Logs:Tea For Two

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The Rittenhouse Hotel


Jeremiah Hamilton: The Rittenhouse Hotel was one of the jewels of the Square and the tea room within supposedly one of the best in town, and Jeremiah was quite intrigued to both test this theory and to see how the one-on-one meeting with the young Guardian would go. The Warlock was dressed quite neatly in a mostly-black ensemble with a grey dress shirt offering a splash of 'color' to the mix and hair coiffed just so. He had arrived about fifteen minutes early to ensure that the reservation was still in place, waiting patiently for Quinn's arrival.

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn arrives exactly five minutes early for the appointment; he is dressed in a light blue oxford with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue slacks, suspenders, and a navy bow tie. He has his trust leather satchel over a shoulder as he rounds a corner, his hair tucked neatly behind his ears. He sees Jeremiah has already arrived - and when he does, a beaming, delighted smile lights up his features. He ducks his head, lifting one hand in greeting as he closes the distance. "Hi, hello, I'm terribly excited. I hope I did not keep you waiting."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not at all." Jeremiah replied with a smile, giving Quinn a brief once-over as he approached. "Ever been here before?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn glances up at the signage, slowly shaking his head. "I have not, so it will be a terrific experience. I always enjoy the idea of teatime, having that special hour set aside in the day. I like routines."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "My first time here as well. Should be interesting, then." He nodded before heading to the hostess stand to let them know that their full party was present. A minute or so later they were led into the tea room proper and left a pair of menus to peruse. "They can be helpful Routines, I mean."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn lifts his menu to study it closely, nodding attentively to Jeremiah all the same. "I think so too. Keeps me focused." His gaze roams over the menu. "The Duchess' First Love looks appealing. I am partial to the Grey bergamot teas - generally Earl Grey, but Lady Grey is also delicious." He gives the menu a shy smile. "...I do like tea very much."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "More of a coffee guy in general, but I do like a good rooibos when I'm not wanting caffiene." He scanned the entry for the tea he had mentioned, smirking a touch as he did so. "That sounds like a pretty good mix."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods once, as if that settles it. "Perhaps a pot of the Duchess and one Iron Goddess of Mercy. We can make it a theme - female tea empowerment." He titters a little. "Or we can take the afternoon tea? Looks like it comes with plenty of goodies."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He chuckled in kind, giving a little nod. "I'm up for doing the whole set. Would you rather do the Duchess or the Goddess, in that case?"

Quinn Tolliver: His lips quirk in an affectionate grin, brows lifting. "River would tell me to let fate decide." He leans to one side, withdrawing a silver dollar. "I keep this just for that reason. Heads is the Duchess, Tails the Goddess?

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smirked as the coin was pulled, his thoughts on his fellow thearch kept to himself for the moment. "Go for it."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods once, flipping the coin high; he catches it, slapping against the back of his hand.

"Ah - fate has spoken," Quinn says, lifting both hands in resignation. "We should get the Duchess."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds good to me. Can always try the Goddess next time."

Quinn Tolliver: That, of course, results in a ducking of his head, a thrilled sort of humming noise exuding from Quinn. "Yes, next time," he agrees. "That is delightful to hear, next time." He sets his menu down, laces his hands on the tabletop, and devotes his full attention to Jeremiah. "I have to apologize in advance. I am not very good at small talk, but I am desperately interested in knowing every possible thing I can about you so I am willing to try. Especially so you want to get tea again."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "No worries." He nodded with a smile, sitting back in his chair. "Anything in particular you'd want to start with?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn turns one hand over in an inviting gesture, relacing his fingers; his gaze does not shift from the thearch's face. "I do not want to venture into what you may feel is too private to share. I am not fishing for information. I am...seeking tidbits I can hide away and keep for myself." He relates this in a very calculated, matter-of-fact cadence; pleasant and earnest, as if he' s just decided to speak his mind.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...I see." He smirked a touch. "Going more of the Seurat route, then? Gathering the parts to make the whole, as it were?"

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn brightens, his posture straightening a hair; blue eyes radiate approval. "You know Seurat? Do you prefer chromoluminarism or pointillism?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mostly from the musical, admittedly, but I've seen a few of his pieces in person. And more the former, I suppose; the way that the mind is made to blend the colors appeals, for obvious reasons."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn nods in understanding. "He had a very analytical mind, mathematical. I admire him a great deal; I do not care much for most post-impressionism artists, but Seurat is an exception. Notable exception." He cocks his head just slightly. "There is a musical about Suerat...?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "There is, Sunday in the Park with George by Stephen Sondheim. It's centered primarily around the creation of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. Came out in the mid-80s, as I recall."

Quinn Tolliver: "I think I would like that musical, then," he notes. "I like musicals in general, really. And movies, do you like movies? Or...what do you like, besides music? Do you have passions?" By now, their tea service order must have been taken, at least!

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'll see if I can get you a copy then." He nodded with a small smirk. "I bounce between different things, honestly. Music, movies, video games...anything that tells a good story and makes you feel what the writers wanted to show the world."

Quinn Tolliver: Another furtive, beaming sort of smile. "Me too," Quinn agrees. "I did not see movies until I was a teenager, but once I did....it was like a whole new world, something I had never imagined. So many stories in the world. And I do not tire of the best ones, even if they are told in a hundred different ways." He bites his lip, studying his hands for a moment. "I have not played video games."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed. It's always interesting to see how they coax a new plant from the old seed, as it were." A curious look settled as Quinn continued, however. "Where did you grow up that you didn't experience that, out of curiosity?"

Quinn Tolliver: "Oh," he replies, as if realizing he's forgotten to relate his humble beginnings. "I was raised - well, in two places. When my parents were in the field doing research, I was able to go with them. But if they were here, I was at school. Boarding school, ah, it was a special school." Quinn's tone is placid, matching his body language - but his napkin is not at a right angle and perpendicular to the edge of the table, so he makes a minute adjustment to orient it. "But when they were in the field, they did research into the customs of the Sami people, an indigenous nation that lives across the far northern Scandinavian countries and a little bit into Russia."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Wow...that must've been something." He looked rather intrigued, all told. "I moved a good bit myself, although it was all in the States, up and down the East Coast. My father's an engineer and we went with him for most of the projects he worked on."

Quinn Tolliver: "I liked living with the Sami very much," Quinn admits. "I was at a school for the gifted, and I graduated from school very young. And then on to NYU, I was.." He bites his lip, hesitating. "I was fifteen and even more awkward than I am now." He does not sound particularly bothered by the fact that he may harbor some awkward tendencies! "But. I made friends at NYU, and one summer I saved up all year and I went to see my Sami family for the whole summer." His features shine with genuine love. "My Sami family. My samily."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "NYU...nice. Have a few friends who went there. Was at Stanford myself, both for music and business; something 'useful', as my father put it." He allowed himself a small smirk, nodding as Quinn continued. "Good stuff."

Quinn Tolliver: Quinn tilts his head, gaze lifting back to Jeremiah. "You went to Stanford? I wanted to go to Stanford, but NYU had the programs I needed to become a conservator." He opens his mouth to add more, but falters; luckily, their tea service arrives! Quinn watches while everything is set up; he sets a hand on the teapot, gesturing to Jeremiah. "May I?"