Logs:Ring In The New Year: Difference between revisions

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*[[Jeremiah Hamilton]]
*[[Jeremiah Hamilton]]
*[[Polly Romantic]]
*[[Polly Romantic]]
| setting=Second floor of The Green Room, followed by Polly's apartment
| setting=[[The Green Room]] music studio, followed by Polly's apartment
| log='''''Scene immediately follows [[Logs:NYE_at_the_Green_Room|NYE at the Green Room]]'''''
| log='''''Scene immediately follows [[Logs:NYE_at_the_Green_Room|NYE at the Green Room]]'''''

Latest revision as of 03:06, 1 February 2023


The Green Room music studio, followed by Polly's apartment


Scene immediately follows NYE at the Green Room

Polly Romantic: The mixing studio is where Polly's hiding at the moment. She's in her chair, arms wrapped about her knees, headphones around her neck, staring at the software on the screen and a span of four beats that probably never will sound right to her today or any other day for that matter. She's clearly not getting anything done any longer, and judging by the number of dark monitors around her, she hasn't been doing much of anything for a while. A half eaten muffin is on the desk next to a barely consumed mug of coffee.

Jeremiah Hamilton: As midnight approached Jeremiah had snuck away from the party below to join Polly for the traditional smooch to bring in the new year, knocking on the studio door to announce his presence before slipping inside. The smile on his face immediately faded as he saw her curled up in the mixing studio, however, moving to her side most ricky tick.

"Hey..." He said quietly, claiming the seat beside her. "What do you need me to do?"

Polly Romantic: Polly isn't about to let a good brood get between her and quality time with Jeremiah. So when he arrives, she brightens like she always does. She sits up in her chair, even. But when he absolves her of needing to put on a brave face, she just scoots her chair a little closer and slumps over against him with a big sad whiny crybaby whine. Meeeeeeh.

"Hug me. Kiss me at midnight. Tell me I'm more than a pretty face. Call me pretty." The last two paired together are one of her jokes, you see.

"I almost never do the 'I have a boyfriend' line because it's so ... disempowering. But I almost did. I just feel gross and walked over and worried that maybe I missed him treating other people that way. Some of your employees. And that it could cause you trouble. You know me. The way my brain gets." She sends him an encouraging smile.

Jeremiah Hamilton: He scooted closer in kind as she flumped against him, looping an arm around her and kissing the top of her head as he held her close. "Of course. You are gorgeous and the light of my life, both figuratively and literally."

As she continued he let out a slow sigh, shaking his head. "Was it that Vincent guy? Piece of work, that one; he started flirting with me right out the gate and didn't improve much after that."

Polly Romantic: His willingness to put up with her big whiny crybaby sads is just one more point in the ledger of why Jeremiah has her as a good and faithful girlfriend despite her technically being a cheerful slut. She takes in a deep breath and lets it out nice and slow once her hair is being kissed.

"Yeah. That Vincent guy. Literally you left and he whipped around and was like. Ah, yes. Sports bra, boyfriend tee shirt, yoga pants, pens in hair. That screams up for the dee. And everyone was just like kind of okay with it?" Here she winds up rubbing her own arms, this being one of the parts that really got to her. "I started feeling like maybe I was out of line."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Hmm...will have to talk with Jane and Blue on that." He began to massage her far shoulder when she started rubbing her arms, doing his best to help anchor her to the now. "Definitely not. He was pushing his luck from the get go and needed to get shut down quick."

Polly Romantic: "I tried," she assures Jeremiah, seemingly feeling compelled to defend her honor. Or maybe Jeremiah's? "I promised him that penis is fairly easy to come by and of little intrinsic value and he kept going. At that point I was kind of hoping he'd get my dykey vibes? But no luck there, either. So."

She's just resting there in silence against him as some quiet moments pass.

Then, "If I ever stop telling you what a good man you are to me, Jeremiah, I'm a silly person."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He let out a snort of laughter at that, leaning over for another light kiss atop her head. "To use the line, some men you just can't reach. 's like talking to a brick wall, and even those have more sense."

He was content to let that silence linger as she needed it, smiling quietly as he looked her over. "I do my best. Glad I can be here for you when you need it."

Polly Romantic: "Well it is," she protests. Jay's pan, he knows. "Mostly, I wanted you to know that I was looking out for the kids on your staff. And you might want to have a chat at the start of the next few shifts to check in with everyone and make sure everyone knows what to do if something like that ever happens to one of them. So you can be as good a boss to them as you are a hunk of burnin' love to me." Her hand reaches around him in the hug and takes an unabashed handful of the backside she had been staring at about an hour ago downstairs. Her smile gets more blissful and she sighs happily, "Butt."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You are not wrong." He chuckled, nodding as she continued. "I cover that with new hires pretty early on, to make sure they get me or whoever's lead that day if something like that happens. Doing a refresher isn't a bad idea, though."

He smirked as her hand crept downward, but even knowing what was coming he let out a little yipe as she got a firm handful. "Feeling better?" He grinned, reaching out to brush her cheek.

