Logs:Work Ethic and Ethical Non-Monogamy

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Fairmount Park, near St. George and the Dragon


It's not far from the statue of Saint George and the Dragon--just a ways down a less populated sidewalk. The concrete currently has an explosion of color on it. Don't worry, no criminal acts here(Probably)--it's colored chalk, not anything permanent. A rainbow of color that look vaguely like surreal flowers, with a few brightly colored hummingbirds flitting through the swirling shapes.

Lux is on their knees, absolutely covered in colored chalk. It's on their hands, smudged on their arms and cheeks and clothes. (Which today are sneakers, tights underneath jean cut off short-shorts, and a crop top.) They don't seem to mind, just scribbling away wildly. There's headphones over their ears, no doubt blaring music.

This is one of Aaron's favorite parks in the city-- and the city has some fabulous parks. It's just so BIG. It makes a perfect place to go biking. And given he's a human with a little doggo in constant need of stimulation, this makes the perfect place to go biking with the aforesaid doggo. So picture if you will a thoroughly nerdy looking bear of a man on a big yellow road bike with a child seat in which has been safely secured a tiny frizzy brown little doggo with a tiny doggo bike helmet and a little tiny doggo safety harness, furiously sniffing at everything as he goes zoomy zoom on his dad's bike. If it makes it better, the doggo's helmet is painted white with a red star, Speed Racer style. Only it's a star of David, instead. Because Aaron is a dork.

When he spots Lux performing artful shamdalism, he kicks out his legs and ceases pedaling, then weaves back and forth across the path during the whole of his approach. If he were traveling more rapidly, this would be an opportune time to shout 'wheee!'. He does not shout whee, he just says it with jokey faux-enthusiasm.

Well. Even with the headphones on and being in the art zone, it's impossible to miss that. They glance up distractedly, at first, then do a double take, blinking wide-eyed as they watch him approach.

The piece of chalk they're holding drops and they jump to their feet to meet him half way, though lets be honest--their eyes are focused on the illegally cute dog in the basket, basically swooning. The headphones are tugged down to drape around their neck. "Lookityou! Aren't you so adorable!"

Chewda is, in point of fact, ridiculously cute. Cuter than any little wiry haired mongrel has any right to be, in fairness. When Aaron wheels to a stop near Lux, he stands himself and his bike up so that Lux can properly fawn over the pupper as he is due such adoration. "You can unclip him and pick him up, if you like, Lux. He could probably do for a little run about, just don't let him off the leash." Aaron then speaks down to his pupper, "Look who it is, Chewie. It's Lux! Say shalom, Chewie!" BORK! Wagwagwag.

"I absolutely want to." Lux carefully unclips the pupper before scooping up into his hands--alas smudging rainbow colors all over the little thing's fur. "Ahhh he's so cute! I didn't even know they made dog helmets. I'm gonna fucking die, oh my god." There is must snoot booping, fur scritching, and forehead smooches. They look like they're in heaven. "You're such a spoiled little boy, huh? Does Daddy spoil you?" Lux cooes.

"I spoil him when I'm able. One of the neighbors in my building watches him a lot when I'm gone during the day." Aaron dismounts his bike and wheels it off the path to lock it up to a tree. Bikes will get up and walk away in this city if you don't lock them up. And sometimes even then. As Aaron is attending to the necessaries, Chewda is a bundle of wiggles. Just a furious little bundle of energy and licks. He has so much sniffing of Lux to do, too. So much sniffing. Aaron meanders back over, his own bike helmet still on. "He loves getting out and meeting people, though. Quite the little gadfly."

"You know, I would totally be up for taking him for walks during the day too, if he ever needs the extra exercise. I'm constantly running around, so having a little buddy would be nice, from time to time." Lux doesn't seem to mind the licks at all, grinning widely. "He is. He's such a charmer. Did you learn that from Daddy, huh?" More baby-talk to the pup.

