Logs:Meet the New Disaster Couple

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Content Warning

Clarity attack, breaking and entering (oops) and lovey dovey stuff


Vinny's apartment


Avery had been asked to keep an eye on Vinny's sister, which inadvertently meant that Avery figured out exactly where the fledgling Daeva lived. She hadn't meant to spy, social anxiety just meant she never quite...approached.

After her conversation with Asbolus, she did indeed get her hand checked out, but also slowly worked up the confidence to talk to Vincent. A bit before sunset, the Raven flew down towards Vinny's door, changed back to her more humanoid form, and declared her right to enter. The door of course, obliged.

What Avery hadn't been counting on was the Daeva being in Daysleep, which lead to a moment of panic before Avery remembering...oh yeah...he's actually quite dead. Avery was dressed in a comfy jacket and jeans, so sat on the floor and patiently waited. Breaking into your crush's home unannounced wasn't creepy....right?

Vincent opened his eyes, another day gone, he just hoped Alice didn't try checking in, he'll need to think of a new arrangement without the possibility of his sister finding her brother's corpse. What he didn't expect when he opened his eyes was Avery sitting in his room Wright said we don't dream anymore. . .which would mean,

"Hey. . . Avy, what are you-" he was in a strange state between panic , confusion and embaressment at the stolen movie and anime posters, "You're not going to go Van Helsing on me are you?"

Avery had zoned out for a minute, trying to think through the conversation enough that it took them a moment to realize Vinny was awake. It was strange seeing a talking...well...corpse...but after one jump Avery was back to paying attention. They didn't seem to mind the posters.

"I'm...not quite sure I know who that is? But...I just wanted to talk. Sorry...I didn't think...you'd be asleep. I didn't think you needed sleep but...I guess it makes sense?" Avery seemed nervous.

"I don't think it's sleep as much as a full body shutdown. . ." he thinks on the shutdown before shaking his head, "Um, talk, sure, um. . .let me get dressed?" he asks, considering he's just in boxers and night shirt and realizes their's a person in his room

Avery nods, realizing a moment later that he probably meant turn away...so Avery averts their gaze. Never mind that Avery's hearing was sharp enough to guess about every movement but...lets not think about that.

"Why...do you need to shut down? And does that mean you can't dream...I wish I didn't have to dream."

Vincent walks over to his closet, talking as he puts on some jeans and a MCR T-shirt he was supposed to sell, "The way I gathered it, I'm literally Undead, basically a stubborn walking corpse, my body goes on shut down during the day, so I'm an actual corpse," he pauses thinking on that fact a bit too much, "christ I'm dead. . ." he mutters before collecting himself, "But yeah, can't dream at all, so their goes pleasant dreams of. . .well you know." he chuckles sitting on the bed, "But now it seems the cuties are coming to me."

Avery nods slowly, learning more. "Well...that does seem problematic I guess. The Lost's dreams are...often of when we were taken. Not to mention the dream-walking."

Avery blushes at the cutie comment, not quite looking at Vinny. "I just...wanted to make sure you were ok? I know you...angered Titania."

Vincent sighs, "I smoothed things over with her, apologized like hell," he grins, "Didn't mean a damn word of it though but don't want the local witch out for blood," he gives small laugh, "I just didn't like how she was intentionally trying to mess with ya, you seemed like you had enough on your plate."

Avery nods. "I am...glad it was smoothed over. I did not like going to Maddy's but...now I know? Don't go to places like that..."

Avery shifts slightly. "Thank you...for helping that day. I...don't like her and she is your...superior? And you stepped up for me, I appreciate it."

"Not my superior, she's in another. . . Season," he says, "Their a better word than season?, anyway, she's older than me, by far, the older a vampire is the more powerful they are it seems. . . I am literally at the bottom of the totem pool." he gives a sigh, "So nothings changed on that front."

"Another group is enough. She seems powerful, and old. But I don't knoe how old." Avery grimaces. "Old enough to cage others."

She shakes her head. "You will work your way up, you are smart and are good at words."

that gives Vinny a smile, "Thanks, seems I joined the 'ultra-rich' club of vampires, so I'm hoping to. . ." he looks around the abandoned apartment he calls home, "upgrade." he gives a small laugh

Avery glances around the space. "I was... wondering about that. It seems rather...ill defended. I don't think I can help much with money but...if I can I'll try?"

"No, no, you don't need to do that," Vinny quikly starts, "I'm sure your not here for the tour, what's on your mind?"

Avery gives a small smile at the denial of needing things. "If you are sure."

At the mention of why she was here, Avery stops, not meeting his eyes. "Just...wanted to make sure you were ok after standing up for me. And...well...I think I need to say more about my Fetch. Why I want to see them."

"Bizarro Avery, I'm still looking into best how to look, I'll find them don't worry."

Avery gives a slight smile. "If anything...I think I am the Bizarro Avery. They are likely more normal than me now." The smile turns sad.

