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Latest revision as of 15:25, 14 May 2020


Michael Tath, Jack Martingale


A noodle place


Jack texts Michael to meet him at a noodle place in center city - it's one of those that's surprisingly private and quiet, even though it's in the middle of the city. He's in a booth already, his hair neatly slicked back, wearing a dark purple shirt that's got a constellation of pink stars dotted across it. The scent of his mantle drifts through the small establishment, the scent of an oncoming spring rainstorm stronger than it was the last time he and Michael had met.

Michael's own Mantle is the same as before, the sense of wine on flushed cheeks and sun on bare skin. The fox saunters in in dark clothing and sunglasses, looking around and make a beeline for Jack with a broad smile. "Heeeey. Been far too long." He beams, waving eagerly. "Noodles, mm, yum. How's you doing?" He slips into the booth next to Jack, nodding keenly.

"Oh...you know." Jack shrugs with a smile. The charcoal lines around his face shift and move with him. "Life's...happening, and it's stressful, but what else is new? Still got work, mostly, and I eh...talked to Ari about my trajectory in our organization, which was helpful. How've you been?"

The fox holds a hand out, palm up in quiet invitation. "Life does that, mm. Good and bad. And Ari's good for seeking advice from." He smiles. "I've been well, mostly focusing on article writing and the like, know we haven't talked for quite a bit, so I'm hoping this makes up for that."

Jack takes his hand and squeezes quickly before pulling away. "Yeah I...graduated to Joyeux." He grimaces a little as he says it, like he's not entirely sure he's happy about it. "Glad you've been good. Any headway on setting up a fashion show? I know it's been a bit, but that shit can take ages."

"Congratulations." He smiles widely, but considers Jack. "That's not something you wanted, or you're just worried about it?" At the talk of the fashion show, his ears lower slightly. "I.. no, sorry. I've let things slide and I've not exactly made any progress."

"It's...I mean nah, it's not really something I'm into. Never really thought I'm all that good at helping other people with their shit. But I'm eyeing one'a the...ambassador positions, and so I gotta do this first. It's been..." Another shrug, and then the server comes over to take their order. "I'm paying, by the way. My fault it's taken me so long to get us together." He smiles at Michael.

"I'd never turn down an offer like that." He smiles back. "Thanks Jack." Turning to place his order he looks back, keeping details more vague now ears are close. "You mind me being honest here?"

"Depends on how much you're gonna insult me with your honesty." He flashes a grin and sits back. "But nah, what's up?"

"I like you too much to insult you." He grins, but nods. "Nothing wrong with going for that promotion Jack, but, the job you've been given now. It matters, it's important, and it's about aiding others. Basically, my advice, put your all into it, don't just treat it as a stepping stone you have to use."

Jack's smile falters a little. "I mean...yeah. 'Course I'm gonna take it seriously. I just don't think I'm any good at it, 's why I didn't want it. I don't wanna fuck people up worse than they're already fucked up. But I'm not...gonna not try."

The fox nods to that, canting his head and chewing his lip briefly in thought. "First thing is, you care about people. That's the core element. If you want to help them, that's the basis you need. And most of the time Jack, people mostly just want to be heard. A lot pent up pain and stress and say nothing. Giving them chance to express that is often very important."

He taps the table in thought. "Aside from that, learn about people. What they need in a crisis, what their support structures are. I know it sounds daunting and I understand not wanting to make things worse, but Ari would never have given you this role if they didn't think you were able to do it."

"I know the theory, Michael." Jack huffs in amusement. "'S the practice that's the hard part, an' I know I just gotta do it and it'll get easier." A shrug. "It's not actually that bit a deal, just...a little stressful. Like any promotion is. I eh...d'you think you're gonna pick up the fashion show again? 'Cause I'd be happy to get my union behind it, but I dunno that I've got the right connections to...do any of the planning, you know?"

A nod. "Sorry, I might be trying to be overly helpful here." He smiles. "As for the fashion show, there's someone I need to talk, a designer called Daniel. Let me try and grab him and talk shop. And if it goes well and we can move to proper planning I can contact you on it?"

"...This the Daniel that is probably not Chelle's ex husband?" Jack raises his eyebrows. "She was telling me you two were gonna go meet with him."

