Logs:Just Dropping By

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Murano Glassworks, followed by Aurelio's apartment


Scene takes place on 8/4/20

Aurelio Menegi: While the rain poured outside the kilns of the glass studio kept those within comfortably warm, even one particular artisan who carried around his own natural heater thanks to the touch of Summer upon him. His last project of the day was resting in the annealing oven as the Torrent went about cleaning his station, sparing the deluge outside a glance now and again as he worked.

Jack Martingale: Fortunately for Jack, he chose to take the bus this evening, rather than his motorcycle. Unfortunately, SEPTA and the driving rain rarely mix well, and he shows up at the studio looking quite a bit less put together, and quite a lot more dripping wet, than he'd planned. And umbrella is nonexistent, and at least he's got an outer layer that's not his fancy leather jacket. It doesn't look like a raincoat, though, and he runs his fingers through his wet hair, shaking his hand off on the ground as he uses the other to knock on the doorframe.

Wet as it is, his mien is actually slightly smeared.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio looked up at the knock, smiling warmly as he motioned Jack inside. "Quite the storm, no? You alright, barring the wet?"

Jack Martingale: "'S a fucking mess out there, fuck..." Jack shakes his head, water flying out from his hair, and stands just inside the door, dripping. "Knew it was coming, still didn't think it'd be this bad. Thank fuck I didn't bring my bike out today..." He shudders at the thought. "Been...decent. Yeah. A little surprising, given the whole bullshit with the tree an' all, but. You know how it goes. Shit go alright on your end?"

He gives Aurelio a once-over. Appreciating the man, sure, but there's a layer there that's maybe new. Like he's making sure Aurelio is alright.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio appeared hale and hearty in all aspects, showing no physical issues as he went about finishing up for the evening. "Some close calls, including me, but we held our own until the tree calmed. Was looked over after and patched up."

Jack Martingale: "Good. I um. Mmm." Jack raises a hand to his hair again, distracted, and there's a flash of a bright ring around his finger. Not large, but eye catching.


"My - boyfriend and my partner and I - we got engaged." His smile is warm, but he looks...a little guilty? A little nervous, definitely. "Lux proposed, and it doesn't - we're not closing the relationship or anything, but. Thoughtyoushouldknow." He says the last bit to the floor, clearly preparing for the worst. "Totally get it if it changes shit."

Aurelio Menegi: Pale eyes went towards the ring as it drew attention to itself by its own nature, a curious look forming. As Jack gave the explanation there was a brief pause before he offered a smile, nodding quietly. "Is a good thing, and good to know. i was wed before I was Taken and it brought happy times. May it do the same for you, and i am good to add my own part to it."

Jack Martingale: "...Thank you." It comes out in a bit of a relieved, if confused, rush. "I'm - I'm sorry you lost that, yourself...." Jack follows Aurelio's eyes, and takes a few steps forward to show him the ring. In the center of a dark band that shimmers with subtle rainbow is the focal point - a glittering rainbow opal that's impossible to ignore. "Lux made one for each of us - all a little different. They did a stunning job." Jack's cheeks scrawl with scribbles, and his smile is warm and adoring as he talks.

Aurelio Menegi: "Welcome. As I said before, I am fine to be a spoke on the wheel if it means being a part of it." He moved forward to look over the ring when it was shown, nodding with approval. "Impressive...spun, no?"

Jack Martingale: "Mhm. No more sneaking around without Light Shy." Jack grins, happy to flaunt the thing a little - and offer his hand for Aurelio a closer look. "Did you finish up that commissioned piece with the ravens?"

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio took the offered hand to look the ring over further, the chill of the marble as bracing as always if not more so in Jack's current state. "I did, yes, and they were quite pleased."

Jack Martingale: Jack can't hold back a slight shudder at the cold stone, but doesn't pull his hand away. "That's good. You uh...got any plans, for the evening? Prob'ly should'a texted first, but I was..." he gestures vaguely. "Kinda...in the area. Figured I'd stop by at least, even if you're busy."

Aurelio Menegi: A note of concern flashed across the Torrent's stony features at the shudder, smoothing back out when Jack didn't pull away. "Nothing of note, no. If you...wish to come over you may. Since you are here and whatnot."

Jack Martingale: Jack smirks, and raises his eyebrows. "You just saying that to be polite?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Not just." Aurelio shook his head, his own expression a mix of hesitant and hopeful. "I would enjoy your company if you wish to give it."

Jack Martingale: "I"m here, aren't I? Showed up on your doorstep without even texting first. What's that say about how I feel about your company?" Jack twines his fingers with Aurelio's and tugs on the man's ,pulling him close.

"How d'you feel about..." he pauses, his mouth centimeters from Aurelio's ear, and glances around the place. "...semi-public displays of affection?"

Aurelio Menegi: The Torrent moved along with the tug, smirking at the whispered words. The studio was mostly empty at this point, what with the current hour and the weather, so what was the harm? "No issue there..."

Jack Martingale: Jack tightens his hand around Aurelio's before twisting it behind the man's back. Not to hurt, not at all, but to hold the Elemental tightly around the waist. His mouth presses against his jaw, then hard against his lips, his hair still trailing water down his cheeks.

"I'm glad you're safe," he mutters when he pulls away, his smile a little sheepish, now.

Aurelio Menegi: There was a brief moment of tension at the sudden movement, but as the embrace revealed itself and the kisses followed Aurelio relaxed into both, returning the kiss on the lips in kind. Looking over the kiss on his jawline would show a faint layer of frost from the water hitting that cold stone, melting away in short order thanks to the warmth of the kilns. "And i you." he replied with a small smile. "Give a moment to finish and we can go, hmm?

Jack Martingale: "Not sure how long I can wait..." Jack flashes Aurelio a grin, but lets him go after another lingering kiss.

"Any clever ideas for keeping me warm, between the rain and...you?" Jack watches him return to his work, open desire on his face as scribbles darken on his cheeks.

Aurelio Menegi: "Can think of a few..." he replied with a small smirk, stepping back to his station to tidy up the last few things and make sure that the kiln was properly shut down for the evening. "One reason I joined the Spear, after all."

Jack Martingale: "Oh?" Jack's eyebrows go up a little, like he's actually curious now, rather than just openly flirting with the man. "I know your mantle is warm, what else can you do?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Can invoke either heat or cold as the Sun gives or takes, although it can be...overbearing in close spaces. Don't use it too much off the field."

Jack Martingale: "Ah...I'm having visions of a sauna. I don't hate the sound of that." Jack grins and leans against the wall.