"I have almost no memories of before I was taken. He took them all...and I only have a few back."

Vinny nods, "That's. . . so you have no memory?"

Avery shrugs. "Almost. I...was a watcher. He emptied my head so I could see more. Kept them in a letter and...someone broke the seal of the letter. That's what reminded me I could escape...but it was barely any. A name, a few broken moments without faces or names." Avery's breathing and heart rate increases.

"Avery, Avy," he notices the stress, "Breath, your not their, your here, with me, it's safe."

Avery takes a few deep breaths, an animalistic energy in her eyes as she disassociates a bit, but forces herself back to the room. 5 things you can see, 4 you can feel...

"Sorry...sorry. I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's fine, you need anything, food, water, something?" he says with a hint of worry in his voice, his hand goes to her shoulder, "I'm here for ya."

Avery flinches slightly at the sudden touch, but then noticeably calms. "No...I'm fine. I'm here. I'm fine."

Avery takes several more deep breaths. "But...no....no memory. That's why I want to find her...she knows. She knows who I was and...can tell me. Maybe." Avery curls up slightly, roughly a ball, not looking at the deathly visage that is currently Vinny.

he spends some of the blood for the Blush, his palor has some color, his heart beats a bit, warmth to his touch, "We'll find them, don't worry, I promise you we'll learn who you are." he wants to hug her, tell her it'll be ok, but he just keeps the hand on her shoulder, "I'm just worried . . .you said they left them so. . .what if it's being watched?"

Avery relaxes further at the sound of the heartbeat starting. The warm refreshing.

"They might be. I...don't know much but...some know. They know what they are and...can call the Huntsmen. Its a risk...but my only other option is going back There which I won't. I refuse. He'll just capture me, it would be stupid."

"In that case, why don't I handle the thing?" he offers, "They don't know me and I'll keep tabs on them, do some research and find out about them," he smiles, "That can work right?"

Avery shrugs, leaning so her head was on his arm. "I don't know. They may be hiding the ability from anyone but me. I...I can feel them...sometimes. Passing glimpses and feelings. I can only assume they can feel the same. Its refreshing sometimes to know they are just...living?"

"Do they live in Philly, from what you can tell by these glimpses?"

"I think so? They feel close but I don't know where. I have tried to stay...out of their life. I am scared to talk to them." Avery doesn't quite seem to realize how open they are being about their insecurities, or otherwise doesn't seem bothered by it.

"But ya want to learn who you are?" he nods, "You still need to live your life as it is though, maybe you should spend some time making new memories, if your free sometime we can hang out it can be like a-" he doesn't finish the word now that his brain caught up with his mouth and realized what he' just ask, "well. . . ya know."

Avery shudders. "I don't know what I want. Its hard to...want? Instincts are strong and they just want me to run." Avery hears the sentence and blushes deeply. "I...I don't know. Maybe? Yes? Yes." Avery curls up tightly, hiding her face between her knees.

"That's ok, I didn't think you'd-yes!?" he says in a bit surprise, "That's. . .great um," Vincent's brain went a few miles per hours, having to play catch up that his mouth just asked her on a date, "So um, what would you want to do?"

Avery is acutely aware of the blush on her face and hides it as best as they can in the dark room.

"I..." there was an 'I don't know noise' followed by a shrug. "Sorry."

"Movie?" he suggests, that's a date thing right?

"Theatres are too loud...deafening to humans, worse for me." Avery peeks at Vinny's face, not sure what even to say.

"Ok, so not theatre. . .dinner, I know a good burger joint, or we can just do Pizza and Netflix?, well technically it's my friends but that's not hear or there."

Avery is embarrassed and words hardly work.. "Burgers are good...I think. Netflix is ok too. Or Pizza...any of that. You sure?"

"Yeah that sounds. . .that sounds great." he allows himself to smile for a bit, "So your ok with. . .going on a, date," he says the D-word, "With a bloodsucking undead monster, I don't think a sparkle."

Avery gives a small smile. "Only if...you're ok with an...anxious and jumpy murderer? I don't think I can say much to your condition with what I am." Avery seems more at ease with Vinny also seeming just as anxious. At least it wasn't just them.

"Yeah so. . .if you want, my sister is out so we can. . .I can call in a pizza?"

Avery nods, then looks around the room. "I can...I can pay."

Theres a nervous look, and a question on her lips that she doesn't quite ask.

"Something wrong?" he asks, "If this is a bit fast?"

She shakes her head. "Well...maybe a little. I..."

A hesitant look. "You are offering me food. Do you...need any?"

"Well I don't eat-oh," he says before blushing, he has a micro debate before sighing, "Avery, I. . .I was feed on by the bitch before the turned me and," how can he say it's better than sex, "It's. . .I don't think I should, not until we figure out how close we are, it's. . .intimate." he tries to find the words

Avery slowly nods. "I- ok. I understand."

Avery pauses, trying to find words. "I almost thought it would be like... what we call Reaping. I'm... glad it's more pleasant then."

