Rembrandt Phillips

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Invictus Knight

Originally from Memphis, TN, Rembrandt's sire instilled in him a deep love and respect of the Invictus. His time in Memphis also gave him an almost fanatical devotion to the Traditions, believing they are the only thing keeping the Kindred from extinction. He was thus horrified at the violent revolution that overthrew the Lancea et Sanctum, seemingly paying no mind to any of the Traditions. The last Remy saw of his sire was when they staked him and drained him of his blood... And more.

To his everlasting shame, Remy fled the city that night. He wandered the country for the next year, acting as an itinerant Invictus knight. As he traveled, he realized that while the Invictus were powerful, they lacked the direct physical might of the other covenants. Resolving to fix this, he found a city that desperately needed the strong guiding hand of his covenant, and set to work.

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Player Moynihan: He's got a reputation as a useless layabout, good for a dance and that's it. But he's more skilled than he lets on... Perhaps he could be of use.

Miss Williams: A dragon, and to be treated with respect from that alone. A friend of Player Moynihan, and thus leverage on him?

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RP Hooks

The Knight: Rembrandt is very proud of his status as a knight of the Invictus, and it is fairly easy to get him to do things that would fall under that.

24-Hour Fitness: Anytime Fitness is the gym that Rembrandt owns and, true to its name, it is open all the time. Rumor has it that there is an underground fight club that goes on there, though surely that can't be true... right?

Two-Weapon Fighting: While he uses dual machetes, the basics can be used with most weapons. He is willing to teach others for the right price.

Forging Bonds: For the right price, Rembrandt is a decent metal smith and can probably make you a weapon or some sort of trinket. For a significantly steeper price, he is able to witness Oaths as a notary. If you're Invictus, at least.

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Rembrandt Phillips

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Full Name: Rembrandt Phillips
Nationality: American
Apparent Age: 23
Actual Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Public Effects: Invictus Status 3
City Status 1
Oath of the True Knight
Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Invictus
Family: Wright
Coterie: None

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Played By: Talandar