Logs:Lets Ignore the Awkward (With Sex!)

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discussion of previous sexual encounter


Lux, Jack Martingale


between the Freehold Hollow entrance and Jack's apartment


Jack slides an arm around Lux's waist as the two of them exit the Hollow, then the parking garage. "So where'd you go, after you left the party?"

They shrug, tucking their hands into their jacket pockets. "Didn't stick around after we snuck away, honestly. The party was fun, but... eh. Turning the Seasons sucks, even if I know it's necessary. Walked around a while, then came here." They glance over. "You're sober."

"Yup," he sighs. He doesn't look all that happy about it. "'Cause I was working. Planning on changing that when I get home." It's a little weird that he didn't stay at Stardust for a drink or three after he finished breaking down the party. "Changing seasons is...yeah. And I say that knowing it's my season now. Don't always want the reminder that time's passing."

Lux squints. "...Why didn't you just drink there? Not that I'm complaining. Kind of nice to see you sober, for once."

He grimaces. "Me'n Annie had it out the other night. She sealed a pledge that Jane'd keep her fucking girlfriend safe. From whatever the Wyrd decides is worth keeping her safe from, 'cause she didn't get more specific than that."

Lux blinks at that, then wrinkles their nose. "The fuck? Is that what got you upset the other night?"

"Yeah. Feels like...like a stupid fucking thing to be pissed about, but I'm still kinda pissed. And it's not like Jane knows that there's gonna be a problem if they can't keep Annie's girlfriend safe."

"Nah, fuck that. Be pissed. It's not stupid." Their head shakes. "Jane is your twin. It makes sense to be protective of them. What the hell is Annie even worried about happening? Is something after her girlfriend?"

"I don't fuckin know, but I'm assuming she's mortal. And Annie doesn't think she can protect her, so she got my sibling to fuckin do it. Or rather, Jane offered, and Annie fucking sealed it." Jack's animation is starting to get a little spiky, lines jumping out as he walks.

"I'd be pissed too. Sounds like Annie is using them." They shrug. "I mean, shit, what if a Huntsman comes after her girlfriend to get to her--that's not Jane's problem."

"Exactly. And I mean..." Jack pauses, and scuffs his foot on the ground. "The worst part is is that Jane'd do it anyway. Annie didn't need to seal shit, that's just how they are. Feels insulting, and it'll only make shit worse when something comes along that they can't protect her from."

"Yeah... I can see that. Jane seems like the protective type. Like--shit, I mentioned I didn't know how to fight, and they were like 'I'll give you lessons so you can protect yourself!' It was sweet."

That gets a warm smile. "Yeah. They're...I kinda feel like they're a better person than me, in a lotta ways. And Annie fucking took advantage of that when she didn't even need to. Of course Jane's gonna keep their word, I don't think it'd occur to them not to."

Lux nods, then puffs out a breath. "You talk to Annie about it?"

"Yeah, and she got pissed at me. Didn't see what the problem was, tried to tell me that I'd've done the same thing in her place." Jack shakes his head.

"Hmm..." Their lips purse, before slipping an arm behind his back, fingers tucking into one of his back pockets. "That's a lotta shit. Sorry. Hopefully Jane will be okay."

He sighs, and wiggles his butt just a little. His pants are tight. "Yeah, I hope so. Jane's...they're not completely oblivious to shit. I mean, you heard Mei the other night, and they're friends. So they know a little about all of the fucked up shit in the world, but..." He rubs his face with his hands. "I can't protect them from all of it. From most of it, even."

Lux sure as heck ain't afraid of having to shove their hands down in there, tight jeans be damned... "Yeah," they agree bluntly. "Bad shit is going to happen. But sounds like they have a lot of useful people around them, at least. People who care."

"Yeah..." He doesn't sound completely confident. "Didn't mean to dump all this on you, I don't want you to have to play therapist with me."

Their shoulders lift. "It's cool. If shit is bothering you, you should get it off your chest. I don't mind."

"Same for you, you know?" He hip checks them gently. "I feel like it's always me spilling my shit to you. And I know you've got shit, even if you don't wanna talk about it. Everybody does."

Lux smirks. "What? No way. I'm just enjoying life," says the Winter. They lean into him a bit as they walk, squeezing his rear. "I really like these pants on you, by the way. Just... damn. Did you cover yourself in lube to get them on?"

"Hah. You should'a seen 'em when I first took them out of my closet, before I broke them in..." leather just be like that. "Haven't worn 'em in a while. Not a lot of excuses to wear leather in my life..."

"You should wear them more," Lux replies, leaning over to kiss at his neck. "I like leather on you. Especially with this shirt. You're lucky I ever let you leave the dressing room, looking like this."

He shivers at Lux's lips on his neck, and looks over at them with a grin. "Like I said, not a lot of excuses to wear this sorta shit. I did it a lot more, Before, but work's been such a Thing. I don't think anyone'd appreciate me showing up to a gig in this."

"...Do you have more clothes like this?" Lux grins, looking at him curiously. "Cause I want to see it. Either you wearing it out, or just for me when I come over. So I can take it off of you."

"Good luck getting these off me." He laughs. "I promise you, the process is not even a little bit sexy. But...yeah. I got some of my old clubbing shit still. Maybe I'll give you a show when we're back home." Calling his apartment their home? He doesn't seem to realize the implications of that.

That does make the Bright One pause for a moment. But they decide to let it slide rather than making a big deal out of it and make it more awkward. "I'd like a show." Their hand squeezes again, then wiggles free of his pocket. "And don't worry. I can make anything sexy if I try hard enough. ...Most anything. I'll just pin you down and peel them off of you a bit at a time."

Jack grins at the prospect. "You know if you'd done that at Stardust we'd probably still be there..."

"If we were there still I wouldn't have learned I could paint the hedge neon!" They brighten a bit. "I might have to actually find a hollow now, so I can remodel it anytime I want. Like... Creating art through dance? Movement? It's so cool and I'm mad I've never thought about doing it before now."

"Was fun to watch you work." He nudges them with a smile. "There's a lotta applications for that kinda shit, it sounds like."

"For real. Definitely going to experiment more. Not looking forward to trying to find a place, but... eh. Can't be that hard, right?" They pause a moment, looking at him out of the corner of their gaze rather than head on. "You're not in a motley, right?"

"No fucking clue how finding...building? A Hollow works but -" He actually stops walking for a step. "...No, haven't found one yet."

They stop as well after a half step, turning to face him. "What do you think you'd want in one?"

"...Uh." He can't seem to meet their eye, but his mien is going all flickery. "Haven't thought about it, honestly. Hasn't...really been too many people who I'd wanna spend that much time with."

They nod, accepting that easily enough. "Yeah. Same here." They look away, idly glancing around the buildings lining the streets--his apartment not too far away at this point. "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to form some weird ass complicated polycule motley with me. Not sure how the fuck Teagan does it... Was just curious."

"Hah. Yeah that shit's complicated as fuck, and I don't really do the relationship thing anyway. Guess a motley could be nice, though. With the right people."

"Yeah, I don't either," they reply with a shrug. "Something to consider for the future, though, maybe." They puff out a breath, looking into the direction of his apartment. "Okay, come on. I'm getting you out of those pants." They grab him by the belt to start hauling off at a quicker pace. IGNORE THE AWKWARD WITH SEX.