Logs:Hedge Games and a Fight Before Christmas

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Content Warning

Misogynistic Language, Anemia, Couple Fight


Avery Frisk,Vorpal, Vincent Drake


Abandoned Shopping Center, Hedge, Vincent's Apartment, Avery's Hollow


Vorpal meandered around the abandoned shopping center, laying out punch pads from an out of business strip mall karate dojo. The place was warm, paradoxically- this particular section was underground, and the owner kept the heat on so the pipes wouldn't burst. Far cheaper than plumbing repairs in winter. Avery had been shared the location, and V was content to wait in the deeply shadowed mall, in a lawn chair in front of aforementioned dojo.

Sensei Roger's storefront was the only one lit up, after all.

Avery arrived as they normally did, as a Raven. After a circle or two to ensure no nearby watchers he swoops down into the dojo, a sideways bank, and then an expert land onto two humanoid feet. Avery still looks slightly tired, but alert enough to he here.

"Sorry I was late Vorpal."

Vorpal tips down the completely unnecessary silvery trifold she's holding over her belly, tipping down ridiculously big sunglasses to peer those stark white outlined eyes at them. "Do you have any idea how badly your delay disrupted my tanning?"

Her shadows abruptly fling the stuff to either side as she sits up, clearly unperturbed. "Not one bit, it's fine. You're not beholden to me, you kn-"

Worn out, late. Hm.

"-ow that." She ponders for a brief second, then flicks her wrist and hucks a training knife their way. They can dodge. Or catch it. Or get bonked on the forehead by the handle harmlessly.

Avery flinches at the words before recognizing the tone, a slight relief that Vorpal wasn't upset. His head flicks as he hears other noises in the area.

Then the knife comes.

He dodges it expertly...for most. Vorpal had seen them fight multiple times. It was slower than usual. Still fast by all means but they should have seen it coming way sooner than they reacted.

Vorpal blinks at them a few times. "What was that?" She looks around. "We're here to train. I gave you something to train with." She lifted her hands and wobbled them in a dismissive "shoo" movement. "Go get it."

Of course, true to form, it's already been retrieved and is floating in a black hand immediately behind them. She's being silly. Not mean.

Avery hesitates, looking back and grabbing the knife. Then looking back at Vorp, then realizing they were rude to the shadow so turning back around. "Thank you." And now to Vorp.

"I didn't think...okay. Im ready to train. What...are we doing?"

Slow. Slow slow slow. Slow thought. Slow action. Concern rises. The shadow bobs a hand in appreciation at the thanks, and dissolves into the darkness. "We are doing nothing. You are going to start running- or jogging, more like- circuits around the stores. I've got strike pads all over that the shadows will lift when you get near. One will try to strike you, the other is your target. Your goal is to stick and move, maintaining an offense while keeping your defenses up.

Also random shadows are going to spank you if you slip."

Avery looks nervous, then down to his right hand, to which he passes the knife from his left. "Is there...another knife? I feel strange only having one."

He nods to the explanation, then freezes. "...spank me? Why...?"

"Because you don't get to fight just one opponent pretty much ever. It's extremely common f-"

A shadowy hand comes from the darkness to offer another practice blade- as another rises from below and tries to slap the butt as she speaks.

"-or attacks to come when least expected, from the angles least expected. If you learn to use your blade as a defensive tool, it's going to improve your offense AND defense when you improve your skills."

Avery goes to reach for the second knife, relief in their face at not being able to fidget with a closed hand, less they need to focus on. As they step forward they see the hand from below, dodging it if just barely.

"I use my close hand to parry, and my far hand to build up momentum for the stab. Ive done that for a while. Can I use contacts or no?"

The dodged hand snaps its fingers and dissolves away.

"Nnnnno. This is training. We are working on your reflexes, habits, and skills. Not your ability to rely on magic. Which is ALSO tremendously effective. Just not exactly adjacent to our goals here. You ready to start?"

Avery nods, expecting as such. Their head was already on a swivil, ready for any more hands to appear. They seem...ever so slightly paler than normal. Their face is usually quite pale anyway. Trick of the light?

Avery nods. "I'm ready. Just...just tell me when."

"Hm? Why? I'm not gonna make the pads do stuff without you near them. You can just go. Don't worry, I'm watching."

And, deliberately, testing. They don't make it easy, especially not to start. The very first pads? Entirely overtuned.

Avery turns to run, trying to hide the fact they were already slightly winded. They turn the first corner and WHAM. A training pad.

It doesn't look that bad of a hit, a little bruise and thats it. It affects Avery far more than it should, a stumbling few steps INTO a wall before they collapse in a heap. With their head at an angle, the hickey on their lower neck is quite easily visible against the pale white skin.

Vorpal straightens in a heartbeat, and that trip, that stumble, if it was any faster, she'd have caught Avery on the spot with her shadows. As it is, she stares in faint disbelief a moment.

And for just a moment, shadow itself quakes with restraint.

And then it is calm.

She sighs, and rises, and moves to kneel by Avery. The battered bird is pulled into her arms, and she turns back to the door of Sensei Roger's dojo, a shadow pushing it open unto an entirely different world beyond. She carries Avery through, and waits a minute. Waits for the gate to close again. There will be nothing slipping through in either direction on her watch.

She keeps Avery cradled in her arms as the door closes, just a random door jutting half-angled out of the side of an old tree- and one of her shadows withdraws Sigknifr from beneath her coat and carries it over to an overgrown stump- and strikes it, as if a staff against a stone to call for water. Then again- on an actual stone just beside.

