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Book's, a bookstore


Nevermore Usher: Ah, horror movie night. The room’s only half full. At the front of the room, an unrealistically proportioned young woman is being slaughtered by a masked, inhuman killer. In the back of the room, Nevermore watches without seeing. They were distracted while introducing the slasher flick too.

Mearcstapa: And Mearc slips in a little late, busy with something or other else, and quietly finds a seat in the rear beside Nevermore with a softly whispered "sorry I'm late."

Nevermore Usher: They glance at him, distracted. “Huh? Oh, Hey two-face.” Their resting face, rather than the usual exuberance, is thoughtfulness... and worry.

Mearcstapa: "How's my babybat?" He sets a hand on top of one of his knees, palm-up in clear invitation.

Nevermore Usher: They take it with a wan smile. “You know. Up and down. You?”

Mearcstapa: "It's alright. Spent last night showing off The Witness to one of my partners--Jack, the one you met at the bookstore, apparently. Lux isn't much of a gamer, too much sitting still for them. Also, I'm helping dogsitting, so that's a thing."

Nevermore Usher: “Dogsitting?” Nevy’s momentarily distracted. “How’s That going?”

Mearcstapa: He lets out a bit of a chuckle. "One of Lux's other boyfriends had...an Incident, over the weekend, so Lux and Jack and I are looking after Chewda Macabee. I'm...not a dog person at the best of time, but. They are, so I'm doing my best with the inherent chaos of dog."

Asbolus: Asbolus quietly made his way inside the theater looking somewhat nonplussed that he was late, pale eyes scanning the room as he did so. Spotting Mearc and Nevy near the back he gave a nod, along with a "mind if I join you?" sort of look.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles to the newcomer, though their expression seems torn.

Mearcstapa: "Asbolus." He inclines his head slightly, keeping his voice politely low, given the setting. "How've you been?"

Asbolus: "Rather well, all told." He kept his voice low in kind as he claimed a seat of his own near the pair. "Yourselves?"

Nevermore Usher: “Glad we got this off the ground,” Nevy says. “I needed a bit of distraction today.”

Mearcstapa: "Hanging in there. Life keeps happening, you know?" A pause to glance at the screen during a particularly gory spurt of fake blood.

Asbolus: "Indeed it does." A small nod, along with a similar glance to the screen. "Better than the alternative, if anything."

Nevermore Usher: “Depending on the ghost,” Nevy murmurs.

Mearcstapa: "Fair." He concedes the point without any surprise at the comment, and squeezes Nevy's hand lightly.

Asbolus: Asbolus, on the other hand, gave Nevy a curious look. "Something you're familiar with, I take it?"

Nevermore Usher: They glance at him, startled, as though they hadn’t realized they were speaking aloud. “Goth, remember?” They say. “Ghosts are part of the Aesthetic.”

Mearcstapa: "Ghosts, vampires, witches--weirder things, depending on the subgenre."

Asbolus: "Ah...fair enough." He nodded quietly, seeming content to let that sit for the moment.

Mearcstapa: "And how'd that go?" He's not entirely sure where they're going with this.

Asbolus: Asbolus may have been looking towards the screen, but keen ears can do wonders...

Nevermore Usher: “Have you heard the rumors lately?”

Mearcstapa: He shakes his head slightly. "I've been a little caught up in some stuff. Lux and their boyfriend and his dog and that jar and my day job and it's been a lot, I'm afraid. What rumors exactly?"

Asbolus: "Something about a sulfer smell permeating the air, as I recall." Oh hey, he had been listening. "Few other places in town have been reporting it as well."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances over, double-taking. They pause for a moment before replying, as though editing what they were going to say. “There’s been... a lot of missing persons lately, too. Harrowgate is the last place one was seen.”

Mearcstapa: "Oh. Fuck." Mearc shoots Asbolus a bit of a look. "Nevermore Madeline Usher, you had better be damned careful out there."

Asbolus: The Darkling hadn't heard about that bit, it seemed, judging by how quickly he looked towards Mearc in kind. "Indeed..."

Nevermore Usher: “I was,” they say, a touch defensively. “I made sure I could see one or two people the whole time.” They didn’t keep their voice quite as low, and a chorus of shushing drives their voice to a hissed whisper. “I.. just thought maybe I might see something.”

Mearcstapa: "Right. Sulfur...also has ties to demons, that's a thing. Brimstone." He looks up toward the screen; Asbolus would see a strong shift in his freckles toward the green. "Are there any proper crossroads, in that area?"

