Logs:Sisters and Fetches

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Vincent Drake Avery Frisk


Empty Alleyway, outside Maddy's portal entrance


As soon as they were outside Maddy's, Avery let his Contracts drop, returning to normal. He sighs and sits down in the alleyway, staring up at the sky.

"I messed up bad in there...didn't I? I hope I don't get you in trouble with...whoever else you have. You said you were new...yes?"

"Yes, I'm new at this game, as for if ya messed up. . .well, I'm not mince meat from an angry witch so I think all in all it was a good night." he chuckles, "You ever notice the hot girls are always the crazy ones?"

Avery gives a nervous laugh, although is noticeably calmer now that it wasn't as loud around them.

"I...don't remember anyone from before...and have been too worried to try now. Most people...just don't understand."

Vincent sighs and looks at the night sky, "I can't claim to know your troubles friend, but I find their's only one person to rely on, yourself." he let out a tired sigh, "I'm going to be honest, at first I just wanted to fish you for information on the Lost." he admits in a uncharacteristic spout of honesty, "But I'll admit, an impression was made. . .I want to make a name for myself, the City chose to screw me over so I'm going to try to own this town." he says wistfully at the night sky, "I want you to help me do that, to take Philly and make it ours, It ain't always sunny in Philadelphia for me any more but damned if I don't make the best of it." he turns to Avery and gives a smile, "So what do ya say?"

Avery looks up in shock, then looks down. "No...no I won't. I don't like leadership...and owning a town seems like too much."

Avery rubs their arms gently. "Im...an Assassin...a scout...and a Raven. I was his eyes...so now I want to protect my people where I can from those like Him. Those who want to rule for their own gain."

Vincent nods, "I respect that, you follow your own path, offer of friendship still stands, we can help each other. . . " he thinks, "I still plan on getting into the information game and want you as an ally, tell you what, If I hear anything I think might affect your Freehold, I'll call you first," he smiles, "And I hope you'll do the same on the vampire end, call me for any information my folks might be concerned." he then gives a sly smile, "Or just call me to hang out, I'm sure their are plenty of places besides Maddy's to have a blast."

"Friendship...could be nice? If I hear anything I will tell you. We have enough enemies, having allies may be nice."

Avery looks down the Alleyway. "I don't like resturaunts. Loud. Ive been working on it. I can hear...the roaches scittering...the buildings creaking...the cars in the nearest couple blocks...small spaces make it hard. If we hang out...can it be a quiet place?"

"I know some good places, nice and isolated," he winks, "anything can happen." he half jokes, "or not, I'm good with boundries." he says putting his hands up in mock surrender

Avery looks up in surprise, a blush. "I...oh...I'm not sure. I...might like that."

He looks away to hide the blush. "But...yes, quiet, yes please."

Vincent smiles "So here's some free info, I'm apparently a Daeva, the kind you see in Vampire Diaries and Carmilla, turns out they call us Succubi," he chuckles, "My group. . . seems to be a club for rich white dudes but they pay well," he then looks serous, "You have any enemies you want me to look into?"

Avery nods. "I'm...what we call a Beast. I was turned into a Raven. You cant see it but..I do have feathers...but I'm still largely human. I think? I just...lose myself to instincts sometimes."

Avery thinks. "Lots...some that are safer for you to not look into. And not a discussion for here."

he nods, "Of course, is their anyone you'd like me to help, friend of my friend and all that?"

Avery hesitates. "The Freehold is safe. Loyalists and Privateers are not...and especially not Huntsmen. Any of the freehold are good to help. And for you?"

he considers. . .Avery does not seem the type to spill anything, he sighs, "Listen, this is something I want you to keep to yourself, none of the others especially vampires need to know," he says, although how long he can keep her safe is already a question, "I have a sister, Alice, If it's possible. . .keep an eye on her during the day, I'm all she has."

Avery looks up in surprise and nods. "I won't tell anyone. I'm surprised you told me to be honest. I...if we are saying that...there's someone else if thats ok."

"Shoot." he replies

"If you see someone who looks exactly like me...but slightly younger...maybe late 20s...just let me know." Avery looks uncomfortable. "I get...visions or feelings on occasion about them...and...its hard to talk about."

"You got a brother?" he asks, realizing he knows jack shit about Avery

"No...I don't think so. Actually I don't know. We call them our Fetch...its what...They leave behind in our place." Avery looks saddened.

Vincent scowls realizing what they mean, "So they're not content with kidnapping, the bastards steal your lives." he sighs, "Like shit man. . .sure, I'll look for Bizarro Avery, you just want me to watch or. . . well, ya know?"

Avery gives a smile that Vinny understood. "No...I...have few memories of my time before I was taken. They may be one of my only chances of knowing who I was. If that makes any sense."

"Yeah, will not the happy memories, but I understand," he says nodding, "If you need anything don't hesitate to ask, info, an extra hand, info on vampires," he smiles, "a good time, call Vinny." he says as he turns to walk off waving his hand as he does so, "I think this is the start of a bountiful partnership Avy, mark my words." and he walks off into the night

"I don't know about happy...and I wonder if I want to know. But I want to have the option I think."

Avery blushes at the mention of a good time and further at the nickname. "I'll call if I need anything, thank you."

As Vinny walks out of the alleyway, a raven flies just over his shoulder, clearly close enough to mess with him, before taking off into the sky.