"That would be fantastic if you could, actually. Though I imagine my neighbor will want to fight you for him. He's a popular little guy." Chewda's tail wags faster than should seem possible for a tail to wag. It's pretty impressive. Apparently Lux tastes really good. "Just don't go damaging any property while you're walking my dog, or I'll have a lot of awkward explanations to make at the shul. Right, Chewie?" Chewie could not give less of a care about Aaron right now.

"If you think I'm not willing to go to blows to get time with this precious little furry angel, you're hella wrong." Lux smirks playfully towards him. "I promise not to turn your dog into a criminal hooligan, Aaron. ...At least no felonies."

"If you could keep them to statutory misdemeanors, I'd be grateful. He's been hanging around with this Chihuahua at the dog park, and I think the little guy is involved with unsavory characters. I worry at the course his life is taking." Aaron fixes Chewie with his best concerned rabbi expression. Had you just changed your choices earlier, we might have avoided this pass. Alas. "What have you been working on, here?" He ticks his head towards the chalk work.

Lux snorts in amusement, shaking their head in mock-disappointment. "Well, I'm certainly not an unsavory character, so you're saved, Chewie." They hook the leash onto the dog before setting him down on the ground, then looks over towards the chalk mural. "Oh, hm... It's just a personal piece. Not really making a statement or anything. Just... wanted to do something... happy."

"You know. Creating beautiful things is a mitzvah. Especially when you're doing it for the sheer joy of yourself and others. I always admired creative artists for being able to just bring beauty into the world like that." Aaron steps away from Lux and his dog, pacing over to the chalk drawing, looking it over with general approval. "Looks good. Not that I'd know if it wasn't, I suppose." Aaron tilts his head thoughtfully, then looks back to Lux with a grin, "You know. I never asked what you do for a living. Are you able to live off your art?"

"Ooh. Do I get another sticker?" Lux watches him examine the artwork out of the corner of their eyes, taking in his reaction with a smile. "But... yeah, I like making beautiful things. Things that bring... color and wonder to the world. Not just call out corrupt asshole politicians and policies. Mm... Thanks. I like how it's coming out." They look down at the dog, starting to trot back and forth through the grass nearby to let the dog chase them. "Aaron, do I look like someone who can hold a 9 to 5 job?" they ask, mock offended. "Yeah, I live off of my art. Sometimes I sell paintings and drawings on the street, and occasionally get paid to do a mural." "It's not much, but... I live simply."

"No, that's the dream. Being able to live off your creations? Being your own boss? That's the dream. Money can't buy you time to spend it in. Past a certain point, it's pointless. I've never regretted a free hour in the afternoon, though." Aaron gestures around himself indicatively. "And, yeah. You seem like a person who could hold down a nine to five job. Just. Not at Kinkos." He gestures at Lux, framing them with both thumb and forefingers, picture frame style. "Strong Starbucks Barista energy, though."

"Hmm... I guess it is pretty awesome," Lux admits, rocking on their feet a bit. Then their head tilts, squinting over at him as he frames them with his fingers. "...I can't tell if that was supposed to be an insult or a compliment... But I'm leaning towards insult..."

"You haven't seen how much money I budget for caramel machiattos in a month," Aaron teases himself right back, lowering his hands with a chuckle. "My point is, that it's rarely about the individual performing the labor and all about the workplace employer the laborer. Being 'not cut out' for a nine to five job says a lot more about the job than it does about you, considering you're a kind, creative, socially engaged risk taker." This coming from a guy that rides bikes in a button down chambray blue dress shirt.

Lux blinks, then looks a little sheepish. "Oh. Hrrm. I guess. I just have trouble focusing on stuff for a long period of time," they admit. "I can't imagine, like, having to work on something for hours at a time. At least with art, if I want to get lost in a work of art, it's like... my choice. And if I only want to spend a few minutes on it and go do something else, I can do that too."

"Most people work like an hour in an eight hour day, really. The rest is just looking busy. What you've described is the most productive way to produce quality results. Motivated creativity mixed with abundant idle time. To socialize, think things over, generate new ideas and so on. Literally nobody is productive for eight straight hours. It's a myth!" Aaron slides his hands into his pockets and starts pacing back towards Lux, "My point being, it's the system that sucks. You've got a fully healthy work ethic."

