Alexander Tarek

From From Dusk till Jawn
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“Sure, there are grays… But when you come right down to it, at its core, beneath every choice, there’s either a one or a zero. You either do something or you don’t.” ― Elliot Anderson, Mr. Robot

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Leila Zaki - It is good to have you back.
Marzio Insana - Finding you here was a pleasant surprise. I look forward to seeing your work.
Titania - An old soul still finding her way. The search is as eternal as we are.


Watch This Space

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RP Hooks
Well-Traveled: Although he is somewhat coy about exactly how long his Requiem has lasted Alexander has spoken about his time spent in Europe around the Mediterranean during the 20th century, along with being in Morocco during World War II and in Miami in the 1950s.

Digital Spectre: Alexander has been well enmeshed with the digital landscapes of computer networking and the Internet since they were being built from the ground up. Although he rarely meets clients in person due to his nocturnal restrictions he owns a small cybersecurity firm based out of Central City, keeping a firm eye on the comings and goings of the city's networks.

Sine Umbra: Those with a keen eye will sometimes note that Alexander does not cast a shadow even in the brightest of lights, and it is well known that he corresponds only through text formats.

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Befitting a member of the clan of Shadows Alexander is a man who tends to blend into his surroundings, his movements subtle and his presence little to write home about. His dark hair is well-groomed and normally kept short, his features a mix of youth and maturity that makes it hard to pin down his exact age. When he speaks faint hints of an accent come through, Greek mixed with something else that only a very learned few might recognize.

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Alexander Tarek

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Full Name: Alexander Tarek
Occupation: Cybersecurity Expert
Birth: May 12th
Nationality: Egyptian
Age (Actual): Unknown
Age (Apparent): 30
Height: 5'7"
Public Effects: Acute Senses
Anonymity 4
Eidetic Memory
Status: Mortal: Business 2
Vampire: City 2, Circle of the Crone 2
Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Family: Vega
Coterie: None

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Played By: QuicksilverFox85