"That's the one." Michael nods. "And we need to go do that, mm. We're as sure as can be he's not, but, well, we'll find out for sure."

"I'm assuming she's done some research on him, then?"

"I'm gonna double check, if she hasn't, I will, either way, important we know."

"Clearly. She...suggested that she was going to meet with him without doing any research first, which..." Jack grimaces. "I reminded her that there are ways to find out that shit without just jumping blindly into a face to face meeting. I hope he's not her ex, that would make things...uncomfortable, it sounds like."

Michael nods. "Better all round, mm.. and you're right, given the possible fallout and all, best to play this one safe. I'll be careful Jack, and not my usual self, I promise."

"I mean...I dunno maybe I'm paranoid, but I rarely go meet with someone new without at least doing a cursory google search. Chelle said it's probably not her ex, but if he's a designer I'm sure he's got a website, that's probably got a picture? Of some sort?"

"I know, I know." He nods. "Thanks Jack, it's good advice, and it is something we should do." Michael rubs at an ear in thought. "I do hope the show happens, if the meeting goes ahead and there aren't any issues, it's a good step, yes?"

"Definitely. And I'm pretty confident I can get my union behind it - I'm chair of a committee that looks into shit like this to make sure shit like what happened at the last one doesn't happen. And make us look bad. So a show for a good cause is absolutely something I can show to the board as an example of shit we definitely want our names behind."

He beams, nodding keenly. "I'm tempted to kiss you. Thanks Jack, that means a lot! And I'm glad you feel it's a good thing."

"I mean the plan is for it to benefit the public school system, right? I grew up in that system, they need all the money they can get." He shrugs, like it's not that big a deal that he'd throw his weight around for something like this.

"That's my plan, mm." Michael smiles. "After the last one was designed for those who already had money, I figured it was a better option all round."

"Yeah, Mearcstapa told me he'd suggested it as a way to make it up to the designers who got fucked over by the last one - glad the money'll be going to a better cause."

He beams. "Then I'll check in with Chelle when I can, look into Daniel, hopefully meet him and see where it goes. Aside from all that, and the new role Jack, how's you keeping? Haven't had chance to talk for far too long."

"Hmm." His nose wrinkles just slightly as he thinks. "I mean shit's happened, but...overall not a lot's changed. PTC's on strike, we've been there since...mmm. 'S been weeks now, it's exhausting to stand out there every day. But I've got my other gigs, so. Not doing too badly there. Just kinda doing my own thing, really. And with Lux and Mearcstapa, occasionally." He grins there.

Michael nods there, spreading his hands. "Mearc and Lux are both really neat people, so I'm certainly happy for you there. And I suspect their company would certainly help keep you grounded."

"Dunno if I'd call it grounded, but...they keep me honest. And we look after each other - which we all need."

"Everyone does, I reckon." He agrees. "To talk to, connect to. So really glad you found them both, and you all found each other."

"Oh me too - you got no idea." He grins, and nods. "We'd all be so much more of a mess, otherwise. And I...I've helped them with their shit, and that...that feels special. For me."

"Because you've a part there, you're involved and an element of something more." Michael grins cheerfully. "I might not know specifics, and don't need to, but I can grasp the general a little I reckon, and I'm very much happy for you."

Jack sits back into the booth with a nod. "It's pretty damn great. But...yeah, that's kinda all that's been up with me. How about you?"

"I did meet a new friend of Mearc's recently, or rather, an old friend who's not been here for long I think. Nevy or Nevermore if you've met them? A goth, and good fun to talk to." He smiles. "I really liked them."

"Met them recently, too. Kinda accidentally, actually. Don't know a lot about them, to be honest." Jack finishes off his bowl of ramen as he speaks (given that their food definitely arrived in a timely manner) and washes it down with the beer he also ordered. "And...I actually need to get going soon, got some shit to do before work tonight."

"Mm, I don't know so much either yet." Michael admits, taking a bite of his own food that's totally been there all along. "And, fair enough Jack. Thanks for chatting and filling me in. I'll let you know what's what and hopefully we can meet again soon? And thanks for the food!"

"Any time - and please keep me updated, yeah. I hope shit comes together." He digs enough cash out of his wallet to cover the meal and a tip, and slides out of the booth, clapping a hand on Michael's shoulder before he heads for the exit.