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Latest revision as of 06:44, 18 April 2020


Anna-Marie Cordray, Makoto Mori


Anna-Marie's office


Anna-Marie does business at odd hours. For small clients, you come in the day and her people help you. For big deals? You come in at night and meet with the expert. And that philosophy has lead to one Makoto Mori being lead up to the elevator and swiped in to access the 10th floor, where one Anna-Marie Cordray is sitting at her desk. Her office is eclectically decorated, the walls a wash of autographed vinyl, modern art and antique weaponry, but tying the room together is its centerpiece behind the mahogany desk. She's dressed in a three piece suit that costs more than most people spend on funerals with a pair of heels to match. When she sees Makoto arrive, she stands up, leaning on her cane with a distinctive silver head and extends a hand. "Ah, hello there, Ms. Mori! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, I know, I keep strange hours. Care for a drink? I have a Domaine Leflaive Batard Montrachet '05, if you like whites."

Makoto Mori's wears an easy smile on her face as she steps into the room. She's a late thirty-something with sharp features, a very deliberate bearing as she moves through the office, and an impeccable posture that belies her rather small stature. She's dressed rather similarly to Anna-Marie - minus the heels, and probably different colors - in a perfectly tailored, dark green three-piece suit, a white button-up shirt, and a deep golden tie with matching pocket square.

"So kind of you to offer, Miss Cordray." Memento takes the offered hand, shaking it - and raising her eyes to meet Anna-Marie's gaze. She's wearing gloves, and her eyes are piercing. "I would absolutely love to share a drink, and it's a pleasure to meet you - thank you for doing so at such a dreadfully late notice."

Anna-Marie pours them both a glass of the white and sits back down. On her way back, she is given a whiff of a distinct perfume, like spring flowers in an unfamiliar land, the same smell one Mr. Jack Martingale (who lacked the social graces of her current guest) had the night prior. "Ah, Ms. Mori, the pleasure is mine! Since my relocation, I've been looking for clients that I could meet in person rather than through teleconferencing. And it seems you came all the way from the Windy City just to meet me?" That last part is a joke, but there's some level of truth to it hidden way deep down in its core. Trying to determine why another one of whatever Jack was was coming to her.

"Ahh. So you've recently relocated, then." Memento pulls out a chair opposite Anna-Marie's, and takes a seat - crossing one leg over the other knee and interlacing her fingers as she lets the wine breathe for a few moments. "I visit friends in the area rather often, and I'd wondered why I've never heard of a financial firm with clout like yours. It all makes sense now." She adopts an almost-vulpine grin - it's charming, but also a bit... Cat-Who-Ate-The-Canary. "How has Philadelphia been treating you and your business interests so far? My acquaintances have flourished here, so I can only imagine that trend must equate to prosperity for a money manager?"

"Ah, I'm afraid my time here has been rather stressful so far. First time I've ever lived where I can't see the ocean and you'd be surprised how much that effects you. Don't know which way west is anymore." Anna-Marie gives a mournful chuckle. "But! Enough about me personally. The firm has been doing well and we even gave a large donation to the city's public schools recently. I want to leave this city far better than when I first arrived, you understand." She smiles back, polite and proper to a point where you could put it in textbooks. "And you, Ms. Mori? What brings an intriguing sort like yourself to me?"

"Are you from the Bay Area, then? I actually grew up in San Francisco..." Memento quirks an eyebrow - her smile only seems to grow wider. "That charitable donation you made was one of the things that actually drew me to your firm - I'd been following up on the recent news on the flight in from Chicago, and your name came up. I respect what you've decided to do with your money - by donating it, I mean - assisting others is something that I believe in, strongly, and I like to think that my own practice shows it. I wouldn't be able to trust a money manager whose ethics and philosophy didn't mirror my own."

Somehow, in spite of her vulpine grin, Memento seems absolutely sincere about this.

"Ah! I knew your name sounded familiar! You were the defense attorney out near Sunset, yes? Or was it Powell Street? Ah, the part of town doesn't matter, it's just good to be around people who know that a city isn't the same without sea salt laden air and streets coated with human excrement," Anna-Marie says with a giggle, "And I assure you, charity is what most of my money goes to. One can only have so much Domain Leflaive before one yearns for something that matters. I'm currently arranging a large donation to support underpaid civil servants in these trying times." She takes a sip of the wine and sets the glass back down, "are there any charitable donations that you'd like us to handle? Any funds that need to be set aside and whatnot?"