Polly Romantic: "The absolute worst thing to happen with something like this is to not saying anything and make it seem normal. That's just my opinion, though. I'm pretty outspoken, I admit. And stubborn. Possibly no coincidence I'm self-employed, huh." She bit her lip playfully at the question as to whether she was feeling better. She waggles her brows up at him under the touch to her cheek. "Yeah. But that's no reason to stop."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm right there with you. Minor injustices swept under the rug pave the way for the larger ones, and nipping that in the bud is important."

"Does explain a few things." He chuckled, a sly smirk forming at her answer. "As you wish. I do believe I owe you a kiss..."

Polly Romantic: "I charge exorbitant interest, so you better make it linger, bucko." Polly actually giggles before she receives the kiss proper. She rests one hand on his chest, the other one cupping at his neck as she rests in against him. There are certainly more romantic locations to make out, but at least music is easy to come by.

She reaches up to his collar and primly unfastens one button. A first of many by her expression. "Any new years resolutions, mm?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You bet." He smiled as he leaned in, giving her a good proper kiss as he relaxed under her touch, his hand lightly grazing the skin on the back of her neck.

"Haven't made one for years, honestly." He pulled one of the pens from her hair as she went after the button on his shirt, watching the curls bounce before looking her over with a smile. "Got some things on the horizon I'm looking forward to, though."

Polly Romantic: Somewhere in that kiss, Polly rolls out of her chair and climbs on over Jeremiah to straddle his lap. Her arms slide around his shoulders, and her mouth finds his, and there it stays for a good long while. Accompanied only by the faint beeping of the 16 beat counting track on her headphones.

Her hands slide back to resume unfastening buttons unhurriedly. Another pen's removal from her hair sees her shaking it out again, then leaning in to rest her forehead against his, surrounding his vision in overly dyed curls.

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you're overdressed."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's arms looped around Polly's waist as she settled onto his lap, both to make sure she stayed upright and to hold her close as the kiss began again in earnest. The thrum of desire was heady indeed as he met her gaze, one hand rising to run through her hair. "I do believe you're right. Care to help me with that?"

Polly Romantic: "It's kinda hotter when you do it for me, not gonna lie, but this Jewish girl is a sucker for Christmas Presents." Her hands do continue to work their way down all those buttons as she's talking, her course straying to tickle at his sides briefly before she begins tugging his shirts up and out from his trousers. She's excited, but her excitement never quite leads to fumbling. She means it when she pushes the shirt back off his shoulders and slides her hands down his chest approvingly. Give her a moment, she's gonna need it.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Many hands make light work and all that." He did help in removing the vest he was wearing so she could get to the rest of the buttons on the shirt, a low rumble of contentment rolling out as she ran her hands down his chest, all well-toned muscle with the sigil bearing his first Shadow Name tattooed on his right shoulder. He was quite alright with giving her that moment, enjoying the view from his end just as much.

Polly Romantic: After enjoying the view for more than a few moments, she leans back in to claim another protracted and slow kiss from his lips. She slips reluctantly from his lap, letting her hands slide down his chest and stomach and down his legs until she's balanced on his knees with her hands and gotten her feet down to the ground safely. She turns about to trot over to the door, poke her head out to check down the stairs, then pokes her head back in and turns on the 'RECORDING' light.

Then she turns back around, peeling off her tee shirt and sports bra so as to return the spectacle. It makes her walk back his way more enjoyable for sure. Her hands slide right back up his legs, walk up his chest to his shoulders, and her legs once more straddle his lap. When she leans in against him again, however. It's a lot warmer. And softer, for that matter.

"I am about to be very naughty to you. Last call for relocating to someplace with a couch that's never had cheetos on it."

Jeremiah Hamilton: A low shudder ran through the Warlock at her touch as she slowly made her way off of his lap, watching curiously as she headed for the door and chuckling when she flicked the recording light on. The view as she disrobed and returned to the chair was thoroughly enjoyable, reaching up to cup her cheek as she got settled.

"Allow me," He said as he slid his arms around her, his mind and will tracing the strands of sympathy that connected them both together and to her own place of sanctuary. "And hold on."

As the imago solidified and the spell took hold there was a brief moment where it felt like they were falling backwards, the studio sliding out beneath them only to be replaced with the familiar comforts of her bedroom, the pair situated in the center of the mattress and their discarded clothing conveniently piled up in the corner. He grinned as he looked her over, a soft "now where were we?" offered before he leaned in for another long, passionate kiss.

Polly Romantic: There is some delighted squealing and a peal of laughter at the sensations of movement and of falling away. Hot boyfriends are cool. Magical boyfriends are awesome. Sweet boyfriends are just the best. Hot, sweet, magical boyfriends are the jackpot. There is an undeniable swoony groan into the kiss once the spinning of the universe stops. She lets him know she's okay by pulling him right down towards her. A non verbal yes, please. And more, please. And here, please.