The Hedge responds to the blows seeking change and life, and the rotten stump and lonely stone split to reveal a small patch of Amaranthine- just two fruits, but it's enough. One more movement- this time burying Sigknifr to the hilt in the earth at her feet raises dense rose vines all around, each blossom a deep red so dark it borders on black. It takes a moment to beseech her pendant to let her borrow the heart of the flowers it bears- it carries every heart, in the end, but this is the one she needs- and winding rose vines slide down her arms and bite deep as she deposits her shadows so she can perform one last trick, after turning all the thorns n the vines outwards:

She timelocks the dome of vines around them to ensure it can't be penetrated. Not until she releases them.

Then she sits, and shakes Avery. Gently, but insistent, as her shadows collect the two fruits.

"Avery. Hey. I have something for you to eat."

Avery layed there, quietly but still breathing to show he was alive. He wakes up with a start with the shakes, groggily taking the fruit.

"I uh...where...are we? And...what happened?"

He inspects the fruit, looking closely like it might try to bite them if he did something wrong.

"It's Amaranthine. There's another for when you finish that one." They're still in Vorpal's lap, where she sits against the vines. "You passed out from a training pad strike."

Avery takes a bite, trusting Vorpal. "I remember...it launching. Then nothing."

"Yeah. It was kinda funny. Almost. Watching you sorta crumple. You bonked into a wall and just sorta slid down."

One arm stays around their lower ribs, neither the soft bits above or below. Which tracks. They were being held up a moment ago.

"Avery... I need you to be honest with me. Why were you so tired when you got here? Why were you reacting so slowly? And why did you pass out?"

Avery takes a moment to take in the area around them. "I...I'm glad it was funny?"

Avery looks to Vorpal, a subtle blush hitting his face. "I...well...its...I don't." Avery looks embarrassed. "Vinny and I...we...that. And so I didn't get enough sleep."

As they shift theirs another peculiar sight. Around their shoulder blades of their mein was the faintest peak of white amid a sea of black feathers. Tiny beginnings of their own feathers.

Jackie turns her palm up. It's not demanding, but she doesn't know what things soothe Avery, what things make him feel safe and at home. "Avery, look, I have- stayed up all night before, and it didn't end in me fainting because I got popped in the schnozz. Slow reactions? Sure. Tired? Okay, that tracks. But the passing out says it's something else. Do you know why you passed out so easily?"

Avery holds the hand as they talk, focus now back. They still look tired and just focus on eating the fruit.

"No...I don't. It was all...new to me."

Jackie rolls her thumb slowly over the back of Avery's hand, reassuring at all times that it's okay.

"That's alright. Did- he drink from you?"

Avery pauses, but nods. "Mhmm...it was good. Just like the first time. I didn't...didn't want him to stop. The first time didn't make me pass out."

"Alright. Well- vampires leave hickies. That's... he might want to ask someone about how not to do that, I feel like that's more obvious than they usually are. S'cute, though. Like a li'l... Vinny graffiti. "Vin wuz heer." Heh." A deep breath. "Okay. So, real talk. I heard you when you admitted you didn't want him to stop. And that's good that you two have a fun thing you enjoy that much but uh. You can't let him drink that much again. I think you were anemic. Like. Low on iron to oxygenate your blood and stuff. And that's a problem."

He shakes his head. "He knows how to hide those. He bit me after...small ones. Nice ones. Those don't hide I think."

Avery looks slightly upset. "I...but it felt good? I liked it feeling good? So...making me feel good hurts me? He...he wouldn't hurt me." He shakes his head defiantly, swaying a bit.

"Oh! That makes a lot more sense. Carry on with the hickeys, then, Corporal Avery." Are they a corporal? She's pretty sure there's no silly ranks like that, but it sounds nice in the moment.

"Oh, hey, no, that's not what I said or meant," she reassures, squeezing Avery's hand and the arm around them. "I said you need to make sure he doesn't drink so much again. It's okay to make you feel good, though if he's going to drink from you frequently, you and I are going to start gathering fruits to reduce to tincture you can drink to recover afterwards. But you were so drained, a blow that would never have even phased you, really, instead knocked you cold. What if that had been a bite from a briarwolf? What if there'd been danger around?"

Avery is certainly not a corporal, but gives a small smile, finishing his fruit.

At the rewording, Avery frowns. "It would have been...like the first time...when we were against the Briarwolves? That would have gone...bad." Avery curls up slightly into a ball. "Fruits help? I don't...eat many of the fruits. I Harvest for my glamour. But if they'll help, Ill get more fruits."

Avery holds her arm tight. She can feel the weakness in the grip. "It's my fault....not Vinny's. Mine...mine only, please?"

Vorpal moves gently, turns Avery in her lap a touch so she can rest her forehead on theirs. Peer into their eyes. "Hey. It's okay. I think I agree. I wouldn't call it fault, but I don't think he'd do anything you didn't let him. It's why I said you needed to make sure you didn't let him do that again." Soft words, firmly spoken. Gentle arms, warmly wrapped. "Nobody's in trouble. But it's a lesson, and you both need to learn from it. You to not allow. And him to not ask. There's a limit, clearly, and you two need to find it, and stay on the other side." A gentle squeeze to Avery's hips. "I don't think he'd be happy if he lost you because he had an extra sip, do you?"

Avery nods. "And... find Petra. I've been told to find Petra. She would know?"

Avery shakes his head enough that his hair flops about, and he gets dizzy.

"I uh...not that much again. So I don't die...I told him about that. I wanted him to know."

"... really?" V is surprised, clearly. A bit unsettled. "How did he take hearing that?"

"Oh, Petras are easy to find, once you know how to look. But yes, exactly. It's sort of like safe sex. Except instead of being careful so you don't get life, you be careful so you don't get dead."

"I want to know where to look. And...yes...like safe...that...yes. He's dead though, we cant...nevermind. Ill be careful."

He thinks for a moment. "He thought I was brave... and a hero for protecting others. But he wants me to be safe too."