"...Huh." Lux stares, looking thoughtful. "I've... never thought about it like that? I just thought my brain was broken or something."

"Right?" Aaron lifts his eyebrows significantly. "I'm pulled in a dozen directions constantly. The frenetic pace of my life works for me. People need to be allowed to find their own groove and live at their own speeds. The work will get done. Always has before, always will in the future." Aaron steps to a stop near Lux and shrugs his shoulders, "You're not defective. Nothing's broken about you."

Lux watches him for a moment, lips twitching into a warm smile. The last statement is clearly taken to heart and appreciated. Then they side-step closer to hip bump him. "How have you been, lately?'

"Busy," which is his usual answer, but it's offered back with a grin, and a hip bump of his own. "Worried about the goings on with the stagehand's local. Keeping my nose in other people's affairs at city hall. The usual. I'm working on getting a bunch of the congregation to support the pickets over at PTC." Another small shrug of the shoulders. "Happy for the change in weather? Don't know what to tell you, Lux. I'm an incredibly dull person, deep down."

Lux listens, not seeming to judge him for talking about work stuff. Though at the end they let out a soft huff. "I wish you wouldn't say things like that about yourself. Your passion for your work and about helping people is what makes you awesome, Aaron. And what attracts me to you. If you really were a dull person, deep down, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be interested in you."

"I'm a what you see is what you get person, for the most part. That's all. And self-effacing humor is the currency of my people." Aaron gestures wide with his arms, as though he were blameless for his own personality faults. "But you're right. I shouldn't speak poorly of your friends. I'll be kinder to myself for your sake."

Fairmount park is pretty out of the way for Jack, but sometimes you just gotta get away from Center City and all the bullshit there, especially on a day like this. It's the perfect time for a walk, anyway. So he's got earbuds in, his leather jacket slung over his shoulder as he meanders through the place, taking his time to soak in the budding trees and blooming flowers. Even from a ways away he spots Lux's familiar neon glow and grins wide, speeding up his pace as he gets closer to them and Aaron.

Reposting from earlier: It's not far from the statue of Saint George and the Dragon--just a ways down a less populated sidewalk. The concrete currently has an explosion of color on it. Don't worry, no criminal acts here(Probably)--it's colored chalk, not anything permanent. A rainbow of color that look vaguely like surreal flowers, with a few brightly colored hummingbirds flitting through the swirling shapes.

Also Lux is standing beside Aaron, holding the leash of the CUTEST PUPPER EVER. They're covered in smudges of colored chalk.

"Good." Lux reaches up to boop him on the nose. "You deserve kindness, especially from yourself."

They notice Jack approaching, lips quirking up into a wider grin. "Hey you!" they call out, lifting a hand to wave.

Alas, Aaron has only the very bog standard neon glow of the chalk to enjoy. Lux's day-glow appearance is lost to him. (Pardon the pub.) Aaron perks up a bit when Lux waves to the newcomer, turning in that direction to likewise offer a wave to Jack. "Well. Small world. Are your ears burning?" He's dressed like a walk on to the set of the next Aaron Sorkin project. Chambray shirt and khakis.

Jack lifts up a hand to wave at Lux, and fiddles with his phone for a few seconds before pulling his earbuds out. "Hey." He's grinning, his cheeks a little flushed. "Should they be?" He asks Aaron, and runs a distracted hand through his hair. It's a little less neat than it may have been the last time Aaron saw him - and his jeans and union branded t-shirt, paired with faded black Docs, are certainly more casual than the businesswear he'd been wearing then.

Lux smirks. "Aaron just mentioned the union. Said he was worried. You should tell him the good news!"

"Yes," Aaron agrees at once, "You should definitely tell me the good news." He watches Jack with interest.

"We had a meeting yesterday - I'm heading up a committee to...research future high profile events. To help make sure things like the bullshit at the fashion show won't have the unoin's name attached to them." He flushes a little more as he talks, and ducks his head. "Or at least, so the union'll know about them in advance. Was a long fucking meeting, I talked a lot."

"That's not all of it," Lux says with a bright, proud grin. "Jack is going to be leading the committee, too!"