"Reaping?, that sounds painful?" he says getting to his phone to order a pizza, "So um, toppings or anything?"

Avery looks at the phone. "Just...cheese? Maybe pepperoni? Something simple."

She looks down, a little saddened that he walked to get his phone and not quite sure why. "Reaping is...complicated. We...almost feed on emotion. We call it harvesting when we are subtle. Reaping is stronger but...leaves someone a husk for a while. Its hard to see that you can do that to someone."

"So it's like the Kiss, wait, so you guys feed off emotions?" he says in the other room, it had a tv, most likely stolen and a couch that seems second hand, most of the stuff in this 'house' seems stolen to be honest, "Couch is in here, oh wait yeah you broke in."

Avery didn't seem to mind the stolen items. "Yes...its complicated." They look around the room and sit gently on the couch, an unnatural grace to such a small movement. "I didn't break in...well...I guess I did. I asked to be let in and...the door obliged....I used a Contract, sorry." Avery seems more embarrassed realizing their method of entry than the whole rest of the conversation.

"So you. . .can talk to doors?" he says processing that, he's at a point where anything seems possible, "My door didn't shit talk me did it?" he asks turning on the tv and switching to Netflix

"I can...take control of security systems. Cameras, doors, its...hard to explain. All of it is hard to explain." Avery is sitting rigid on the couch, not touching Vinny. Not knowing if they can or should be touching. Why are dates hard?

"That's. . .extremely useful," he says flipping categories, he feels guilty but he's already thinking of all the different ways that can be useful, almost none of them legal, he see's how stiff she's being and does the old yawn and strech, putting an arm over her shoulder, "So, movie or show?"

"It is...I'm sorry I used it." Avery watches the hand, but doesn't resist, shoulders relaxing slightly. "Movie? I haven't watched much since I have been back. It is hard to sit still and I...don't own a TV."

"Don't be sorry, it's fine," he assures, "So you have any genres you think you'd prefer, horror, adventure, comedy?" He asks, "Ever watch Sherlock Holmes, the one with RDJ?"

"Not horror...I've had enough of that." Avery gives a blank look. "RDJ? I...don't remember if I have...not since escaping at least..."

"Rober Downey Jr, Iron Man?" he says, "It's a pretty good movie, has some scary bits. . ." he says, slightly holding her closer, "That sound good?"

Avery shakes their head. "I...vaguely. I don't follow those things, I have too much to worry about already."

Avery hesitates, then slowly puts her head on his shoulder. There is a content look on her face at feeling safe enough to be this close to someone. "Ok, that sounds good."

he smiles and puts on the movie, the pizza arrives, normally they wouldn't deliver to abandoned buildings but having a deal with the delivery dude helps, he brings the pizza and sits with her,simply enjoying this feeling of normalcy

Avery enjoyed the pizza, eating slightly ravenously. They more so enjoyed the normalcy and being close to another person, not having let themself be close in the now year since their return. As the movie gets towards its end, Avery's eyes get heavy and they use Vinny's shoulder as a pillow.

Just as they seem relaxed, a car alarm goes off somewhere nearby, quiet to Vinny but enough that Avery jumps up, looking around quickly for the source. A tired rub of her eyes as she looks at the clock. "I- I should go...its late...I need sleep...you need to...do whatever you do...I can't sleep here."

"Didn't expect ya to," he says, "I need to get to work anyway," he says, opening a window, "So. . .see ya around?"

Avery hesitates, looking at the window. "Yes...I want to see you more. This was...nice...safe." A blush on her face. "I don't want to ask too much...but I have a favor..."

"Sure, anything." he says with a winning smile

Avery looks nervous. "Turning into a Raven takes Glamour...and I have used a lot today. Its...not painful. Harvesting I mean...but you may be a little tired for a bit. If you don't want to...that's ok."

he thinks, "Sure, if it helps you I'd be glad to." he finally says shrugging

Avery nods, sitting a bit closer on the couch. A sly smile on her face. "I...need to incite emotion so..." she leans in and kisses him quickly, the smile turning into a blush and embarrassment as she breathes in deeply. Absorbing the bits of any emotion he feels. Skimming off the top so to speak.

Vincent enjoys the feeling, something warm and pleasant since his damnation, feelings that he thought were no longer for him

Avery smiles, looking away with her blush. "I...I should go. Thank you...Vinny."

"Um yeah. . .you ever need more emotion I'm here." he says with a small grin

Avery gets up, an embarrassed look. "Um...yeah. More emotion, yes." Avery sits on the windowsill, checking to make sure no one was looking up, before taking a deep breath. A second later there was a raven, the transformation seamless like it was the most natural thing in the world. A croak escaped the Raven's throat before she takes off into the night sky, looking for a spot to summon their Hollow to for the night, and to sleep happy.

Vincent smiles, 'I guess I'm dating someone now' he thinks to himself as he walks out the apartment door ready to take on whatever Philly throws at him