"One and the same." The smile stays plastered on her face. Satisfied that the white has had enough time to breathe, Memento unlaces her fingers and leans forward to reach for her untouched glass of wine. She closes her eyes, takes a sip, and a contented little noise escapes her lips. She shifts in her chair so that she can re-cross one leg over the other. "Well, I'm not entirely sure at the moment. As someone who was once an underpaid civil servant, obviously I support their right to a livable wage, but I'd like to get more of a feel for what goes on in Philadelphia before I commit my resources. I want to leave the city in a better place than I found it - so if you've suggestions about where to invest in that regard, I'll happily listen, but I'm mostly looking for your advice with investments that will yield returns at this moment."

She quirks an eyebrow in a way that can very plainly be read as a non-verbal "if you catch my drift."

Anna-Marie's smile changes tenor, going from polite to politely happy. "Ah, well that my friend, depends on where you want your business to go. It's always important to diversify ones portfolio as the last thing you want is money that won't make more money. And if you're like me, and I think you may be in more ways than one, then its important to make sure you know that your money will be safe. And to that end, I encourage my clients to make donations to politicians and depending on the exact kind of business, the police as well. I'm sure as an attorney, you know how important it is to have friends on the force."

"Not for the type of legal work I do, unfortunately. The police tend to view defense attorneys as oversight - or opposition - rather than a force that helps them accurately uphold the law." Memento purses her lips there for a moment before changing the subject. "Politics is a thought, though... I've only recently begun to tip my toes into the water here in Philadelphia, and I could use some allies. All things to take into consideration..." Memento trails off, taking another sip of her wine and then adopting a smaller smile. "Miss Cordray, do you mind if I ask you a few personal questions? I'd like to get to know you better if we're going to be working together - and I'm sure you feel similarly. If we're as alike as I think we might be."

"Precisely the work you do! You never know when you might need cops to do whatever they can for a client. Unrelated note, did you know how much evidence goes missing every year?" Anna-Marie matches Makoto's face perfectly, after a sip of her own. "Of course, as long as its nothing too personal," she says with a hint of frivolity.

"You're absolutely correct, Miss Cordray - I'll keep that in mind." The corners of her lips twist upwards into another little smirk - and she sets her glass of wine on the desk before interlacing her fingers and leaning back in the chair. "What made you choose Philadelphia when you were considering locations for your firm - if not being able to see the ocean from your office so effects you? I remember when I left San Francisco - it took considerable promise to drag me away..." She quirks an eyebrow at Anna-Marie.

Anna-Marie makes a "tck" noise with her tongue and looks away in a calculated look of mournfulness. "Ah, family matters I am afraid. I hope to some day have things here settled enough to return but it is looking like that may be a while. But it's not as if this city is devoid of charm, of course. It has a strong local culture to it, unlike many others I've seen. But enough about me! Are you planning on staying here long term?"

"Strong local culture," Memento smiles, offering a cold chuckle. In contrast to the aloof laughter, her facial expressions seem genuine - and even reach her eyes. "I like that, Miss Cordray. It's a wonderful way to describe Philadelphia's... particular charms." She reaches into her front pocket, and fetches her wallet - producing a picture of a handsome individual as she adopts a doting expression. "I'm actually just visiting for the moment. I miss my husband very dearly - but somehow I don't believe he'd find the city as charming as you or I seem to." Beat. "That said, I'm planning on being here for as long as it remains lucrative."

"Ah, case in town then?" Anna-Marie guesses. Her inability to read Memento at all was putting her on edge. Was she being mind controlled? That didn't seem likely. "Are you by any chance familiar with a Mr. Jack Martingale?" she asks, hoping to cut through this Gordian knot that way.

"As I said earlier, I'm visiting some friends in the area - I just also like to look into potential business opportunities wherever I go." Her voice is all flowers and honey. Like a flytrap. "You mean the union man from the Channel Six interview? I've never met him personally, but he did come up on the list of names I've been meaning to investigate." Memento quirks an eyebrow. "His name also came up in reference to the walkout at the fashion show, too. The one, I assume, that prompted your charitable donation?"

"Yes, him! He's a great asset to this city and a man of great conviction. The pride of Philadelphia, they ought to call him." She's on the defensive right now and that is not a place she enjoys being. She needs some weakpoint. Something to help her turn the tide. She briefly chews on her tongue as the beast inside her takes its due, extending its senses out for another round.

Anna-Marie's Beast coils out, examining Memento's very soul. And then it returns and Anna-Marie herself sees several things about the lawyer's essence. A twinge of red on the eyes, a hand just out of reach of hers, a scale weighing her heart against a feather, a black rose clutched in one hand and most frigteningly, a gun in the other, pointed right at Anna-Marie's head. And the second she understands all of that, the signs all vanish, leaving just two ordinary businesswomen in a room. Anna-Marie's eyes take a turn for the predatory as she says, "I'm certain your friends here will love you visiting me." She doesn't say it sarcastically, but the sarcasm nonetheless carries. "All alone, I mean. I do hope your... husband, was it, isn't too bored with you on a trip."