"Well. Congratulations, chairman Martingale. You see? We said you could do it, and you have. Well done." Aaron scratches at his cheek for a momentary thought. "Speaking of the fashion show. Did anything come of the business with Merlino showing up? Not really my wheelhouse."

Jack kicks at the ground with a smile. And then realized there's a dog, and his eyes light up. "What a good pup." Jack kneels down, entirely distracted for a moment. "I...yeah, thanks." He glances back up at Aaron. "Haven't heard anything about Merlino, just that the union had no fucking clue. Which's good, I'd..." he grimaces. "Make things sticky, if we were in his pocket. You know?"

"Yeah, I'm glad to know that. And ah! Isn't he so cute? His name is Chewie and he's the best dog in the world and Aaron is going to let me walk him sometimes," Lux says in an excited rush, crouching down as well to give the pupper some pets.

"Sticky is one word for it," Aaron concurs as he, too, crouches down to admire his own pet. The doggo in question has a body harness on, and is wearing a little white bike helmet, but for pups. It is probably mostly costume and very little practical protection, but it's also painted like Speed Racer's helmet. Sort of. It's very cute. The dog himself is a little wiry haired ball of wiggly nervous energy. "Chewda Maccabee is his proper name. I call him Chewie, though." There's a little resemblance between him and Chewbacca. They're both brown, furry, and growl a lot.

"Chewda." Jack gives the pup scritches around his helmet and harness. "what a good dog you are, yes..." His voice rises in pitch as he coos to the dog. "Man, if you need anyone else to walk him ever...and I'm ever free..."

"Ugh. He's just. So cute. It should be illegal to be this cute," Lux whines, then smirks when Jack also offers. "Aaron, I think I'm seeing a business opportunity. You can rent out your dog and make bank." Then a curious look to Jack. "I didn't realize you were a dog person, Jack."

"There are two types of people in the world. Dog people and monsters. Jack is no monster, ergo..." Aaron's view of the dog people / cat people divide is pretty simple, apparently. "That's how logic works, right?" Aaron reaches out to give the most spoiled dog in Philly some more scritches on his posterior. "You can feel free to set up times to come and visit him and take him walkies. I was telling Lux that one of my neighbors in my building, she walks him for me when I've got longer than normal days. Or perhaps I should say she doesn't walk him when I have shorter than normal ones. Heh.'

"Yeah, had a beagle growing up." Jack's smile is a little sad. "I'd absolutely get a retriever now if I had the time or the space, but I'd absolutely rent Chewie from you for walkies." A few more scritches behind the ear.

"Aww..." Lux frowns briefly at Jack, watching him with a plotting sort of expression...

Then they snort and bump Aaron. "I can't argue that. I'm not much of an animal person, myself--not that I don't like them, I just have no idea how to take care of them. I've never had pets before. I've considered getting some fish? Like, I've seen some in pet stores that have glowy tanks and stuff, and it looks cool. But dogs like this are awesome."

"From what I'm told, keeping a tank of tropical fish is way more work than keeping a dog. Dogs want to do what you want. Just show them what to do and reinforce the good behavior with attention and treats. I've managed to train Chewda to do a bunch of practical things. Like sit, stay, heel, get it, bed... And a few totally useless ones. Watch." Aaron gets his dog's attention, "Chewie. Chewie. What do you do when you say the Shema, Chewie?" The dog sits up and covers his eyes with his paws as best he's able. It takes a couple of tries. "Awh, you'll pass your bark mitzvah for sure."

Jack huffs in amusement at the dog, and nods. "Yeah, fish are a big deal. And you can't cuddle 'em like dogs, so they've never really been for me. But you could totally get neon and reflective shit for a dog to wear - what d'you think, Chewie, would you wear neon?"

"Oh... Hrm." Lux purses their lips when Aaron says it's a lot of work, suddenly loosing interest... But then Chewie is being the Best Pupper Ever and Lux melts, hands cupping their cheeks. "Ooooh my gooooood... He's so precious..." Their eyes light up, eyeing the dog thoughtfully. "Oooh... I would totally dress up my dog in the most ridiculous of ways, if I had one."