She puts her arms around her knees, b-orb shaped. "It was nice. He's nice. Everything about him is nice."

Avery peeks at Vorp. "Sigrun talked to me...and I made Vinny swear something too. That I never drink his blood...I know what that does. It made me feel like shit to make him swear that...made it feel...like I broke his trust? He seemed okay later but...I hated it".

Ah, where to look for Petras. Where her players are, of course! And therein is the tricky part!

"Oh, I know. It's just an example. Gotta practice... uh... safe necks?"

Yeah, good enough.

"Everything?" That's a bit of a worry. "You don't have to like everything about him to want to be with him. I'd- actually, say that it's as important to recognize the things about him that aren't nice as it is to cherish the ones that are. Is it nice that you two will never watch a sunrise or sunset together? Is it nice that he can't really understand how fragile our grasp on what's real can be? Of course not, but that's okay. He doesn't have to be perfect for you to want to stay. Which is awesome, because- it means you don't have to be perfect either."

"Good. Good. That's important in more ways than one. It lets him know that it's a serious deal, and it lets YOU know that you'll know if he does, and that's the biggest part I think. I believe you that it felt awful, but- just... remember you're not doing it because he deserves to be distrusted.

You did it because other's behavior demanded that he be mistrusted. Not his fault. Not yours. Just the smart thing to do."

Avery considers her words for a few seconds. Then he responds. "Don't have to like everything about him...yeah...I guess. He is...he struggles to realize when he's saying too much sometimes? That's...not something I think is nice...but...I can help him too? To be safer."

Avery sighs. "Yes...I know. I know it had to be done. I...hate that its hard to trust without an Oath...that people don't like him for something that wasn't his fault. Thats like...hating you or me because we were Taken."

V wavers her head a little, but helps shift Avery to be comfortable in their position, their light body nestled deep into her lap, resting against her chest, her arms around them and hands gently woven into theirs. "Sort of. It'd be like us being hated for being Lost... because Lost routinely savaged people. Your words weren't wrong, but they left out that kind of important thing. This isn't the same as "a few people in a group do this thing." This is a biological necessity of a predating species. Yes, plenty try to behave, and a LOT of them are here, but they -need- the substance, they're -driven- to obtain it, and they are -harmed- if they do not. It is not his fault, but neither is it unwise to keep a lion locked in its enclosure at the zoo."

Avery pouts, but is comfortable in the lap.

"I guess. He didn't want this...I just...I want him to be okay. To not need to be like that...I guess thats kinda dumb."

"It isn't dumb." V squeezes their hands. "Many of THEM do not want to be like that. I believe a large amount of research on how NOT to be like that is ongoing to this day." V thinks for a long moment.

"I feel like you feel it's wrong to support or care for him. You do it anyway, because you DO support and care for him, but you seem scared you're going to be judged for it." M Avery frowns, and nods.

"I do feel judged. Teagan made me feel judged especially... and Sigrun made me worry about it. I feel like... no one wants me to have the relationship and it's just... its the first one I've had since before There... if not the first ever. I barely remember anything about me before There... so it feels nice to have someone, anyone at all."

V nods slowly. The arms around them squeeze gently, tucking the lightweight bird into place a little firmer, a little more securely. "Teagan is an outlier. I'd honestly say our whole Motley is. We've had tremendously awful experiences with seeing how Vampires treat other people. He can hurt you - even though that felt good, your life was at risk- without even meaning to. It's like dating a leopard. They're gorgeous, and it might even be fun, but you can't ever forget that their instincts say you're food."

She follows up quickly. "That is not to say you necessarily shouldn't be with him. Teagan hates all of them. Full stop, period. They said they could tell he's trying and that's basically high praise from them. Sigrun is giving you both the best chances she can to be successful safely. And I've been giving him advice, but I've never told him to leave. The closest I got was saying that he needs to commit to giving you all the understanding he can, because half-assing it can destroy your Clarity rapidly. And he took that seriously."

She thinks a few moments. "Avery... is it nice to have him because there's someone that wants you? Or because there's someone you want? Can you tell the difference?"

"Sigrun told me...about your friend. Thats...thats why I made him promise. But.. I'm...Im glad people are trying."

Avery goes fully silent. He looks confused and frankly...not wanting to think about it. "I...don't know? I don't know how to tell? I just...feel better around him?"

V nods, understandingly. "I'm glad she shared. We don't know that he'll treat you that way. We're trying to make sure he doesn't- and that if he does, we know he did it on purpose."

Vorpal considers her words, and offers gently, "Do you feel better around anyone else?"

Avery nods to Vorp's reasoning, it made sense. So why did they feel so anxious?

"I don't know? Maybe? Some people? Not like that though, not like with Vinny. He makes me feel...wanted yes..but wanted differently. For me." Avery shudders and admits. "He can't see the mein..."

"So he can't see the pretty white feathers coming in under your cloak?" V asks gently.

"Do you not like how you look? Are you relieved he can't see you like this? Or are you happy he can see how you used to look? Can I ask?"

Avery looks confused at the white feathers comment. "Um.. no...?"

Then back to the other part. "I...I don't know. I want to feel normal...I'm not normal...he makes...he makes me feel like I didn't...dissapear for years and I can just be a person. I know I can't do that but..." he gulps. "Sometimes its nice to pretend..."

Vorpal shifts her hands to lift Avery's where he can see them, see her thumbs slowly rolling along their backs. Feel warmth against him. "You can be a person. You ARE a person. And it's so important to remember that if you WERE normal, if you HADN'T gone... this would not be an equal relationship. He would have all the power. His people would-" Pause. "-anywhere else, his people would not respect you. You being You is a big part of why this might work. But going on dates, cuddling, kissing, making each other feel good? That's something you can do with him, or anyone else you want to be closer to. I guarantee you, there's others who'd love that. Love you, given the chance."

