Logs:Shrouded Scavengers

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Ianthe Spicy


Dumpster Diving in Philly


Spicy is dressed in a hoodie with the hood pulled up and loose sweatpants and possibly something underneath her hoodie she's concealing (Baseball bat) and she's waiting for Ianthe, waiting outside next to a big building and bouncing into place, the instruction were given simply: scavenging stuff to get what she needs to work her magic to help out in other ways.

Ianthe's dressed fairly casually, today: jeans and teeshirt, with a coat over top. She's careful not to startle the other woman as she approaches, given the situation, instead calling out to her from a few meters away. "This where we're getting the thing from, or are we going somewhere else first?"

"I don't really got money to get materials off of." A shrug and a look about. "And I'm not that great at figuring where things might be, so I just kind of need to do a bit of dumpster diving and that means. Is that alright with you?" she taps her arm on the wall and a metallic thunk is heard "carrying a bat and like some empty shopping bag."

"I'm standing watch, then? That works for me." Ianthe shrugs slightly. "Lead on."

"Hey, you can dive in if you want to." Spicy walks right behind the taller building she's been standing against, going through the back alley first thing first. "Thanks for joining me."

"No problem." Ianthe follows a few steps behind the other woman. "I might not be great at finding people who don't want to be found, but this I can help with."

The large/tall building was selected for a couple of reasons and one of them was obviously the number of dumpsters and second, possibly because it's easier to find something of value in rich people's trash. Usually. "Once night fully hits, I can hide us with some tricks I got." she approaches the first dumpster and looks around it in the boxes left beside for any appliances she might find at first glance.

"Oh, I know how to hide myself, if that's a concern. Unless you don't have the trick of just hiding yourself?" Ianthe leans against the wall a few meters away from the dumpsters, keeping an eye out for anyone coming their way.

"If we really get in trouble, I got Whisper of Morning." She explains "I have Cloak of Night too, always useful to have." A soft grin. In one of the box she pulls out a toasted wrapped in it's own electric cord. Pulls out a bag from the hoodie, then plop the toaster down in it.

"I just have Light-Shy," Ianthe admits. "But, well, stealth isn't exactly my forte, for obvious reasons." To another Changeling, anyway, since they can see the soft glow the Bright One's marble body constantly gives off. "Want me to carry that?"

Spicy throws the bag right at Ianthe, an easy throw really. "Sure, might get heavier as we go." Spicy flip the lip of the dumpster over for a moment, she moves some bags around, then moves away from it, heading toward the next with a fast, decided step.

Catching the bag easily, Ianthe pushes off the building, following Spicy to the next dumpster.

The second dumpster's area, she approaches the boxes next to it and awwws. "Looks likes there's a cat who really like this box." she reaches inside of it and pets the beast before then moving to the dumpster in itself. She looks inside "Hmm, looks mostly like mite-infested bedding or some such." She looks to Ianthe "No one coming over?"

"Nope. Looks clear for now." Beat. "Maybe skip the infested bedding."

Spicy drops from the dumpster and then produce her aluminum bat from inside of her hoodie, rolling her shoulders a bit. "Not super comfortable to keep that under the hoodie for a while." She slide the bat back up her sleeve. She nod toward the next dumpsters, only 3 more to go behind this particular building.

"Maybe talk to Sigrún about getting something you can concealed carry comfortably made up, then?" Ianthe suggests, twitching her coat open briefly to reveal the sword strapped to a shoulder holster.

"If only getting papers made was as easy." Spicy seems a little frustrated for a moment and taps her fist against the dumpster. "I could be fucking working for a five-star restaurant or making scultpure that goes into Magazines and shit." she walks slowly toward "But nooo, I gotta dumpster dive." she roll her eyes.

"Lot of people in that boat," Ianthe nods. "There anyone in your court good with computer shit? If there is, might be worth talking to them about the problem, seeing as Mearcstapa's help isn't an option right now."

"Er... I have no idea. The only person I think might be good with computer is Glitch." Spicy moves to the third dumpster. The dumpster looks beaten up and the boxes next to it are full of metal bits. "Hmm, someone's been doing some construction."

"...In that case, maybe ask Sigrún to pass on a message. I don't have his contact info, sorry." She glances at Spicy, then. "Or you could try going to Doll Wood, she does a lot of the Summer paperwork."

"That's an option. Never met Doll though." Spicy moves closer and grabs a cooler with the handle to carry it broken, filled with metallic bits, she simply drop the bits into an adjacent box and picks it up under her arm. She looks inside that dumpster. "Hmm yeah this was a project, there's a lot of broken construction stuff in here."

"I could get you an introduction, if you want." Ianthe moves, moving closer to peer into the dumpster herself. "Yeah? What do you think they were building?"

"Honestly this feels like they were breaking down walls and making space for more stuff. Lots of plaster and metal wires." she step away from the dumpster. "Probably remaking the kitchen or bathroom instead of talking about the real problem in their couple."

"Because why go to counselling when you can just have a midlife crisis, right?" Ianthe snorts. "I'm glad that's not something I'll ever need to worry about, frankly."

"Are you also Aromantic?" She asks as she slowly make her way out of the area to go to the fourth dumpster, staring around curiously, just in case someone decides to be a little precious about the trash they left behind.

"Oh, yeah. Friendship is cool and all, but I've never seen the point of going beyond that, you know?" Ianthe also glances around, then follows Spicy to the next dumpster.