"Well. If you want to learn about dog handling, come hang out with Chewie some times. I can teach you his commands and you can even work with him on learning a new one. Once you've seen that you can train a pup, maybe you'll be able to have your own with greater confidence in your abilities." Aaron pats the pupper on the behind again and notes, "With that said, though, I need to be getting back home. Chewie needs water and food, I need dinner yet, and a shower. I can catch up with you both later, however, if you've no other plans for the evening."

"Sure thing," Lux says to Aaron. Giving one last pup pat, then stands. "It was good to see you again, Aaron. Maybe we'll catch you later, yeah." Their hand rests briefly against his arm. "If not, take care."

"'S nice to see you, I'm up for some sort of hangout later. No work tonight." Jack gives Chewie one last, affectionate ear scritch, and stands with a groan.

Aaron takes his pupper up from the ground and clips his harness into the bike seat. Chewie doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact his tail is wagging ferociously. ZOOMIE SMELLS TIME. Aaron pauses to send Lux a wink and a warm smile before reclaiming his bike and scooting off down the path again. He offers a wave while giving two rings with his little handlebar bell. Brring brring!

Lux watches him ride off for a moment, then sighs heavily, head rolling to the side to look at Jack. "He's such a hot cuddly teddy bear, don't you think?"

"Oh you're smitten, aren't you." Jack grins and winks. "He definitely is. Does he know you think he's a hot, cuddly teddy bear?"

"I don't know if I would say smitten." Their lips purse in thought. "I'm... interested?" Their shoulders lift. "Yeah. I told him I was attracted to him--kind of in that joking-but-not-joking way. Uh. He asked me out to dinner? But I haven't really... followed up on it yet. I wanted to talk to you and Mearcstapa first, but this week has kinda been one explosion after another."

"Oooh." Jack plants a soft kiss on the side of their head. "I say go for it, if Mearcstapa's okay with it. He's cute and seems sweet. I'd like to get to know him better too, honestly. In a 'hey I think we've got similar goals in life' way."

Lux nods. "I kind of want to? Go to dinner with him. But I'm also kind of... I dunno. Not scared." They think for a moment. "Guilty?"

"Yeah? 'Cause he works at City Hall and you're a delinquent?" He says it fondly, with a smile.

They snort. "No--because..." They pause to look around to check no one is in eavesdropping distance, then shrugs back to him. "I would have to hide everything from him. And, like... I already hide a lot from everyone. But part of what has drawn me and you and Mearcstapa closer is... is being able to be honest. And show who I am. I couldn't ever do that with him. I'd have to keep him at arms length, and I think that would make me feel a little emotionally detached? I kind of feel like I'd be... leading him on. And he's really sweet and apparently hasn't dated anyone in years, so I don't want it to turn into a one sided thing?"

"...Oh." Jack nods. "Yeah, that...that's a hard line to walk. And it's really hard to get that point across to someone when you can't tell them anything. D'you want comfort or advice? Can't promise good advice, but..." He slips his hand into Lux's.

"I'll take advice," Lux says, lacing fingers through his.

"Go on the date. See how it goes, see...see if there's a way to talk, hypothetically, about knowing that everyone has secrets. And whether he'd be willing to not know everything about you." There's a beat. "Or, alternatively, go on the date and end it by telling him he's a great friend, and that you wanna be his wingmate, and help him find someone who doesn't have to hide the shit we do."

Lux falls quiet as they think over the advice, brushing a thumb over the back of Jack's hand. "...That makes sense. Even if I can't tell him everything, I guess I could at least... be honest about not telling him everything? And--he's pretty good about... not asking questions, if it puts him at risk. Um, like, he doesn't like knowing about the illegal graffiti I do and stuff, just so he has plausible deniability. I guess I could make it... a thing like that. Though he'd probably assume I'm some big time criminal or something..."

"Jane...thinks I went to rehab. 'S kinda how it is, people are gonna make their assumptions and it's not like we can tell 'em any different. And I think...if he really thinks you're a big time criminal that neither of you are gonna wanna be much besides friends. But I don't know him all that well, so I shouldn't assume what he's into."