Avery hugs their arms to their chest, brow furrowing. "If I hadn't gone...I wouldn't have met him. But...yes...he would. But...I'm scary now...I am. I could...kill most humans with ease if I wanted to. It...feels nice to have someone to understand these things. To talk to about...anything I want. To do those...those things." A slight blush.

"How can you be so sure anyone else would want me anyway? I...I don't feel like anyone would."

"Well." V clears her throat. "I think I'm qualified to say that. After all, I've watched you get hurt worse than anyone else ever has, most likely, and I know what I have done to make sure you were okay. And that I'd do it again. And I know how watching you faint made me feel." Her hands squeeze gently. "And how having your hands in mine makes me feel. So... I am thoroughly confident there is at least. One other person out there who wants you.


Avery takes a second to realize what the darkling meant. Then another second of shocked silence. And a third to reevaluate the entire talk up to this point.

"I- I..." well? Well what Avery? "I should go. I don't know..." Avery hasn't moved. "I just, I-" welp, he's broken.

"You can. If you want. Nothing is going to happen." V answers gently. "I'm not going to take advantage of you. And I'm not going to even offer anything until you've had a chance to think about what you want, and talk about what you want with Vinny. Even if that conversation is, "Hey, that dopey shadow girl thinks I'm cute but I'm not into it."," she confirms firmly. "Would you like me to release the briars?"

Avery shakes his head, mumbling. "I don't know what I want. But talk with Vinny...yes. Talking is hard...and important."

Avery looks to Vorp, too many emotions running through their head. After a moment they just lean into the lap and give a hug. "Thank you."

V wraps up the puzzled, puzzling little bird and squeezes them firmly. "Yes. It's hard. And important. And you're welcome." Her will relaxes, and the briars sink back into the Hedge, no longer kept in place by magic. "The door's still right there. Let's head back, and you can go see Vinny. Don't forget to talk about being careful how much he drinks- but when and if you talk about what else you might want, that's up to you. Okay?"

Avery nods slowly, then more firmly. "I can go see Vinny...yes. I'm going to go see Vinny and talk...and...tell him you like me."

Avery's mind finally seems to process and its like every input goes through at the same time and their blush grows INSTANTLY. They do look slightly paler than would be expected with the blush.

"Okay...okay. I'm ready to go."

"Oh!" V turns. "Please make sure he knows that I respect that he was with you first. I do not want you to leave him to consider things with me; and if you want to opt not to see me because he isn't comfortable, then that's okay, too. Okay?"

Avery walks with her, eyes refocusing. "Can... you come with? To talk to him? I want help."

V pauses and thinks about that. "I believe you do. But uh... do you think Vinny will feel like he can be honest about he feels with me there? Do you feel like that's fair to him?"

Avery frowns. "No...but...not for all of it? Part? The...blood part at least?" Social situations were not her forte.

V thinks about that. "For that part... sure. Definitely comfortable with that. Just- trying to be respectful. If he IS okay with the idea, then the last thing I wanna do is have him feeling like he's there at my allowance. You know? I want him to know he's allowed to not like the idea, and I'm willing to respect it if he doesn't."

Avery nods and smiles, looking a bit lighter on their feet. Still tired as fuck though. "Okay...I can talk about that...maybe...private after the other talk? Thank you Vorpal."

Avery had lead Vorpal to the abandoned apartment complex. Avery had been careful they weren't followed, his perceptive eyes watching every face and every motion. Protective.

Avery did go straight to the right apartment when they got there, more content and safe. Vorp could see their ease with the abandoned complex.

"Hostile Takeover lets me get in if I need. But...I don't know what hes doing and...that I'm bringing you." He knocks in a pattern to show it was him.

Vincent heard the beat and smiled, walking towards the door, he just got out of the shower and only just got his jeans on, not that he thought his Angel would mind. Opening the door he smiles, "Hey Angel-" he stopped when he saw Vorpal, his face had a myriad of emotions, confusion, distrust, betrayal, "Why. . .what's she doing here?" he asks, this was his home, his hidden place. . .their secret.

V holds her hands up immediately. "I come in peace. Promise. And I can- find anyone, anywhere, anytime, so it's not like actually being here changes anything. I know that last bit probably isn't reassuring, just- know they didn't do anything to actually compromise your safety."

Avery smiles...and takes a breath. It was clear how tired they were, way more than normal.

"I can seal that promise if it makes you feel better, my Devil. Sorry I...should have texted...I forget sometimes that...phones." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry...can we talk? Vorpal is...helping me talk."

he sighs, "Yeah. . .no you don't need to seal a promise, come in, come in" he says widening the door, "How could I leave two guests out their in the cold, just so you know their's not much in the way of. . .well this place is not exactly a palace."

"It's cool. I used to stay in places like this. Attics. Basements. Places with vacationing families. I've never really managed... uh, jobs." V comes in as invited, no judgment in tone, expression or stance.

Avery comes in behind, closing the door. He looks anxious and rubs his neck but resolves it by a quick hug to Vinny.

he hugs him back, "Welcome back Angel," he whispers in his ear, "So, what's this all about-" he then thinks of a reason, "I swear to god, I asked him if it was ok like three times-" he begins, "Ask him, he was in heaven."

"Whoa, buddy. I'm actually on your side. I don't think you had any way to see this coming. We did Do A Problem, but it's an understandable one, and an avoidable one. And yeah, I did ask. They were very upset when they thought I was suggesting they'd have to stop that."

