Logs:An Owl and Bat Dig Through Trash

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Snowy, Vincent Drake


Homeless camp


With the deep freeze over Snowy had decided to head back out towards one of the local homeless camps in the area. Located beneath a bridge that went over the lake and connected the two sides of the town as one. She was currently warming herself over one of the heat vents installed beside one of the kitchens. Wrapping herself up in a blanket given to her by one of the courtly changelings while eating what appeared to be a burrito taken from that same shop.

Dressed in jeans and Blink 182 shirt, Vincent was currently making his way about the homeless camps he knew, checking on people he knew and giving out assorted food stuff, pushing a cart with McDonald's bags, cheetos, beer, soda, and homemade garlic bread, he was homeless for the past eleven years so he had a soft spot for them

"I got like, twenty Big Macs left, get them while supplies last." He calls out

The owl's head swivels towards the shopping cart. She was still hungry but she didn't want to take something that someone else might need. With a swallow she stands up and approaches, guided by the sound of a growling stomach. Though she had to stand on the cart's wheel connectors in order to reach for a meal.

Vincent turns to the new face and gives a smile, "Got big Macs, nuggets, assorted burgers, cheetos, Pepsi, beer, ya like garlic bread?"

"I'll take it all." Her greedy mind says. "But only after everyone's had their fill..." She says looking to one of the people who comes up to grab a meal before departing.

He shrugs, "can I at least offer you a drink?" He says as people come for food,"beer or pepsi?"

"Mix them together." She says with an evil grin. "Tastes better then it sounds!"

He laughs and takes a solo cup, pouring in both beer and Pepsi before handing to her, "Don't think I've seen you around, names Vincent, friends call me Vinny."

"Names are for friends really but people call me Snowy." She puts the drink to her lips and starts to chug it down. Impressed that he actually mixed it and too proud to back out now. It actually tasted alright except for...

"...This was regular pepsi wasn't it?"

"Yup, why what's wrong?" He asked, raised eyebrow

"...The sugar." She lets out a burp deep from within her stomach. "Sugary drinks make me gassy..."

"Oh fuck," he mutters, "um, sorry, I said it was Pepsi though, you need anything?"

"Nope... I'll just take it. Worse I'll have is burping! At least I'm not diabetic or nothing." She puts the drink to her side. "Word of advise... what we REALLY need is toiletries and gluten free shit. Stuff people might have a problem with eating."

"Garlic bread is gluten free," he motions to the garlic bread, "Toiletries I'm picking up later, bringing them tomorrow night." He admits, "So Snowy, what's your story?"

"Ah sweet, usually people just drop a shopping cart and that's it. They take a photo with them in it and just... leave the trolly." She sighs.

"Oh? Me..." Great... she needed to prepare a story, one that was truthful but not in the exact line of 'I got kidnapped by Lovecraft's non-racist nightmares' actually that begged the questions, could THEY be racist? Or did they kidnap people equally? It was a weird question... OH RIGHT THE STORY! "Oh... I'm... well... you know the stories. Girl meets girl, girl and girl move in together... girl turns out to only be after the money girl has..."

"Tale as old as time," he nods, "I runaway from home when I was a teenager, had to get me and my sister out of a shitty situation, we've gotten out of the streets but won't forget the people who helped us those years." He smiles, "So, how do you plan to make some bread?"

"Me? I ain't got any plans like that... money is too much of an issue to deal with." Plus it's hard to get a job when you've been missing for two years... and had someone else in your place liivng your life. "How do you afford this?" She gestures at the cart.

"Because I know the right people, my girlfriend has cash to burn," he shrugs, "By the way, you need to learn to lie better, the 'oh.. .I'm. .you know ', dead give away, not going to pry but think of a story that's easy to remember, memorize it, let it flow out of ya."

"It is the story... just hard to tell a complete stranger that you've got scammed. Even if they give you a buffet." She says with a squint. "But you got a rich girlfriend and you're handing out food? Respect..."

He grins and shakes his head, "Sure, that's the story, don't tell a known con artist you got scammed before, we take that as an invitation." He says, handing her the last bigmac,"Cash is needed to survive, even if it's just for meals, you got to have some skill set?"

"Well... I'm pretty good at watching things. I can hear a pin drop in vegas..." She brushes past Vincent as she moves to the other side. "I know the streets well enough and my biggest assets, however, isn't my ass but..." She produces Vincent's wallet in her hand. Showing it to him, evening opening it to confirm it was his. "What I can grab from someone!"

He gets a shit eating grin and slow claps, "I remember when I first made the brush move, classic." He takes it back, "game recognizes game," he thinks for a second, "So...I'm thinking of building the foundation for something, something less than legal, could use some sticky fingers if your up for it." He offers, "been making some connections and could use some help."

She squints, her yellow eyes getting a bit smaller in her mein. "Like a heist film?" She asks. "Am I going to have to take up some crazy wacky talent that gets our asses into a vagas vault to steal some rare diamond?"

"Not a heist, but thay would be fun," he admits, "Always wanted to be in a hiest, but I was thinking more like, the foundation of a group, so far me and the girlfriend are in planning stages, just need some fellow entrepreneurs who operate outside the law, sound interesting to you?"

"Sound fucking grand but I barely know you." She hoped she wasn't about to get swept up in some kind of motley shenanigans. "...Tell me about this group a bit!" Vincent/Thespis/Edward-ET — Today at 12:20 PM "So far, it's just me, the girlfriend and some bikers, our other partner helps a bit," he smiles, "the goal is to build a group that could run some of the vice trade, clean products, protection for street workers,make sure we're in charge to regulate and make sure exploitive practices are cut down, could use someone who knows the streets and can pinch a wallet like it's nobodies business." He shrugs, "truth is i need good people to help me," he gestures around the camp, "people who know what it's like to be steeped on and don't want to be again and will protect those who can't help themselves. "

"..." She looks to Vincent and ponders a moment. Putting her finger to her lips as if in deep thought as she considers the idea. "...Well, I like ya but I need to know ya first."

"It's an open offer," he assures, "I know it's something ya need to trust people for, so it's something to keep in mind." He nods, "I'll be around, helping out the community here, we can chat more if you wish, see if I'm someone you'd like to work with as time goes on, how does that sound?"

"Sure thing Cobb!" She smiles at her inception reference. "I'll be around on most days but I don't like to sleep in the same place long!"

"No problem, you can find me in the streets, out and about, sometimes around waffle houses." He shrugs, and offers a hand, "It's nice meeting you Snowy, I see something of myself in you, a survivor."

She shakes the hand. "Same here Vince."

He smiles, "Theirs a big Mac left, last one."

"Ah sweet!" She leans in to grab it.

"So, I got to get going, I'll be seeing you, maybe one day I can get the real story," he shrugs and started to walk off, "have a good night Snowy."

"Good night!" She waves.