They huff softly. "Who knows. He has kind of a rebellious side. If he was that clean cut I wouldn't be interested. But... yeah. Okay. If you're cool with it, I'll at least go to dinner with him. Assuming Mearcstapa is okay with it. I'm not sure if it would be weird for him or not."

"Look, I may just want you to get close to him so I've got a better shot at hanging out with Chewie." Jack grins, teasing, and wraps his arm around Lux's waist to pull them to his side. "I'm totally cool with it. And I wanna know all the details, because I live on the gossip from your love life."

"Of course you will, babe. I'm not going in expecting that much. He's not even sure how he feels about the poly thing, and he doesn't seem the type to... rush things anyway? So I'm expecting dinner to just be... testing the waters." They kiss him on the lips, hands sliding into his back pockets. "Mmm... You do, huh?" they tease, grinning.

"'S not like I've got much in that department that you don't already know about, but...yeah. I like hearing about what you get up to. Just...you being happy, and excited about something makes me happy and excited. And...y'know, it's maybe kinda hot sometimes." A scribble drifts across his cheeks, and he kisses Lux back.

Lux smirks. "Ah, well. Then I won't feel too bad about it. I just want you to know you're special. You and Mearcstapa. I wouldn't mind occasionally having... a datemate or something? But I don't think I'm ready to... completely open my heart to someone else, like I have you two. Still, I'm happy to gossip with you." They pull back, grabbing his hand to lead over to the not-quite finished hummingbird sidewalk drawing. "What do you think? I did it for Mearcstapa."

"You make me feel very special, babe. No worries there. And yeah I mean, I dunno if I'm ever gonna give up my one night stands - even just for practical reasons," he says with a huff of amusement. "You having datemates is totally fine by me." Another kiss before he eyes the drawing. "'S gorgeous, as per usual. Didn't wanna be a criminal today, and use paint?"

"The one night stands are cool with me, too. I like hearing about them. Then working to make you feel so good you forget all about them," they say smugly. Lux shrugs. "Nah, I wanted to be able to take my time with it, not... spray it up then run." They lean into him. "Want to help me finish it?"

"Bold of you to assume I remember my one night stands." Jack chuckles. "'F you want, yeah I can help. Gonna have to actually run back to my place after to get more clothes, I think, though, after. These are my last clean pants."

"Sure, we can go back to your place after and get you out of your clothes," Lux says far too casually. They offer over some chalk, then point to a section that has already been traced out. "Just fill in the colors I've already marked, and I'll go back and blend them." They grabs up some chalk for themself and go down onto a knee to start scribbling away, laying down blocks of color then going in with their hands to smear and smooth them out, and adding more detail here and there. "So... last night was actually... really nice. After things settled down, I mean."

Jack flops down on the sidewalk and starts to scribble. For all that he hasn't really expressed much in the way of creativity around Lux, it doesn't take too long before he's smearing and smudging the chalk too, matching their example. It's maybe a little rougher, maybe, but he doesn't shy away from covering his hands - and his jeans, and a smudge across his face, eventually - in brightly colored chalk.

"It was I...I think we all kinda needed it. After the shitshow that the past week's been."

Lux glances over when he smudges and smears, blinking a bit, then smiling wider. They don't correct anything, embracing having his skill be a part of it rather than nitpick. "I think so, too. It felt really good to wake up beside both of you. I'm really glad you two have gotten more comfortable with each other."

"He's...I feel like I know almost nothing about him. And I wanna change that, 'cause he's definitely worth me getting to know better. And fuck, if I could always have two whole people to wake up tangled in, that'd be ideal. I think."

Lux gives Jack some quiet side-eye at that, lips quirking a bit. "Hm. Good to know." More scribble-scribbling. "You two should hang out together. Maybe without me. Even if you two don't want to go to the museum... you should do something to get to know each other. I think Mearcstapa would enjoy that too. He doesn't let himself... relax around others very much. And he clearly is able to do that around you, so I bet he'd let you learn more if you made the attempt."