Avery flushes in absolute embarassment, but nods to both sides. "I... yeah. Just... being safe is all. I... words are hard and it's important and...I don't know as much."

he seems rather relieved, "That's. . .good," he kisses him on the cheek, "V, I just want to say," he holds him close, "I love Avery, I don't care what the Lost think, I don't care what Teagen thinks, they are my Angel and I their Devil." he says, "I'll fight and die for them." he says in finality, "That being said. . .why have you come here?"

V nods along and keeps a straight face as Vincent declares his defiant determination to love Avery. She's good, she's doing great, she's along for the ride, right un until "and I their devil."

Now, her ability to maintain her composure is more than legendary, it's inhuman. So the following does not register on her expression.

But all she can think as he declares himself their devil? Is him transitioning immediately to flinging his trenchcoat open and sneering, "So nyeah, wanna buy a jen-yew-ain Rolex?"

Devil, indeed.

SMASHCUT back to reality, she just nods again. "Fight and die... good, good, cuz if you keep up the-" And here she just extends pinky and thumb and tips her "glass" down her throat. "-over indulging, you're gonna have to DO all the fighting and dying. Well. Most of the dying. They'll probably be right behind you." She points to Avery. "I knocked them out today. Out cold. Completely unconscious.

With a training pad."

Avery melts into the kiss, more relaxed in that moment than Vorp had ever seen. As the kiss stops, they blink twice and straighten back up. There's a slight smile at the declaration of love, she doesn't seem at all worried about the pet name. Then the tone turns regretful.

"I...have felt sluggish today. I don't remember anything after the pad until I woke back up."

"I. . .drank too much did I?" he asks, "I'm sorry Avy." he says giving him a squeeze, "I didn't realize how much I drank from you," he turns to Vorpal, "I thank you for looking out for them. . .I imagine you wish to lecture me on my feeding, the Kiss is. . .rather erotic, brings feeling felt during lovemaking, I can imagine it heightened their experiance." he admits, "I apologize."

V holds up a hand, fingers pinched together. Yeah. Just a bit too much. At the latter, though, she blinks. "Lecture? Nah, dude, I ain't got a fuckin' clue how much I could bleed someone before they get fainty. You DO need to figure that out, but I get it. Just- find the line. Toe it. Wear it like a thong if that's your thing. Just don't cross it again. Cuz if they had been fighting.

Instead of training."

She lets that hang a moment.

"... you'd never have forgiven yourself and you'd deserve every second of that flavor of forever."

Avery squeezes back...but it's weak. Weaker than usual by a long shot. He looks at Vorp then back at Vinny. It was a hard thing to hear but deep down...he knew it needed to be said.

"I...like it...but we need to be careful. Okay?"

"Of course," he says, "I'll only as much as I did the first time, a tiny sip." he says before kissing his neck, "I'm still free to bite you though." he whispers softly into his ear.

"Cool! There ya go. I'd kvetch at you about the biting, buuuuuuuut I've cut my name into someone's back on request within recent memory so I think I've cashed out my moral high ground for the moment. Just take care of them, and everything's chill. We're gonna make sure there's some supplies on hand in case stuff gets out of hand, but we haven't gone yet, so just. Be chill, yeah?"

Avery nods, an embarassed smile on his face at the comment. "Just...little bits of drinking. Yeah."

A pause of disbelief. "Vorpal, you did what?"

"Kinky." Vincent says with a grin

V snaps Vincent finger-guns! "It absolutely was." To Avery. "Oh, I'm a body artist. That's the last job I had. And someone wanted me to carve my name into their back mid...stuff... so I did. Shallow-like. No scars."

Avery suddenly looked like they were having many doubts about things now. They sway slightly on their feet after standing still so long. "That... okay, fair. I'm... not that." It was unclear who it was directed towards.

"Don't worry Avy," he says, "I don't think we'll be doing that." he says trying to sooth them, "Worst I'll do to ya is the Kiss."

"Hey. Hey, it's okay. That was an "on request only" sort of thing. Nobody else I know wants that, and I don't assume otherwise. It was just something they wanted, so I indulged them safely." V's tone is softer. "Nobody has anything to worry about."

Avery leans heavily on Vinny, perhaps a bit too much. They weighed very little though, maybe a hundred pounds WITHOUT being drained of a ton of blood.

"Can...sit? Everything is spinning..."

"Oh, yeah, come on," he leads him to the couch, "Why don't you lay down."

V stays where she's standing. "Do you want me to stick around, Avery? Or did we do all the talking already?"

Avery goes to the couch, sitting down and stopping things from spinning.

"I...unless Vinny has more to ask? Thank you for getting me here and...for helping."

V nods, glancing to Vinny. She's not expecting much reason to be asked to stay in the home he'd never invited her to, so barring a surprise?

"You're super welcome, Avery. You two be safe, now!" And she wanders off, somehow (shadows turning the deadbolt) locking the door behind her.

Vincent raises an eyebrow, 'ok I have to admit, good exit' he thinks sitting on the couch with Avery, "So. . .I don't think you'd show her my place if it's just the blood,what's on your mind Angel?"

Avery waves her off and lays down on the couch, a deep and tired breath. "I...was worried that if something happened...well...I wouldn't make it back."

A bite of her lip. "Also so she saw you were nice...you are nice. I love being with you...and I didn't think about it." He admits the last bit begrudgingly.

"I've been tired all day...I thought it was from...that...but...no, it was from the Kiss."

He sighs, "I'm. . .I'm sorry love," he begins, "I should have known when to stop and I took more than was healthy, I would never forgive myself I'd something happened to you because of me." He says with a tinge of guilt in his voice

He shakes his head. "It wasn't your fault. I wanted it too...neither of us knew my limit. Now...we can work at it?"

He shifts to lay in Vinny's lap. "There's another Lost who is dating...Guy? The scary one. I want to talk to her for advice and..."

Avery goes quiet. "I have something I want to ask about."

