Wind Dancers

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You can feel the wind
but you cannot touch it
Pack Concept

Wind Dancers: Untouchable whisper-finders who bring the skies to heel.

Janus Blick - The Roaming Maria-Lourdes Pabon - The Storm

Auspice: Ithaeur
Tribe: Bone Shadows

Auspice: Cahalith
Tribe: Storm Lord

Riley Camden - The Anchor

Auspice: Elodoth
Tribe: Iron Master

Are the Wind Dancers Recruiting?: No. This is an NPC pack.

What do the Wind Dancers do?: They listen, and they whisper.

What are the Wind Dancers looking for?: Information.

What do the Wind Dancers have to offer?: Information.

What can the Wind Dancers do for non-members? Provide temporary accommodations to People passing through their territory, and bargain for information.

What territory do the Wind Dancers publicly claim? I'll tell you once I look at a map.

Wind Dancers/Logs
Totem and Territory

The Mockingbird

Rank: 3
Resonances: Air, Secrets
Aspiration: To overhear a secret on the wind, and exchange it for gathra or a secret of greater value.

Local Effects

  • Residential Area 5
  • Den 5
  • Safe Place 5
  • Dedicated Locus 5
Know Our Mark