Blake Wallace/Renown

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Cunning 1: Planned and lead the successful ambush in the hunt of Joyful-Death, an addiction/death magath.

Cunning 2: Used their human connections to secure Turs around Loci from further human encroachment.

Glory 1: Initiated into the Suthar Anzuth, surviving the Trenton Talons' gauntlet.

Glory 2: Physically restrained Uratha in the throes of the First Change and Kuruth in Dalu, on multiple occasions.

Glory 3: Joined the Lodge of Garm, laboring under their Ban in the Trial, and meeting the Jaws of Garm.

Glory 4: Slew a renowned Predator King warlord, Packbreaker Roark, in single combat.

Honor 1: Mediated an intra-group conflict, while doing the Talons' initation.

Purity 1: Changed under Mother Luna's brightest face, Blake bears the Warrior's brands.

Purity 2: TBD

Purity 3: TBD

Purity 4: TBD

Purity 5: TBD