Jack's very busy smudging a flower petal, but he nods. "Yeah, I'll see if there's anything he wants to do. I don't wanna accidentally plan something that he hates, and I feel like he's probably got more opinions about shit than I do."

"Sounds good." Lux smiles wider, pleased. "By the way... I want us to go on a date, too. I realized the other night that I've never been on an actual date with you. Or Mearcstapa."

"Oh fuck yes. Absolutely." Jack sits back on his heels. "'S it weird to do something like...go to fucking IKEA? on a date? To find you a goddamned actual bedframe?" The corner of his mouth twitches upward.

Lux blinks. "I mean, I was thinking like... a trampoline park or something. But... We could go to IKEA, yeah. Or both."

The lightest scribbly blush crosses Jack's cheeks. "Trampoline park's cool too, IKEA was just...I dunno. Just a thought. Or if you wanted shit for your Hollow that's hard to make it make, or...whatever.

"No, really--that could be fun," Lux assures, smiling over at him. "And I've been telling you that I want you to... make it comfortable for you? So. We can find things we both like... and stuff..." They look back down to continue scribbling, grinning. "Are... you okay if we have Mearcstapa help some, too? He is really good at organizing stuff. And I think... hmm... he might like feeling like he helped. Had a part of it. Even if he's not staying there."

"Yeah, I don't mind his help. I just hope he isn't...frustrated by our combined chaos, you know?" Jack flashes a small smile. "And I still wanna do IKEA stuff just with you though." He grabs another color of chalk to color in another section. "'Cause I am buying you a bedframe."

"We'll go to IKEA, just you and me," Lux assures with a nod. "Then maybe he can help us put stuff together and organize it?" They pause, squinting. "...He might be. But hopefully not too much." Lux focuses on sketching out the rest of the drawing, mapping it out so that Jack and help finish it up. "You're really good at this, Jack. We should collaborate more often."

"Works for me. I'm pretty sure I'm the Furniture Building Gay in this relationship, though." Another smile. "I don't do this," he gestures at the drawing, "sort of shit often, I get in my head about it if I think too much. But it's fun to do with you. You gonna take pictures?"

"...Yeah, fair. You are. ...Is it weird that that is kind of hot?" Lux squints, then bobs their head, hopping up to their feet. "Hell yeah I am!" They dig out their phone from their back pocket. "I think this looks great. He's gonna love it."

"Look, you haven't seen me really at work, during a load in, or if I'm called to work in one of the shops. Sweaty, covered in sawdust and dirt..." He grins and stands too, taking a few steps back to get out of the picture.

"Oh fuck." Lux swoons, fanning themself. "Don't tempt me like that, babe..." But then they're lifting the phone to snap several pictures from various angles, then taps at the screen. Probably to send them to Mearc.

"I'll send you a picture when I've got my respirator on, next time. Super hot." He takes the few steps over to look at the pictures, if Lux will let him see their phone.

Lux happily lets him see the pictures, resting their chin on his shoulder. "It turned out perfect."

"You did good." Jack kisses the side of their head. "Hope he likes it."

"Me too." And, there you have it--theres a reply. Lux pulls up the texts:

L :: [Pics]

i did a thing for you ❤️
its how you make me feel
jack helped with some of it too 🙂

M :: oh. that's absolutely lovely. please do kiss jack for me, and...is it okay if i make this my phone background?

Lux smirks. "Guess he likes it." And, well, who knows if Mearc means this sort of kiss, but Lux still grabs Jack to give him a solid smooch on the lips.

Jack wraps an arm around Lux's waist and eagerly kisses them back. "Guess he does," he mutters when he pulls away. His cheeks are all scribbly, and there's a smudge of pink chalk on the side of his nose, bright against his otherwise monochrome face.

Lux is grinning widely as they pull back, then taps at the phone again to send a few more texts, before moving to gather up the remaining chalk to put into a box. "Wanna go grab some dinner?"

"Yes please. I'm fucking starving." Jack helps gather up the chalk, and maybe adds a few more smudges on Lux's arms while he's at it. He can only keep his hands off them for so long, really.