"Well, that's someone I guess can give dating advice," he blinks, "Angel you can ask me anything. "

Avery goes quiet for a long second.

"After the training...Vorpal and I talked...and she asked hard questions. Some...I don't know how to answer."

"What kind of questions love.. .maybe I can help?"he says, "Unless it's related to. . .Them?"

Avery shakes his head, curled into his lap on the couch. "No...not Them. Us. She asked...if I knew why I was dating you. What I wanted from this. I didn't know...not entirely...but I had some thoughts."

Vincent puts on a supportive face but he's worried, but Avy is here with him so that's a good sign, "What's your ideas love?"

Avery gives a shuddering breath.

"You can't see...how I really look. Every time you compliment me its for how I used to look...the Mask. Its nice to be reminded...its nice to feel...normal. You dont look at me as who I was There...but whoever I was before. Its nice."

"So what I'm seeing is some kind of mask," he says holding him, "is there a way you can show me how you looked even for a second?"

Avery hesitates.

"There's two ways. One I refuse to do. It would put you in so much danger...They'd know where I was...and take you too. It's only done in the most dangerous situations because...well...it makes us way stronger."

Avery pauses. "The second is doable...but you AREN'T allowed to go anywhere else without me, okay? Its dangerous...its mind breaking...and I don't want to put you through that." Avery bites their lip. "If...that's...something you want to see."

He holds her tight, "No matter what you look like, I'm looking at my first love. . .no matter what you look like.", he kisses his head, "You'll always be perfect."

Avery lays there for a moment, not speaking.

"I just...don't want you to judge me...or others to judge me for loving you...but okay. I should...I really should. Because I love you Vinny."

Avery slowly lets go, and goes to the next doorway, closing the door and looking back. "Are you sure?"

He gets up and kisses him, "I want to see you, all of you." He says smiling warmly

Avery pauses when walking to the door. "Do you have...a flashlight? You're going to need it."

He goes and gets on, a raised eyebrow, "Yeah. . .where are we going?"

Avery looks at the door, and makes a serious of what sounds like croaks, something a human shouldn't be able to do. When he opens the door, its NOT the next room over, it is entirely pitch black, like stepping into the void.

Avery hesitates a second, and steps through...and its an immediete change that works as he passes the threshhold. His skin, hair, even clothes fade away, replaced with something new.

He looks more androgynous than Vincent has ever seen, its impossible to tell what gender they might be and...thats why they rely on the mask. Their face is pale, almost boney white, and the shape of the face is just...different. The eyes dont have irises...wait, yes they do, the pupils are just so large that it takes in ALL the light, every detail reflected in the beady eyes. Their hair is short and pitch black, just as dark as their feathers that cover them from the neck down. A hood lays halfway off the back of their head, also covered in feathers. Their knives still aren't visible, hidden within the feathers.

Finally, theres the smell. Like a campfire in the middle of summer. One you cook smores over, and can read a book beside late into the night. Its a subtle smell, as they are a subtle person, but its there.

For as...different as this creature was, the voice that comes from the doorway is the same as its always been. Its slightly unsettling.

"My hollow. Where I live in the Hedge."

His eyes widen in wonder. . .stepping abit to them, "may. . .may I come in?" he asks, staring at them

Avery's face is hard to read...that or its just different. They look...dissapointed almost.

"Yes...please." Avery steps a half step to the side, holding the door for Vincent. With the faint bit of light trickling in, he can immedietly see a left turn about 3 feet farther past the door.

He walks over to them, slowly puts his hands on their face cupping it, he kisses them deeply, more passionate than he did the night they shared,

Avery's face was harder than expected, not as smooth as their mask. They gently kiss back, and they close the door.

The first thing Vincent notices is the darkness. A worry he's gone blind may cross his mind, but its just that theres NO light. Secondly, slightly harder to realize because he's right next to another person, but there is NO noise besides them. The city is all but gone beyond that door. It gives a weird feeling as he can hear his own heartbeat in his ears, her breathing, her heartbeat, the subtle swishing of clothes and feathers. There is NO input here besides feeling and what they brought themselves.

"Your beautiful." He says, "That your showing me this. . .I'm honored Angel." He says not minding the darkness, as long as he has Avery he knows he's safe, "What's the Hedge?"

Avery smiles, not that he could see it. Shes actually slightly shorter, but not by much, maybe an inch.

"I want to...stop hiding secrets from everyone, especially you my Devil.." They lead him further in. There was that left turn, then a few paces later a right turn that...felt? Sounded? Just sorta seemed like a larger space. Not much larger, and he wasn't adjusted enough to know how large. Thats part of the protection it offers, Avery knows the space and no one else does...except for now Vinny, and likely Asbolus.

"The Hedge is the space between Ironside, where you live, and Arcadia, where They live. This is the space I cut out for myself. I'm not showing you any more than whats in these walls if I can. The rest is...not all of it follows the rules you know. And its alive, it will take you away if it can."

He's eyes widen, "So it's dangerous here. . .good thing I have the best protector." He says the words no secrets hitting him, "Angel. . .I. . .I fucked up, " he begins, struggling to find words, "I made a deal with the devil I can't get out of. . .I wanted to keep this secret knowing you'd hate me. . .but I did it for you."

Avery pulls him further into the room, the texture of the floor changing from likely packed dirt to a carpet, and sits down with them.

"Its dangerous, yes. Deeper in the hedge is where...I almost died. Its safe here."

A long pause as he brings up the deal, he cant see their face at all. Finally, they answer. "What sort of deal...why would you do it if you know I would hate you? How...long ago was this?"

"A week ago," he says, " I was brash, I was stupid, it was before we. . .I wanted to share the skies with you, I wanted to protect and take the burden, " he starts, "My kind can only learn new powers from someone who already knows it. . .I wanted to fly with you, to become a raven to know how you. . .I only knew one person who could do that. . ."

