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Latest revision as of 15:25, 14 May 2020


Asbolus, Lux


Lux's Apartment, Richmond


Set after Autumn Expedition

Lux: After getting the call/text from Asbolus, Lux doesn't hesitate to invite him over. It's a second floor apartment above a closed store, in Richmond. Not the best of neighborhoods, but... hey, it could be worse!

Asbolus: It wasn't the worst place he had passed through, truth be told, and soon enough there was a knock on the apartment's door. While the Darkling behind it looked fine physically he was visibly rattled, which was an odd look for the man.

Lux: Lux opens the door soon after the knock, looking Asbolus over with a concerned frown. "Hey... Come on in." They step aside to let him in, then close and lock the door behind him. The apartment is sparsly furnished and a bit messy, but not too embarrassingly. Though there are a couple boxes of unput together furniture resting against one wall. "What happened?"

Asbolus: He spared the room a quick glance as he entered, those keen eyes taking in his surroundings as always before turning back to Lux. "A less than stellar hedge run with some of the local Mirrors. No injuries, thankfully, and ultimately successful, but still rather...harrowing."

Lux: "Oh." Their brows crease briefly with concern. "What in the world were you doing in the Hedge?" They usher him over to the couch. "Want anything to drink? There's... soda, water, milk, beer..."

Asbolus: "Water would be good, thank you." He took the seat on the couch, letting out a slow breath as he got settled. "I have some goodwill with the court and was invited on a harvesting run with Laura, Vorpal and Rosalyn. We found what we were looking for, but I got caught up a few times along the way."

Lux: Lux moves into the little kitchen, grabbing a glass to fill with ice and waver. It's handed over as they sit down beside him on the couch. "It's... hard to imagine something that could rattle you, Bobo..."

Asbolus: "It does happen on occasion." He said with a wry smirk, claiming the offered glass and taking a sip before he continued. "Got lost by myself at first, then there was a spore cloud of some sort around some of the fruits we were looking for that did a number on me. Nothing foundation-shaking, thankfully, but enough that I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could manage."

Lux: "Ugh." Lux shudders. "Fuck the hedge. I can't imagine being lost on me own there. That sounds awful." They rest their hand on his arm lightly.

Asbolus: "Vorpal was able to back-track and find me sooner rather than later, thankfully." He put his free hand atop Lux's, grateful for its presence. "If anything, it taught me what not to do for the next time. Silver lining there, thin as it may be."

Lux: Lux has never tried to comfort Asbolus before, so they're a bit unsure what he needs--but when he puts his hand over their's they relax a little and lean in, resting their chin on his shoulder. "I'm glad she was there to help. What was it you were looking for?"

Asbolus: "As am I." He smiled softly as Lux leaned in, resting his head against their's. "Amaranthine and Vines of Bacchus. We found both and were able to claim one of each, barring the amaranthine for myself; didn't get far enough in before the cloud did whatever it did."

Lux: "Sounds like it was a productive day. But hard earned. Is there anything you need? Anything I can do to help you relax?"

Asbolus: "Indeed." He paused to take a pull from his water glass, resting his head against their's again once he was settled. "This is already helping...being outside of the Thorns and with someone that I trust."

Lux: Lux nods, then lifts their arms to wrap around him and squeeze comfortingly. "Mm... Good. You're safe here, Bobo. Not going to let anything happen to you." Their lips quirk a bit, knowing full well that they're not the bed at defending someone, but their voice is sincere anyway.

Asbolus: Asbolus smiled as Lux came in close, looping an arm around their shoulders to give a hug in return. "Appreciate it. I truly do."

Lux: "Anytime," Lux replies with a soft smile. "You're the closest thing I have to family, you know. I always got your back."

Asbolus: "And I yours." He went quiet for a long moment, enjoying their presence in the silence before a thought bubbled to the surface and begged to be voiced. "Out of curiosity, have you had any thoughts about forming a motley here?"

Lux: Lux blinks, them hmms thoughtfully. "Sort of? Not any... solid thoughts, really. I'd like to. But I've not really met a group that I super click with yet. Just scattered individuals. What about you?"

Asbolus: "Nothing definitive, but I think I've been going at it on my own for long enough at this point."

Lux: Lux is quiet for a moment, then nods faintly. "Yeah. Same." They peer at him, smiling. "I'd join a motley with you, Bobo. If that's what you're trying to get at."

Asbolus: "It is, yes." He looked to them with a small smile. "And I'd be honored if you would."

Lux: They smile back, then lean in to kiss his cheek. "The problem is that I don't know who else to join with, and you can't make a Motley with just 2 people. Is there anyone else you're close to?"

Asbolus: The smile widened a touch at the kiss, although he shook his head at the question. "Not particularly, no."

