User:Mighty Hunter

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You can call me Blaine (my given name) or some permutation of Mighty Hunter (a nickname from way back that gives me the warm feelies).

I currently live in Woodside, Queens, NY, with my wife and our two cats. I got here via Lancaster, PA (my original hometown) and Seattle, WA.

Characters Played


  • Seneca - Mastigos in The Silver Ladder
Player Survey
  1. Player Name/Pronouns: Blaine; He/Him
  2. Character name and pronouns:
  3. Content warnings required or triggers to avoid in RP
    • Harm to children or animals
    • Big fucking bugs (cockroaches, centi- or millipedes, hornets, wasps, and so on)
    • Homophobia/transphobia/bigotry
    • Sexual violence
  4. Experiences or topics I'd like to engage
    1. Be Gay, Do Crimes
    2. Awesome queer stuff
    3. Judaism
    4. Class Struggle And Other Commie Stuff
    5. Hedge adventures
    6. Puzzles
  5. Experiences or topics I want to avoid
    1. I do not want Teagan to be blood bound or enthralled in any way by a vampire
    2. Cheating or unfaithfulness in a relationship, being lied to by a romantic partner about matters of fidelity (whether by commission or omission)
    3. Lots of status jockeying in mortal organizations, it's just not my jam
    4. Lone wolf concepts make me yawn
    5. Trans 101 for cis people or "help I don't accept my gay self due to homophobia" while on my PC bits. I'm actively disinterested in this in my gaming because I have to deal with it IRL constantly. If your character has to have they/them pronouns explained to them IC, "doesn't understand" trans or non-binary people, needs to unpack their queer religious trauma, etc. I'm not likely to be interested in playing that out. We can RP other things! If this is a central pillar of your RP I'm likely to take a pass during my PC time tho.
  6. You can make me feel included as a player by...
    1. Making sure I'm taking time to play as well as staff!
    2. Seeking me out for smaller scenes; I can get burned out on bar/coffee shop RP
    3. Offering to trade storytelling with me or asking me to run something for you that's emotionally important for your character

Blaine/Mighty Hunter
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 46