Valeria Rolan-Ruiz/Hooks

From From Dusk till Jawn
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  • Wait Thats You? - Val went to the Olympic Tryouts for gymnastics 3 years ago. She ended up needing to drop out due to a broken leg that took her out of commission for several months and meant she never made it to the Tokyo Olympics. Her leg is mostly healed, but those with supernatural perceptions can still notice the tiny limp.
  • Wait...Thats You? - Ria works at a local service. Its cause she needs her own cash for her things and if you see her at you didn't.
  • Can I Crash Here? - Val's parents divorced 5 years ago and live on opposite sides of the city. She doesn't have a problem sleeping at either of their homes, and has keys to both...but sometimes its nice to not have to be there.
  • Ex-Addict - Ria got into a bad place 3 years ago. After breaking her leg, everything she'd been ignoring for 2 years crashed down on her. She snuck drugs, alcohol, and whatever else brought the dopamine. Bar fights and pain were probably her go to to make herself feel something. Friends helped her get clean over the past year, and she's gotten right back into the gymnastics as her fix. She likes it better this way.
  • Back from the (Almost) Dead - Val almost died. In fact, she should be dead. Luckily Guy got there before she bled out, and now she's loyal first to him, and that's not just the blood bond. She would kick anyone's ass if he asked.
  • Quite the Ride - Ria rides a motorcycle, and is quite good at it too. If you ask she will do a wheelie to show off.