"Oh, good to know!" Spicy gives a thumbs up and bump her fist against Ianthe's shoulder and then goes toward it. There's a pile of bag beside the dumpster and the smell is abject and spicy wrinkle her nose. "Nope, next."

"Noted." Ianthe glances at the pile of bags, then back to Spicy. "Do you actually play baseball, or just carry the bat?"

"I don't, the bat is purely for knocking fools around." Spicy admits and chuckle. "Without being like, really fucking suspicious with the +1 frigid great cleaver of overcompensating for something."

"Fair enough," Ianthe chuckles. "Not a problem I've ever faced, but then I prefer short blades, if I have to get in close."

Spicy approaches the final dumpster of this particular alley and there seem to be a few appliances, dryers and washing machines and it seems to be the recycling spot of the whole building. "Hmm there might be a thing I can use here." she looks at Ianthe. "I might need some range option, either through magic or like, throwing something."

"Well, if you're interested, I could teach you how to use a bow, next time we're both free," Ianthe offers. "I don't know if you've met Rosalyn Solfrig, but she offers archery training as well, I'm fairly sure."

"Yes, I met her, she was getting followed by horses." She kneels next to a cardboard box and pulls a few brightly colored packs from it with a grin. "Someone got asked for a better lunch box." She approached the rest of the appliances and fishes out a messed up combination lock too, dropping it into the cooler she got earlier.

"Makes sense. She's a stablehand on this side of things, I think." Ianthe glances at the box, then arches an eyebrow at Spicy. "Not a fan of Finding Nemo anymore, d'you reckon?"

"Or someone grew out of their Frozen phase, maybe." She showcase the Olaf shaped icepacks. "And yeah It was near Fairmount Park I think."

"So what you're saying is they decided to let it go, then?" Ianthe smirks at the other woman.

"Certainly feels like it!" She hums the tune, badly, but she does and even does a little few twilring dance step on the way there.

Ianthe chuckles at that. "Anything else you want here, or should we move on to the next one?"

"I mostly have what I need to do the fridge idea, but I might like, use the toaster for something else, if there's like..." she shrugs "Another item I can find, do you know of any good spots?"

"For dumpster diving? Not really, no." Ianthe glances at the other woman. "What else are you looking for?"

"I could make Mearc something to heat up food with the toaster if I had something else to merge it with?" She tilt her head to the side.

"Oh, okay. Maybe a microwave or something, then?" Ianthe considers the other woman. "Might be worth asking Lux or somebody to Light-Shy an appliance store and find one, in that case."

"Oh nah, just a metallic box might do, I'm planning to jury rig this thing together, I don't need a microwave, I'm trying to make something like it." a soft chuckle. follows

"Oh, right. In that case we can hit a hardware store, bunch of them will have metal boxes, or the materials to make one."

"Nearest one of those is?" She taps her chin and considers the options there, trying to figure out where the nearest would be.

"One second." Ianthe pulls out her phone, unlocking it and pulling up Google Maps. "There's one a few blocks from here, it looks like." She says after a few minutes. "Do you wanna walk there, or take my car?"

"Car works for me." She smiles and looks around. "Where is it parked?"

"Across the road. It's not too far, though." Ianthe leads the way of the alley and towards a reasonably old Honda Civic. It's in good condition, but not especially flashy, particularly given its age.

Spicy set her gathered things in the backseat before claiming the passenger seat, not like the ogress was going to drive anyway. "Thanks!"

"No problem." Ianthe assures the other woman, climbing into the driver's seat. A short while later, they're pulling into the hardware store's parking lot. May 28, 2020

"Just so you know, i'm still planning on grabbing stuff from the trash, I have absolutely no money to like... buy any of this stuff." She mentions, once she realize this might not have been something she made clear.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Ianthe shrugs. "I can spare the cash to get this one thing."

"Sure!" She steps out of the car once they're parked, going along with Ianthe. "Just like, a sheet of metal will do fine." she motion with her hand. "Like a cooking plaque would work."

"Oh, that's easy to get." Ianthe leads the way into the store, navigating it adeptly enough. "Say like a foot and a half each side?"

"Yep!" She smiles "I can always stretch it out if it's too small, but i'm pretty sure that'll be good." Spicy follows after Ianthe, stuffing her hand into her hoodie's pocket.

"Cool." They find a relevantly-sized piece of metal fairly quickly, thanks to the assistance of a Convenient NPC, and Ianthe takes it up to the checkout to pay for.

Spicy follows about as best she can, looking about the place curiously as they made their way to the check out counter. "Well, that went quickly."

"Helps that we knew what we were looking for, and it's the kind of thing they sell a lot of, I suspect." Ianthe shrugs slightly. Also that her player knows fuck all about this stuff, so just handwaved it.

"Alright, I think I'm good to go home and fix all of this stuff together!" She offers with a celebratory throwing of hand in the air!

"You need a lift there, or are you good?" The hand-throwing gets an amused glance, as Ianthe doesn't join in.

"Yeah, a ride would be nice, I,d look really dumb carrying all this stuff on my way there." She scratch the back of her head.

"No problem. Just give me the address once we're back in the car, so I know where to turn and the like."

"Sure!" Spicy moves toward the car. (I'd like to fade, I need to go grab some food. Also take a beat for scavenging the parts)