Asbolus: "I'd have to look, don't go through that part of town that often." The gears were already starting to turn, rather tempted to pull his phone and check but not wanting to be rude to those enjoying the film.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “I didn’t see anything,” they say, catching Mearc’s eye if he lets them to emphasize the point, “But a couple of burns on the ground.”

Mearcstapa: He exhales heavily. "Burns, again, sound like demons. So...salt, moly, religious symbols?"

Asbolus: "Good a kit as any with that sort of thing." He nodded quietly, watching the pair.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy watches right back. “Demons?”

Mearcstapa: "At a guess. Sulfur and brimstone are, traditionally, what hell smells like. It's...an optimistic guess, honestly." He wrinkles his nose. "It could be anything, Nevy."

Asbolus: "Worth looking into, at the very least. Those sort of disappearances are...worrisome."

Nevermore Usher: “Including some asshole who burns sulfur during kidnapping attempts, I hope,” Nevy says, they give a lopsided smile. “Sorry to put more on your plate, but... I thought you’d want to know.”

Mearcstapa: "I do want to know. And I want to be kept in the loop if you learn anything. And I want to get regular check-ins so I know you're safe. Okay, babybat?" He leans in to gently rest his head against theirs.

Asbolus: Asbolus smiled softly at the tender moment between the two, giving a little nod. "And if you'd like some company on any further investigations, feel free to give me a call."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy returns the head pressure. “I will. I promise.” Then they look at Asbolus. “You don’t happen to be a mighty demonslayer, do you?”

Mearcstapa: Mearc stifles a laugh, turning it into a cough, at Nevy's question.

Asbolus: "I haven't tried, so I honestly couldn't say." He replied with a chuckle, sparing Mearc a brief "hush you" look. "Can handle myself well enough, though."

Nevermore Usher: The laugh gets a questioning look from Nevy. They nod. “I’ll keep you in mind,” They say to Asbolus. “It’ll be good to have someone there. Although... it might get...” They waffle on phrasing. “Weird.”

Mearcstapa: He flashes Asbolus an apologetic look, but a bit of a smile lingers. "Asbolus, my friend Nevermore is a medium, who's familiar with talking to ghosts. Nevermore, Asbolus is a very skilled investigator, though I've never seen him in a fight, if I recall correctly."

Asbolus: "Not that I can recall, no." He nodded to Mearc before looking back to Nevy. "Not the oddest thing I've heard of, admittedly."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances between the two again and nods. “I’m not surprised,” they say. “So... the only ghosts in the area were, like... a cat that got run over by a car, that kind of thing. No, uh, people.”

Mearcstapa: "So whatever happened, even if it was violent, didn't leave...um. Remnants?" He frowns, thinking that through.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “Hopefully, nobody died.” They grimace at the other option.

Asbolus: A small frown graced the Darkling's features as well, nodding quietly. "One can hope."

Mearcstapa: He seems thoughtful for a moment. "I didn't realize cats would leave ghosts. Why is that surprising to me?"

Nevermore Usher: “Latant anthropocentrism?” Nevy says with a mild smirk. Then, “thanks for trusting me. I more than half expected some silly ‘we’ll take it from here, now move along,’ like in the stories.”

Asbolus: "We all have talents that can be brought to the table, as I see it, and different perspectives allow for greater insight."

Mearcstapa: "Trying to cut you out would only make you more determined to prove you can be helpful. I know you." He chuckles. "And honestly, with everything that's on my plate...my partners will tie me down and sit on me if I don't demonstrate the capacity to delegate instead of taking on every problem in the world."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy chuckles with a mildly guilty look. “It’s good to know I don’t have to,” they say. “And I can’t lie, it’s good to have backup for this, too.”

Asbolus: "I imagine they would, yes." Cue amused look at the mental image of Mearc being dogpiled in such a manner. "Happy to help. Having an extra set of eyes on runs like this is alway a good thing."

Mearcstapa: "And there's a benefit to alternate perspectives, with a different set of biases, as well."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “So. Mighty demonslayers, all.”

Asbolus: "Indeed."

Mearcstapa: Mearcstapa chuckles. "The mightiest ever."

Nevermore Usher: They’re shushed again and Nevy subsides until the movie is done unless interrupted.

Nevermore Usher: After the movie, Nevy gets up, thanks everyone for coming in typically florid,overwrought prose, and plugs the bookstore, a couple surrounding businesses, and of course their instagram and Etsy shop. Then they head back to the boys. “Speaking of my instagram,” they say, “I just put up a new piece a couple days ago I’m pretty proud of.”

