Roger Teague/Hooks

From From Dusk till Jawn
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• Here there be Seasons: A childhood in Sunny San Diego was a lifetime ago and he'll exalt those clear days when the sun is warm, even as he stands in a world that knows seasons in a way his beginning never did.

• Earth Walker: The world is what you make it. Roger has made it small. Here and there are just places until you've been there and then there are memories.

• Sky Miner: What a life we might have in an age where we are able to mine the resources of the heavens. Shame we have to hide it.

• Master of Aether: As a Libertine Master, there is an imperative to educate those who would learn the mysteries of the angel's abode. The problem with this is less that the Master's standards for apprentices are high, but instead that the Master is easily distracted and tangential as the balance between questions and answers continues.

• Once-Wolf: There were expectations that the boy would change. His father Uth-Ur of the Iminir and a spiritually potent mother known to the People promised a great story. It was not to be. Something which bemused his mother and which his father respects. In the past and in other places, he has acted as intermediary between his two worlds but that has yet to be asked of him in this new place.

This story is true. On the western shores against the water where the sun never sets and the clouds dare not gather, Uth-Ur gave onto the city a child who was urged by many to become as he should and when it wasn't to be so, the child went his own way, setting forth to find answers over a world where here and there are no different than... And when it became proper, he took a name that told all what he was and what he ought to be... what else could his father's son become but everything he had been and more... But! That's a story and it involves a Tree that's more than anything he's ever known and an old man at the edge of everything that is or ever will be.

• Libertine: The Council of Free Assemblies... That's what he calls it. It's a statement that goes beyond the stereotypes. We're more than just a collective of technologists and political activists. We were there at the beginning when the first of us stood upright. We were there when fire was harnessed. We were there as the mushroom hunters learned and taught. We were there while the stories were told of the world. We are the sum of humanity's arts and traditions. We are all of us magick.

• Obsessive: It is the transcendental nature of the Martyr's Tree which drew the Master's attention in the seeking of some Question to an Answer which he is said to have arrived upon at some point in his considerations of Mystery.