The week comment made their hands squeeze Vincent's.

"Like...you said after we danced. Who...was it...was it her? What is she having you do?" There's an anger in their voice. The room heats up a few degrees and the smell of campfire gets stronger.

"My kind, the older we get the less we can feed. .one day I can't feed from humans, the eldest of us can only feed. . .from us."

Avery's hands go loose around Vincent's. "You...you let her? You let that...that...HER feed from you?"

All the thoughts of the night before run through their head. "Its intimate Vinny. Vincent. That's what you told me. Are...are you..."

"No," he says quickly, "It's intimately yes but theirs another side and way. . .when she does it it's far more. . .predatory." He says, "Like a fly struggling against the spider." He explains, "I thought if I become her victim, she'd leave you alone!" He exclaims

Avery lets go of Vincent's hands, and they shake slightly.

"No Vincent, thats not how THEY work. They will use you against me. They...they will hurt you to get at me. Thats how They work." Theres a quiet sob, amplified throughout the silent space. "You know she hates me. You should have talked to me. Or Vorpal...just...someone. Could you have learned it from anyone else? You said you have to learn it...does anyone else have it?" They stand up, but once they stop talking its impossible to know where in the room they are. From the occasional breath they seem to be pacing.

He looks around lost in the dark, calling out, "I didn't know of any other and I thought if she would bully me around, you would be left alone," he calls out, "Do you think I wanted to be some bitches chew toy," he says rather loudly, not shouting, "To be reminded of that. . .that fucking whore who made me a monster, who. . " He pauses getting mad and stomping his foot on the ground since theirs nothing to hit, "I fucking hate having a boot on neck and I need to get stronger, I need to be your equal!"

Avery flinches as the sounds echo. This was their safe space. Their quiet space.

"Then don't accept the deal Vincent. You are new to this, ask for help. Don't go making deals with people like...like THAT."

At the foot slamming the ground, the heat flickers, a bit of worry in their eyes...for themselves. Not that he could see. Then the Wrath flared once more. No, this was anger, unfocused. For a voice that was so often quiet, the yelling was palpable.

"Vincent. You dont NEED to be my equal. You likely will NEVER be my equal. I am not human any more than you are and I HATE IT. I was MADE to be like this. I would have loved to be whatever I was before, but He...he made me into something that could kill. I have killed, dozens and dozens of times. The LAST thing I want is you to be like me."

Tears start forming, but of blood, "I. . .I just want to be able to protect you, so you don't have to fight anymore, so you will never have to worry about giving your life," he falls to his knees, "no one protected me, I had to defend myself then Alice. . .if I feel useless I. . ." He stops, just crying their on the darkness floor, "I want to be the kind of man who no one would consider crossing, so I can protect the people I love. . .I love you Avery." he whimpers

Avery is quiet for a minute, and is suddenly beside him, an arm around him. It's frightening how quiet they are.

"I will always have to fight. I am a Summer Courtier. But...that doesn't mean you can't fight too. We can protect each other...okay? Its...what the whole Feeehold is based on...we are stronger together."

"I. . .I don't want to be alone anymore," he sobs, "You're the only one who-" he latches on them sobbing, "I don't want to lose you."

Avery is quiet for a solid 20 seconds, holding him.

"I can't stop fighting, Vinny. But I can be more careful. Vorp is teaching me to be more careful. And...well...its more assassination work I want to get into...not combat. I...can help you get better with your knife if you want?"

Avery pulls him closer, making him lay down in their lap. The feathers are soft...if a little itchy at times. Like any other feather. They slowly scritch his hair.

"Want to know...what I appreciate about your skillset?"

". . .what." He asks, looking up to them, "I. . .I actually wonder how you could love a piece of shit like me."

Avery pouts, but he cant see that or course. Isn't the darkness a problem? Thats kinda the point.

"You are protective...and it makes me feel safe. You are funny, and it makes me laugh. And...well...I don't exactly like people...and you are good at people. Especially on my bad days." A pause to lean down and kiss his forehead. "I'm fresturated, yes. I'm angry...especially at Her...and I'm...feeling betrayed...but I still love you. I want...to work on this...please? Boundries...talking...no secrets. Im...im tired of secrets and telling lies to protect myself. Can we do that?"

He puts his arms around them, burying his head in their shoulder, "I never wanted to hurt you. . .no secrets between us, your the only one I'll ever be honest with."

Avery gives a smile, holding him. A tear runs down their face that they wipe off.

"I believe you...I do...I'm...angry at Titania. I have thoughts that...I should be careful about voicing. But I want to...trust you. Okay?"

They hug him. "There's...one other thing I want to talk about...for the no secrets...is that okay?"

"Of course Angel," he says, standing up and placing his hands on their shoulders, "We have no secrets anymore."

Avery puts their hands on his.

"Vorpal...admitted she liked me. It was during the breakdown...I didn't know how to answer...so I didn't answer.

He. . .he's quiet, at least a minute passes with his face unreadable until he speaks next, "Speak true to me my Angel. . .are you drawn to her as well?"

Avery shrugs, Vincent can feel it. "I...don't know. I don't know how to feel. I have too many emotions to know right now. I just...wanted you to know."

He's unreadable, the most unreadable they have seen him, " As I said that night. . .I don't care if you are drawn to and find pleasure with another as long as you fly back to me. . .I'm just-" he stops, trying to find the words

Avery grabs his hand to hold. "I want to know your feelings and thoughts. Please share them."