Memento snorts, and a little puff of air escapes her nose. "Who's to say what my friends will or won't love?" She upturns her palms, and holds out her arms - an innocent little gesture, though perhaps it's undercut by her rapidly spreading smile. It's a rather eerie look - and there's something that seems actively threatening about the way she's flashing her teeth in this moment. "... and I should very much hope he isn't. I am, of course, the light of his life, but I imagine he'll manage to survive without me - until I return to him."

If Makoto Mori is at all put off by the sudden change in Anna-Marie's demeanor, it certainly isn't showing in her face, tone, or body language.

Anna-Marie's polite look holds for about two seconds before she bursts into a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry, it's just I was so worried that I'd be trapped out here with no one who knows how to play the game," she says, wiping a single joyous tear from her face, "and now you're out here with me too! Half the people I've talked to in this town would have shat themselves with impotent anger and confused fear by now. Ah, well, now that we're here I can safely ask, 'does your partner know you aren't human?'" She takes a drink to somewhat hide her immensely smug expression.

"Whatever do you mean, Miss Cordray?" Makoto's brow furrows, and she adopts a look of offense - that somehow against all odds still seems convincing - even with cover absolutely ripped from her deception. She uncrosses her legs - sitting fully upright - and fixes Anna-Marie's eyebrows with a stare. Providing the illusion of eye contact without actually giving it. "What are you trying to imply that I am if not human? Something like you?"

A devilish smile begins to spread across her face.

"Well, morally and intellectually, we are two peas in a pod, but spiritually? I'd say you're something farther afield. I do admit that that sort of knowledge isn't exactly my forte, but I can safely say you're no vampire or ghoul and you're far too kempt to be a werewolf." Anna-Marie casts a withering gaze upon her. "You're an exquisite liar, I must say. If that talent is learned rather than inborn, I would love lessons." She goes to stroke a hand across her face if she doesn't move away. "But I'm afraid that I am gifted with the ability to know things I otherwise oughtn't. They look lovely right now, by the way. Your partner, I mean."

Memento's hand goes up to catch Anna-Marie's at the wrist. There's no real force - or grip - behind the action, but her movement is quick and deliberate. "I think you might be being just a touch too familiar here, Miss Cordray - especially for one who supposedly knows how to play the game. Perhaps you've misread the situation." There's a deliberate change in Makoto's voice, thought - the honeyed tone is gone, and has been replaced with something far colder. She releases Anna-Marie's hand - and her own disappears into her jacket. "Or perhaps it's just all the wine you've had." Beat. "... but my partner does look lovely. They always do."

"I figured that you'd simply be more responsive to honey than vinegar, since you came into this already willing to harm me. Who is your friend in town then? Mr. Jack Martingale? Janus Mearcstapa? The infernal Ms. Cory?" Anna-Marie asks, as if she had done non-magic deduction. "I would remind you, of course that my secretary has you in my calendar. If I go missing, you'll be under heavy suspicion."

"Don't be ridiculous - I'm not so boorish that I'd make an appointment to do you physical harm." Her hand returns from the interior pocket of her jacket with a business card - and Anna-Marie might see a slight glimpse of a revolver in a shoulder holster underneath her suit jacket before the coat is buttoned. "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who my friends were," Memento flashes her teeth again. "So I suppose you'll just have to do your homework on that one, Miss Cordray." She stands from the chair, tossing her card onto Anna-Marie's desk. The venom in her voice is nothing short of lethal. "... but if I were you, I'd consider this visit a... Cease and Desist - because I guarantee I've done my homework, and Memento Mori is not an enemy you want to have."

As much as Anna-Marie loves being blushed, she has to admit it has some downsides. A live body has far more physiognomic tells than a dead one. So right now, her blush of life has rather more turned into a blush of rapid heart beat. She lets out a small chuckle to hide the nerves and says, the polite grin staying superglued to her face, "Oh dear. I'm afraid you've caught me with my pants down as it were. I assure you, that that will never happen again."

"I should hope not," Memento turns towards the door - her vulpine smile already back in place. "It's been a while since I've had a challenging opponent to play against. I would hate to rout you so quickly." She opens the door so that Anna-Marie's secretary - and anyone else on the office floor - can hear the rest of what she says. "It was delightful to meet you, Miss Cordray. I'll be in touch - and I'm looking forward to working with you in the future."

"You as well, Ms. Mori! I hope you meet all the lovely people I have!" Anna-Marie calls back. When she is very certain that Memento is gone, she closes the door, heads into the safe room she uses to sleep the day in, closes the cast iron door and begins sending out rapid fire messages. Things needed to change, quick.

... and as soon as Memento is safely inside the car she hired to chauffeur her around Philadelphia, she calls her partner - just to make sure everything is okay.