Asbolus: "Do tell..."

Mearcstapa: Mearc immediately gets out his phone to look at the piece, and then just...stares mutely at it for a long moment.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy pulls up Home on their phone to show it off to Asbolus.

Home: A piece with some inspiration from chiaroscuro style. On a black field, a black figure stands silhouetted in a doorway through which golden light streams. The figure's features are indistinct, but the posture shows weariness, fear, and powerful hope.

Asbolus: Asbolus looked at the screen when it was offered, his own expression neutral for a moment before he nodded. "Most impressive."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy looks between the two, seeming uncharacteristically insecure. “Is it... you like it?”

Mearcstapa: "I love it. It looks...yeah. Wow."

Asbolus: "Very much so. The way you show the figure's emotional state without proper features is impressive, to say the least."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles at that, an expression as much of relief as of enjoyment. “Thanks. It’s... I worked hard on it.”

Mearcstapa: "It shows." He leans in to kiss their forehead lightly. "It really shows."

Nevermore Usher: They grin. “I already know what I’m doing for my next piece. And after that... I was thinking maybe I can add to the glut of tarot decks in the world.”

Mearcstapa: "A whole tarot deck? Isn't that like over sixty pieces of art?" Blink. Blink-blink.

Asbolus: "Quite a bit of work. With that as an example I imagine it'll turn out spectacularly, though."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “It’ll be an investment in time, but there’s an audience for it. Besides, I think it’ll keep me out of trouble .” They blep

Mearcstapa: "Trouble? Nevermore Lenore Usher, when have you ever, even once, been trouble?" That is 100% teasing.

Asbolus: Asbolus chuckled quietly, letting the teasing comment speak for itself.

Nevermore Usher: “Just once!” Nevy says mischievously. “The period from when I was born ‘til now.”

Mearcstapa: "How old are you again? That's a pretty long time."

Nevermore Usher: “More than twenty.” Nevy rolls their eyes with a smirk

Mearcstapa: Mearc snorts. "Ah, you young thing. When you get to be my age..." Which is funny, because he looks maybe a decade younger than Nevermore.

Nevermore Usher: They snort. “Fine. More than thirty.”

Mearcstapa: There's a patronizing little pat on the top of their head, and a smirk.

Asbolus: "With age comes wisdom and all that." Asbolus did actually look to be in his thirties, the Darkling amused at the back and forth.

Nevermore Usher: “All right, grandpa, that’s enough of that.”

Mearcstapa: Mearc laughs warmly. "Back in my day..."

Asbolus: "Such stories you could tell, I imagine..." Asbolus replied with a smile.

Nevermore Usher: “Let me guess, you walked uphill both ways?” They shake their head. “When old age gets you, I’ll still talk to you, old man

Mearcstapa: "I hope not to leave a ghost, when old age gets me for the last time."

Asbolus: "I'll admit I haven't thought on the matter myself. Suppose we'll see when the time comes."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “That makes sense. No need to stay around here just for me to bother you all the time.”

Mearcstapa: "Maybe we get to grow old and grey together. Who knows? That's not a yet thing, and right now is weird enough to grapple with."

Asbolus: "Indeed. Look forward to seeing how it goes, though."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “Can’t see the future, I’m afraid.”

Mearcstapa: "Wouldn't want to see the future, personally. I'd be too afraid of the Oedipus problem of trying so hard to avoid it, that I cause it." He shakes his head. "It would be a motherfucking tragedy."

Asbolus: Asbolus started to say something but paused, giving Mearc a rather amused look. "Bravo, sir."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy opens their mouth to reply, then closes it with a snap and side-eyes Mearc, though they can’t resist a grin. “Really?”

Mearcstapa: Mearc's smile is devilish. "I'm not sorry."

Asbolus: "Nor should you be. A good pun is the hallmark of a sharp mind."

Nevermore Usher: “I’m just mad because I can’t top that.” Nevy shakes their head and bows to Mearc. “I concede defeat.”

Mearcstapa: Mearc bows in return. "I learned from the very best. There was a punster in Chicago--I don't know if you would have known him. He had a talent for slipping them in conversation, and a few minutes later you'd catch up to them. It was awful."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy shakes their head. “I don’t know if I’d have begged to learn from the master, or had a massive aneurysm.”

Mearcstapa: "Why not both?" He grins. "I think he would have liked you, though. He had a soft spot for clever sorts."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy chuckles. “If he comes visit, you’ll have to introduce us. He’s not one of those super-modern hipster sorts with a man-bun and a beard, is he?”

