Lev Zaderikhvost/Introduction

From From Dusk till Jawn
Revision as of 03:29, 2 April 2023 by PatchedSails (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lev's got big eyes made bigger behind strong prescription lenses, though his curly hair is always just long enough to be in the way. Dark hair, dark eyes, he dresses somewhere between a farmer and a grandpa in public - old sweaters and corduroys, occasionally a flannel. 'Cozy' is a word some would use, but his expression always seems to be slightly far away. Never quite in the moment. You wouldn't know by looking how much time he spends outdoors doing physical labor - he...")
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Lev's got big eyes made bigger behind strong prescription lenses, though his curly hair is always just long enough to be in the way. Dark hair, dark eyes, he dresses somewhere between a farmer and a grandpa in public - old sweaters and corduroys, occasionally a flannel. 'Cozy' is a word some would use, but his expression always seems to be slightly far away. Never quite in the moment. You wouldn't know by looking how much time he spends outdoors doing physical labor - he's slight, his skin stubbornly pale.