Lux: "You should probably fix that," Lux says with a poke at his side. "What would you want from a motley? What goals would you want? Or... a purpose? Or does that matter less than having emotional bonds?"

Asbolus: "I'm working on it..." he replied with a small smirk, giving them a light prod in return. "Been spending more time at the freehold and talking with people there."

"More the bond at the moment, if I'm being honest."

Lux: "That's good," Lux replies, nodding. "Well... Then I think you just need to put yourself out there more and see who you connect with, and I can see if I connect with them. I'd prefer a group that balances each other out well and has similar goals, but... I can be flexible." They snuggle into his side, looking thoughtful. "Right now... I'm obviously close to Jack and Mearcstapa. But... Mearcstapa has his... crew, already... The people who followed him from Chicago. I'm honestly not sure why they haven't already motleyed up. So I doubt he'd be interested. Jack, though... Maybe? If you got to know him better."

Asbolus: "Not a bad idea." He nodded, getting comfortable beside his fellow Darkling as they snuggled against him. "I wouldn't be opposed. We got along rather well the last few times we talked, as I recall."

Lux: "Maybe we can all hang out sometime? Go get some drinks and stuff. I can mention it to him."

Asbolus: "Sounds like a plan." Another small nod, followed by turning his head to look Lux over. "How are things going with you and Mearcstapa, on that note?"

Lux: Lux breaks into a dopey wide smile. "Better. Loads better. We spent the night together, last night. We're... working things out. I don't think he... trusts me, completely. Not yet. But he's forgiving me." They perk. "Oh! And he gave me a task, for me to do--to like, get his official forgiveness so I can try to fix being Oathbroken. I was hoping you'd help me."

Asbolus: "Ah...good." He smiled warmly at that, his eyebrow arching as he gave her a curious look. "I'd be willing...what's the task?"

Lux: "I have to steal a carpet from an old bowling alley or arcade--it has to be super colorful, preferably UV reactive. Like, you know those old awesome carpets with weird designs from the 90s? Something like that." They smirk. "I gotta bring it to Mearcstapa."

"I mean, technically it doesn't have to be stolen, I can get the carpet however I want. But I figured stealing it instead of just buying it would... mean more?"

Asbolus: "I see..." He nodded with a chuckle. "That is a rather fitting prize to claim for you two..."

"Indeed. Shows a little more effort put into it, if anything. I'd be more than willing to help."

Lux: "Awesome! I figure it'll be pretty easy to break into a place. Just wait till nightime, and I can use some magic to get past any security. I doubt many places like that have much security, though."

Asbolus: "Doubtful. I can blend in and keep watch, if anything."

Lux: Lux nods, grinning. "Just let me know when you're feeling up to it, then. I need to scout out places to find the perfect carpet first, though."

Asbolus: "My calendar is open until further notice, so give me a call when you have a location in mind."

Lux: "Will do," Lux says with a nod, then grins. "Oh! I have a mural debuting in a gallery this week! You should come see it. I'm really proud of it."

Asbolus: "Really...congratulations." He smiled warmly at that. "I'd love to see it."

Lux: "I'll text you the address," Lux says, shifting to pull their phone from their pocket to tap at. "Things have been... crazy busy. I'm starting up a street artist collective, too." They look back at him, eyes wide. "What's wrong with me, Bobo? I'm being responsible and shit. It's weird. And gross."

Asbolus: "It's a good look on you, admittedly." He chuckled, giving her a light hug. "What's the idea behind the collective, just working on larger projects or something more organized?"

Lux: "It's to help street artists organize and give them more opportunities. Like... people who are wanting to commission murals for their businesses or homes can come to the Collective, and look at samples of artists' work. Find someone to hire. And we're going to promote the hell out of them too. And try to get legal spaces for them to show off their work. Work on getting them into galleries more. Just--get seen and heard." Lux smiles, a little sheepishly. "I'm gonna try to boost it up at the gallery opening, try to get all those rich snobby fuckers interested in supporting it. I hope it works out."

Asbolus: "I see...sounds like quite the endeavor. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."

Lux: "It is. I'm... fucking terrified. But excited too." They take a deep breath, then tip their head. "Maybe. Your uh... fetch has ties with theatre and shit, right?"

Asbolus: "He does, yes." He nodded quietly. "Would you like me to see if he can put in a good word?"

Lux: "Can't hurt. Especially if they ever need any art to add to set designs and stuff?"

Asbolus: "I'll see what I can do."

Lux: "Thanks." Lux smiles appreciatively, then hugs around his shoulders again. "You wanna just... chill and watch tv for a while? Let your mind veg out and recenter?"

Asbolus: "Sounds like a good plan to me." He smiled at the hug, resting his head against their's. "Thank you again for this."

Lux: "Anytime, Bobo." They nuzzle into him a bit, then pull back to grab the TV remote to turn on, finding something chill and pleasant to watch.