri: That changed much of Luigi's demeanor, and the nature of his smile. It remained, but the raised eyebrow gave it more of a wary edge. "Ah, Signore Maercstapa..yes, he is doing consulting work for me. You are one of his...associates then? Or just a friend. " The Ventrue stepped away from the ticket window, clasping his gloved hands behind his back, and approached Asbolus slowly. "Or are you friend...and associate?"

Asbolus: "Depends on what you mean by associate, I imagine." That wariness was noted but his own demeanor remained calm, keeping his hands visible in a clear "nothing to worry about" manner. "I came as a man of the theater more than anything else."

Luigi Fabri: "Oh! Well, Signore Maercstapa is proving to be a worthwhile person to know," Luigi noted, and offered a leather gloved hand for a shake. "Luigi Fabri, at your service. And welcome to my theater."

Asbolus: Asbolus took the offered hand and shook it firmly. "Whittaker Sharpe, pleasure." The name was new but he wore it well, flowing easily from the tongue as any other role he had taken up before. "And a fine one it is, by the looks of it."

Luigi Fabri: "Grazie! But flattery, as they say will get you everywhere," Luigi said with a chuckle. "There are some minor details left to complete, but this five year project is almost finished....what is your particular interest with theatre? Are you a director?" First question - assumption based on the other's demeanor.

Asbolus: "Actor, primarily, although I did some backstage work as well while at university."

Luigi Fabri: "An actor! Che delizioso! Where did you do most of your performing?" Luigi asked, and made a small gesture for Sharpe to follow. "Most of my experience is dealing with the Broadway productions. I do not recall hearing or reading your name being involved with any of them. But then I am old, and maybe my memory fugge da me?" There is more laughter.

Asbolus: "You're fine on that point. I've only been to the Great White Way as an attendee rather than a performer." He smiled as he moved to follow behind the Lord. "Was mostly local performances, nothing quite that hallowed."

Luigi Fabri: "Local here?" Luigi sought clarification. "Do you still perform? I am not a producer so I have little say in who gets cast where, but I could drop you name with a director or two if you would like?" The offer was earnest it seemed, and Luigi paused at the foot of the grand staircase to gauge Sharpe's interest.

Asbolus: "Mostly in London, although I did take part in a few here. Nothing lately, though; life has pulled me elsewhere, as it is wont to do."

Luigi Fabri: "Hmm...it is sad when life puts us down paths we don't wish to walk," Luigi agreed. "Is there any particular part of the theater you wish to see? Maybe it will inspire the flames of acting in you once more?"

Asbolus: "True indeed." And in ways that no one could expect, in his case... "Wouldn't mind seeing the stage, at least, but other than that I leave it to you."

Luigi Fabri: "The stage, of course," Luigi said with a grin. "Everyone wants to see the stage, and why not? It is why the theater exists!" He gave a hearty laugh and opened the doors to the stadium of the theater. The vomitorium opened into lanes that ran through out the city. And there was the stage. The curtain set and lights had not yet been installed, but that just showed how deep the stage was, and even with the ornamentation that framed it, the dark woods of the stage drew the eyes.

"It is always interesting to see who is willing to perform up there."

Asbolus: "Indeed." He chuckled, pausing briefly at the doorway into the theater proper to get a feel for the view before making his way in. "Very impressive..." he said quietly, nodding in approval. "It takes a certain something to embody another person's life and make people feel for what they've experienced. That's part of what drew me to it, truth be told." He looked to Luigi at that, those pale eyes laser-focused. "What led you to it, if I can ask?"

Luigi Fabri: Luigi had to think a few moments on Absolus's question. Not because he didn't know or was unsure, but because he had to sort out how to precisely answer honestly, while hiding his exact age. "Signore Sharpe...that is a bit of a tale," Luigi finally replied. "You see, when I was younger, I lived in Italy, in a region south of Rome. Opera and classical stage productions were quite popular, and I enjoyed them as child and young man. But when I immigrated to this country, I ended up, like many of my countrymen, in the city of New York. And there....well." Luigi chuckled. "As many people do, I...fell in love. Broadway è un'amante dai fianchi generosi. I could not get enough of those style of Musicals. And aside from that, there were so many other stages with so many other types of performances. I could not get enough."

Asbolus: Asbolus remained quiet as Luigi mulled over the question, nodding as he spoke and allowing himself a small smirk when the Lord chuckled. "Completely understandable. I came to Philadelphia directly when I arrived Stateside, but I've been there a few times to see some of the shows there. The artistry they pull off there is quite impressive, even in the smaller venues that rarely get the same level of press."

Luigi Fabri: He nodded as Sharpe spoke. "You understand what I mean when I say it pulls you in, if you have any taste for it at all." Luigi walked to the stage itself, though he did not climb up, instead he placed his hand upon the wooden surface, enjoying the smoothness despite his gloves. "I have acted a few times, and was often accorded as being a reasonable performer, but I always enjoyed watching more than performing. Sure the audience can be intoxicating with its adulation, but il mio sangue si muove più velocemente quando guardo." He smiles. "I guess you prefer to be on the stage?"

Asbolus: "I do indeed." Asbolus nodded, moving to join Luigi at the stage. "I enjoy both performing and watching, truth be told...the pathos that comes with a good performance may hit differently, but it's still quite a thing to feel either way." He paused a moment, looking across those newly-laid boards. "I do miss it, I will admit."

Luigi Fabri: "Why not ...ah...pick up the tradecraft once more?" Luigi inquired. "There is about to be quit e a few more productions in town in need of good actors."

Asbolus: "Can't go into much detail, but there are certain issues that prevent it. Looking into something more on the digital front that may scratch the itch, though." He looked towards Luigi at that. "If you have a need for someone familiar with the craft to assist with operations here, however, I'd be more than willing to do my part."

Luigi Fabri: "Oh, I will need all manner of people," Luigi admits. He hoists himself onto the stage, and starts to pace. "I would need someone to manage day to day operations." It took much willpower on Luigi's behalf to not put any extra emphasis on 'day'. "But if you are too busy to act, I can only imagine you would be too busy to be house manager."

Asbolus: Asbolus joined Luigi on the stage in short order, his pale gaze following the Lord as he paced. "I never said it was due to a lack of time. I have quite a bit of that at the moment, truth be told."

Luigi Fabri: "Hmm....other issues then....but this would not prevent you from managing the theater?" Luigi inquired. "If I could, I would prefer a hands off approach to running this place...for myself. Really, I did all this so I could watch. Its a ....bonus...of being wealthy."

Asbolus: "Can't fault one for pursuing something that enriches both themselves and the community at large." Asbolus nodded quietly. "I should be able to handle being your man on the ground without issue."

Luigi Fabri: The Ventrue Gendo Ikari'd his hands together as he considered Absolus. "You have bonifides? References aside from Maestro Mearcstapa?" Eventually Luigi lowered his hands and the smile resumed. "Everybody's Talking About Jamie is touring in this city right now. Perhaps we should go to a showing, spend time together to better know each other, before stepping into such a rather important working relationship?"(edited)

Asbolus: Asbolus gave another nod at the question, a mental note made to speak with his 'brother' in short order just in case. "I'd be honored."

Luigi Fabri: Luigi clapped his hands. "Splendid! Do you have a card? I can contact you with final details once I have made arrangements, but it will likely be in two weeks- not opening night sadly. I don't have that kind of leva yet." He chuckles. "Right, let me show you around?"

Asbolus: "I do not yet, but I can give you my contact information." The Darkling nodded, offering a polite smile as he made an 'after you' motion. "Please."