Lethia Rose/Hooks

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The Crone: Adosinda claims to have been present (and awake) for the founding of the Circle of the Crone. Therefore, she considers it her duty to present the recruitment pitch to any Unaligned Kindred that she comes across.

The Succubus Club: The Succubus Club advertises itself as welcoming to everyone, and Adosinda does mean 'everybody'. With private, soundproofed rooms every desire and want can be catered to away from the prying eyes of the public. And while the club may be too young to have dark rumors yet, there are whispers of a fighting pit underneath the glitter of the main dance floor.

Killed a Prince in Berlin, Never Going Back to Berlin: Adosinda has, at one point or another, been kicked out of almost every major European city for crimes ranging from insubordination to killing a reigning Prince (He was attacking Crone members, so it's okay).

Drinks and Knows Things: With centuries of experience, Adosinda has a wealth of supernatural knowledge. With information ranging from what happens to a werewolf when you skin it, to how to make drugs from Changeling blood, there are few topics she doesn't know.