"I. . .I know they are in a. ..family with Teagen and Sigrun, I think at least they share partners, I'm afraid they might try to tear us apart," he begins, "Not that I think you will fall for the others just-" he can't seem to find the words, "And even if it's just you and Vorpal. . .well you have both me and Vorpal and Vorpal has all the others. . .I only have you," you breaths, "I don't want to say no, I don't want to deny you someone who can love and and understand you, I know I'll never understand you like your fellow lost can, I'm just. . .I just don't-" he can't find the words, it's hard to voice his thoughts

Avery squeezes the hand. "Part of why I like you is because you don't understand, remember? Its easy to feel normal with you. Sigrun and Teagan...intimidate me. Vorpal...also intimidates me...okay most people intimidate me." Theres a smile he can hear in their voice. They pull a bit on the arm to get him to sit down.

"I...don't know how to do relationships with multiple people...but...you were my first partner, and thats important. She...wanted you to know she respects you were first. She...also does have other people...and I have you all to myself. And...if you want other people..we talk...yes? I...still don't know how I feel...but that seems safe."

He hugs them tightly, "I'm fine with you seeing Vorpal just. . ." He debates himself, dare he ask, "Can you...can you promise me, as you made me swear never to feed you my blood, swear to me you will never leave me and I shall swear same?"

Avery pauses, wanting to say yes but...the last conversation goes through her head. "I want it in more depth than that. A clause out if we need. Establishing punishments. These are not fickle things...and also needs to be more specific than leave because otherwise it will break as soon as I walk away from you."

He thinks, "It should be void if one leave due to harm inflicted by the other. . .a vow that we should never betray or willinging harm the other without rightful cause. . ." He thinks, "I'm sorry, if it's too much we don't need to. . .I'm just scared. . .I've fooled and played around before but you, you're the first person I have truly loved."

Avery hesitates. "I can do it...I am just not a notary...I am no good at pledge crafting."

He tries to look at their face, despite the darkness, "I am willing to go to whoever you wish my Angel. . .I just want. . .fuck I sound like a paranoid nut."

"Pledges...are important to our culture. Its a way to show trust, not paranoia. Well...maybe both. I'd want someone more experienced to do it."

They feel the gaze...or is it the oppressing darkness? "You can turn on the light if you need."

He nods and turns it on, placing it on the floor between them with the light facing up, "I want this to be a relationship built on trust between us, I never want doubt or suspicion to cloud our love."

Vinny can finally see the layout of the room...its smaller than Vinny's bedroom. Theres a sleeping mat in the corner near the door, a mat in the center of the room, seemingly fluffy. Along the back wall was artists supplies and...well whats best described as a place to sharped and maintain weaponry. Along the final wall and corner were a few other boxes, seemingly snacks and other supplies...likely stolen. The ceiling was maybe 8 feet high and sloped like a dome, a few perches along the dome and upper walls.

"Trust is good...no doubt or suspicion. I want...to keep our thoughts open so we can trust." She pauses. "Is it...okay for me to try dating Vorpal? To...see how it goes? I want you to be my primary partner...okay?"

He smiles warmly, "You have my blessing to see if Vorpal warms your heart my love," he says gently, "I want you to have someone who will understand your ordeal, in ways I could never. . ." He pauses and grins, knowing how they would react to his next words, "and if you ever wish to experience the pleasures of a . . .group effort," he whispers in her ear, "all you have to do is ask " He teases, loving how his words can make her squirm

And squirm they do. Blushing lights up their face normally, but against the bone white its quite apparent.

"I want to try. I think...she understands me more than most. She...complimented me the other day...that she thought I was the next fastest person with a knife after her...it felt nice. I...do you want me to tell you how it goes...or keep you from needing to hear?"

"If you're happy I wish to know," he says, "Tell Vorpal. . .she has my blessing to court you as long as she understands you are mine as well. . .and if she hurts you in any way I'll declare war on her and her whole family." He says with seriousness and red eyes

Avery nods and leans up to kiss him.

"Ill let her know...gently. You are my first."

"And you mine. . .I.. .have something for you." He says, "Mind if we step back to my place?"

Avery nods... then shakes their head. "I... wait.. its not dawn yet. I'll be okay." They nod. "We can leave."

They get up, go down the hallway, and open the door. The door creaks loudly...intentional, theirs nothing you can do about it...and at once the city sounds return.

He leads them into the bedroom, "I was planning to wrap this for tomorrow but then you showed up and we fought. . .I think I'll just give I to you now." He says, on the bed are two things, a black gender neutral outfit and a puzzle box, "Merry Christmas my Angel."

Avery pauses, a look on her face of bafflement. "Why... are you giving me these? I'm confused."

He chuckles and smiles, "Because it's Christmas and I love you silly," he shakes his head, "Asbolus said you liked puzzles and the outfit works for both a man and a woman so you could wear it whenever you feel what you are. . .if you don't care for them. . .fuck I can't give back stolen-I mean I can just regift."

Avery grimaces. "I...we were supposed to get gifts? I thought it was... the tree and... the man with the red suit...I don't know why people celebrate."

They slowly take the outfit, feeling the material... soft, and holding it up to their torso. "I still love it, thank you my devil."

"Anything you desire and it shall be yours my angel." He says smiling, "I already got your gift," he says holding her from behind and kissing her neck, "Don't worry, I won't give your heart away. . .oh shit I did." He laughs

Avery gives a small chuckle. "I'm...not sure I get what's going on right now. I...thank you for the gift but...why do I deserve it? What did I do?"

"By just being you, that's why you deserve it."

Avery still looks confused but takes the present, and looks at the puzzle, once again normal looking eyes staring at every moving part. "This...looks fresturating. I will try to work through it. Thank you, love."

He puts an arm around her, "Theirs no mistletoe. . .but fuck it," he says before kissing them, "I'm so glad I met you."

Avery leans back into the kiss. "Im glad Iet you, my Devil." She leans into the kisses.