Mearcstapa: "Beard, yes. Man-bun, no. Bald, and shiny about it. He used to dress up as a pirate when we went to the Rennaissance Faire--you know the one up in Wisconsin? And he had the voice for it down, too."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy laughs. “I don’t know. Something about beards has always thrown me off. I think it’s because it’s hard to see their mouth.”

Mearcstapa: "That's fair." He snickers. "I wonder what my partners would think if I tried to grow one? I've been letting my hair grow out lately, and no one's said anything."

Nevermore Usher: They roll their eyes. “If you must. It’s your face and I support your right to do as you like with it.”

Mearcstapa: "If I grow my hair long enough, would you braid it for me?" He tilts his head to one side.

Nevermore Usher: “Of course!” Nevy grins. “Should I start looking for hair decorations and scrunchies for you?”

Mearcstapa: "I've got a few tactical hairclips at home. And glittery bobby pins. I just haven't, uh, gotten up the courage to wear them out yet."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy grins. “Let me know when you’re ready. I’ll absolutely help you find some accessories to suit your style.” They idly toy with the coat. “I may have an eye for it.”

Mearcstapa: "I hadn't noticed!" He grins. "Of course, it's hard to suit my style, given that I have none."

There's a self-demonstrative gesture at his conference t-shirt and cargo pants, and the one accessory that stands out is his pink paracord bracelet.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy looks his ensemble over with an experienced eye. “Call it tactical casual.”

Mearcstapa: "Prepper chic." He grins. "I oughta head out, but it was really good to talk to you."

Nevermore Usher: “You too.” They offer a hug.

Mearcstapa: He takes it with a big old squish, and kisses them on the cheek.

Asbolus: "Have a good night." Asbolus gave Mearc a nod, smiling a touch. "Was good seeing you."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy looks to Asbolus. “Would you like fashion advice too? I can start a consulting company.”

Asbolus: "Could probably use some sprucing up, admittedly." He glanced down to his own simple jeans and t-shirt combo, then back to Nevy with a smirk.

Nevermore Usher: “Well, what do you like? What are you into? What do you want to say when people see you?”

Asbolus: He paused, having to actually think on that a moment. "That's a good question, admittedly."

Nevermore Usher: They point at him, grinning. “This shall be your first step,” they proclaim, “Along the path to true fashion. Thus is it spoken, thus shalt it be.”

Asbolus: "Think I can manage that." He replied with a smile, giving a small nod. "I'll let you know what I come up with."

Nevermore Usher: They grin. “If you want to. All joking aside, not everyone needs to be, uh,” They look down at the coat, frilly bloused shirt, vest, and swashbuckler boots. “...Me.”

Asbolus: "This above all- to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." The verse came easy, along with the smile that followed with it. "I admire your self-confidence, truth be told, as should others."

Nevermore Usher: They chuckle. “You know the secret?”

Asbolus: "Do tell."

Nevermore Usher: They lean in. “70 percent of it’s an act.” They shrug. “Nobody’s that confident.”

Asbolus: "Perhaps, but putting yourself out there in a world that often looks down upon those that buck the trend is laudable nonetheless."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy shrugs. “It’s... kind of protective coloring? This way, everyone knows what they’re gonna get.” They glance around. “And if I stalk about ghosts? It’s just a Goth thing.”

Asbolus: "Indeed. Hiding in plain sight tends to be my usual modus operandi, so I know how that goes."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. They sideglance at him. “Have you, ah, known Mearc long?”

Asbolus: "Good while, although we fell out of touch for a time. Yourself?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “Back in Chicago. I think I met him after he spent some time traveling.”

Asbolus: "Time traveling?" Cue arched eyebrow and curious look.

Nevermore Usher: “Yeah. You know. Out of town.”

Asbolus: "Ah...I see. He seemed to enjoy it there, from what I've heard."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nodded. “I think so. There’s good stuff and bad stuff about Chitown, just like anywhere else.”

Asbolus: "True indeed. Been lucky enough to find more good than bad here in Philadelphia, thankfully."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “Well, let’s hope it stays that way.” They look guilty. “My boss will probably need me to help clean up. Talk to you later, ok?”

Asbolus: The guilty look caught Asbolus a bit off-guard, watching Nevy for a moment. "I can give you a hand if you'd like. Don't have anywhere in particular I need to be."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy waves off the help. “It’s fine. I get paid for it. You have a good night, okay?”